Symfony2 Accessing each entity field elements value in Twig - forms

I have one form that contains entity type field parameters:
->add('parameters', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'SPlaceBundle:Parameter',
'query_builder' => function(ParameterRepository $er)
return $er
->where('s.type = :type1 or s.type = :type2')
->setParameter('type1', 1)
->setParameter('type2', 2)
->orderBy('', 'ASC');
'property' => 'name',
'multiple' => true,
'expanded' => true,
As you can see I only display parameters with type=1 or type=2.
While rendering template I would like to place hr (or something else) between checkboxes representing different parameter types.
I was trying to use {{ field.get('value').type }} trick to get parameter type:
{% for p in form.parameters %}
{{ form_widget(p) }}
{{ form_label(p) }}
{{ p.get('value').type }}
{% endfor %}
The problem is that above {{ p.get('value') }} returns parameter id (int) instead of parameter object.
Is there a way to return object?

It's not really elegant, but you could concatenate the type and name in your select, and use that as label. Then, when displaying the labels, split on the delimiter and you have both type and name.


Laravel Blade Form::checkbox rendered as select

I have a form that should display as checkboxes but is appearing as a select dropdown.
In the controller I defined the variables:
$user = Auth()->user();
$users = User::all();
$assignedUsers = User::where('assigned', true)->get();
Here is where the form is defined in the view:
{{ Form::open( route('users.access', [$user->id]), ['type' => 'PUT']) }}
{{ Form::checkbox(
'label' => __('Select Users'),
'options' => $users,
'value' => $assignedUsers
) }}
{{ Form::button('submit', ['label' => __('Save changes')]) }}
{{ Form::close() }}
The form is rendering but not as checkboxes but a select dropdown. What am I missing here?
Form::checkbox() method accepts 3 arguments, name, value, and default. You seem passing wrong arguments for the checkbox list so it renders as dropdown, to make a checkbox list, you and use a loop, should be something like so:
#foreach ($users as $user)
{{ Form::checkbox('users[]', $user->id, isset($assignedUsers[$user->id])) }}
{{ $user->name }}
Note that I have converted your $assignedUsers variable to key by id for more convernience. You can use your own check method.
$assignedUsers = User::where('assigned', true)->get()->keyBy('id');

Render field form type twig symfony

I would like to duplicate the same field several times with different values ​​in the drop-down list in twig. I add a simple form with a TextType, but in twig in a for loop, the rendering of the field is done only once. How can I make this system under symfony ? ( In a for loop )
When you try to create a form in your controller and then you render it to you'r view , it gonna be one and only one form , you can't duplicated with a loop because at the end, it gonna give you 2 forms with the same form_id , so if you need 2 forms you need to instantiate them with your builder the same thing with you'r fileds.
Take a look:
$task1 = new Task();
$task2 = new Task();
$form1 = $this->createFormBuilder($task1)
->add('task', TextType::class)->add('task2', TextType::class);
$form2 = $this->createFormBuilder($task2)
->add('task', TextType::class);
And about the drop down , you need to create a form with ChoiceType Field :
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType;
$builder->add('Tasks', ChoiceType::class, array(
'choices' => array('task1','task2','task3));
CollectionType field type is used to render a "collection" of some field or form. In the easiest sense, it could be an array of TextType fields that populate an array values.
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CollectionType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\EmailType;
// ...
$builder->add('emails', CollectionType::class, [
// each entry in the array will be an "email" field
'entry_type' => EmailType::class,
// these options are passed to each "email" type
'entry_options' => [
'attr' => ['class' => 'email-box'],
The simplest way to render this is all at once:
{{ form_row(form.emails) }}
A much more flexible method would look like this:
{{ form_label(form.emails) }}
{{ form_errors(form.emails) }}
{% for emailField in form.emails %}
{{ form_errors(emailField) }}
{{ form_widget(emailField) }}
{% endfor %}
Please refer this documents for further details :

bootstrap style conflicts with forms bound with models laravel 4

I am developing an application with laravel 4, I have forms that are filled with data from a model, in other words a model is bound to the form
I need to add some bootstrap style to the form and I do it this way
this is my view file:
Form::model($user, array( $user->id))
{{ Form::label('last_name', 'Last Name') }}
{{ Form::text('last_name', '', array('class' => 'form-control')) }}
{{ Form::close() }}
and this is my controller code:
public function edit(){
$user = User::find(Auth::user()->id);
return View::make('edit')->with('user',$user);
The Issue:
As soon as I add this class to the form's element the content of the form will disappear and no data is bound to it anymore, how should I fix it?
I found the answer the second argument of this
{{ Form::text('last_name', '', array('class' => 'form-control')) }}
is the input value of text field so it should be like this:
{{ Form::text('last_name', $user->last_name, array('class' => 'form-control')) }}

Symfony2.1: how to render a "repeated" widget by hand

In Symfony2.1 (as well in Symfony2.0) one can render a widget by hand in a Twig template. So, if one would to render a text field name "username", the related label, error and input can be rendered separately, i.e.:
{{ form_label(form.username) }}
{{ form_errors(form.username) }}
{{ form_widget(form.username) }}
In Symfony2.1, the Repeated field group has been introduced. It is useful to ensure the user is not inserting a wrong value for an important entry (e.g. the email or password).
The question is, how to render it in a Twig template by hand?
Please, notice that {{ form_widget(form.username) }} in this case will render the whole component (i.e. both labels and inputs).
$builder->add('userPass', 'repeated', array(
'type' => 'password',
'label' => 'Zayso Password',
'required' => true,
'invalid_message' => 'The password fields must match.',
'constraints' => new NotBlank(),
'first_options' => array('label' => 'Zayso Password'),
'second_options' => array('label' => 'Zayso Password(repeat)'),
'first_name' => 'pass1', // form.userPass.pass1
'second_name' => 'pass2', // form.userPass.pass2
In your template you can do: {{ form_widget(form.userPass.pass1 }}. Not sure where it is documented but found it somewhere.
Late answer, but you can also add
{{ form_widget(form.username.first) }}
to generate the first widget element.
If you want to display the label and widget separately, you can use:
{{ form_label(form.username.first) }}
{{ form_errors(form.username.first) }}
{{ form_widget(form.username.first) }}
{{ form_label(form.username.second) }}
{{ form_errors(form.username.second) }}
{{ form_widget(form.username.second) }}
Here is the documentation for Repeated Field Type.

symfony2: null date rendering

I’am having trouble with empty dates and forms in Symfony2.
When I create an entity with an empty date, it works fine, a NULL value is inserted in the database. But when I want to edit it, it renders as today, I found no way of rendering the empy_values
As expected, “preferred_choices” does not work because “date” is not a “choice”.
Seems that a new \DateTime() is called somewhere.
Index and show actions have no problem:
{% if entity.dueDate %}
{{ entity.dueDate|date('Y-m-d') }}
{% endif %}
If I ask in the controller, the behaviour is the expected one
if (!$entity->getDueDate()) {
// enters here when there is NULL in the database
Here is the entity and form definitions:
* #var date $dueDate
* #ORM\Column(name="dueDate", type="date", nullable="true")
private $dueDate;
$builder->add('dueDate', 'date', array('label'=>'Due date', 'empty_value' => array('year' => '----', 'month' => '----', 'day' => '----'),'required'=>false))
Please give me a hint, thank you in advance.
There is a related question from 2011-06-26 with no answer in google groups!msg/symfony2/nLUmjKzMRVk/9NlOB1Xl5RwJ
With modern version of Symfony you seem to need:
$builder->add('dueDate', DateType::class, array(
'placeholder' => ['year' => '--', 'month' => '--', 'day' => '--']
empty_value has been replaced by placeholder and you need to pass an array with each "empty" value.
You can solve this way:
$builder->add('dueDate', 'date', array(
'label'=>'Due date',
'empty_value' => array('----'),
You were close to the solution.
I did not want to render the form by myself, but as I was already doing that due to an unrelated issue, I developed some kind of fix:
<div class="entry {% if not entity.dueDate %}nullabledate{% endif %}">
{{ form_label(form.dueDate) }}
{{ form_errors(form.dueDate) }}
{{ form_widget(form.dueDate) }}
[add to some javascript file]
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var nullDate = function(id) {
$(".nullabledate select").each(function(key,elem){