I want to create custom made algorithm for web access token vs using JWT.
My algorithm will use XOR with secret key in order to encrypt.
so for example : for {username : user, timestamp : 1212121, md5 of the above} I will xor it with secret key and send it to the user.
The benefit for me is that attackers will have hard time to guess how I built the encryption vs well known JWT. So trying to send me a cookie with admin/another user will be harder for him.
My main question is why to use JWT and not creating your own algorithm which will be harder for attacker to reverse engineer ?
It's because no algorithm is fully sound; people make mistakes, a lot, in ways that you probably wouldn't have predicted. Then there is the maintainability aspect that even if you're an A grade expert on these kinds of things, you have to maintain that algorithm. And is that really something you want to be doing over providing business value?
Also, the advantage of using well known standards for authorization, encryption, etc. is that they have proven (as far as possible) that they are secure 'enough' for at least the near future and extensively tested as they are used by billions of sites/apps on a daily basis.
So summarizing: it's just not worth the effort, and the probabilty and cost of a mistake is too high..
Using xor with a secret key means that you will not be able to use asymmetric keys, so any client which needs to decrypt the token will have to know the secret, and thus will be able to encrypt tokens as well.
If your client does not need to decrypt tokens, then you can just use opaque tokens, you don't need JWTs. (Or use the Phantom Token Pattern if your APIs do need JWTs but clients don't).
If your client does encrypt the token, then any attacker can easily read your solution and it's no longer that secure. Also choosing your own solution because it will be harder for anyone to guess it is security by obscurity and does not add real value (e.g. a hacker could do a research about you and your code and maybe will find this post on SO, which will give her valuable information about your solution).
When you choose standards for security solutions at least you know what are the potential issues, and how to properly address them so your project remains secure. If you choose a proprietary solution, then you will not know the security issues that you have.
after reading all the threads on stackoverflow and other platforms, I still wasn't able to find an answer, which satisfies me.
The task:
I want to create a single page application (SPA) which receives data from a REST API. In this SPA, NO authentication should be used. It's a public site.
But the REST API should only be accessible from people who loaded the SPA from my webserver.
I assume this is only solvable with something on server side like sessions, cookies etc. - otherwise I'm open for your suggestions, solutions etc.
Thx in advance!
There's no reasonably easy way to do this. You can easily prevent other domains (in browsers) from accessing a an API on your domain (via CORS), but it's significantly harder to prevent scripts from doing this.
The issue lies in 'how do you detect legit browser traffic from a script'. It turns out that this is not easy. You could try to detect 'unusual behavior' as much as possible (for example a large amount of requests in a short time), but this doesn't stop clients that are slower.
Ultimately if people want your data, they will find some way around whatever restrictions you come up with. You should reevaluate this and use one of the following options:
Don't do an SPA and API. Although one could wonder, if the data exists in HTML it can still be crawled.
Add authentication. But obviously this won't help you in any way if anyone can authenticate.
Re-evaluate why you have this restriction. What are you worried about? If you're worried about people taking your data and using it elsewhere, how does only showing it in a browser from 1 domain help with that? If you're worried about copyright theft, why not use a legal approach to this?
I've seen a lot of these types of questions, but in my opinion I haven't yet seen one that has a legitimate good reason to want this. But, maybe you're the first.
I believe I answered my question myself on a comment 30 minutes ago... I think with captcha I'm able to secure the REST API against unwanted access to my REST API
Gwt Documentation http://www.gwtproject.org/doc/latest/DevGuideSecurityRpcXsrf.html
as well as GWT IN action
recommend extending XsrfProtectedService on client side and XsrfProtectedServiceServlet on server side....
But both thse methods are still marked as
"EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change. Do not use this in production code. "
What gives? is this a leftover - or are they now safe to use in production?
Thanks for your help in advance!
The file has not changed in 7 years. Google is very conservative in their code, and will put scary warnings or mark things as beta when they are, in fact, production ready.
That said, in all matters of security, you should likely submit your code to professionals for security review. This example is using a predictable hash of JSESSIONID, so you need to ensure your JSESSIONID is configured correctly. It must have a domain (and should have a path) so it is only readable on your domain, on URLs deemed safe (once again, professional review is good). If this cookie can be leaked, it becomes trivial for an attacker to exploit.
I'm writing a web application for public consumption...How do you get over/ deal with the fear of User Input? As a web developer, you know the tricks and holes that exist that can be exploited particularly on the web which are made all the more easier with add-ons like Firebug etc
Sometimes it's so overwhelming you just want to forget the whole deal (does make you appreciate Intranet Development though!)
Sorry if this isn't a question that can be answered simply, but perhaps ideas or strategies that are helpful...Thanks!
One word: server-side validation (ok, that may have been three words).
There's lots of sound advice in other answers, but I'll add a less "programming" answer:
Have a plan for dealing with it.
Be ready for the contingency that malicious users do manage to sneak something past you. Have plans in place to mitigate damage, restore clean and complete data, and communicate with users (and potentially other interested parties such as the issuers of any credit card details you hold) to tell them what's going on. Know how you will detect the breach and close it. Know that key operational and development personnel are reachable, so that a bad guy striking at 5:01pm on the Friday before a public holiday won't get 72+ clear hours before you can go offline let alone start fixing things.
Having plans in place won't help you stop bad user input, but it should help a bit with overcoming your fears.
If its "security" related concerns you need to just push through it, security and exploits are a fact of life in software, and they need to be addressed head-on as part of the development process.
Here are some suggestions:
Keep it in perspective - Security, Exploits and compromises are going to happen to any application which is popular or useful, be prepared for them and expect them to occur
Test it, then test it again - QA, Acceptance testing and sign off should be first class parts of your design and production process, even if you are a one-man shop. Enlist users to test as a dedicated (and vocal) user will be your most useful tool in finding problems
Know your platform - Make sure you know the technology, and hardware you are deploying on. Ensure that relevant patches and security updates are applied
research - look at applications similar to your own and see what issues they experience, surf their forums, read their bug logs etc.
Be realistic - You are not going to be able to fix every bug and close every hole. Pick the most impactful ones and address those
Lots of eyes - Enlist as many people to review your designs and code as possible. This should be in addition to your QA resources
You don't get over it.
Check everything at server side - validate input again, check permissions, etc.
Sanitize all data.
That's very easy to write in bold letter and a little harder to do in practice.
Something I always did was wrap all user strings in an object, something like StringWrapper which forces you to call an encoding method to get the string. In other words, just provide access to s.htmlEncode() s.urlEncode().htmlEncode() etc. Of course you need to get the raw string so you can have a s.rawString() method, but now you have something you can grep for to review all uses of raw strings.
So when you come to 'echo userString' you will get a type error, and you are then reminded to encode/escape the string through the public methods.
Some other general things:
Prefer white-lists over black lists
Don't go overboard with stripping out bad input. I want to be able to use the < character in posts/comments/etc! Just make sure you encode data correctly
Use parameterized SQL queries. If you are SQL escaping user input yourself, you are doing it wrong.
First, I'll try to comfort you a bit by pointing out that it's good to be paranoid. Just as it's good to be a little scared while driving, it's good to be afraid of user input. Assume the worst as much as you can, and you won't be disappointed.
Second, program defensively. Assume any communication you have with the outside world is entirely compromised. Take in only parameters that the user should be able to control. Expose only that data that the user should be able to see.
Sanitize input. Sanitize sanitize sanitize. If it's input that will be displayed on the site (nicknames for a leaderboard, messages on a forum, anything), sanitize it appropriately. If it's input that might be sent to SQL, sanitize that too. In fact, don't even write SQL directly, use an intermediary of some sort.
There's really only one thing you can't defend from if you're using HTTP. If you use a cookie to identify somebody's identity, there's nothing you can do from preventing somebody else in a coffeehouse from sniffing the cookie of somebody else in that coffee house if they're both using the same wireless connection. As long as they're not using a secure connection, nothing can save you from that. Even Gmail isn't safe from that attack. The only thing you can do is make sure an authorization cookie can't last forever, and consider making them re-login before they do something big like change password or buy something.
But don't sweat it. A lot of the security details have been taken care of by whatever system you're building on top of (you ARE building on top of SOMETHING, aren't you? Spring MVC? Rails? Struts? ). It's really not that tough. If there's big money at stake, you can pay a security auditing company to try and break it. If there's not, just try to think of everything reasonable and fix holes when they're found.
But don't stop being paranoid. They're always out to get you. That's just part of being popular.
P.S. One more hint. If you have javascript like this:
if( document.forms["myForm"]["payment"].value < 0 ) {
alert("You must enter a positive number!");
return false;
Then you'd sure as hell have code in the backend that goes:
verify( input.payment >= 0 )
"Quote" everything so that it can not have any meaning in the 'target' language: SQL, HTML, JavaScript, etc.
This will get in the way of course, so you have to be careful to identify when this needs special handling, like through administrative privileges to deal with some if the data.
There are multiple types of injection and cross-site scripting (see this earlier answer), but there are defenses against all of them. You'll clearly want to look at stored procedures, white-listing (e.g. for HTML input), and validation, to start.
Beyond that, it's hard to give general advice. Other people have given some good tips, such as always doing server-side validation and researching past attacks.
Be vigilant, but not afraid.
No validation in web-application layer.
All validations and security checks should be done by the domain layer or business layer.
Throw exceptions with valid error messages and let these execptions be caught and processed at presentation layer or web-application.
You can use validation framework
to automate validations with the help
of custom validation attributes.
There should be some documentation of known exploits for the language/system you're using. I know the Zend PHP Certification covers that issue a bit and you can read the study guide.
Why not hire an expert to audit your applications from time to time? It's a worthwhile investment considering your level of concern.
Our client always say: "Deal with my users as they dont differentiate between the date and text fields!!"
I code in Java, and my code is full of asserts i assume everything is wrong from the client and i check it all at server.
#1 thing for me is to always construct static SQL queries and pass your data as parameters. This limits the quoting issues you have to deal with enormously. See also http://xkcd.com/327/
This also has performance benefits, as you can re-use the prepared queries.
There are actually only 2 things you need to take care with:
Avoid SQL injection. Use parameterized queries to save user-controlled input in database. In Java terms: use PreparedStatement. In PHP terms: use mysql_real_escape_string() or PDO.
Avoid XSS. Escape user-controlled input during display. In Java/JSP terms: use JSTL <c:out>. In PHP terms: use htmlspecialchars().
That's all. You don't need to worry about the format of the data. Just about the way how you handle it.
Is there a way I can make a request to a different server than the one that's being used for development using a RequestBuilder?
I keep getting
com.google.gwt.http.client.RequestPermissionException: The URL is invalid or violates the same-origin
security restriction
while I am sending request from
GWT currently doesnt support cross domain ajax calls - but it can be worked around if you are willing to do a bit of jsni. And I heard a rumour some time ago that there is a gwt patch with the solution, but its not perfect. see this http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors/browse_thread/thread/94c18c4ec158070c/
to work around using jsni, you can use whats called the windows.name transport - see this blog http://www.sitepen.com/blog/2008/07/22/windowname-transport/ . i havent been able to locate a library for gwt to automate this, but i dont think its too hard to do yourself in jsni (and dont me misled by the blog being about dojo, its a general technique).
There is a detailed explanation on the topic of the Same Origin Policy and its consequences for developing with GWT here:
The simple answer is: No, that's something that is disallowed for security reasons.
However, it should be possible to work around this limitation with all kinds of techniques (proxy servers, Yahoo Pipes, etc). As I'm no AJAX expert, I will leave the explanation of those to others.