I'm trying to get a substring of the .aspx filename here but not quite sure how to go about it.
So I don't want the filepath, just the filename:
e.g. http://somesite.com/directory1/directory2/SomePage.aspx
I just need SomePage.aspx
You can;
;with EG(fn) as (
select 'http://somesite.com/directory1/directory2/SomePage.aspx' union
select '' union
select '/xxx.php'
right(fn, charindex('/', reverse(fn) + '/') - 1)
from EG
(1st occurrence of / in a reversed url; add a / to handle empty/no-slash strings)
I am trying to get the folders name which are in the subfolders.
folder_id folder_name parent_folder_id
1 F1 0
2 F2 1
3 F3 2
4 F4 3
Now I am trying to get the f4 name along with the parent folder name like :F1/F2/F3/F4
I am getting the parent_folder_id based on folder_id and wrote the loop condition,Here is my function.
for vrecord in (select parent_folder_id from public."VOfficeApp_filefolder"
where folder_id = ip_folder_id)
return query
select (SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(b))) FROM
(select folder_name from public."VOfficeApp_filefolder"
where folder_id = v_id)b)as path;
end loop;
Aggregate functions do not build hierarchical results; for that you need a RECURSIVE CTE. Once the hierarchy is built you can then convert to json. The following function does that. The function takes the folder name you are interested in, after all it only used at the last minuet anyway to eliminate the rest of the hierarchy that as built.
create or replace function path_to_folder(target_folder_name text)
returns json
language sql
as $$
with recursive folder_path (id, folder_name, path) as
( select folder_id, folder_name,folder_name || '/'
from folders
where parent_folder_id = 0
union all
select f.folder_id, f.folder_name, fp.path || f.folder_name || '/'
from folders f
join folder_path fp on (f.parent_folder_id = fp.id)
, bjc (folder_name, path) as
( select folder_name, path
from folder_path
where folder_name = target_folder_name
) -- select * from bjc;
select json_agg(row_to_json((folder_name, path)))
from bjc
group by folder_name;
Note: the second cte bjc (Before Json Conversion) is probably not needed, but as I hate json (imho a complexity I'd rather not deal with). You could move the where clause from it into the json construction. But I always like to see results before converting.
Side Note:
Postgres 9.2 is obsolete. Having gone out of support in Nov, 2017. You seriously should update.
I have a problem I can't seem to figure out. I am trying to extract capacity from a product description. It is always between two values, "," and "oz." however there could be other commas included in the description that are not part of what I'm trying to extract. Example value is , 15 oz., or , 2 oz.,
I'm trying to find values that have the oz in them and are between two commas and I have been completely unsuccessfully. I've tried many things, but here is the latest that I have tried today and I'm just getting an error.
CHARINDEX(',', FullDescription),
- CHARINDEX(',', FullDescription)
+ Len('oz.')
from CatalogManagement.Product
Since the backwards pattern ,.zo is more recognisable, I'd go with the REVERSE function
Sample values:
"something, something more, 18oz., complete"
"shorter, 12oz., remainder"
"there is no capacity, in this, value"
"a bit more, 14oz, and some followups, maybe"
CHARINDEX(',.zo', REVERSE(FullDescription)) + 1,
CHARINDEX(',', REVERSE(FullDescription), CHARINDEX(',.zo', REVERSE(FullDescription)) + 1) - CHARINDEX(',.zo', REVERSE(FullDescription)) - 1
FROM CatalogManagement.Product
WHERE FullDescription LIKE '%oz.,%'
You might use XML-splitting together with a XQuery predicate:
INSERT INTO #tbl VALUES('Here is one with an amount, 1 oz., some more text')
,('Here is one with no amount, some more text')
,('a, 10 oz.')
,('b, 20oz., no blank between oz and the number')
,('30oz., starts with the pattern, no leading comma');
,A.oz.value('.','nvarchar(max)') oz
FROM #tbl t
CROSS APPLY(SELECT CAST('<x>' + REPLACE((SELECT t.YourString AS [*] FOR XML PATH('')),',','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML)
.query('/x[contains(text()[1],"oz.")]')) A(oz);
The idea in short:
We use some string methods to replace commas with XML tags and to cast your string to XML. each fragment is placed within a decent <x> element.
We use a predicate to return just the fragments containing "oz.".
You can filter easily with
WHERE LEN(A.oz.value('.','nvarchar(max)'))>0
I find in my sql database string whit weird whitespace which cannot be replace like REPLACE(string, ' ', '') RTRIM and cant it even find with string = '% %'. This space is even transfered to new table when using SELECT string INTO
If i select this string in managment studio and copy that is seems is normal space and when everything is works but cant do nothing directly from database. What else can i do? Its some kind of error or can i try some special character for this?
First, you must identify the character.
You can do that by using a tally table (or a cte) and the Unicode function:
The following script will return a table with two columns: one contains a char and the other it's unicode value:
DECLARE #Str nvarchar(100) = N'This is a string containing 1 number and some words.';
with Tally(n) as
FROM sys.objects a
--CROSS JOIN sys.objects b -- (unremark if there are not enough rows in the tally cte)
SELECT SUBSTRING(#str, n, 1) As TheChar,
UNICODE(SUBSTRING(#str, n, 1)) As TheCode
FROM Tally
WHERE n <= LEN(#str)
You can also add a condition to the where clause to only include "special" chars:
AND SUBSTRING(#str, n, 1) NOT LIKE '[a-zA-Z0-9]'
Then you can replace it using it's unicode value using nchar (I've used 32 in this example since it's unicode "regular" space:
SELECT REPLACE(#str, NCHAR(32), '|')
I'm trying to extract the month number from a date as a left padded string with 0's.
So, for example, from '2018-01-31' I want the string '01'.
Currently I have this:
SELECT RIGHT('0' + CAST(MONTH('2018-01-31') AS CHAR(2)), 2)
Which is returning '1' but I would have expected it to return '01' because I've provided the second argument to RIGHT as 2.
Could someone explain why this isn't working as I think it should?
You need to change CHAR to VARCHAR:
SELECT RIGHT('0' + CAST(MONTH('2018-01-31') AS VARCHAR(2)), 2)
db<>fiddle demo
CHAR(2) is blank padded so you get RIGHT('01 ',2) which is '1 '.
You could use FORMAT instead, when you first cast the string to a DATE type.
SELECT FORMAT(CAST('2018-01-31' as DATE),'MM')
As for why that SQL with the right didn't work?
Try this SQL and notice the difference (the extra space):
SELECT quotename('0' + CAST(1 AS CHAR(2))), quotename('0' + CAST(1 AS VARCHAR(2)))
I have a column in my table having values of format:
I need value for goal i.e 124 from goal_124. I am planning to use 'regexp_split_to_array' but don't know how to use elements from array.
I am using postgres 9.2.
You can use split_part like so:
select split_part(split_part('COURSE_214/MODULE_5825/SUBMODULE_123/..../GOAL_124/ACTIVITY_125', '/GOAL_', 2), '/', 1)
select split_part(split_part(fieldname, '/GOAL_', 2), '/', 1)
Using json_object():
select json_object(string_to_array(translate(params, '_', '/'), '/'))
from test
{"COURSE" : "214", "MODULE" : "5825", "SUBMODULE" : "123", "GOAL" : "124", "ACTIVITY" : "125"}
(1 row)
select json_object(string_to_array(translate(params, '_', '/'), '/'))->>'GOAL' as goal
from test
(1 row)
The column has a format suitable for json. I would suggest to change the type of the column to jsonb. The first query may be used as a converter.
After the conversion you would access the parameters in an easy way, e.g.:
select *
from test
where params->>'COURSE' = '214'
and (params->>'GOAL')::int > 120;
Simple select of all GOAL_ parameters (if there are more than one)
select ltrim(elem, 'GOAL_')
from (
select unnest(string_to_array(params, '/')) elem
from test
) sub
where elem like 'GOAL_%'
You may try using regular expressions, getting the string between slashes
select substring(your_column from '^.*/(.*)/.*$') from your_table
If you expect to find in that part the GOAL value, use
select substring(your_column from '/GOAL_(.*)/') from your_table