(perl Net::SMTP) authentication failure using gmail smtp server - perl

I have written a perl script to send email using the gmail's smtp server: smtp.gmail.com -
use Net::SMTP;
my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('smtp.gmail.com',
Port=> 587,
Timeout => 20,
print $smtp->domain,"\n";
$sender = "user#gmail.com";
$password = "mypassword";
$smtp->auth ( $sender, $password ) or die "could not authenticate\n";
$receiver = "user#gmail.com";
$subject = "my custom subject";
$smtp->datasend("To: <$reciever> \n");
$smtp->datasend("From: <$sender> \n");
$smtp->datasend("Content-Type: text/html \n");
$smtp->datasend("Subject: $subject");
$smtp->datasend('the body of the email');
print "done\n\n";
For 'user', I have my gmail username and for 'mypassword' I have the password. But when I run this code it stops at the auth itself giving : could not authenticate.
I am able to connect to the smtp serever of google as I get : 'mx.google.com' as the result of :
print $smtp->domain,"\n";
What is it that I am doing wrong? Please help.

use Net::SMTP;
my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new ....
afaik you need to use an encrypted connection to send via gmail, use Net::SMTP::TLS or Net::SMTP::SSL (with port 465)
'Hello' is not an email address, put your hostname there instead
$sender = "user#gmail.com";
$receiver = "user#gmail.com";
put these in single quotes
if you still get "could not authenticate." make sure you have the modules MIME::Base64 and Authen::SASL installed.
$smtp->datasend("To: <$reciever> \n");
should be $receiver, not $reciever

Gmail uses TLS/STARTTLS on port 587, SSL on port 465. Please follow Sending email through Google SMTP from Perl. Alternatively you could use Email::Send::SMTP::Gmail. I recommend this as it is way easier to use and has many more features.


sending multipart mail in perl

i am trying to send a mail through Perl script using net::smtp module.It works fine when i send the normal mail without any attachment.i wont receive any mail.
use Net::SMTP;
use MIME::Base64;
use File::Basename;
use MIME::Base64 qw( encode_base64 );
use MIME::Base64 qw( decode_base64 );
#attachments = 'C:\Users\ups7kor\Desktop\scripts\commadnline\appending.pl';
$toAddress = '***';
$fromAddress = '***';
$ServerName = '***';
my $boundary = 'End Of mail';
my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($ServerName, Timeout => 60) or print $failureLogHandler ++$errrorCount.")ERROR:Could not create SMTP object . \n\t please check SMPT Adress in $iniFileData{INI_SMTP_SERVER_NAME} of $iniFileSection{INI_EMAIL} section ";
$smtp->recipient($toAddress, { SkipBad => 1 });
$smtp->datasend("To: $toAddress\n");
$smtp->datasend("From: $fromAddress\n");
$smtp->datasend("Subject: $subject\n");
$smtp->datasend("MIME-Version: 1.0\n");
$smtp->datasend("Content-type: multipart/mixed;\n\tboundary=\"$boundary\"\n");
$smtp->datasend("Content-type: text/plain\n");
$smtp->datasend("Content-Disposition: quoted-printable\n");
$smtp->datasend("\n $messageBody\n");
foreach $attachment (#attachments)
open(DAT, $attachment) || die("Could not open text file!");
my #textFile = <DAT>;
my $filename = basename($attachment);
$smtp->datasend("Content-Type: application/text; name=\"$filename\"\n");
$smtp->datasend("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"\n");
$smtp->datasend("--$boundary --\n");
But if i try the same code in other machine it works file.
Why the same code is not working in my machine and working fine in other machine.
Please help out.
You're using some rather low-level tools for building your message. That would probably work, but you'd need to implement all of the rules for building MIME messages - which sounds far too much like hard work.
Whenever I want to do something with email and Perl, I look for the appropriate module in the Email::* namespace. I'd probably start with Email::MIME, but I note that now includes a pointer to Email::Stuffer, which might well be even simpler.
You could use MIME::Lite module.
See: https://metacpan.org/pod/MIME::Lite#Create-a-multipart-message
### Create the multipart "container":
$msg = MIME::Lite->new(
From =>'me#myhost.com',
To =>'you#yourhost.com',
Cc =>'some#other.com, some#more.com',
Subject =>'A message with 2 parts...',
Type =>'multipart/mixed'
### Add the text message part:
### (Note that "attach" has same arguments as "new"):
Type =>'TEXT',
Data =>"Here's the GIF file you wanted"
### Add the image part:
Type =>'image/gif',
Path =>'aaa000123.gif',
Filename =>'logo.gif',
Disposition => 'attachment'
Update: As per Dave's comment:
Check out Email::Stuffer module. Creating multipart message with it is really simple.
Email::Stuffer->to('Simon Cozens<simon#somewhere.jp>')
->text_body("You've been good this year. No coal for you.")
You can use Mail::Sender module to send mails with attachment with body included. Just a small example of how to implement if you have this module in place.
my $sender = new Mail::Sender {smtp => 'server name', from =>
$sender->MailFile( {to => 'xxx.gmail.com,yyy.gmail.com', subject => 'some subject that you want to put',
msg => "Body of the mail", file => 'path for the attachment that you need to send'} );

perl script which received email using sasl authentication

I have use a script for smtp purpose on Centos OS as given below:
use strict;
use Net::SMTP::Server;
use Net::SMTP::Server::Client;
use Data::Dumper;
our $host = $ARGV[0] || "MY_IP" ;
our $server = new Net::SMTP::Server($host) ||
croak("Unable to open SMTP server socket");
print "Waiting for incoming SMTP connections on ".($host eq "" ? "all IP addresses":$host)."\n";
$| = 1;
while(my $conn = $server->accept()) {
print "Incoming mail ... from " . $conn->peerhost() ;
my $client = new Net::SMTP::Server::Client($conn) ||
croak("Unable to process incoming request");
if (!$client->process) {
print "\nfailed to receive complete e-mail message\n"; next; }
print " received\n";
print "From: $client->{FROM}\n";
my $to = $client->{TO};
my $toList = #{$to} ? join(",",#{$to}) : $to;
print "To: $toList\n";
print "\n" ;
print $client->{MSG};
Now I have send email using application which using below information.
SMTP Hostname: MY_IP
SMTP Username: root
SMTP Password: ****
SMTP Port: 25
Send a test email to: mahboobkheri#gmail.com
And when I have clicked on send email then found that email is received on smtp and it show below output:
Waiting for incoming SMTP connections on MY_IP
Incoming mail ... from MY_IP received
From: <abc#xyz.com>
To: <mahboobkheri#gmail.com>
To: mahboobkheri#gmail.com
Subject: Test Email System
Message-ID: <9f0c1a999390053b8e64665749a047a8#resolv.fastreturn.biz>
Return-Path: abc#xyz.com
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 12:20:48 +0100
From: <abc#xyz.com>
Reply-To: abc#xyz.com
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Hi,This is a test of the emailing system. If you received this ok, then everything is working as it should.
But if I have use no existing username and password (Fake detail) then also application send email. So I have the need to configure sasl authentication. I have try and also search on Google but can't find useful. I have requested to please help me that how write script which accept email using sasl authentication.

connect to localhost failed (Connection refused) no (more) retries

I want to send an email using perl ,but when i execute the command as follows:
#./sendmail.sh "par1" "par2" "par3"
i got the error msg "connect to localhost failed (Connection refused) no (more) retries"
/usr/bin/perl /code/sendmail.pl "$1" "$2" "$3";
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Mail::Sendmail;
my $event1 = shift(#ARGV);
my $event2 = shift(#ARGV);
my $time = shift(#ARGV);
#my $info = shift(#ARGV);
my $datetime = `/bin/date "+20%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`;
chomp $datetime;
$msg = "This is Monitor System speak:\n
The system discovers the events at $datetime.
Something may be abnormal, please check it. The detail is below:\n";
$msg = $msg."$event1 and $event2 at $time\n";
$msg = $msg."\n";
$msg = $msg."Any problem, check it from http://map_test.php\n\n\n";
$mail_subject = "Abnormal";
From => 'localhost',
To => 'test#mail.com',
Subject => $mail_subject,
Message => $msg,
Any help appreciated.
smtp stands for simple mail transfer protocol.
When you need to send an email your mail client needs to talk to an smtp server which will accept the message. Normally your internet service provider will provide an smtp host. If you look at your mail client it will need to have an smtp server configured to be able to send mail.
Ok so when you install the Mail::Sendmail module, it doesn't know what your smtp server will be. It is up to you to tell it. It provides a default of localhost which would often be true if your server is running a sendmail daemon.
The configuration of Mail::Sendmail is stored in a variable called
You can change the value of the sendmail server using this snippet of code:
unshift #{$Mail::Sendmail::mailcfg{'smtp'}} , 'my.smtp.server';
You need to add this line of code to your script to set the smtp server.
It adds this server to an array which also includes localhost.
So if neither of the hosts work it will still print an error message about localhost which is slightly confusing.
If you use Data::Dumper to print the contents of the mailcfg variable it will look something like this:
use Mail::Sendmail;
use Data::Dumper;
unshift #{$Mail::Sendmail::mailcfg{'smtp'}} , 'my.smtp.server';
print Dumper(\%Mail::Sendmail::mailcfg);
Should return:
$VAR1 = {
'retries' => 1,
'smtp' => [
'delay' => 1,
'port' => 25,
'from' => '',
'debug' => 0,
'tz' => '',
'mime' => 1

Trying to send authenticated email using Net::SMTP::SSL

I'm attempting to send an authenticated email with the Net::SMTP::SSL module to a comcast email server. I'm using the following code.
use Net::SMTP::SSL;
use MIME::Base64;
$smtp = Net::SMTP::SSL->new
Hello => "host.comcast.net",
Port => 465,
Timeout => 30,
Debug => 1,
$smtp->datasend("AUTH LOGIN\n");
# Mailbox info
$smtp->datasend(encode_base64('username')); # username
$smtp->datasend(encode_base64('password')); # password
# Email from
# Email to
$smtp->datasend("To: user\#host.com\n");
$smtp->datasend("From: user\#comcast.net\n");
$smtp->datasend("Subject: Test");
# Line break to separate headers from body
I'm basically following the code from here for comcast.
I've ran telnet and can connect to the smtp server on the port and I can issue the AUTH LOGIN and successfully login, but issuing the
$smtp->datasend("AUTH LOGIN\n");
always results in:
Can't call method "datasend" on an undefined value
I've also tried executing the auth method to login and that fails as well.
What am I missing here? I know it's something simple I'm overlooking.
Pretty much all of the Net::SMTP methods optionally set error codes, so I suspect that Net::SMTP::SSL does the same. Try the following for your constructor:
use Net::SMTP::SSL;
use MIME::Base64;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $smtp = Net::SMTP::SSL->new(
Hello => "host.comcast.net",
Port => 465,
Timeout => 30,
Debug => 1,
) or die "Failed to connect to mail server: $!";
Also, the fact that your smtp server is different than your Hello is a little suspect to me.
For email services that use STARTTLS, it's best to use the newer NET::SMTPS module. Try the following code:
my $msg = MIME::Lite ->new (
From => 'from#bellsouth.net',
To => 'to#bellsouth.net',
Subject => 'Test Message',
Data => 'This is a test',
Type => 'text/html'
my $USERNAME = 'from#bellsouth.net';
my $PASSWORD = 'abc123';
my $smtps = Net::SMTPS->new("smtp.mail.att.net", Port => 587, doSSL => 'starttls', SSL_version=>'TLSv1');
$smtps->auth ( $USERNAME, $PASSWORD ) or die("Could not authenticate with bellsouth.\n");
$smtps ->mail('from#bellsouth.net');
$smtps->datasend( $msg->as_string() );
Originally from http://www.skipser.com/p/2/p/send-email-using-perl-via-live.com.html
Try this:
Email from
$smtp->mail('user\#comcast.net'); to $smtp->mail('user#comcast.net'); without '\'
Email to
$smtp->to('user\#host.com'); to $smtp->to('user#host.com'); without '\'

Send an Email Perl Using MIME::Lite

I am just trying to send a basic email using Perl and MIME::Lite and I am receiving the following error: SMTP mail() command failed: 5.1.7 Invalid adderess
Here is my code:
use MIME::Lite;
#Create Mail
$msg = MIME::Lite->new(
From =>'someone#someplace.com',
To =>'someone#someplace.com',
Cc =>'some#other.com',
Subject =>'Subject Test',
Data =>"Data Test"
#Send Mail
$msg->send( "smtp", "mail.place.com" );
I ended up solving it:
sub EMailReport
use MIME::Lite;
my $theSubject = "Sub";
my $theData = "Data";
my $theEmail = MIME::Lite->new(
From =>'From#someplace.somewhere.com',
To =>'fistname.lastname#company.com',
Subject =>$theSubject,
Data =>$theData
$theEmail->add( "Type" => "multipart/mixed" );
$theEmail->send( "smtp", "somemail.company.com" );
You need to pass to send() the smtp arguments I think.