Attachments in RavenDB - nosql

What is the best way to handle attachments in RavenDB?
A webpage has an upload pdf button in addition to other fields. All those fields are saved into one document in ravendb.
Like wise, I also want the pdf the user uploads using the upload button to be saved somewhere...
How does RavenDB do something like this.. handling such attachment informtion...
Do I have to just store the path to the pdf file? or is there a way to store the entore pdf file itself?
Are there any examples I can see that have accomplished this ..
Thanks for the information.

Already answered here.


generate word file through open xml

I am using openxml to generate my word file that contains user input messages and attachment if there are any. Now, I am stuck in a situation where I don't know how to display PDF /JPEG/JPG if user attached such things with the inputted message.
Is there any way I can show the above attached in my generated word file.
MSDN has the specific example of adding the images to the document. The sample code you could use is provided here.

textbox/form saved and reloaded

I have a question about textboxes or forms. I don't have any experience with them.
I would like to have a textbox/form where the user can type/copy text too.
There should be a save button and the saved text should be loaded and be editable again.
This isn't an internet application, so I don't need to specify a database of users.
Searching the web got me a lot of partial asp/.net/php solutions. I don't really know much of these.
My question is, would this be possible? And where should I start?
I would use PHP for this, if you're unfamiliar there are some great learning resources at W3 Schools PHP tutuorial as well as the documentation at you'll want to write an HTML form that submits to a php script. In this script you can save text to a file using the fwrite() function and load saved text using fopen(). Definitely have a look through the w3 Schools php guide if you're new to this.

editing pdf contents in uiwebview iphone

hi im working on pdf manipulation.
my requirements are to edit the existing pdf document.
looks like there is no actual way to do it. i found out using javascript i can edit the html contents.
so now that my pdf is in uiwebview is there any way to convert pdf document to html content???
i have to do it programatically.
preferred language is objective c but its k if any suggestions in C/C++
thanks in advance
You will have to drop down to C if you want to do this. Basically you need to get hold of a CGPDFDocumentRef reference, and through that iterate each CGPDFPageRef. From the page you can get access to the CGPDFContentStreamRef.
From the content stream you can parse out the primitive data that is is PDF document. From there only a good understanding of the PDF document format can help you.
I would advice you to find a commercial tool, hire an experience contractor, or change your plan. What you have your sights on is allot of hard work.

How can we store textfield values in pdf in iphone application

I want to store textfield values in pdf file i.e I need to export form values to pdf file just for back up purpose as I cant completely rely on app database so how can I achieve this. Can somebody help me pls. Or can we export data in excel file.
I cant completely rely on app database
Millions of apps rely on Databases! what about XML storage?
XML will be easy to store, easy to retrieve values.
I believe you're looking for xlslib
Good Luck.

Editable Webview/TextView ? Or Any other Controller?

I am working on a project which can edit any document file whether it is doc, rtf, txt, pdf file.
After editing user can save or you can say update that file.
Please advise .. how can anyone edit pdf or doc and re save it ?
There is no support for editing pdf or doc files in iOS4. If you want this you'll have to write it yourself.
A UIWebView can natively interpret a lot of document formats but there is no editing for this. If you just want to open these formats I would recommend a UIWebView. If you really need to save to a certain format, you'll have to look around for a framework that can save text to the formats you need. Or you're going to have to do it yourself.