If my iphone app use Dropbox SDK , must be a user has an account in Dropbox - iphone

I develop iphone app use Dropbox SDK to load image from my Dropbox account,
I want to know must be a user has an account in Dropbox for use my app

When the Dropbox SDK takes the user to either the Dropbox app or the browser for login purposes, then it also shows the user a 'sign up' link/button to take care of case in which user does not have an account already.
Regardless, it depends on whether your app is just a Dropbox client and can be useful without user logging into Dropbox.

No, they don't need an account, set it up in a public location on dropbox;
"Everything in your Public folder is accessible to anyone online"


Get data from all app's notification in IOS

I would like to develop an IOS app to get notification such as title and body from all applications in iPhone. Is it possible to do that?
No it is not. On Android, yes this is possible. But not on Apple. They restrict permissions so that you cannot access that information as a developer.
Every application is given a sandbox, a directory it can use to store data in. If the application needs access to data on the device that isn't located in the application's sandbox, it needs to request the data through a system interface.
App can only read their notifications, other things are possible with Jailbreak.
Learn about app sandbox here

Itune Application sharing blocking

IOS paid application sharing we need to block.
Planning to submit paid application in Apple store. Suppose a user brought application and download to Itunes account, then i sync to my mobile device, able to use that.
1.From itunes can we share application ipa to any other user?
2.is there any way to identify which apple id used for downloading?
3.any option for blocking user without downloading from apple store?
Apps bought/downloaded from the app store are linked to the account that download the app. You can there for not just share the IPA.
On a jailbroke device you might be able to remove the security measures that restrict this. But what you are proposing is not possible with official App Store apps.
You cant code to UDID anymore since the update to the iTunes ToS. They are all account bound. In the cases I have tried to share the .ipa file the app data inside that app specific to me did not migrate to the new user

iPhone iOS Dropbox how to pre-authenticate (link) an account for an app?

I would like to try out an idea of using 1 centralized dropbox account to store data for one of my apps. This would be the kind of a "public" collaborative storage space.
To do so, I need to pre-authenticate the user to use a particular dropbox account. Is there a way for me to link a particular app to a dropbox account, and then include some kind of "pre-authenticated/authorized" tokens within the app to allow the user to interact with my dropbox account without the need to login?
Thank you!

How to change appstore application icon

Hi can any one suggest me it is possible or not and if possible then how?
The premise is that the user pays for the app via a website and they gets an access code to send to her guests via the website. The user downloads the free app from the iPhone store and enters the code. We're trying to figure out if we can enable each user to customize the app icon so it can appear with a different image or text on the user phone.
You can't. The application's icon (and the application's property list file) is in the application bundle, which cannot be modified.
This would also violate the iOS SDK Terms of Use and the iTunes Store Terms of Service; you cannot have a third-party receive payment to access a free iOS application.
You can customize the iOS icon of a web app clipping, and put the web site to be clipped behind your private paywall. Apple has been reported in the past to accept App store apps that generate URLs to customized clippable web apps. No idea if they currently or will continue to do so.
Icons on App store iOS apps for stock OS devices can only be changed by Apple approving an update.
Evan is right... This goes against so many terms of the iOS SDK.
One thing you could do (but I can't guarantee it will be accepted by Apple) is create a registration system on your website. Then have a login on the App as soon as it loads and check that the user has a valid account which has paid the subscription. You would have to handle all of your payment stuff on the webside though, meaning the app would be useless unless the user has already sorted that out. If you do this, on submission of your app make sure you provide Apple with a demo account username and password!
As for the icon, you can't change it once the App is submitted. It is bundled in with your app binary and there is also a logo included in iTunes connect. You can change them, but only by submitting a new binary.

If I develop an iPhone app for a friend's business and that friend doesn't have a Mac, how can I upload the app under his company name?

I don't want to release it under my own membership profile - but they don't have a Mac. Is there a way to sign the binary with their profile and upload it without messing with my own profiles? I opened App Uploader and it automatically checked my account on Apple for possible Apps to upload. Any ideas?
Check this post for signing your friend's binary with a different provisioning file on the same Mac.
As for the Application Loader problem, see the screenshot below. Yes, you need to run the setup wizard again to log out your own account and re-sign in with your friend's account.