How to search for this string using regular expressions in Eclipse? - eclipse

I am trying to find and replace this lines:
<div id="fixed_bottom"></div>
<jsp:include flush="true" page="../includes/footer.jsp"/>
with this:
<jsp:include flush="true" page="../includes/footer.jsp"/>
<div id="fixed_bottom"></div>
And I do not know how to find them, because there are two line breaks in the sentence.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you so much!

\n or \r\n indicate line break in a regular expression depending on what OS you are on. See for more help on regular expressions

If you are using the built in Eclipse "Search File" with the regular expression box checked it will build the search string for you (if you had it highlighted before you opened search box). Note if you have to check the regular expression box you need to close the dialog and re open to get it to refresh. From there you can see Eclipse uses the somewhat odd \R for newlines.


How can I remove newlines and interstitial whitespace from a selection of markup in VSCode?

If I have a bit of HTML, XML, or JSX formatted like this:
<p class="foo">
<b class="bar">
some text
I would like to be able to make a selection from <p> to </p>, run a command (ideally via an assigned keyboard shortcut), and have VSCode convert it to this:
<p class="foo"><b class="bar">some text</b><p>
As context, I sometimes need to process a fair amount of marked up text in a variety of file formats, and it's very tedious to manually do this kind of formatting (or unformatting). I know you can do it with a regex find and replace in selection, but that's inconvenient because (1) there doesn't seem to be an easy way to save a set of find/replace settings as a macro and then assign them to a keyboard shortcut, and (2) VSCode's handling of the "in selection" part of find/replace all confuses me every time I use it.
I used to do this in my previous editors (e.g. BBEdit, TextMate, Sublime), but I'm hitting a wall with VSCode. The best I can find is minify/uglify extensions that work on entire files. And tons of basic tips about toggling word wrap, automatically removing trailing whitespace, etc.

Is it possible to configure Sublime Text 3 to insert a newline on some auto completions?

The auto completion is pretty much default right now. If I type
I get
Is it possible to configure it so that instead I end up with
This is just an example. I'd like it to be more comprehensive beyond just the <p></p> tags.
It seems I've been doing it wrong. I've been looking at what happens only when I tab-complete a tag as in my example. It did not occur to me that simply pressing enter after the auto completion that it would actually set me up the way I would like and even better than I was asking for.
After pressing enter I end up with
with the cursor (represented by the _) indented two spaces on the blank line.

Simple eclipse search problem

I use the eclipse File Search option very much to search all files in my workspace for a certain content. But how do I specify that it should only return hits from a fixed search criteria? As an example I would like to find all occurrences of the string:
but I also get all the hits for:
How do I make a "this-string-only-search" when searching files in my workspace??
If I understand you correctly, Eclipse don't provide option to search exact word.
You can use regular expression for it.
You can use \bSearchKeyword\b to find exact word.
I suggest that you use regular expressions.
Here are the steps:
Select the checkbox "Regular expression" which is located beside the "Containing text" field.
In the "Containing text" field write:\D\W
Note that:
\D means "no digit"
\W means "no alphanumeric"
In case you would like to refine the regular expression, click Ctrl-SPACE, in order to get the regular expression assistance.
Hope this helps.
Best regards
Maybe slightly off-topic but this got me tripped and brought me here - maybe useful for somebody else:
In the Eclipse standard Find/Replace dialogue the section 'Options' (that includes the option 'Whole Word') may be hidden if the Find/Replace dialogue window was previously resized to a smaller size, without any clue to its presence. Resizing it larger brings back the options section. See:
and attached shots.
Eclipse standard Find/Replace dialogue search for Whole Word regards several characters (including period) besides a space as a word delimiter, so you indeed cannot distinguish between "" and ""
E.g. search 'Stack' with option 'Whole Word' checked:
will match:
Stack overflow
will not match:
Simplest way is to add space in the start and end of your search term.
Try SHFT+ CTRL+R, then on right upper angle select Working Set, then name and specify your resources.
Create Work Set as above, then CTRL+H check checkbox All occurency, then select your Work Set. Or maybe you can create work set in CTRL+H.

Word/Line count tool in Eclipse

Is there any tool or plugin can do this? CodeBlock has this neat tool which is really nice. Wonder if it's available on Eclipse. Thanks. can do lines. I'm not sure about words however.
For newlines, use file search, and search for \n (with regular expressions enabled) in all of the files you want.
For words, you can just make your search term for \w+
The count is the number of matches! If you want anything fancier, make a fancier regex.
Linenumber is always displayed on the lower right corner, and left if you use the context menu an left side of your edit window and check "Show Line Numbers".
Google>: "eclipse word count" shows that many people had the same problem and developed plugins.

Remove blank line in Eclipse

How can I remove lines that only contain spaces when using Eclipse Find/Replace prompt. I checked the "Regular Expression" check box, and tried the following, neither of which worked.
Find: ^\s*\n
Replace with: (empty)
sry this might be an different answer but you can set the number of blank lines you wish to have after fields, methods and blocks in the formatting dialog of the eclipse preferences. then you can hit ctrl-shift-f to automatically format your code depending on your custom definitions.
have fun!
I was suprised that for XML files edited with Eclipse there is a good solution:
Select the checkbox value named 'Clear all blank lines' in Formatting panel
Window->Preferences->XML->XML Files-> Editor
Save and use the "Ctrl+Shift+F' shortcut
The blank lines will dissappear!
for the find/replace operation, "\n\r\s" regex will work on windows, for unix based system, "\n\s" can be used
as already suggested, you can format your code by Ctl+Shift+F
for manual work, locate a blank line and press Ctl+D (Cmd+D on Mac) <- gives u satisfaction of killing the line with your own bare hands :)
This one worked for me for years:
Replace this: [\t ]+$
With nothing
Hope this helps!
Many thanks to lamamac.
In genereal, when you want to do search replace with regular expressions in eclipse the $ sign doesn't work as it should.
Use '\s*\n' instead of '$'
As already suggested, regular expression and replacement is the solution, but such response would have been saving some minutes to me:
click on ctrl+f
use this replacement: