A good tool for building admin / content management interface over MongoDB? [closed] - mongodb

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for a good tool (or library or a framework) that I could use to easily build basic content management functionalities over MongoDB.
I am very well aware of the Admin UIs listed in Mongo's website, and I'm already using RockMongo for query and some db admin tasks. The problem is that while I as a software developer can happily use these tools, they are too powerful and complex for the people who are responsible for managing the content in the database.
So I'm specifically looking for a MongoDB content-management tool with:
Ability to easily build (scaffold) user interface around collections (generated create, read, update and delete forms / views)
Ability to add data validation and some template or schema for objects, especially when new objects are created and added into a collection
Support for fine-grained access control (user groups, per collection and per object read/write/admin access)
I've been considering using django-nonrel for building one, but would like to get more opinions before going any further.

Since you're looking for a solution beyond a straight Admin UI, I expect you will have to roll your own. I went through a similar exercise a few months ago and ended up using Yii Framework (PHP).
The attributes you're looking for (scaffolding, validation, RBAC, ..) are common to many frameworks. Are there specific languages you would prefer/consider using? There are frameworks/libraries for Ruby, PHP, Python, etc. Many of these go to lengths to coerce MongoDB into an ActiveRecord/ORM pattern to enable use of CRUD and scaffolding. An emerging approach for working with NoSQL data sources is the DataMapper/ODM pattern, which is a much more comfortable fit compared to ORM.

Have a look at penguin: a module that automatically generates administration pages based on your Mongoose models.


What database to choose from? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Realm Database or MySQL or MongoDB or the standard Firebase.
I am curious why would anyone choose one over another. I am in a group project and one of the members in the group suggested that we should use Realm Database over Firebase. He tried to explain to me the reason but I was not able to comprehend.
What has your experience been like? Is one database more user-friendly over another?
Firebase seems to have very nice documentation.
Which one would you guys suggest?
Those are three different things.
Realm is a database for storing content locally on a device.
MySQL is usually used together with a web server. If you have a server and need to store data, you can use MySQL.
Firebase is Google's alternative for building your own server. It gives you tools that allow you to avoid having to build your own web server, such as Firestore, which lets you do CRUD operations directly from devices without needing to send that information through a server first.
If you works on small project you must going with MYSQL database. Its very simple and easy to understand. But if your project are big like that organisation type projects I recommend you to going with MongoDB.

WebFocus OR Microstrategy [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i am working as reports developer using Cognos BI and i want to learn any one of below BI tools.
Can any one suggest the best tool from above to learn in career perspective.
Disclaimer, I'm a former MicroStrategy employee and I never worked on WebFocus.
My suggestion is to go with MicroStrategy, first of all your knowledge of BI and SQL will came very handy to you to understand how the MicroStrategy SQL engine works and how the objects you create in MicroStrategy will be transformed on the database side.
So, if you have your back(-end) covered you can focus on the other key features of MicroStrategy: in memory cubes, possibility to connect to MDX sources or webservices, advanced analytics and above all the mobile part.
If you are more interested in the nerdy stuff (maybe it's not your case, but I came to BI from the SQL side) the focus on the Mobile and Data Visualization (MicroStrategy Visual Insight) can be a bit appalling, but I believe that to have an exposure to the front-end components is important to see the big picture.
Anyway career wise MicroStrategy looks to me a more wise choice than WebFocus, but as I said at beginnin my perception can be biased
Offcourse Microstrategy.
Its an awesome tool provides the vast ability to analyze huge amounts of data.
Microstrategy provides flexibility to the users, good scalability, nice user interface & impressive iPad capabilities.
And career is always green compared to WebFocous.
My vote goes for Microstrategy!
I've always tried to make decisions like this, by focusing on what will be best for my users, rather than what would be best for me.
To support this type of focus with the question at hand, take a look at things like strength/longevity of vendor, scope of product offerings, simplicity of implementation/maintenance, number of back-end databases/appliances supported, number of/type of report/graph formats, scalability,...
Good luck with your decision!

Node.js module for MongoDB [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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There are several MongoDB modules available for Node.js in the following link -
Please, suggest me one (I'd like to know why you choose that one?).
It depends on what level of abstraction you want from your data. If you want something similar to an ORM, then Mongoose is the obvious choice and is popular.
However, the node-mongodb-native driver gives you clean duplication of almost the entire MongoDB API and since BSON is translated to JSON and JavaScript is a flexible dynamic language, there's really no need for an ORM. The latter does have benefits such a defining a schema which helps with validation and other tasks, but it also limits your flexibility.
Mongoskin is built atop node-mongodb-native but gives you the ability to have additional JavaScript method bindings and deal with connections and cursors easier. It's pretty lightweight, so you can stick with the basics or do more. This library is my personal preference and our team has built our own tooling and validation system around it.
Mongoose is a popular choice. But the documentation is just as bad (if not worse) than the MongoDB docs.
I personally prefer Mongolian, it's the closest thing you get to the Mongo shell and it's straight forward to use.
My fork adds very simple collection initialization.
Mongoose doesn't support bulk insert and it is schema-based. When you try to create different schemas for same collection, it throws exception. Consider carefully its suitability to your case before start with it.

Recommend visually appealing table-driven web forms management framework? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Nearly all our work is "by hand" with some excellent in-house frameworks. However, these are for ERP-style applications and are (sometimes too) complex. Working with more business-critical applications, one focuses on function and not pleasantry.
We have a need to bring up some non-trivial "external-facing" data entry forms. There will likely be several+ hundred various form workflows. (e.g. customer, product, store, &c).
Is there a web simple framework where one can define forms in a database table (e.g. field_name, field_length, field_type, &c) and have said framework manage the type validation, date via calendar, POST/GET of the web form records back into the DB for upsert?
Basically a table-driven forms framework?
Would love to have the designers style it with CSS, but low on priority just now.
This seems so 1996/CGI-ish but why can't I find anything like this? Any recommendations for this requirements? We don't need advanced caching and OO mapping, and a lot of that other jazz. PHP | JSP | CGI is fine.
I've done multiple data entry and reporting applications by extending the Django admin application which works in this fashion. Work is mostly declaring tables (models), validation, columns, columns to search/sort/filter by and display etc and you can glue on more complex logic if you want, but you may hit a wall if you are unfamiliar with more advanced aspects of the framework. If you don't mind python, web2py and turbogears2 have similar devices.

Is there a Drupal module for Forms with powerful CRUD style behaviour? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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We are building a website that contains a large number of database tables that need to be edited by the CMS administrator.
Some of the tables are fed by form submissions from users on the front end of the website.
Some of the tables are purely in the CMS and are used to create custom modules on the front end of the website.
Although there is a forms module in Drupal, I think our requirements cannot be met by it.
Does anyone know of a system that allows forms to be saved to a CRUD style database with the following features?
(source: yart.com.au)
Export of all database fields.
View a summary of the records in a filterable table.
With paging
You can have one to many relationships in records eg
(source: yart.com.au)
To code this manually for 10 forms is A LOT of work. Particularly the one to many relationships. If there is a powerful module available it would save us writing one.
I have not used it at all so far, so I have no clue if it fits your needs, but the Auto Admin module seems to offer at least some of the features you are looking for.
You should look at CCK and check that doesn't meet your requirements before building something bespoke. All of your requirements can be met with a combination of CCK, Views, and a bit of tweaking.
This CRUD operations can be achieved using Drupal 7 modules like data,schema,entity,views and ctools.
Nice article is here: http://subhojit777.in/crud-data-table-in-drupal/
In-place editing for Fields is also possible using quickedit module,but Backbone.js,Underscore.js libraries are required and your Theme should support.