How to get list of eclipse workspace? - eclipse

I missed my workspace in which I was working.
Any one have idea about how to get list of all workspace of ecliplse.
when we start eclipse it show just 5-6 workspace only.

Change this preference - 'Preferences > General > Startup and Shutdown > Workspaces > Number of recent workspaces to remember'


eclipse run/debug launch configs in ws/.../.launch do not show up in config dialog

regardless of importing them via file/import or just copy them from an old workspace to a new one (.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.debug.core/.launches) they didn't appear in the eclipse run/debug configurations dialog.
(however if i try to import them after i copied them already to that folder, i'm asked to override them - so that directory seems to be the correct one...)
my question is: how do i (re)import elder run/debug configurations to a new eclipse workspace?
this doesn't work out form me with versions 1903, 1909 and 1912
Do one of the following:
Export and import the launch configurations:
In the old workspace do File > Export...: Run/Debug > Launch Configurations
In the new workspace do File > Import...: Run/Debug > Launch Configurations
Share launch configurations:
In the old workspace in Run > Run Configurations... in the Common tab of all launch configurations to share select for Save as the option Shared file
Copy the <name>.launch file into a project of the new workspace
Please be aware that the files in .metadata are not intended to be edited or deleted.
thx #howlger for the approach - it was my fault and a silly mistake.
(i put this in here for the next luser like me XD)
the problem was, that the ones (the configs) I've missed did't show up, because the projects for this configs were not open in my new workspace. thats all.
when opening them, the configs will be listed in the overview.

Remove recent workspace on Eclipse IDE startup

Is it possible to remove a work-space from recent work-spaces on Eclipse IDE startup window?
In the Preferences go to the 'General > Startup and Shutdown > Workspaces' page where you can edit the list shown during startup.
You can also set the number of workspace remembered and turn the list on/off.

Eclipse: How to change the list shown in the "switch workspaces" menu?

After trying a few things out, I ended up in a situation, where I'd like to clean up the workspace list shown in the menu File > Switch Workspace > ...
Go to Windows > Preferences Enter text to filter as Workspaces.
Here, you will see the list of recent ones.
You can select and remove the unwanted ones.
I just realized that Eclipse has a Preference for it:
Preferences > General > Startup and Shutdown > Workspaces

Get rid of nonexistent options on workspace selection

When prompted to select a workspace on Eclipse, the dropdown is cluttered with things that no longer exist. How can I get rid of these?
Open 'Window > Preferences > General > Startup and Shutdown > Workspaces'.
This will show you the list of recent workspaces and allow you to remove any you don't want.
You can also set the number of recent workspaces to remember and reset the 'prompt for workspace on startup' flag if it ever gets set.

Show dialog to choose workspace while it starts

I know its a silly question but i am stuck into it from 2 hours..Can any body tell me how should i enable the dialog which opens at the time we start eclipse and we choose workspace location from there.
See I want this window to be displayed first when eclipse starts
By mistake I have checked "Use this as the default and do not ask again".
Please guide me how to show up this dialog again
You can find it here :
Menu: Window -> Preferences -> General -> Startup and Shutdown -> Workspaces -> Prompt for workspace on startup
Eclipse preferences has a lot of options. You can search for specific options by typing in the filter text box at the top of the preferences dialog.
If you type in 'startup' for instance the list will be much shorter.
window > preferences > general > startup and shutdown > workspaces
then check 'Prompt for workspace on startup'
If your workspace is corrupted and Eclipse doesn't startup with your currently pre-selected workspace, you may edit SHOW_WORKSPACE_SELECTION_DIALOG=false to SHOW_WORKSPACE_SELECTION_DIALOG=true
which is located in file
before you start the IDE.