This is the exerpt from the famous V4l2 Api specification.But I am not able to understand the YUYV also known as YUV422 format representation. Can some one plz explain this here.
Here is the excerpt :
Example 2-1. V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV 4 × 4 pixel image
Byte Order. Each cell is one byte.
start + 0: Y’00 Cb00 Y’01 Cr00 Y’02 Cb01 Y’03 Cr01
start + 8: Y’10 Cb10 Y’11 Cr10 Y’12 Cb11 Y’13 Cr11
start + 16: Y’20 Cb20 Y’21 Cr20 Y’22 Cb21 Y’23 Cr21
start + 24: Y’30 Cb30 Y’31 Cr30 Y’32 Cb31 Y’33 Cr31
Each Y goes to one of the pixels, and the Cb and Cr belong to both pixels.
What is the representation of Cell and Pixel here.
How is the pixel being represented here. How we can represent it programmatically.
Plz explain.
YUV422 is an interleaved format that stores Y-information at a higher (double) resolution than the U&V (Cb&Cr) channels.
each cell consists of 4 bytes, that stores Y/U/V vaLues for 2 pixels:
unsigned char*cell={127, 52, 139, 170};
unsigned char pixel0[3], pixel1[3];
pixel0[0]=cell[0]; // Y0
pixel0[1]=cell[1]; // U
pixel0[2]=cell[3]; // V
pixel1[0]=cell[2]; // Y1
pixel1[1]=cell[1]; // U
pixel1[2]=cell[3]; // V
as you can see, there is no direct representation of a single pixel.
I am mqtt-ing a string from a Rasbperry Pi(sitting in a field, supported by LTE internet, costing me 10$/500MB/month) to an MQTT broker. I am using paho-mqtt client in python to do this for me. The string looks something like "MM:DD:YYY HH:MM:SS, X1, X2, X3, , , , X24", and I am sending a new string every 30 seconds. X1 to Xn are floating point numbers 0 to 700 with 2 digit precision. I think this will cost me a lot of internet when I deploy it to 24/7 use. Is my data format good? What other data formats should I look at?
You can represent the Unix time with a 4-byte float. And you can represent a float with an IEEE754 float in 4 bytes. So your time and 24 floats can be packed into 100 bytes with Python struct.pack(). That looks like this:
import struct
import time
import random
# Synthesize some sample data - a time and 24 floats 0..700
data = [time.time()] + [ random.uniform(0, 700) for _ in range(24)]
# Pack as 25 IEEE754 floats of 4 bytes each
payload = struct.pack('!25f', *data)
print(len(payload)) # prints 100 (bytes)
Currently, you seem to be using:
19 bytes for your time and
around 7 bytes for each float including separators
So, that's around 180 bytes as you currently have it.
If you multiplied your floats by 100 and made them integer you could maybe encode as 16-bit unsigned values (i.e. half the space of a 4-byte float) which would go from 0..65535 to represent 0..655 which is close to your data range of 0..700. So that would be 4 bytes for the time, plus 24 samples of 2 bytes each, for a total of 52 bytes.
So, rather than 100, use 65535/700 or 93.62:
# Scale the data to the range 0..65535 and make into integers
smallerData = [data[0]] + [ int(93.62*data[i]) for i in range(1,25)]
payload = struct.pack('!f24H', *smallerData)
print(len(payload)) # prints 52 (bytes)
Obviously all the numbers above exclude MQTT protocol overhead.
I am having a hard time getting a valid value out of the HR characteristics. I am clearly not handling the values properly in Dart.
Example Data:
List<int> value = [22, 56, 55, 4, 7, 3];
Flags Field:
I convert the first item in the main byte array to binary to get the flags
22 = 10110 (as binary)
this leads me to believe that it is U16 (bit[0] is == 1)
HR Value:
Because it is 16 bit I am trying to get the bytes in the 1 & 2 indexes. I then try to buffer them into a ByteData. From there I get convert them to Uint16 with the Endian set to Little. This is giving me a value of 14136. Clearly I am missing something fundamental about how this is supposed to work.
Any help in clearing up what I am not understanding about how to process the 16 bit BLE values would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
Constructor - constructs the heart rate value from a BLE message
HeartRate(List<int> values) {
var flags = values[0];
var s = flags.toRadixString(2);
List<String> flagsArray = s.split("");
int offset = 0;
//Determine whether it is U16 or not
if (flagsArray[0] == "0") {
//Since it is Uint8 i will only get the first value
var hr = values[1];
} else {
//Since UTF 16 is two bytes I need to combine them
//Create a buffer with the first two bytes after the flags
var buffer = new Uint8List.fromList(values.sublist(1, 3)).buffer;
var hrBuffer = new ByteData.view(buffer);
var hr = hrBuffer.getUint16(0, Endian.little);
Your updated data looks much better. Here's how to decode it, and the process you'd use to figure this out yourself from scratch.
Determine the format
The Bluetooth site has been reorganized recently (~2020), and in particular they got rid of some of the document viewers, which makes things much harder to find and read IMO. All the documentation is in the Heart Rate Service (HRS) document, linked from the main GATT page, but for just parsing the format, the best source I know of is the XML for org.bluetooth.characteristic.heart_rate_measurement. (Since the reorganization, I don't know how you can find this page without searching for it. It doesn't seem to be linked anymore.)
Byte 0 - Flags: 22 (0001 0110)
Bits are numbered from LSB (0) to MSB (7).
Bit 0 - Heart Rate Value Format: 0 => UINT8 beats per minute
Bit 1-2 - Sensor Contact Status: 11 => Supported and detected
Bit 3 - Energy Expended Status: 0 => Not present
Bit 4 - RR-Interval: 1 => One or more values are present
The meaning of RR-intervals is explained in the HRS document, linked above. It sounds like you just want the heart rate value, so I won't go into them here.
Byte 1 - UINT8 BPM: 56
Since Bit 0 of flags was 0, this is the beats per minute. 56.
Bytes 2-5 - UINT16 RR Intervals: 55, 4, 7, 3
You probably don't care about these, but there are two UINT16 values here (there can be an arbitrary number of RR-Interval values). BLE is always little-endian, so [55, 4] is 1,079 (55 + 4<<8), and [7, 3] is 775 (7 + 3<<8).
I believe the docs are a little confusing on this one. The XML suggests that these values are in seconds, but the comments say "Resolution of 1/1024 second." The normal way to express this would be <BinaryExponent>-10</BinaryExponent>, and I'm certain that's what they meant. So these would be:
RR0: 1.05s (1079/1024)
RR1: 0.76s (775/1024)
CAPL - Vector.
I receive message ID 0x110 which holds current information:
0x3E6978D5 -> 0.228
Currently I can read the data and save into Enviroment Variable to show in Panel using:
putValue(slow_current, this.long(4));
But I don't know how to convert the HEX 4 bytes into float variable, since I cannot use address or casting (float* x = (float *)&vBuffer;)
How to make this conversion in CAPL script? Thanks.
Typically your dbc-file shall contain conversion info from raw value (in your case 4B long) to physical value in form of factor and offset definition:
So your physical value of current shall be calculated as follows:
phys_val = (raw_value * factor) + offset
Note: if you define negative offset then you actually subtracting it in equation above.
But it seems you don't have dbc-file so you need to figure out factor and offset by yourself (if you have 2 example raw values and know their physical equivalent then it shall be as easy as finding linear equation parameters -> y = ax + b).
CAPL shall look like this:
float current_phys;
/* adjust below values to your needs */
float factor = 0.001
dword offset = -1000
on message 0x110
current_phys = (this.long(4) * factor) + offset;
Alternate solution if you don't want to force transform the value:
You define a sysvar type float(double) and use that sysvar in the panel
(link to it), instead of the envVar
or you change the type of envVar to float(double).
The translation into float will be done automatically
Caveat: usually this trick requires that the input number is also 8 bytes as the defined CAPL float range 8 bytes. But you have this by message payload length constraint= 8bytes.
Does not look good, but works:
received msg: 0x3E6978D5
float4byte = 0.23
i just reused Vinícius Oliveira solution to avoid creating environment variable. it worked
float floatvalue;
floatvalue = interpretAsFloat(HexValue);
input (HexValue) = 0x3fe20e3a
output(floatvalue() = 1.76606
I am receiving EEG data from a 24 bit ADC over serial. The ADC data is transmitting in 3 bytes from MSB to LSB. The full packet is 21 bytes:
The first byte is the start byte - 0xFF (255 in decimal)
Then packet number byte.
Then the next 3 bytes are the 24 bit ADC value broken into MSB LSB2 LSB1
I can parse the data fine, but re-constructing a 2's complement signed int32 number is causing issues. The values I am getting out certainly don't reflect what the ADC should be giving out.
Below are the lines to read and parse the 504 samples (which gives me 24 ADC values (504samples/21bytes = 24 values)). I have tried uint8 instead of uchar with similar results (when I try int8 I get a invalid specified precision error).
comEEGSMT = serial(com,'BaudRate',3000000);
rawData(1:504) = fread(comEEGSMT, 504, 'uchar');
startPackets = find(rawData == 255);
bytes = rawData([startpackets+2 startpackets+3 startpackets+4]);
I have tried the following method to reconstruct the value:
ADC_value = bytes(:,1)*256^2 + bytes(:,2)*256 + bytes(:,3);
and the following line is the formula to convert the above number to volts:
ADC_value_volts = ADC_value*(5/3)*(1/(2^32));
The values are in the range of 4000 - 8000 microvolts with large jumps in value. The values SHOULD be in the range of 200 - 600 microvolts with small changes.
I have found other questions relating to similar issues, but have had no success trying the proposed solutions such as in the link below:
Any help would be very much appreciated as I've been stuck on this for quite long.
Thanks Mark
Starting with ADC_value as int32 with value 0, then:
ADC_value |= MSB << 16;
ADC_value |= LSB2 << 8;
ADC_value |= LSB1;
And then, to find out the corresponding volts value, supposing your ADC has a reference voltage VREF, in volts (e.g. 5.0V):
ADC_value_volts = (ADC_value * VREF)/2^24
since your converter is 24 bits, not 32.
Note the above expressions are in C language equivalent, not Matlab.
The ADC data sheet tell us the PGA gain can be set for the following values:
1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, one value at the time for each channel.
The FSR (full scale range) of measurement is: (2*VREF)/Gain = 5/3, for Gain=6,
(eq.(5) page 23) so this must be accounted for in expression computing the volts
values. (these can be verified if you have access to the hardware and can make some
Data resulted from ADC is already in two's complement, binary form, 24 bits.
The weird thing is the data sheet counts bits starting with 1, not 0, so this
is why shifting with "17" instead 16 - this is in fact 16 for coding.
(revealed in fig 47, page 42).
So the computing formula of ADC_value_volts should be:
ADC_value_volts = (AC_value * FSR/(2^23))/3 (1LSB=FSR/(2^23), pg.37)
If some other calculations/modifications from original, them these must be explained by provider.
If the provider is not friendly, worth to be changed...
To reduce the download size of an iPhone application I'm compressing some audio files. Specifically I'm using afconvert on the command line to change .wav format to .caf format w/ ima4 compression.
I've read this ( awesome post about this exact topic. I'm having trouble w/ the "decoding ima4 packets" step. I've looked at their sample code and I'm stuck. Please help w/ some pseudo code or sample code that can guide me in the right direction.
Additional info:
Here is what I've completed and where I'm having trouble...
I can play .wav files in both the simulator and on the phone.
I can compress .wav files to .caf w/ ima4 compression using afconvert on the command line. I'm using the SoundEngine that came w/ CrashLanding (I fixed one memory leak).
I modified the SoundEngine code to look for the mFormatID 'ima4'.
I don't understand the blog post linked above starting w/ "Calculating the size of the unpacked data". Why do I need to do this? Also, what does the term "packet" refer to? I'm very new to any sort of audio programming.
After gathering all the data from Wooji-Juice, Multimedia Wiki and Apple, here is my proposal (may need some experiment):
File structure
Apple IMA4 file are made of packet of 34 bytes. This is the packet unit used to build the file.
Each 34 bytes packet has two parts:
the first 2 bytes contain the preamble: an initial predictor and a step index
the 32 bytes left contain the sound nibbles (a nibble of 4 bits is used to retrieve a 16 bits sample)
Each packet has 32 bytes of compressed data, that represent 64 samples of 16 bits.
If the sound file is stereo, the packets are interleaved (one for the left, one for the right); there must be an even number of packets.
Each packet of 34 bytes will lead to the decompression of 64 samples of 16 bits. So the size of the uncompressed data is 128 bytes per packet.
The decoding pseudo code looks like:
int[] ima_index_table = ... // Index table from [Multimedia Wiki][2]
int[] step_table = ... // Step table from [Multimedia Wiki][2]
byte[] packet = ... // A packet of 34 bytes compressed
short[] output = ... // The output buffer of 128 bytes
int preamble = (packet[0] << 8) | packet[1];
int predictor = preamble && 0xFF80; // See [Multimedia Wiki][2]
int step_index = preamble && 0x007F; // See [Multimedia Wiki][2]
int i;
int j = 0;
for(i = 2; i < 34; i++) {
byte data = packet[i];
int lower_nibble = data && 0x0F;
int upper_nibble = (data && 0xF0) >> 4;
// Decode the lower nibble
step_index += ima_index_table[lower_nibble];
diff = ((signed)nibble + 0.5f) * step / 4;
predictor += diff;
step = ima_step_table[step index];
// Clamp the predictor value to stay in range
if (predictor > 65535)
output[j++] = 65535;
else if (predictor < -65536)
output[j++] = -65536;
output[j++] = (short) predictor;
// Decode the uppper nibble
step_index += ima_index_table[upper_nibble];
diff = ((signed)nibble + 0.5f) * step / 4;
predictor += diff;
step = ima_step_table[step index];
// Clamp the predictor value to stay in range
if (predictor > 65535)
output[j++] = 65535;
else if (predictor < -65536)
output[j++] = -65536;
output[j++] = (short) predictor;
The term "packet" refers to a group of compressed audio samples with a header. You need the header to decode the data immediately following. If you consider your ima4 file to be a book, then each packet is a page. At the top are the values needed to decode that page, followed by the compressed audio.
That's why you need to calculate the size of the unpacked data (and then make space for it) -- since it's compressed, you need to convert data from compressed audio to uncompressed audio before you can output it. In order to allocate an output buffer, you need to know how big it has to be (note: you may need to output in chunks that are larger than a single packet at a time).
It looks like the typical structure, per the earlier "Overview" section, is that sets of 64 samples, each 16 bits (so 128 bytes) are translated to a 2-byte header and a 32-byte set of compressed samples (34 bytes in all). So, in the typical case, you can produce your expected output datasize by taking the input data size, dividing by 34 to get the number of packets, then multiplying by 128 bytes for the uncompressed audio per packet.
You shouldn't do that, though. It looks like you should instead query kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat to get the mBytesPerPacket -- this is the "34" value above, and mFramesPerPacket -- this is the 64, above, that gets multiplied by 2 (for 16-byte samples) to make 128 bytes of output.
Then, for each packet, you will need to run through the decoding described in the post. In somewhat longer pseudo C-code, assuming you are getting arrays of bytes, to handle the header:
packet = GetPacket();
Header = (packet[0] << 8) | packet[1]; //Big-endian 16-bit value
step_index = Header & 0x007f; //Lower seven bits
predictor = Header & 0xff80; //Upper nine bits
for (i = 2; i < mBytesPerPacket; i++)
nibble = packet[i] & 0x0f; //Low Nibble
process that nibble, per the blogpost -- be careful on sign-extension!
nibble = (packet[i] & 0xf0) >> 4; //High Nibble
process that nibble, per the blogpost -- be careful on sign-extension!
The sign-extension above refers to the fact that the post involves handling each nibble both in an unsigned and a signed way. If the high bit of a nibble (bit 3) is a 1, then it is negative; additionally the bit-shift may do sign-extension. This is not handled in the above pseudocode.