Can images be read from an iPhone programmatically using CreateFile in Windows? - iphone

When an iPhone is connected to a Win7 computer, the images can be viewed using Explorer (and the open file dialog of my app). However, the file location does not contain a drive letter.
For example Computer\Apple iPhone\Internal Storage\DCIM\800AAAAA\IMG_0008.JPG instead of E:\DCIM\800AAAAA\IMG_0008.JPG which is common of sdcards, usb drives, etc...
I've tried using CreateFileW to read images from an iPhone but it fails with '(Error Code: 3) The system cannot find the path specified.' I've also tried accessing them with Chrome and it fails too.
Any suggestions?

The folder is actually what is referred to as a 'Virtual Folder' and does not have a full path on the file system. You will need to use the shell item returned from the open dialog to get the content of the file rather than using CreateFile.
The data should be accessible, but you should follow the instructions from the MSDN documentation. I'm sure there are probably better examples (as this only gives guidelines).
edit the rough process is to get the IShellItem from IFileOpenDialog, then to bind to the stream and then read the stream (assuming reading only) - bear in mind that this code is pretty much without error handling or checking or safety:
if (pitem->GetDisplayName(SIGDN_NORMALDISPLAY, &destName) == S_OK) {
std::cout << destName << std::endl;
IStream *pistream;
if (pitem->BindToHandler(0, BHID_Stream, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pistream)) == S_OK) {
char input[1024];
long to_read = 1024;
unsigned long read;
while (S_OK == pistream->Read(input, to_read, &read)) {
std::cout << input << std::endl;

Most often such a device is inserted in the Windows Explorer as a Shell Namespace Extension and not like an USB stick with drive letter. Most of the normal file commands like CopyFile(..), FindFirst() or GetFileInfo(..) can not be used directly in such a Shell Namespace extension. Only the CopyHere(..) is working.
I needed long time to figure out how to enumerate the files on a digicam and now also on an Android device with an program and to copy my pictures to my Windows PC:
Public Const MyComputer As Integer = &H11&
Sub EnumMyComputer()
Dim oItem As Object
Dim res As Integer
For Each oItem In DirectCast(CreateObject("Shell.Application").Namespace(MyComputer).Items, System.Collections.IEnumerable)
if oItem.Type.ToString="Tragbares Medienwiedergabegerät" then '<- check, adopt!
res = EnumNamespaceItems(oItem, "", oItem.Name.ToString, 0)
End If
Next oItem
End Sub
Function EnumNamespaceItems(oItem As Object, SrcCPath As String, SrcDPath As String, folderLevel As Integer) As Integer
Dim y As Object
Dim tempFullFileName As String
Debug.Print(StrDup(folderLevel, " ") & "\" & oItem.Name.ToString & " (" & oItem.Path.ToString & ")")
For Each y In DirectCast(oItem.GetFolder.items, System.Collections.IEnumerable)
'Debug.Print(StrDup(folderLevel, " ") & SrcDPath & y.Name.ToString)
If y.IsFolder = True Then
Dim n1 As Integer
n1 = EnumNamespaceItems(y, SrcCPath & y.Path.ToString & "\", SrcDPath & y.Name.ToString & "\", 1 + folderLevel)
If n1 < 0 Then 'failure: Cancel
EnumNamespaceItems = n1
Exit Function
End If
Else 'it's a file:
Debug.Print(StrDup(folderLevel, " ") & " " & y.Name.ToString)
tempFullFileName = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() & y.Name.ToString
' CopyFile is not possible here if SrcCPath is like "::{…}…":
' My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(SrcCPath & y.Name.ToString , fFile.FullName)
Dim suc As Integer = CopyHereFileWait(y, My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Temp)
If suc >= 0 Then 'now we can do things like this:
Dim MyFileInfo As System.IO.FileInfo = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(tempFullFileName)
Dim fileDate As Date = MyFileInfo.LastWriteTime
End If 'suc
End If 'else y.IsFolder
Next y
EnumNamespaceItems = 0
End Function
Function CopyHereFileWait(sourceNamespaceObject As Object, targetFolder As String) As Integer
Dim fsMyStream As System.IO.FileStream
Dim n1 As Integer
Dim taregetFullFileName As String
n1 = Len(targetFolder)
If Mid(targetFolder, n1, 1) = "\" Then
targetFolder = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(targetFolder, n1 - 1)
End If
taregetFullFileName = targetFolder & "\" & sourceNamespaceObject.Name.ToString
Dim oNsTargetFolder As Object
oNsTargetFolder = CreateObject("Shell.Application").Namespace(CStr(targetFolder))
'returns immediately and is doing the work in the background
n1 = 0
Threading.Thread.Sleep(50) 'ms
fsMyStream = System.IO.File.Open(taregetFullFileName, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite)
CopyHereFileWait = n1
Exit Function
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
n1 = n1 + 1
Loop While n1 < 400 'timeout 400*50ms = 20s
CopyHereFileWait = -n1
End Function
You may add to check for folders with y.Name.ToString="DCIM" (on folderLevel=1) and for files with ".jpg".


Exception Thrown: 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' in EPPlus.dll

Using Visual Studio Community 2017 And AdvancedHMI to create a PC based HMI application. I have several running with no issue so moving onto something new.
On each line I have 7 array's (500 real numbers each array) and would like to capture this data daily and save to Excel.
Using EPPlus and AdvancedHMI I have the following code.
Private Sub DataSubscriber1_DataChanged(sender As Object, e As Drivers.Common.PlcComEventArgs) Handles DataSubscriber1.DataChanged
If e.ErrorId = 0 AndAlso e.Values.Count > 0 AndAlso e.Values(0) = "True" Then
Console.WriteLine("About to read the data")
Dim MyValues() As String = EthernetIPforCLXCom1.Read("VCell_1A_FES_Cycle_Average[0]", 500)
Console.WriteLine(MyValues.Length & "elements read.")
'* Transfer the values to Excel
Using ExcelPackage As New OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage(New System.IO.FileInfo("c:\Data.xlsx"))
For I = 0 To MyValues.Length - 1
Console.WriteLine("Element " & I & "=" & MyValues(I))
ExcelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets(1).Cells(1, I + 1).Value = MyValues(I)
End Using
End If
End Sub
Running this and triggering my tag vale to execute the datascriber I get the following.
About to read the data
500Elements read.
Element 0=87.945
Exception Thrown: 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' in EPPlus.dll
Everything looks like it should work but I am very new to VB or any type of coding for that matter. My forte' is PLC ladder logic.
Here is what I have working. The Datascriber has a trigger tag in the PLC. Once it's triggered it collects the array data, all 500 elements. Creates a new Excel file and writes the data to Column A, Cells 1-500
Private Sub DataSubscriber1_DataChanged(sender As Object, e As Drivers.Common.PlcComEventArgs) Handles DataSubscriber1.DataChanged
If e.ErrorId = 0 AndAlso e.Values.Count > 0 AndAlso e.Values(0) = "True" Then
Console.WriteLine("About to read the data")
Dim MyValues() As String = EthernetIPforCLXCom1.Read("VCell_1A_FES_Cycle_Average[0]", 500)
Console.WriteLine(MyValues.Length & "elements read.")
Transfer the values to Excel
Using ExcelPackage As New OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage(New IO.FileInfo("C:\Data.xlsx"))
For Index = 0 To MyValues.Length - 1
Console.WriteLine("Element " & Index & "=" & MyValues(Index))
Dim ws As OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet = ExcelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets(1)
Console.WriteLine("Worksheet OK")
Dim CellNum As String = "A" & (Index + 1)
ws.Cells(CellNum).Value = MyValues(Index)
End Using
End If
End Sub

simplest Unostructure that supports he getByName

In LibreOffice Basic sub I use a bunch of uno properties in an array. Which is the simplest Unostructure or UnoService that I must "embed" them, in order to use the getByName "function"?
dim props(1) as new
props(0).Name = "blahblah1"
props(0).Value = "blahblah1Value"
props(1).Name = "blahblah2"
props(1).Name = 3000
I want to be able to use something like:
b = props.getByName("blahblah2").Value
or something like (assuming I "assigned" them in a structure-like-object called "somestruct") :
b = somestruct.getprops.getByName("blahblah2").Value
As I understand that this can be done by creating a "UnoService" which supports the getByName and then, somehow, assigning these props to this service
Which is the "lightest" such service?
(I mean the service that uses less resources)
Thanks in advance.
Really supporting the interface XNameAccess is not as easy. The services which implement this interface are supposed using this interface for existing named properties, not for own created ones.
But you can use the service EnumerableMap to achieve what you probably want.
sub testEnumerableMap
serviceEnumerableMap =
oEnumerableMap = serviceEnumerableMap.create("string", "any")
oEnumerableMap.put("blahblah1", "blahblah1Value")
oEnumerableMap.put("blahblah2", 3000)
oEnumerableMap.put("blahblah3", 1234.67)
msgbox oEnumerableMap.get("blahblah1")
msgbox oEnumerableMap.get("blahblah2")
msgbox oEnumerableMap.get("blahblah3")
'msgbox oEnumerableMap.get("blahblah4") 'will throw error
msgbox oEnumerableMap.containsKey("blahblah2")
msgbox oEnumerableMap.containsValue(3000)
if oEnumerableMap.containsKey("blahblah4") then
msgbox oEnumerableMap.get("blahblah4")
end if
end sub
But starbasic with option Compatible is also able supporting Class programming like VBA does.
Create a module named myPropertySet. Therein put the following code:
option Compatible
option ClassModule
private aPropertyValues() as
public sub setProperty(oProp as
bUpdated = false
for each oPropPresent in aPropertyValues
if oPropPresent.Name = oProp.Name then
oPropPresent.Value = oProp.Value
bUpdated = true
exit for
end if
if not bUpdated then
iIndex = ubound(aPropertyValues) + 1
redim preserve aPropertyValues(iIndex)
aPropertyValues(iIndex) = oProp
end if
end sub
public function getPropertyValue(sName as string) as variant
getPropertyValue = "N/A"
for each oProp in aPropertyValues
if oProp.Name = sName then
getPropertyValue = oProp.Value
exit for
end if
end function
Then within a standard module:
sub testClass
oPropertySet = new myPropertySet
dim prop as new
prop.Name = "blahblah1"
prop.Value = "blahblah1Value"
prop.Name = "blahblah2"
prop.Value = 3000
prop.Name = "blahblah3"
prop.Value = 1234.56
prop.Name = "blahblah2"
prop.Value = 8888
msgbox oPropertySet.getPropertyValue("blahblah1")
msgbox oPropertySet.getPropertyValue("blahblah2")
msgbox oPropertySet.getPropertyValue("blahblah3")
msgbox oPropertySet.getPropertyValue("blahblah4")
end sub
LibreOffice Basic supports the vb6 Collection type.
Dim coll As New Collection
coll.Add("blahblah1Value", "blahblah1")
coll.Add(3000, "blahblah2")
Arrays of property values are the only thing that will work for certain UNO interfaces such as dispatcher calls. If you simply need a better way to deal with arrays of property values, then use a helper function.
Sub DisplayMyPropertyValue
Dim props(0 To 1) As New
props(0).Name = "blahblah1"
props(0).Value = "blahblah1Value"
props(1).Name = "blahblah2"
props(1).Name = 3000
MsgBox(GetPropertyByName(props, "blahblah1"))
End Sub
Function GetPropertyByName(props As Array, propname As String)
For Each prop In props
If prop.Name = propname Then
GetPropertyByName = prop.Value
Exit Function
End If
GetPropertyByName = ""
End Function
XNameAccess is used for UNO containers such as Calc sheets. Normally these containers are obtained from the UNO interface, not created.
oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("Sheet1")
May UNO objects support the XPropertySet interface. Normally these are also obtained from the UNO interface, not created.
paraStyleName = cellcursor.getPropertyValue("ParaStyleName")
It may be possible to create a new class in Java that implements XPropertySet. However, Basic uses helper functions instead of class methods.
I think the serviceEnumerableMap is the answer (so far). Creating the values and searching them was much faster then creating props in a dynamic array and searching them with a for loop in basic.
(I do not "dare" to use "option Compatible", although I was a big fun of VB6 and VBA, because of the problems in code that maybe arise).
I used this code to test time in a form:
SUB testlala(Event)
DIM xcounter AS LONG
'b = now()
serviceEnumerableMap =
oEnumerableMap = serviceEnumerableMap.create("string", "any")
FOR xcounter= 0 TO 10000
oEnumerableMap.put("pr" & FORMAT(xcounter,"0000"), xcounter -10000)
b = now()
FOR xcounter = 1 TO 5000
lala = Int((9000 * Rnd) +1)
g =oEnumerableMap.get("pr" & FORMAT(lala,"0000"))
'MSGBOX GetValueFromName(props,"pr" & FORMAT(xcounter,"0000"))
MSGBOX b*100000
DIM props()
DIM xcounter AS LONG
'b = now()
FOR xcounter= 0 TO 10000
AppendProperty(props,"pr" & FORMAT(xcounter,"0000"), xcounter -10000)
b = now()
FOR xcounter = 1 TO 5000
lala = Int((9000 * Rnd) +1)
g = GetValueFromName(props,"pr" & FORMAT(lala,"0000"))
'MSGBOX GetValueFromName(props,"pr" & FORMAT(xcounter,"0000"))
MSGBOX b*100000
REM FROM Andrew Pitonyak's OpenOffice Macro Information ------------------
Sub AppendToArray(oData(), ByVal x)
Dim iUB As Integer 'The upper bound of the array.
Dim iLB As Integer 'The lower bound of the array.
iUB = UBound(oData()) + 1
iLB = LBound(oData())
ReDim Preserve oData(iLB To iUB)
oData(iUB) = x
End Sub
Function CreateProperty(sName$, oValue) As
Dim oProperty As New
oProperty.Name = sName
oProperty.Value = oValue
CreateProperty() = oProperty
End Function
Sub AppendProperty(oProperties(), sName As String, ByVal oValue)
AppendToArray(oProperties(), CreateProperty(sName, oValue))
End Sub

VBA Access Compile Error - Data Member Not Found - How to ignore?

I have the code below in a button in my forms in MS Access. The problem is that sometimes not all "strCTRL"s exist. In some forms they do, in some they don't. The whole code is 900+ lines long so I won't post all of it. It's a SQL query which references controls and extracts their value.
The problem comes when not all controls are present, then I get the error: Compile error: Method or data Member not found.
Is there a way to bypass the compile error or tell VBA to compile it only if it exists? I tried If...Nothing and On Error Resume Next, but they don't seem to work. There's also other objects that will not exist on each page, not just the ones below. So...any ideas? =/
Dim strCTRL1 As String
Dim strCTRL2 As String
Dim strCTRL3 As String
Dim strCTRL4 As String
Dim strCTRL5 As String
Dim strCTRL6 As String
Dim strCTRL7 As String
Dim strCTRL8 As String
Dim strCTRL9 As String
Dim strCTRL10 As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
On Error Resume Next
strCTRL1 = "[Control Number] = " & Me.Text684.DefaultValue & " "
strCTRL2 = "[Control Number] = " & Me.Label2210.DefaultValue & " "
strCTRL3 = "[Control Number] = " & Me.Label2295.DefaultValue & " "
strCTRL4 = "[Control Number] = " & Me.Label73.DefaultValue & " "
strCTRL5 = "[Control Number] = " & Me.Label160.DefaultValue & " "
strCTRL6 = "[Control Number] = " & Me.Label246.DefaultValue & " "
strCTRL7 = "[Control Number] = " & Me.Label332.DefaultValue & " "
strCTRL8 = "[Control Number] = " & Me.Label417.DefaultValue & " "
strCTRL9 = "[Control Number] = " & Me.Label506.DefaultValue & " "
strCTRL10 = "[Control Number] = " & Me.Text2285.DefaultValue & " "
You can create an array or list of the label names, then:
Dim LabelName As String
Dim LabelNames As Variant
LabelNames = Array("Text684", "Label2210", ...etc.)
' ...
LabelName = LabelNames(1)
strCTRL1 = "[Control Number] = " & Me(LabelName).DefaultValue & " "
That will compile, though - of course - fail at runtime for non-existing labels.
OK, thanks to #Gustav, you got your code to compile, and his suggestions, combined with On Error Resume Next will get your code to run without errors under any circumstance.
But there is no way to tell if your code is correct, because now, the compiler won't tell you which controls are misnamed or missing.
So instead, I would suggest an array-based approach like this:
Dim Ctl As Access.Control
Dim CtlValues() As String
Dim i as Long
i = 0
ReDim CtlValues 1 To Me.Controls.Count
For Each Ctl In Me.Controls
If Ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Then
i = i + 1
CtlValues(i) = "[Control Number] = " & CStr(Nz(Ctl.DefaultValue, "Null"))
End If
ReDim Preserve CtlValues 1 To i
These 12 lines of code perform the same task that the 900 lines do (going by your example). This code will work in any form, regardless of how many controls there are, and what they are named. This code is way easier to understand and work with.
See if maybe an approach like this will work here.

How to get a list of all image files for a slide show

This code works, in the sense that it crawls the directories. However it gets an exception on all the sub directories, and fails to return any files. Is this a permissions issue, or is there something wrong in my code?
ES file manager shows the files, there are at least 3 folders with images in them.
Sub AddImagesToMap(Dir As String) As Map'crawl tree for images
Dim fn As String , i As Int
Dim CRList As List, Ext As String
For i = 0 To CRlist.Size-1'jpg,png and gif
Select fn 'ignore some system folders
Case "/dev"
Case "/proc"
Case "/sys"
Case "/system"
Case Else
If File.IsDirectory(Dir,CRList.Get(i)) Then
Ext= common.FileExt(fn)
If ext.ToLowerCase="jpg" OR ext.ToLowerCase="png" OR ext.ToLowerCase="gif" Then
Imagelist.Put(fn, Dir)
End If
End If
End Select
Log ("error:"&Dir)
End Try
End Sub
I believe this will fix your problem: when looking to see if a directory has any files in it, it may be empty. I too used the File.ListFiles function. When a folder is empty it returns an uninitialized result, which if you try to use an uninitialized variable will cause an exception. Here's what I did:
f1 = File.ListFiles(x)
If f1.IsInitialized=False Then
End If
By the way, when I was trying to understand the File.ListFiles functions this code you posted on B4A was the only example I could find. So thanks, and I hope this solves your problem.
I use this to get my mp3 amd m4a music files from my music folder.
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim GD As GradientDrawable
GD.Initialize("TR_BL", Array As Int(Colors.Gray, Colors.LightGray))
Activity.Background = GD
ListView1.ScrollingBackgroundColor = Colors.Transparent
Dim Bitmap1 As Bitmap
Bitmap1.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "button.gif")
ListView1.SingleLineLayout.ItemHeight = 50dip
ListView1.SingleLineLayout.Label.TextSize = 20
ListView1.SingleLineLayout.Label.TextColor = Colors.Blue
ListView1.SingleLineLayout.Label.Gravity = Gravity.LEFT
ListView1.FastScrollEnabled = True
filePath = root & "/music/"
Activity.AddView(ListView1, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
End Sub
Sub FindFolder(myPath As String, subfolder As String) As String
Dim fileList As List
Dim i As Int
Dim p,f As String
fileList = File.ListFiles(myPath)
For i = 0 To fileList.Size-1
p = myPath
f = fileList.Get(i)
If File.IsDirectory(p, f) Then
p = p & "/" & f
p = FindFolder(p, subfolder) '<---recursive
If f.EndsWith("m4a") OR f.EndsWith("mp3") Then
album = p.SubString(p.LastIndexOf("/")+1) 'treat folders names as artist or album
song = f.SubString2(0,f.LastIndexOf(".")) 'treat files as musc remoce extension name
ListView1.AddSingleLine(album & " : " & song)
End If
End If
End Sub
I know that's a bit late, but I figured it out.
Here's how I can get all files:
Sub AddImagesToMap(Dir As String) 'crawl tree for files
Dim fn As String , i As Int
Dim CRList As List
For i = 0 To CRList.Size-1'jpg,png and gif
If File.IsDirectory(Dir,CRList.Get(i)) Then
Log("Dir: "&fn)
AddImagesToMap(Dir & "/" & fn)
Log(fn & " - " & Dir)
End If
Log ("Error: "&Dir)
End Try
End Sub
Hope I helped a lot of people with the same question.
EDIT: Here's a better version of mine. Here I sort the file types:
Sub AddImagesToMap(Dir As String)
Dim fn As String , i As Int
Dim CRList As List, Ext As String
For i = 0 To CRList.Size-1
If File.IsDirectory(Dir,CRList.Get(i)) Then
AddImagesToMap(Dir & "/" & fn)
If fn.Contains(".") Then
End If
Select Case Ext
Case ".jpg"
Log(fn & " - " & Dir)
Case ".png"
Log(fn & " - " & Dir)
End Select
End If
Log ("Error: "&Dir)
End Try
End Sub

Renaming a Word document and saving its filename with its first 10 letters

I have recovered some Word documents from a corrupted hard drive using a piece of software called photorec. The problem is that the documents' names can't be recovered; they are all renamed by a sequence of numbers. There are over 2000 documents to sort through and I was wondering if I could rename them using some automated process.
Is there a script I could use to find the first 10 letters in the document and rename it with that? It would have to be able to cope with multiple documents having the same first 10 letters and so not write over documents with the same name. Also, it would have to avoid renaming the document with illegal characters (such as '?', '*', '/', etc.)
I only have a little bit of experience with Python, C, and even less with bash programming in Linux, so bear with me if I don't know exactly what I'm doing if I have to write a new script.
How about VBScript? Here is a sketch:
FolderName = "C:\Docs\"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fldr = fs.GetFolder(Foldername)
Set ws = CreateObject("Word.Application")
For Each f In fldr.Files
If Left(,2)<>"~$" Then
If InStr(f.Type, "Microsoft Word") Then
MsgBox f.Name
Set doc = ws.Documents.Open(Foldername & f.Name)
s = vbNullString
i = 1
Do While Trim(s) = vbNullString And i <= doc.Paragraphs.Count
s = doc.Paragraphs(i)
s = CleanString(Left(s, 10))
i = i + 1
doc.Close False
If s = "" Then s = "NoParas"
s1 = s
i = 1
Do While fs.FileExists(s1)
s1 = s & i
i = i + 1
MsgBox "Name " & Foldername & f.Name & " As " & Foldername & s1 _
& Right(f.Name, InStrRev(f.Name, "."))
'' This uses copy, because it seems safer
f.Copy Foldername & s1 & Right(f.Name, InStrRev(f.Name, ".")), False
'' MoveFile will copy the file:
'' fs.MoveFile Foldername & f.Name, Foldername & s1 _
'' & Right(f.Name, InStrRev(f.Name, "."))
End If
End If
msgbox "Done"
Set ws = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing
Function CleanString(StringToClean)
Dim objRegEx
Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
objRegEx.Global = True
''Find anything not a-z, 0-9
objRegEx.Pattern = "[^a-z0-9]"
CleanString = objRegEx.Replace(StringToClean, "")
End Function
Word documents are stored in a custom format which places a load of binary cruft on the beginning of the file.
The simplest thing would be to knock something up in Python that searched for the first line beginning with ASCII chars. Here you go:
import glob
import os
for file in glob.glob("*.doc"):
f = open(file, "rb")
new_name = ""
chars = 0
char =
while char != "":
if 0 < ord(char) < 128:
if ord("a") <= ord(char) <= ord("z") or ord("A") <= ord(char) <= ord("Z") or ord("0") <= ord(char) <= ord("9"):
new_name += char
new_name += "_"
chars += 1
if chars == 100:
new_name = new_name[:20] + ".doc"
print "renaming " + file + " to " + new_name
new_name = ""
chars = 0
char =
if new_name != "":
os.rename(file, new_name)
NOTE: if you want to glob multiple directories you'll need to change the glob line accordingly. Also this takes no account of whether the file you're trying to rename to already exists, so if you have multiple docs with the same first few chars then you'll need to handle that.
I found the first chunk of 100 ASCII chars in a row (if you look for less than that you end up picking up doc keywords and such) and then used the first 20 of these to make the new name, replacing anything that's not a-z A-Z or 0-9 with underscores to avoid file name issues.