Get sibling categories in category.tpl for the current category in prestashop - categories

I need to list sibling categories in the category page in a Prestashop theme. Currently it does show the sub-categories if any but not the sibling categories.
A quick answer would really be appreciated! Thanks.

For to start i would have created a override file in /override/controllers/, named CategoryController.php
And add this:
class CategoryController extends CategoryControllerCore
public function displayContent()
// Get the global smarty object.
global $smarty;
// Get current category's parent.
$parent_category = new Category($this->category->id_parent, self::$cookie->id_lang);
// Get parent category's subcategories (which is current category's siblings, including it self).
$category_siblings = $parent_category->getSubCategories((int)self::$cookie->id_lang)
/* Assign your siblings array to smarty. */
"category_siblings" => $category_siblings
/* This we run the normal displayContent, but pass the siblings array to
category.tpl */
I this the basic way to do it, i have not tested it get. You need to find a way to not list current category in the list of siblings.
If the code works you will now have an array in category.tpl named category_siblings, you now need to for example copy the code in category.tpl that outputs the subcategories and replace the subcategories arra with the category_siblings array.

Thank you - works great!
You don't have to remove current category from array, intead just mark it as active. You have to edit category.tpl and in foreach subcategories loop insert:
<li {if $category->id == $subcategory.id_category}class="active"{/if}>
Its very nice navigation hack! Thanks one more time


Selenium nested query to find top parent and then a child under that

I came across a scenario in selenium as given below:
Find a <span> contains text span-text and find it's parent node (not the immediate parent but the parent after traversing all levels up the DOM tree) with class parent-class and under that parent node find a <img> node with class img-class
<div> -(1)
<div> -(2)
<div> -(3)
<span> -(4)
<div> -(5)
<img> -(6)
The way I am looking at it is - find (4) first then find its first ancestor (1) and then find (6) which actually comes under (2). I would prefer a nested query even if it looks complex.
Any help?
This should do what you want. I'm assuming for now that the span-text is innerText and not some attribute. If it's an attribute, this will probably get a lot simpler.
Basically we grab all the DIVs with a class of parent-class and loop through them looking for a child SPAN that has an innerText of span-text. Once we find it, we know we have the right parent so we find the child IMG with class `img-class'. I added the line to write out the found tag so that you can quickly verify that it's the right one.
List<WebElement> parents = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("div.parent-class"));
for (WebElement parent : parents)
List<WebElement> spans = parent.findElements(By.tagName("span"));
for (WebElement span : spans)
if (span.getText().contains("span-text"))
WebElement found = parent.findElement(By.cssSelector("img.img-class"));
System.out.println(found.getAttribute("outerHTML")); // write out the element to the console to verify

How to access a method and pass an argument within the template?

In my template I want check whether an entity has a relation to another one. Meaning one object is in an attached Object Storage of another one.
In the controller I can simply call:
if ($product->getCategory()->offsetExists($category) {
print 'In category ' . $category->getName();
But I can't figure out the correct syntax in the template. I tried those without luck (both evaluate to true everytime):
<f:if condition="{product.category.offsetExists(category)}">true</f:if>
<f:if condition="{product.category.offsetExists({category})}">true</f:if>
Is this even possible within the template?
You can only access properties via Getter from Fluid with no parameters, but you can implement an own ViewHelper to check that. As parameters you can use your Product and the Category. Then you can call your ViewHelper from Fluid this way:
<vh:checkOffset product="{product}" category="{category}" />
or inline
{vh:checkOffset(product: product, category: category)}
Within your ViewHelper you can check this in the way you've done it in your Controller:
public function render($product, $category){
return ($product->getCategory()->offsetExists($category));
Additionally to sretuer's answer, I'll only mention that you can create VH which will display block conditionally like:
File typo3conf/ext/your_ext/ViewHelpers/CheckOffsetViewHelper.php
namespace VENDORNAME\YourExt\ViewHelpers;
class CheckOffsetViewHelper extends \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractViewHelper {
public function render() {
return ($product->getCategory()->offsetExists($category))
? $this->renderChildren()
: '';
So you can use it in the view:
{namespace vh=VENDORNAME\YourExt\ViewHelpers}
<vh:checkOffset product="{product}" category="{category}" >
Display this only if product is in category
Of course you need to fix VENDORNAME and YourExt according to your extension, can be found at the beginning of every controller, model, repository etc.
You may consider which is designed for creating conditions in Fluid that check if an array or Iterator contains another object and works exactly like f:if regarding then and else arguments and f:then and f:else child nodes.

Silverstripe - assign Template to Controller manually

at the moment I´m working with a custom Silverstripe Controller with a Director rule:
Name: myroutes
After: framework/routes#coreroutes
'category/$Action/$Slug': 'Category_Controller'
The Controller looks like that:
class Category_Controller extends Page_Controller {
public function show($arguments) {
echo "Slug: " . $arguments->param("Slug");
When I open in the browser the URL
then the output look fine like this: "Slug: mobile".
I just wonder how I can use a Template from the Folder "themes/templates/Layout" to render the Output. Then of course the container html (with header/footer) from should be included as well. Just as usual when you have a custom Page Controller/Class and a corresponding Template in the Layout Folder.
I just tried this:
public function show($arguments) {
echo $this->renderWith("Category");
It uses for rendering the output, but there is no container html...
Thx for any help.
you can also pass an array to renderWith(), and it will try through the array until it finds a template.
so lets say $this->renderWith(array('Category', 'Page'));
it will first look for a template called, but will not find it (in the templates folder, not layout folder), it will then find and use it.
Now it hits $Layout inside and it checks the array again inside the Layout folder, it will now find the, which is exactly what you where looking for if I got the question right.
if you do not want to do return $this->renderWith(); you can also just do return $this; and silverstripe will get the action you called and the class hierarchy of $this and use that as array for renderWith()
So if your classes are Category_Controller > Page_Controller > ContentController the array will look like this:
'Category_show', // because your action is show
(I am not a 100% sure if it also includes Page_show and ContentController_show.)

How to access element and elementId from within didInsertElement

Using Ember.CollectionView I want to access and manipulate the DOM element which is being inserted by each child view. The issue I have is that I don’t know how to get a reference to the element from within didInsertElement. Here is the jsFiddle -- the summery of coffeescript is below:
window.App = Ember.Application.create()
App.Item = Em.View.extend
didInsertElement: () ->
console.log ">>> element is: ", this.element
App.items = Em.ArrayController.create()
Em.Object.create({title:"AN", id:"item-one"}),
Em.Object.create({title:"Epic", id:"item-two"}),
Em.Object.create({title:"View", id:"item-three"})
App.EpicView = Ember.CollectionView.extend
classNames: ['epic-view']
contentBinding: 'App.items'
itemViewClass: 'App.Item'
this.element is undefined. I have also tried calling element and that is undefined as well. According to the docs, there is an element property available inside the view, but I don’t know how to access it, and I am not sure if it is available from within didInsertElement or not.
How can I get the id of the DOM element that was just inserted into the view? Ideally, I would like not having to search for it in the DOM since the view should already be aware of what it is inserting into the DOM.
ps: I am using Ember 1.0pre
Use get('element') or get('elementId') to access properties in Ember

How to call custom filters in Zend?

I want to use htmlpurifier on my website, but can't figure out how to load my filter in the view. I've added my filter the way described in the first answer here.
I want to be able to call it from my view with something like $this->filter($content) Any suggestions how I do that?
It is a two step process:
Write an actual Zend_Filter implementation of HTMLPurifier (done, answer in the question you mentioned)
Write a view helper
It will look like this:
class My_View_Helper_Purify extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract
public function purify($value)
$filter = new My_Filter_HtmlPurifier();
return $filter->filter($value);
Don't forget to add your custom view helper path:
APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/My/View/Helper',
And later in any of your view scripts:
<?= $this->purify($text) ?>