Cocos2d and iPhone: Parallax Background with multiple texture atlases gives many memory warnings - iphone

The problem I am trying to solve is:
I have 6 stripes which I need to move at different speed. A texture sheet of 2048*2048 is not enough and to deal with this I splitted the image in two (top and bottom half), so each stripe is exactly 960*640pixels. The general algorithm is to allocate a top and bottom half for each stripe and move them at each frame making sure to reposition them at the top of the screen when they exit the user's view. My class implementation, a direct modification of ParallaxBackground in the ShootEmUp example from this book, is giving too many memory warnings when run and analyzed using Instruments. See analysis below:
OpenGL analysis:
Activity monitor:
What concerns me is the high number of memory warnings in both analysis (24 and 5 respectively).
EDIT: Below you can find a comment which explains the solution

2048x2048 is maximum possible size of texture for new devices. you can read about it in Apple OpenGL ES Programming Guide

Remember that Cocos2D always saves images with a width/height being a power of 2. So if your image is 960x640 pixels it'll use memory as if the image is 1024x1024 pixels.
Also remove textures you no longer need (and when outofmemory gets called).
[[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] removeUnusedTextures];
You can also use images in a lower quality to save memory.
[CCTexture2D setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat:kTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA4444];
Whenever you need to load higher quality images or gradients you can put it back.
[CCTexture2D setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat:kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA8888];

Following the comment-suggestion to my question by LearnCocos2d the correct answer-solution was to simply reboot the device.. (see his comment above).


cocos2d zooming sprite without distortion?

I want to implement zooming of sprites with a pinch gesture in Cocos2d.
How do I achieve it without the image getting pixelated?
I tried with vectors but with no success, I'm doomed using raster bitmap images.
Do I need the largest possible image with the highest resolution to make it look
What is the size limit for pngs in cocos2d?
What other pitfalls do I need to consider?
Yes. For example if the sprite should cover an area of 1024x1024 pixels when zoomed in to maximum, you need to create the image as 1024x1024 and set the scale property to below 1 in order to create a smaller version. If you use scale greater than 1.0 the image will always lose detail and become ever more blurred as scale increases.
There is no size limit in cocos2d, it's the devices that impose the limit. Most devices can handle 2048x2048 except 1st and 2nd generation which support only 1024x1024. You wouldn't normally support these older devices though, so 2048x2048 should be the default. Several newer devices (iPad 2+, iPhone 4S+) can use up to 4096x4096 textures.
Memory consumption. Not sure what you're trying to do, but often developers have little understanding about how much memory textures consume and what amount of memory is available. For instance, 2048x2048 as PNG with 32-Bit color consumes 16 MB of memory. Don't plan on using more than 4-5 of these, unless you're able to reduce color bit depth and use TexturePacker to be able to use the compressed .pvr.ccz format. Read my article about optimizing memory usage for more info.

Preloading a large image

I have an image with the dimensions of 5534 × 3803, and size of 2.4mb. The UIView references notes that:
"In iOS 3.0 and later, views are no longer restricted to this maximum
size but are still limited by the amount of memory they consume."
When the image loads, it lags for half a second, then slides in. The image sits in the UIImageView at 1024x704, but can be scaled up to 4x that size for the purpose of my app.
Are you able to preload the image in the AppDelegate? Or is there another way of working around having such a large image?
EDIT: The scaling is done via UIPinchGestureRecognizer, and scales up and done (scale x4 - x1) based on the image's center point. There is no panning of the image when zoomed in.
Personally, I would try to write a tile-based system (think Google Maps) that slices your big image into a grid of small images to avoid loading in that gigantic image all at once into RAM. I don't really know what your user interactions are for this image, or whether the images are changing or baked into your project, but I'd assume you can let users scroll around since that image is bigger than any iOS screen. With a tile-based system, you only load the images that are on-screen. CATiledLayer is an Apple class for doing just such a thing. That's probably what you want to look into.
See this StackOverflow question for some different approaches. The accepted answer uses code from Apple's sample PhotoScroller project, which may work for your needs and uses CATiledLayer.
This ScrollViewSuite Apple code might also get on your way (check out the Tiling code).

What's a good approach to implement a smudge tool for a drawing program on the iPad?

At a high level (or low level if you'd like), what's a good way to implement a smudge affect for a drawing program on the iPad using Quartz2D (Core Graphics)? Has anyone tried this?
Thanks so much in advance for your wisdom!
UPDATE I found this great article for those interested, check it!
Link now at:
I would suggest implementing a similar algorithm to what is detailed in that article using OpenGL ES 2.0 to get the best performance.
Get the starting image as a texture
Set up a render-to-texture framebuffer
Render initial image in a quad
Render another quad the size of your brush with a slightly shifted view of the image, multiplied by an alpha mask stored in a texture or defined by, for example, a gaussian function. Use alpha-blending with the background quad.
Render this texture into a framebuffer associated with your CAEAGLLayer-backed view
Go to 1 on the next -touchesMoved event, with the result from your previous rendering as the input. Keep in mind you'll want to have 2 texture objects to "ping-pong" between as you can't read from and write to the same texture at once.
I think it's unlikely you're going to get great performance on the CPU, but it's definitely easier to set up that way. In this setup, though, you can have essentially unlimited brush size, etc and you're not looping over image drawing code.
Curious about what sort of performance you do get on the CPU, though. Take care :)

Large scrolling background in OpenGL ES

I am working on a 2D scrolling game for iPhone. I have a large image background, say 480×6000 pixels, of only a part is visible (exactly one screen’s worth, 480×320 pixels). What is the best way to get such a background on the screen?
Currently I have the background split into several textures (to get around the maximum texture size limit) and draw the whole background in each frame as a textured triangle strip. The scrolling is done by translating the modelview matrix. The scissor box is set to the window size, 480×320 pixels. This is not meant to be fast, I just wanted a working code before I get to optimizing.
I thought that maybe the OpenGL implementation would be smart enough to discard the invisible portion of the background, but according to some measuring code I wrote it looks like background takes 7 ms to draw on average and 84 ms at maximum. (This is measured in the simulator.) This is about a half of the whole render loop, ie. quite slow for me.
Drawing the background should be as easy as copying some 480×320 pixels from one part of the VRAM to another, or, in other words, blazing fast. What is the best way to get closer to such performance?
That's the fast way of doing it. Things you can do to improve performance:
Try different texture-formats. Presumably the SDK docs have details on the preferred format, and presumably smaller is better.
Cull out entirely offscreen tiles yourself
Split the image into smaller textures
I'm assuming you're drawing at a 1:1 zoom-level; is that the case?
Edit: Oops. Having read your question more carefully, I have to offer another piece of advice: Timings made on the simulator are worthless.
The quick solution:
Create a geometry matrix of tiles (quads preferably) so that there is at least one row/column of off-screen tiles on all sides of the viewable area.
Map textures to all those tiles.
As soon as one tile is outside the viewable area you can release this texture and bind a new one.
Move the tiles using a modulo of the tile width and tile height as position (so that the tile will reposition itself at its starting pos when it have moved exactly one tile in length). Also remember to remap the textures during that operation. This allows you to have a very small grid/very little texture memory loaded at any given time. Which I guess is especially important in GL ES.
If you have memory to spare and are still plagued with slow load speed (although you shouldn't for that amount of textures). You could build a texture streaming engine that preloads textures into faster memory (whatever that may be on your target device) when you reach a new area. Mapping as textures will in that case go from that faster memory when needed. Just be sure that you are able to preload it without using up all memory and remember to release it dynamically when not needed.
Here is a link to a GL (not ES) tile engine. I haven't used it myself so I cannot vouch for its functionality but it might be able to help you:

Why do images for textures on the iPhone need to have power-of-two dimensions?

I'm trying to solve this flickering problem on the iphone (open gl es game). I have a few images that don't have pow-of-2 dimensions. I'm going to replace them with images with appropriate dimensions... but why do the dimensions need to be powers of two?
The reason that most systems (even many modern graphics cards) demand power-of-2 textures is mipmapping.
What is mipmapping?
Smaller versions of the image will be created in order to make the thing look correctly at a very small size. The image is divided by 2 over and over to make new images.
So, imagine a 256x128 image. This would have smaller versions created of dimensions 128x64, 64x32, 32x16, 16x8, 8x4, 4x2, 2x1, and 1x1.
If this image was 256x192, it would work fine until you got down to a size of 4x3. The next smaller image would be 2x1.5 which is obviously not a valid size. Some graphics hardware can deal with this, but many types cannot.
Some hardware also requires a square image but this isn't very common anymore.
Why do you need mipmapping?
Imagine that you have a picture that is VERY far away, so far away as to be only the size of 4 pixels. Now, when each pixel is drawn, a position on the image will be selected as the color for that pixel. So you end up with 4 pixels that may not be at all representative of the image as a whole.
Now, imagine that the picture is moving. Every time a new frame is drawn, a new pixel is selected. Because the image is SO far away, you are very likely to see very different colors for small changes in movement. This leads to very ugly flashing.
Lack of mipmapping causes problems for any size that is smaller than the texture size, but it is most pronounced when the image is drawn down to a very small number of pixels.
With mipmaps, the hardware will have access to 2x2 version of the texture, so each pixel on it will be the average color of that quadrant of the image. This eliminates the odd color flashing.
Edit to people who say this isn't true anymore:
It's true that many modern GPUs can support non-power-of-two textures but it's also true that many cannot.
In fact, just last week I had a 1024x768 texture in an XNA app I was working on, and it caused a crash upon game load on a laptop that was only about a year old. It worked fine on most machines though. It's a safe bet that the iPhone's gpu is considerably more simple than a full PC gpu.
Typically, graphics hardware works natively with textures in power-of-2 dimensions. I'm not sure of the implementation/construction details that cause this to be the case, but it's generally how it is everywhere.
EDIT: With a little research, it turns out my knowledge is a little out of date -- a lot of modern graphics cards can handle arbitrary texture sizes now. I would imagine that with the space limitations of a phone's graphics processor though, they'd probably need to omit anything that would require extra silicon like that.
You can find OpenGL ES support info about Apple Ipod/Iphone devices here:
Apple OpenES support
OpenGL ES 2.0 is defined as equal to OpenGL 2.0
The constraint about texture size's has been disappear only from version 2.0
So if you use OpenGL ES with version less then 2.0 - it is normal situation.
I imagine it's a pretty decent optimization in the graphics hardware to assume power-of-2 textures. I bought a new laptop, with latest laptop graphics hardware, and if textures aren't power-of-2 in Maya, the rendering is all messed up.
Are you using PVRTC compression? That requires powers of 2 and square images.
Try implementing wrapping texture-mapping in software and you will quickly discover why power-of-2 sized are desirable.
In short, you will find that if you can assume power-of-2 dimensions then a lot of integer multiplications and divisions turn into bit-shifts.
I would hazard a guess that the recent trend in relaxing this restriction is due to GPUs moving to floating-point maths.
Edit: The "because of mipmapping" answer is incorrect. Mipmapped, non-power-of-two textures are a common feature of modern GPUs.