Powershell Custom Cmdlet - Call WriteObject in Background Thread - powershell

Calling the WriteObject Method from a background thread is not possible!
Is there a possibility, to invoke/dispatch this method in the main thread of the powershell (like in WPF)?
Code sample:
protected override void ProcessRecord()
Service.StartReading(filter, list => { WriteObject(list, true); } );
Any solution, workaround or quick fix?

I found a solution, which solves my problem.
created a ConcurrentQueue
ConcurrentQueue<LogEntryInfoBase> logEntryQueue =
new ConcurrentQueue<LogEntryInfoBase>();
start a background thread to enqueue items to the ConcurrentQueue
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Service.StartReading(
filter, EnqueueLogEntryInfoBases));
meanwhile, try to dequeue from this queue in the main thread
for ( ; ; )
LogEntryInfoBase logEntry = null;
logEntryQueue.TryDequeue(out logEntry);
if (logEntry != null)
From my point of view, this solution/fix is ugly, but it works for my current issue.

I was stuck on pretty much the same issue. In my opinion we can improve the solution by adding a sleep in the infinite loop. Of course we will need to have a global reference to our main thread and the background thread will need to call interrupt as soon as an item is added in queue.


JeroMQ shutdown correctly

I am wondering how to shutdown JeroMQ properly, so far I know three methods that all have their pro and cons and I have no clue which one is the best.
The situation:
Thread A: owns context, shall provide start/stop methods
Thread B: actual listener thread
My current method:
Thread A
static ZContext CONTEXT = new ZContext();
Thread thread;
public void start() {
thread = new Thread(new B()).start();
public void stop() {
thread.stopping = true;
Thread B
boolean stopping = false;
ZMQ.Socket socket;
public void run() {
socket = CONTEXT.createSocket(ROUTER);
... // socket setup
while (!stopping) {
if (NUM_SOCKETS >= 1) {
} else {
This works just great. 10ms to shutdown is no problem for me, but I will unnecessarily increase the CPU load when there are no messages received. At the moment I prefer this one.
The second method shares the socket between the two threads:
Thread A
static ZContext CONTEXT = new ZContext();
ZMQ.Socket socket;
Thread thread;
public void start() {
socket = CONTEXT.createSocket(ROUTER);
... // socket setup
thread = new Thread(new B(socket)).start();
public void stop() {
thread.stopping = true;
Thread B
boolean stopping = false;
ZMQ.Socket socket;
public void run() {
try {
while (!stopping) {
} catch (ClosedSelection) {
// socket closed by A
socket = null;
if (socket != null) {
// close socket myself
if (NUM_SOCKETS >= 1) {
} else {
Works like a charm, too, but even if recv is already blocking the exception does not get thrown sometimes. If I wait one millisecond after I started thread A the exception is always thrown. I don't know if this is a bug or just an effect of my misuse, as I share the socket.
"revite" asked this question before (https://github.com/zeromq/jeromq/issues/116) and got an answer which is the third solution:
They call ctx.term() and interrupt the thread blocking in socket.recv().
This works fine, but I do not want to terminate my whole context, but just this single socket. I would have to use one context per socket, so I were not able to use inproc.
At the moment I have no clue how to get thread B out of its blocking state other than using timeouts, share the socket or terminate the whole context.
What is the correct way of doing this?
It is often mentioned that you can just destroy the zmq context and anything sharing that context will exit, however this creates a nightmare because your exiting code has to do its best in avoiding a minefield of accidentally calling into dead socket objects.
Attempting to close the socket doesn't work either because they are not thread safe and you'll end up with crashes.
ANSWER: The best way is to do as the ZeroMQ guide suggests for any use via multiple threads; use zmq sockets and not thread mutexes/locks/etc. Set up an additional listener socket that you'll connect&send something to on shutdown, and your run() should used a JeroMQ Poller to check which of your two sockets receive anything - if the additional socket receives something then exit.
Old question, but just in case...
I'd recommend checking out ZThread source. You should be able to create an instance of IAttachedRunnable that you can pass to the fork method, and the run method of your instance will be passed a PAIR socket and execute in another thread, while the fork will return the connected PAIR socket to use for communicating with the PAIR socket that your IAttachedRunnable got.
Check out the jeromq source here, even when you're doing a "blocking" recv, you're still burning CPU the entire time (the thread never sleeps). If you're worried about that, have the second thread sleep between polling and let the parent thread interrupt. Something like (just the relevant portions):
Thread A
public void stop() {
Thread B
while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
socket.recv(); // do whatever
try {
Thread.sleep(10); //milliseconds
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Also, with regard to your second solution, in general you should not share sockets between threads - the zeromq guide is pretty clear on this - "Don't share ØMQ sockets between threads. ØMQ sockets are not threadsafe." Remember that a major use for ZMQ is IPC - threads communicating through connected sockets, not sharing the same end of one socket. No need for things like shared boolean stop variables.

Memory Leak using Windows ThreadPool API

I am using Windows ThreadPools in my application, and am experiencing a memory leak of 136 bytes for every call to CreateThreadPoolWork(), as seen via UMDH:
+ 1257728 ( 1286424 - 28696) 9459 allocs BackTraceB0035CC
+ 9248 ( 9459 - 211) BackTraceB0035CC allocations
... My Code ...
I am using Cleanup Group, so per the documentation I am not calling CloseThreadPoolWork().
My code for handling the ThreadPool is:
typedef PTP_WORK ThreadHandle_t;
static PTP_POOL pool = NULL;
static TP_CALLBACK_ENVIRON CallBackEnviron;
static PTP_CLEANUP_GROUP cleanupgroup = NULL;
int mtInitialize()
pool = CreateThreadpool(NULL);
if (NULL == pool)
return -1;
cleanupgroup = CreateThreadpoolCleanupGroup();
if (NULL == cleanupgroup)
return -1;
SetThreadpoolCallbackPool(&CallBackEnviron, pool);
SetThreadpoolCallbackCleanupGroup(&CallBackEnviron, cleanupgroup, NULL);
return 0; // Success
void mtDestroy()
CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroupMembers(cleanupgroup, FALSE, NULL);
//Create thread
ThreadHandle_t mtRunThread(THREAD_ENTRY_POINT_T entry_point, void *thread_args)
work = CreateThreadpoolWork(entry_point, thread_args, &CallBackEnviron);
if (NULL == work) {
// CreateThreadpoolWork() failed.
return 0;
return work;
//Wait for a thread to finish
void mtWaitForThread(ThreadHandle_t thread)
WaitForThreadpoolWorkCallbacks(thread, FALSE);
Am I doing something wrong?
Any ideas why I'm leaking memory?
I'm guessing you figured it out, given your comment, but the problem is that you only call CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroupMembers() in mtDestroy().
If you have a persistent thread pool the memory will not be freed unless you call CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroupMembers() periodically. Your code and comments suggests that you do, though I can't confirm this without the code responsible for creating and destroying your thread pool.
My recommendation for persistent thread pools is to just call CloseThreadpoolWork() in the callback functions. Microsoft's recommendations work better if you're creating and destroying thread pools, but CloseThreadpoolWork() is simpler and easier than periodically calling CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroupMembers() if you're maintaining one thread pool for the life of your application.
By the way, it's safe to do both as long as you tell CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroupMembers() to cancel any pending callbacks (pass fCancelPendingCallbacks as TRUE) to ensure CloseThreadpoolWork() is called on any cleaned up work items:
You can revoke the work object’s membership only by closing it, which
can be done on an individual basis with the CloseThreadpoolWork
function. The thread pool knows that the work object is a member of
the cleanup group and revokes its membership before closing it. This
ensures that the application doesn’t crash when the cleanup group
later attempts to close all of its members. The inverse isn’t true: If
you first instruct the cleanup group to close all of its members and
then call CloseThreadpoolWork on the now invalid work object, your
application will crash.
From Windows with C++ - Thread Pool Cancellation and Cleanup

running main thread frm another thread

I have run a secondary thread which some operations are carried on. Then while executing in secondary thread i want to call some operations on main thread. Can any one have sample code for it. I could not find it from google.
Here is my sample call:
Glib::Thread *const myThread = Glib::Thread::create(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MyClass::MyFunction), true);
//here i want to call the function from main thread

iphone - how do I make a thread runs faster

I have two methods that I need to run, lets call them metA and metB.
When I start coding this app, I called both methods without using threads, but the app started freezing, so I decided to go with threads.
metA and metB are called by touch events, so they can occur any time in any order. They don't depend on each other.
My problem is the time it takes to either threads start running. There's a lag between the time the thread is created with
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(.... bla bla
and the time the thread starts running.
I suppose this time is related to the amount of time required by iOS to create the thread itself. How can I speed this? If I pre create both threads, how do I make them just do their stuff when needed and never terminate? I mean, a kind of sleeping thread that is always alive and works when asked and sleeps after that?
If you want to avoid the expensive startup time of creating new threads, create both threads at startup as you suggested. To have them only run when needed, you can have them wait on a condition variable. Since you're using the NSThread class for threading, I'd recommend using the NSCondition class for condition variables (an alternative would be to use the POSIX threading (pthread) condition variables, pthread_cond_t).
One thing you'll have to be careful of is if you get another touch event while the thread is still running. In that case, I'd recommend using a queue to keep track of work items, and then the touch event handler can just add the work item to the queue, and the worker thread can process them as long as the queue is not empty.
Here's one way to do this:
typedef struct WorkItem
// information about the work item
struct WorkItem *next; // linked list of work items
} WorkItem;
WorkItem *workQueue = NULL; // head of linked list of work items
WorkItem *workQueueTail = NULL; // tail of linked list of work items
NSCondition *workCondition = NULL; // condition variable for the queue
-(id) init
if((self = [super init]))
// Make sure this gets initialized before the worker thread starts
// running
workCondition = [[NSCondition alloc] init];
// Start the worker thread
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(threadProc:)
toTarget:self withObject:nil];
return self;
// Suppose this function gets called whenever we receive an appropriate touch
// event
-(void) onTouch
// Construct a new work item. Note that this must be allocated on the
// heap (*not* the stack) so that it doesn't get destroyed before the
// worker thread has a chance to work on it.
WorkItem *workItem = (WorkItem *)malloc(sizeof(WorkItem));
// fill out the relevant info about the work that needs to get done here
workItem->next = NULL;
// Lock the mutex & add the work item to the tail of the queue (we
// maintain that the following invariant is always true:
// (workQueueTail == NULL || workQueueTail->next == NULL)
[workCondition lock];
if(workQueueTail != NULL)
workQueueTail->next = workItem;
workQueue = workItem;
workQueueTail = workItem;
[workCondition unlock];
// Finally, signal the condition variable to wake up the worker thread
[workCondition signal];
-(void) threadProc:(id)arg
// Loop & wait for work to arrive. Note that the condition variable must
// be locked before it can be waited on. You may also want to add
// another variable that gets checked every iteration so this thread can
// exit gracefully if need be.
[workCondition lock];
while(workQueue == NULL)
[workCondition wait];
// The work queue should have something in it, but there are rare
// edge cases that can cause spurious signals. So double-check
// that it's not empty.
// Dequeue the work item & unlock the mutex so we don't block the
// main thread more than we have to
WorkItem *workItem = workQueue;
workQueue = workQueue->next;
if(workQueue == NULL)
workQueueTail = NULL;
[workCondition unlock];
// Process the work item here
free(workItem); // don't leak memory
If you can target iOS4 and higher, consider using blocks with Grand Central Dispatch asynch queue, which operates on background threads which the queue manages... or for backwards compatibility, as mentioned use NSOperations inside an NSOperation queue to have bits of work performed for you in the background. You can specify exactly how many background threads you want to support with an NSOperationQueue if both operations have to run at the same time.

iphone thread sync

I am java developer and need to make thread synch in iPhone. I have a thread, it calls other one and need to wait for that child thread to end.
In java I use monitor, by calling wait/notify
How can I program this in iphone?
NSConditionLock does all job
Read about NSOperation dependencies and also NSNotification notifications.
Personally, I prefer pthreads. To block for a thread to complete, you want pthread_join Alternately, you could set up a pthread_cond_t and have the calling thread wait on that until the child thread notifies it.
void* TestThread(void* data) {
printf("thread_routine: doing stuff...\n");
printf("thread_routine: done doing stuff...\n");
return NULL;
void CreateThread() {
pthread_t myThread;
printf("creating thread...\n");
int err = pthread_create(&myThread, NULL, TestThread, NULL);
if (0 != err) {
//error handling
//this will cause the calling thread to block until myThread completes.
//saves you the trouble of setting up a pthread_cond
err = pthread_join(myThread, NULL);
if (0 != err) {
//error handling
printf("thread_completed, exiting.\n");