How do I run an eclipse project without eclipse? - eclipse

I want to send my project I made in eclipse to others, so I tried running the project in my workspace. But I don't have a software to run it.(besides eclipse) What software should I use?

I don't have a software to run it.(besides eclipse) What software should I use?
You should use Java. Eclipse is just an IDE, so it doesn't run your Java programs. Java does. Export your program as a JAR, and if you have Java installed, you can run the JAR by double-clicking on it, or by running it from the command line:
java -jar file.jar

First Step
Second Step
Third step
voilĂ !


Building Netbeans from Apache Ant

I've never used Ant to build software. But, according the the instructions in the picture
I can build NetBeans using Ant.
My question is how do I proceed? I have NetBeans downloaded and the JDK.
Should I use a command window from Windows OR does Ant have its own Command Window.
If so, how do I open this command window so I can build NetBeans?

Debug in Eclipse while running from command line ubuntu

Is there a way I can debug my application (using breakpoints in eclipse) while running it from command line (ubuntu)? I'm using Eclipse Kepler version on Ubuntu 12.04LTS.
I know there's something like attach to process in .net, was wondering if eclipse has some such setup.
Is your application written in C or in Java?
If your application is in C and you are using CDT, you can attach to existing project by:
Run your application from terminal.
In Eclipse CDT, go to main menu "Run"->"Debug Configurations...", double-click "C/C++ Attach to Application" and press "Debug" (you should not need to specify executable and/or project).
For Java applications, see this

Task cannot continue because ECJ is not installed -- in Eclipse ant

I have some ant task which says on first run
Task cannot continue because ECJ is not installed.
ECJ was automatically installed. Please rerun your task.
When running with standalone Ant, it runs ok second time. I don't know what is ECJ, but apparently it is installing in standalone Ant.
Contrary when running with Eclipse Ant this message persisting, i.e. ECJ is not installing into Eclipse' Ant.
How to fix the situation?
This page helped me:
In Eclipse, Go To Window->Preferences->Ant->Runtime
Select "Ant Home Entries (Default)"
Add External JAR... ecj.jar. Available in the lib folder of the Liferay Plugins SDK.
Ant should now be able to compile from your build.xml
I was facing similar issue In Windows.I did below thing.
There is one jar file(ecj.jar) inside ${ant.home}/lib folder.That file was not rechable. Setting environment variable ANT_HOME_PATH to apache ant.solved my issue.
Note: Point that variable to ant home and not to bin directory.

Does Eclipse ship ant with its own distribution?

First time using Apache Ant (I'm excited and overwhelmed at the same time!) for automating a Java app.
I did not go to the ant website and download ant directly. Rather, I'm using the standard plugin that ships with Eclipse. From Eclipse, I can run test build.xml projects perfectly. But when I go to run ant directly off the command-line, Windows doesn't recognize it as a recognized command.
This leads me to believe that I either do not have ant installed, or I have not configured it properly (at all). If it's not installed, then why do these build.xml scripts work when I fire them inside of Eclipse? Does Eclipse ship with its own distrib of ant that isn't accessible from the cmd line?
And if it's just a config issue, what do I need to do in order to get ant to run a buildscript of my own flavor?
I want to start using Apache Ivy and in order to run the demos I first need ant up and running from the command line.
Thanks for any help or insight :-)
Does Eclipse ship with its own distrib of ant that isn't accessible from the cmd line?
Essentially, yes. Eclipse bundles the core Ant runtime plus its own extensions and integration, but it's private to the Eclipse installation.
If you want to run the builds from outside of Eclipse, you need to download and install the full distribution of Ant.

Where is mvn.exe when using embedded maven 3 in eclipse indigo?

I'm using the Indigo Release of eclipse. When I check Window -> Preferences, Maven -> Installations, it confirms that it's using the Embedded (3.0.2/...) installation of Maven.
I want to be able to run maven commands from the command line (Windows Powershell), but when I type, e.g.,
PS C:\> mvn
no executable is found. I did a search for "mvn.exe" and found no results.
I suppose I could install a stand-alone version of Maven 3 and add that to my PATH, but I'd prefer to be using the same Maven installation for command line tasks as well as IDE (eclipse) tasks.
So, where is the embedded maven's mvn.exe hiding?
The simple answer is, cause it's embedded in Eclipse so you can't call it from console. If you like to do this you have to install Maven yourself.
There is no mvn.exe at all. The Maven distro comes with batch or shell scripts. Eclipse runs an embedded version which is called through an API.
remember, embedded maven is not configured to work out of eclipse environment (and terminal usage is out of STS usage).
we have to install maven.
and also note, there is no "mvn.exe"
follow the following to setup maven to work from terminal.
maven download link is here
download latest maven from here
extract it where ever you want.
i extracted as below (see the bin,boot,conf,... folders are shown below as in the image):
as this maven download is extracted from zip file (it is not setup), you will have to add this extracted path to "PATH" variable in windows environment.
follow this to set environment path:
now "mvn" command must work.
in my case, i use STS (spring tool suite)
and i had to restart STS for "mvn" to work in terminal in sts.
check it out with eclipse.