How to design when using Node.js for a gaming pairing - sockets

I'm using node.js for gaming pairing(for example, several client connect the servers. They are connected to each other if there are more than one players; or they will be kicked for 30sec).
Currently, I'm using socket for connection (and this can detect lost connection unexpected). But I cannot figure out a elegant way for pairing:
var net = require('net');
var _clients = new Array();
net.createServer(function(_socket) {
_socket.on('data', function(_data) {
//Parse client data
_socket.on('close', function(data) {
//Delete _socket from _clients
}).listen(6969, '');
var pair = new Array();
var _s1 = _clients.pop(), _s2 = _clients.pop();
// Pair _s1 & _s2
The current code works, but it is really bad designed :(
(1)SetInterval is used, rather than asynchronous call. (2)Maintaining an array like _clients is inconvenient, since I have to deal with "kicked"/lost connection/pair or other situations.
PS. Currently I'm pairing clients by time order, but maybe random pair or other condition is needed to avoid always pairing the same people when the online players are not so much.

Why not use something like the following?
Without Connection Pool
var net = require('net')
, pendingPair = null;
net.createServer(function(_socket) {
_socket.on('data', function(_data) {
//Parse client data
if(!pendingPair) {
pendingPair = _socket;
} else {
// Now you have a pair!
var p1 = pendingPair
, p2 = _socket;
pendingPair = null;
}).listen(6969, '');
You get automatic pairs as soon as connections are made. You will still need to track those sockets somewhere for kicking clients, and dropped connections, but you should be able to get rid of the setIntervals.
With Connection Pool
var net = require('net')
, _ = require('underscore')._
, clients = {}
, games = {};
function setKickTimer(socket) {
socket.kickTimer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 30 * 1000);
net.createServer(function(socket) { = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
clients[] = socket;
socket.on('data', function(data) { = parseData(data);
socket.on('close', function(data) {
var opponent = _.find(clients, function(client) { return client.opponentId ===; });
// The opponent is no longer part of a pair.
if(opponent) {
delete opponent.opponentId;
delete clients[];
}).listen(6969, '');
// Get the client ids of clients who are not matched, and randomize the order
var unmatchedClientIds = _.shuffle(_.keys(_.filter(clients, function(client) { return !client.opponentId; })));
while(unmatchedClientIds > 2) {
var c1 = unmatchedClientIds.pop(),
, c2 = unmatchedClientIds.pop();
clients[c1].opponentId = c2;
clients[c2].opponentId = c1;
This isn't a complete working solution, but it should give you an idea of how to manage dropped connections and kicking users from the queue. Notice I'm using underscore.js to make the operations on the collections much easier.


OPC UA Client capture the lost item values from the UA server after a disconnect/connection error?

I am building a OPC UA Client using OPC Foundation SDK. I am able to create a subscription containing some Monitoreditems.
On the OPC UA server these monitored items change value constantly (every second or so).
I want to disconnect the client (simulate a connection broken ), keep the subcription alive and wait for a while. Then I reconnect having my subscriptions back, but I also want all the monitored Item values queued up during the disconnect. Right now I only get the last server value on reconnect.
I am setting a queuesize:
monitoredItem.QueueSize = 100;
To kind of simulate a connection error I have set the "delete subscription" to false on ClosesSession:
m_session.CloseSession(new RequestHeader(), false);
My question is how to capture the content of the queue after a disconnect/connection error???
Should the ‘lost values’ be “new MonitoredItem_Notification” automatically when the client reconnect?
Should the SubscriptionId be the same as before the connection was broken?
Should the sessionId be the same or will a new SessionId let med keep the existing subscriptions? What is the best way to simulate a connection error?
Many questions :-)
A sample from the code where I create the subscription containing some MonitoredItems and the MonitoredItem_Notification event method.
Any OPC UA Guru out there??
if (node.Displayname == "node to monitor")
MonitoredItem mon = CreateMonitoredItem((NodeId)node.reference.NodeId, node.Displayname);
private MonitoredItem CreateMonitoredItem(NodeId nodeId, string displayName)
if (m_subscription == null)
m_subscription = new Subscription(m_session.DefaultSubscription);
m_subscription.PublishingEnabled = true;
m_subscription.PublishingInterval = 3000;//1000;
m_subscription.KeepAliveCount = 10;
m_subscription.LifetimeCount = 10;
m_subscription.MaxNotificationsPerPublish = 1000;
m_subscription.Priority = 100;
bool cache = m_subscription.DisableMonitoredItemCache;
// add the new monitored item.
MonitoredItem monitoredItem = new MonitoredItem(m_subscription.DefaultItem);
//Each time a monitored item is sampled, the server evaluates the sample using a filter defined for each monitoreditem.
//The server uses the filter to determine if the sample should be reported. The type of filter is dependent on the type of item.
//DataChangeFilter for Variable, Eventfilter when monitoring Events. etc
//MonitoringFilter f = new MonitoringFilter();
//DataChangeFilter f = new DataChangeFilter();
monitoredItem.StartNodeId = nodeId;
monitoredItem.AttributeId = Attributes.Value;
monitoredItem.DisplayName = displayName;
//Disabled, Sampling, (Report (includes sampling))
monitoredItem.MonitoringMode = MonitoringMode.Reporting;
//How often the Client wish to check for new values on the server. Must be 0 if item is an event.
//If a negative number the SamplingInterval is set equal to the PublishingInterval (inherited)
//The Subscriptions KeepAliveCount should always be longer than the SamplingInterval/PublishingInterval
monitoredItem.SamplingInterval = 500;
//Number of samples stored on the server between each reporting
monitoredItem.QueueSize = 100;
monitoredItem.DiscardOldest = true;//Discard oldest values when full
monitoredItem.CacheQueueSize = 100;
monitoredItem.Notification += m_MonitoredItem_Notification;
if (ServiceResult.IsBad(monitoredItem.Status.Error))
return null;
return monitoredItem;
private void MonitoredItem_Notification(MonitoredItem monitoredItem, MonitoredItemNotificationEventArgs e)
if (this.InvokeRequired)
this.BeginInvoke(new MonitoredItemNotificationEventHandler(MonitoredItem_Notification), monitoredItem, e);
if (m_session == null)
MonitoredItemNotification notification = e.NotificationValue as MonitoredItemNotification;
if (notification == null)
string sess = m_session.SessionId.Identifier.ToString();
string s = string.Format(" MonitoredItem: {0}\t Value: {1}\t Status: {2}\t SourceTimeStamp: {3}", monitoredItem.DisplayName, (notification.Value.WrappedValue.ToString().Length == 1) ? notification.Value.WrappedValue.ToString() : notification.Value.WrappedValue.ToString(), notification.Value.StatusCode.ToString(), notification.Value.SourceTimestamp.ToLocalTime().ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff"));
richTextBox1.AppendText(s + "SessionId: " + sess);
catch (Exception exception)
ClientUtils.HandleException(this.Text, exception);
}e here
I don't know how much of this, if any, the SDK you're using does for you, but the approach when reconnecting is generally:
try to resume (re-activate) your old session. If this is successful your subscriptions will already exist and all you need to do is send more PublishRequests. Since you're trying to test by closing the session this probably won't work.
create a new session and then call the TransferSubscription service to transfer the previous subscriptions to your new session. You can then start sending PublishRequests and you'll get the queued notifications.
Again, depending on the stack/SDK/toolkit you're using some or none of this may be handled for you.

How to set username and password in mongdb program? [duplicate]

Working with Nodejs and MongoDB through Node MongoDB native driver. Need to retrieve some documents, and make modification, then save them right back. This is an example: (err, db) {
db.collection('foo', function (err, collection) {
var cursor = collection.find({});
cursor.each(function (err, doc) {
if (doc != null) {
doc.newkey = 'foo'; // Make some changes; // Update the document
} else {
db.close(); // Closing the connection
With asynchronous nature, if the process of updating the document takes longer, then when cursor reaches the end of documents, database connection is closed. Not all updates are saved to the database.
If the db.close() is omitted, all the documents are correctly updated, but the application hangs, never exits.
I saw a post suggesting using a counter to track number of updates, when fall back to zero, then close the db. But am I doing anything wrong here? What is the best way to handle this kind of situation? Does db.close() have to be used to free up resource? Or does a new db connection needs to open?
Here's a potential solution based on the counting approach (I haven't tested it and there's no error trapping, but it should convey the idea).
The basic strategy is: Acquire the count of how many records need to be updated, save each record asynchronously and a callback on success, which will decrement the count and close the DB if the count reaches 0 (when the last update finishes). By using {safe:true} we can ensure that each update is successful.
The mongo server will use one thread per connection, so it's good to either a) close unused connections, or b) pool/reuse them. (err, db) {
db.collection('foo', function (err, collection) {
var cursor = collection.find({});
var savesPending = count;
if(count == 0){
var saveFinished = function(){
if(savesPending == 0){
cursor.each(function (err, doc) {
if (doc != null) {
doc.newkey = 'foo'; // Make some changes, {safe:true}, saveFinished);
It's best to use a pooled connection and then call db.close() in cleanup function at the end of your application's life:
process.on('SIGINT', cleanup);
process.on('SIGTERM', cleanup);
A bit old thread, but anyway.
Here an extended example to the answer given by pkopac, since I had to figure out the rest of the details:
const client = new MongoClient(uri);
(async () => await client.connect())();
// use client to work with db
const find = async (dbName, collectionName) => {
try {
const collection = client.db(dbName).collection(collectionName);
const result = await collection.find().toArray()
return result;
} catch (err) {
const cleanup = (event) => { // SIGINT is sent for example when you Ctrl+C a running process from the command line.
client.close(); // Close MongodDB Connection when Process ends
process.exit(); // Exit with default success-code '0'.
process.on('SIGINT', cleanup);
process.on('SIGTERM', cleanup);
Here is a link to the difference between SIGINT and SIGTERM.
I had to add the process.exit(), otherwise my node web-server didn't exit cleanly when doing Ctrl + C on the running process in command line.
I found that using counter may apply to simple scenario, but may be hard in complicated situations. Here is a solution that I come up by closing the database connection when database connection is idle:
var dbQueryCounter = 0;
var maxDbIdleTime = 5000; //maximum db idle time
var closeIdleDb = function(connection){
var previousCounter = 0;
var checker = setInterval(function(){
if (previousCounter == dbQueryCounter && dbQueryCounter != 0) {
} else {
previousCounter = dbQueryCounter;
}, maxDbIdleTime);
MongoClient.connect("mongodb://", function(err, connection)(
if (err) throw err;
connection.collection("mycollection").find({'a':{'$gt':1}}).toArray(function(err, docs) {
dbQueryCounter ++;
//do any db query, and increase the dbQueryCounter
This can be a general solution for any database Connections. maxDbIdleTime can be set as the same value as db query timeout or longer.
This is not very elegant, but I can't think of a better way to do this. I use NodeJs to run a script that queries MongoDb and Mysql, and the script hangs there forever if the database connections are not closed properly.
Here's a solution I came up with. It avoids using toArray and it's pretty short and sweet:
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb", function(err, db) {
let myCollection = db.collection('myCollection');
let query = {}; // fill in your query here
let i = 0;
myCollection.count(query, (err, count) => {
myCollection.find(query).forEach((doc) => {
// do stuff here
if (++i == count) db.close();
I came up with a solution that involves a counter like this. It does not depend on a count() call nor does it wait for a time out. It will close the db after all the documents in each() are exhausted.
var mydb = {}; // initialize the helper object.
mydb.cnt = {}; // init counter to permit multiple db objects. = function(db) // call open to inc the counter.
if( !mydb.cnt[db.tag] ) mydb.cnt[db.tag] = 1;
else mydb.cnt[db.tag]++;
mydb.close = function(db) // close the db when the cnt reaches 0.
if ( mydb.cnt[db.tag] <= 0 ) {
delete mydb.cnt[db.tag];
return db.close();
return null;
So that each time you are going to make a call like db.each() or you would use these methods to ensure the db is ready while working and closed when done.
Example from OP:
foo = db.collection('foo');; // *** Add here to init the counter.**
if( err ) throw err;
cursor.each(function (err, doc)
if( err ) throw err;
if (doc != null) {
doc.newkey = 'foo';; // *** Add here to prevent from closing prematurely **, function(err,count) {
if( err ) throw err;
mydb.close(db); // *** Add here to close when done. **
} else {
mydb.close(db); // *** Close like this instead. **
Now, this assumes that the second to last callback from each makes it through the before the last callback from each goes to mydb.close().... so, of course, let me know if this is an issue.
So: put a before a db call and put a mydb.close(db) at the return point of the callback or after the db call (depending on the call type).
Seems to me that this kind of counter should be maintained within the db object but this is my current workaround. Maybe we could create a new object that takes a db in the constructor and wrap the mongodb functions to handle the close better.
Based on the suggestion from #mpobrien above, I've found the async module to be incredibly helpful in this regard. Here's an example pattern that I've come to adopt:
const assert = require('assert');
const async = require('async');
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
var mongodb;
// Establish Covalent Analytics MongoDB connection
(callback) => {
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test', (err, db) => {
assert.equal(err, null);
mongodb = db;
// Insert some documents
(callback) => {
[{a : 1}, {a : 2}, {a : 3}],
(err) => {
assert.equal(err, null);
// Find some documents
(callback) => {
mongodb.collection('sandbox').find({}).toArray(function(err, docs) {
assert.equal(err, null);
() => {
Modern way of doing this without counters, libraries or any custom code:
let MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
let url = 'mongodb://yourMongoDBUrl';
let database = 'dbName';
let collection = 'collectionName';
MongoClient.connect(url, { useNewUrlParser: true }, (mongoError, mongoClient) => {
if (mongoError) throw mongoError;
// query as an async stream
let stream = mongoClient.db(database).collection(collection)
.find({}) // your query goes here
transform: (readElement) => {
// here you can transform each element before processing it
return readElement;
// process each element of stream (async)
stream.on('data', (streamElement) => {
// here you process the data
console.log('single element processed', streamElement);
// called only when stream has no pending elements to process
stream.once('end', () => {
mongoClient.close().then(r => console.log('db successfully closed'));
Tested it on version 3.2.7 of mongodb driver but according to link might be valid since version 2.0

MassTransit 3 How to send a message explicitly to the error queue

I'm using MassTransit with Reactive Extensions to stream messages from the queue in batches. Since the behaviour isn't the same as a normal consumer I need to be able to send a message to the error queue if it fails an x number of times.
I've looked through the MassTransit source code and posted on the google groups and can't find an anwser.
Is this available on the ConsumeContext interface? Or is this even possible?
Here is my code. I've removed some of it to make it simpler.
_busControl = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
var host = cfg.Host(new Uri("rabbitmq://localhost/"), h =>
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "customer_update_queue", e =>
var _observer = new ObservableObserver<ConsumeContext<Customer>>();
private void OnNext(IList<ConsumeContext<Customer>> messages)
foreach (var consumeContext in messages)
Console.WriteLine("Content: " + consumeContext.Message.Content);
if (consumeContext.Message.RetryCount > 3)
// I want to be able to send to the error queue
I've found a work around by using the RabbitMQ client mixed with MassTransit. Since I can't throw an exception when using an Observable and therefore no error queue is created. I create it manually using the RabbitMQ client like below.
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
factory.HostName = "localhost";
factory.UserName = "guest";
factory.Password = "guest";
using (IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection())
using (IModel model = connection.CreateModel())
string exchangeName = "customer_update_queue_error";
string queueName = "customer_update_queue_error";
string routingKey = "";
model.ExchangeDeclare(exchangeName, ExchangeType.Fanout);
model.QueueDeclare(queueName, false, false, false, null);
model.QueueBind(queueName, exchangeName, routingKey);
The send part is to send it directly to the message queue if it fails an x amount of times like so.
consumeContext.Send(new Uri("rabbitmq://localhost/customer_update_queue_error"), consumeContext.Message);
Hopefully the batch feature will be implemented soon and I can use that instead.

Cloud Service for incoming TCP connections hangs

I'm developing a cloud service (worker role) for collecting data from a number of instruments. These instruments reports data randomly every minute or so. The service itself is not performance critical and doesn't need to be asynchronous. The instruments are able to resend their data up to an hour on failed connection attempt.
I have tried several implementations for my cloud service including this one:
But all of them hang my cloud server sooner or later (sometimes within an hour).
I suspect something is wrong with my code. I have a lot of logging in my code but I get no errors. The service just stops to receive incoming connections.
In Azure portal it seems like the service is running fine. No error logs and no suspicious cpu usage etc.
If I restart the service it will run fine again until it hangs next time.
Would be most grateful if someone could help me with this.
public class WorkerRole : RoleEntryPoint
private LoggingService _loggingService;
public override void Run()
_loggingService = new LoggingService();
private void StartListeningForIncommingTCPConnections()
TcpListener listener = null;
listener = new TcpListener(RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.InstanceEndpoints["WatchMeEndpoint"].IPEndpoint);
while (true)
_loggingService.Log(SeverityLevel.Info, "Waiting for connection...");
var client = listener.AcceptTcpClient();
var remoteEndPoint = client.Client != null ? client.Client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString() : "Unknown";
_loggingService.Log(SeverityLevel.Info, String.Format("Connected to {0}", remoteEndPoint));
var netStream = client.GetStream();
var data = String.Empty;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(netStream, Encoding.ASCII))
data = reader.ReadToEnd();
_loggingService.Log(SeverityLevel.Info, "Received data: " + data);
ProcessData(data); //data is processed and stored in database (all resources are released when done)
_loggingService.Log(SeverityLevel.Info, String.Format("Connection closed for {0}", remoteEndPoint));
catch (Exception exception)
_loggingService.Log(SeverityLevel.Error, exception.Message);
if (listener != null)
private void ProcessData(String data)
var processor = new Processor();
var lines = data.Split('\n');
foreach (var line in lines)
catch (Exception ex)
_loggingService.Log(SeverityLevel.Error, ex.Message);
throw new Exception(ex.InnerException.Message);
One strange observation i just did:
I checked the log recently and no instrument has connected for the last 30 minutes (which indicates that the service is down).
I connected to the service myself via a TCP client i've written myself and uploaded some test data.
This worked fine.
When I checked the log again my test data had been stored.
The strange thing is, that 4 other instruments had connected about the same time and send their data successfully.
Why couldn't they connect by themself before I connected with my test client?
Also, what does this setting in .csdef do for an InputEndpoint, idleTimeoutInMinutes?
Since a cuple of days back my cloud service has been running successfully.
Unfortunately this morning last log entry was from this line:
_loggingService.Log(SeverityLevel.Info, String.Format("Connected to {0}", remoteEndPoint));
No other connections could be made after this. Not even from my own test TCP client (didn't get any error though, but no data was stored and no new logs).
This makes me think that following code causes the service to hang:
var netStream = client.GetStream();
var data = String.Empty;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(netStream, Encoding.ASCII))
data = reader.ReadToEnd();
I've read somewhere that StremReader's ReadToEnd() could hang. Is this possible?
I have now changed this piece of code to this:
int i;
var bytes = new Byte[256];
var data = new StringBuilder();
const int dataLimit = 10;
var dataCount = 0;
while ((i = netStream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)) != 0)
data.Append(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, i));
if (dataCount >= dataLimit)
_loggingService.Log(SeverityLevel.Error, "Reached data limit");
Another explanation could be something hanging in the database. I use the SqlConnection and SqlCommand classes to read and write to my database. I always close my connection afterwards (finally block).
SqlConnection and SqlCommand should have default timeouts, right?
After some more debugging I found out that when the service wasn't responding it "hanged" on this line of code:
while ((i = netStream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)) != 0)
After some digging I found out that the NetStream class and its read methods could actually hang. Even though MS declares otherwise.
NetworkStream read hangs
I've now changed my code into this:
Thread thread = null;
var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
thread = Thread.CurrentThread;
while ((i = netStream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)) != 0)
// Translate data bytes to a ASCII string.
data.Append(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, i));
streamReadSucceeded = true;
if (streamReadSucceeded)
//Process data
Hopefully this will stop the hanging.
I'd say that part of your problem is you are processing your data on the thread that listens for connections from clients. This would prevent new clients from connecting if another client has started a long running operation of some type. I'd suggest you defer your processing to worker threads thus freeing the "listener" thread to accept new connections.
Another problem you could be experiencing, if your service throws an error, then the service will stop accepting connections as well.
private static void ListenForClients()
while (true)
TcpClient client = tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient();
Thread clientThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(HandleClientComm));
private static void HandleClientComm(object obj)
using(TcpClient tcpClient = (TcpClient)obj)
Console.WriteLine("Got Client...");
using (NetworkStream clientStream = tcpClient.GetStream())
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(clientStream))
using(StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(clientStream))
//do stuff
catch(Exception ex)

NodeJS Node-apn implementation as daemon

I have a node-apn nodejs script running as a daemon on AmazonWS. The daemon runs fine and the script stays up and comes back when it goes down but I believe I am having a synchronous execution and exiting issue with node.js. When I release the process with process.exit(); even though all console.logs output saying they have sent my messages, they never are received on the phone. I decided to remove the exit and let the process "hang" after execution and all messages were sent successfully. This led me to do the following implementation using an ASYNC function, but the same result seems to be happening. Can anyone provide insight to this? There are no errors being thrown from APN or anywhere else.
function closeDB()
connection.end(function(err) {
if (err) {
console.log("ERROR: " + util.inspect(err, false, 5));
console.log("APNS-PUSH: COMPLETED.");
setTimeout(function(){process.exit();}, 50);
} // End of closeDB()
function apnsError(err, notification)
function async(arg, callback)
setTimeout(function() { callback(1); }, 100);
* Our MySQL query callback.
function queryCB(err, results)
//error in our all, report and exit
if (err) {
console.log("ERROR: " + util.inspect(err, false, 5));
if(results.length == 0)
var notes = [];
var count = 0;
try {
for( var i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ) {
var myDevice = new apns.Device(results[i]['udid']);
var note = new apns.Notification();
note.expiry = Math.floor( / 1000) + 3600; // Expires 1 hour from now.
note.badge = results[i]["notification_count"];
note.sound = "ping.aiff";
note.alert = results[i]["message"];
note.device = myDevice;
connection.query('UPDATE `tbl_notifications` SET `sent`=1 WHERE `id`=' + results[i]["id"] , function(err, results) {
console.log("ERROR: " + util.inspect(err, false, 5));
} catch( err ) {
console.log('error: ' + err)
notes.forEach(function(nNode) {
async(nNode, function(result) {
if(count == notes.length) {
} // End of queryCB()
I had the same problem where killing the process also killed the open socket connections and didn't allow the notifications to be sent. The solution I came up with isn't an an ideal solution but it will work in your situation as well. I looked into the node-apn code and found that the Connection object inherited from EventEmitter so you can monitor events on the object like so:
var apnsConnection = new apn.Connection(options)
apnsConnection.on('transmitted', function(){
apnsConnection.on('error', function(){
This is monitoring the socket that the notification is sent through so I don't know how accurate it is at determining when a notification has successfully been passed off to Apple's APNS servers but it has worked pretty well for me.
The reason you are seeing this problem is that when you use #pushNotification it buffers the notification inside the module and handles sending it asynchronously.
Listening for "transmitted" is valid and this is emitted when the notification has been written to the socket. However, if your objective is to close the socket after all notifications have been sent then the easiest way to accomplish this is using the connectionTimeout property when creating your connection.
Simply set connectionTimeout to something around 1000 (milliseconds) and assuming you have no other connections open then the process will exit automatically. Or you can set an event listener on the timeout event and call process.exit() from there.