Rx queue implementation and Dispatcher's buffer - system.reactive

I want to implement a queue which is capable of taking events/items from multiple producers in multiple threads, and consume them all on single thread.
this queue will work in some critical environment, so I am quite concerned with it's stability.
I have implemented it using Rx capabilities, but I have 2 questions:
Is this implementation OK? Or maybe it is flawed in some way I do not know of? (as an alternative - manual implementation with Queue and locks)
What is Dispatcher's buffer length? Can it handle 100k of queued items?
The code below illustrates my approach, using a simple TestMethod. It's output shows that all values are put in from different threads, but are processed on another single thread.
public void RxTest()
Subject<string> queue = new Subject<string>();
.Subscribe(s =>
Debug.WriteLine("Value: {0}, Observed on ThreadId: {1}", s, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
() => Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.InvokeShutdown());
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o =>
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
queue.OnNext(string.Format("value: {0}, from thread: {1}", i.ToString(), Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId));

I'm not sure about the behaviour of Subject in heavily multithreaded scenarios. I can imagine though that something like BlockingCollection (and its underlying ConcurrentQueue) are well worn in the situations you're talking about. And simple to boot.
var queue = new BlockingCollection<long>();
// subscribing
.Subscribe(i => Debug.WriteLine("Value: {0}, Observed on ThreadId: {1}", i, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId));
// sending
Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), Scheduler.ThreadPool)
.Do(i => Debug.WriteLine("Value: {0}, Sent on ThreadId: {1}", i, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId))
.Subscribe(i => queue.Add(i));
You certainly don't want to touch queues and locks. The ConcurrentQueue implementation is excellent and will certainly handle the size queues you're talking about effectively.

Take a look at EventLoopScheduler. It's built-in to RX and I think it does everything you want.
You can take any number of observables, call .ObserveOn(els) (els is your instance of an EventLoopScheduler) and you're now marshalling multiple observable from multiple threads onto a single thread and queuing each call to OnNext serially.


UDP server consuming high CPU

I am observing high CPU usage in my UDP server implementation which runs an infinite loop expecting 15 1.5KB packets every milliseconds. It looks like below:
struct RecvContext
enum { BufferSize = 1600 };
senderSockAddrLen = sizeof(sockaddr_storage);
memset(&overlapped, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
overlapped.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
memset(&sendersSockAddr, 0, sizeof(sockaddr_storage));
wsabuf.buf = (char*)buffer.data();
wsabuf.len = ULONG(buffer.size());
void CloseEventHandle()
if (overlapped.hEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
overlapped.hEvent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
OVERLAPPED overlapped;
int senderSockAddrLen;
sockaddr_storage sendersSockAddr;
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer;
WSABUF wsabuf;
void Receive()
DWORD flags = 0, bytesRecv = 0;
SOCKET sockHandle =...;
while (//stopping condition//)
std::shared_ptr<RecvContext> _recvContext = std::make_shared<IO::RecvContext>();
if (SOCKET_ERROR == WSARecvFrom(sockHandle, &_recvContext->wsabuf, 1, nullptr, &flags, (sockaddr*)&_recvContext->sendersSockAddr,
(LPINT)&_recvContext->senderSockAddrLen, &_recvContext->overlapped, nullptr))
if (WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING)
if (WSA_WAIT_FAILED == WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(1, &_recvContext->overlapped.hEvent, FALSE, INFINITE, FALSE))
if (!WSAGetOverlappedResult(sockHandle, &_recvContext->overlapped, &bytesRecv, FALSE, &flags))
// async task to process _recvContext->buffer
The cpu consumption for this udp server is very high even when the packets are not being processed post receipt. How can the cpu consumption be improved here?
You've chosen about the most inefficient combination of mechanisms imaginable.
Why use overlapped I/O if you're only going to pend one operation and then wait for it complete?
Why use an event, which is about the slowest notification scheme that Windows has.
Why do you only pend one operation at a time? You're forcing the implementation to stash datagrams in its own buffers and then copy them into yours.
Why do you post the receive operation right before you're going to wait for it to complete rather than right after the previous one completes?
Why do you create a new receive context each time instead of re-using the existing buffer, event, and so on?
Use IOCP. Windows events are very slow and heavy.
Post lots of operations. You want the operating system to be able to put the datagram right in your buffer rather than having to allocate another buffer that it copies data into and out of.
Re-use your buffers and allocate all your receive buffers from a contiguous pool rather than fragmenting them throughout process memory. The memory used for your buffers has to be pinned and you want to minimize the amount of pinning needed.
Re-post operations as soon as they complete. Don't process them and then re-post. There's no reason to delay starting the operation. You can probably ignore this if you followed all the other suggestions because you wouldn't have a "spare" buffer to post anyway.
Alternatively, you can probably get away with having a thread that spins on a blocking receive operation. Just make sure your code has a loop that is as tight as possible, posting a different (already-allocated) buffer as soon as it returns after dispatching another thread to process the buffer it just filled with the receive operation.

Why IoScheduler using ScheduledExecutorService with the poolCoreSize is 1?

I found the IoScheduler.createWorker() will create a NewThreadWorker immediately if there is no cached NewThreadWorker,This may result in OutOfMemoryError.
If I put 1000 count of work to IoScheduler one-time,it will create 1000 count of NewThreadWorker and ScheduledExecutorService.
private void submitWorkers(int workerCount) {
for (int i = 0; i < workerCount; i++) {
Single.fromCallable(new Callable<String>() {
public String call() throws Exception {
return "String-call(): " + Thread.currentThread().hashCode();
.subscribe(new Consumer<String>() {
public void accept(String s) throws Exception {
If I set the workerCount with 1000, I received a OutOfMemoryError,I want to know why IoScheduler use NewThreadWorker with ScheduledExecutorService but just execute a single work。
Every time a new work is coming it will create a NewThreadWorker and ScheduledExecutorService if there is no cached NewThreadWorker,Why is it designed to be such a process?
The standard workers of RxJava each use a dedicated thread to avoid excessive thread hopping and work migration in flows.
The standard IO scheduler uses an unbounded number of worker threads because it's main use is to allow blocking operations to block a worker thread while other operations can commence on other worker threads. The difference from newThread is that there is a thread reuse allowed once a worker is returned to an internal pool.
If there was a limit on the number of threads, it would drastically increase the likelihood of deadlocks due to resource exhaustion. Also, unlike the computation scheduler, there is no good default number for this limit: 1, 10, 100, 1000?
There are several ways to work around this problem, such as:
use Schedulers.from() with an arbitrary ExecutorService which you can limit and configure as you wish,
use ParallelScheduler from the Extensions project and define an arbitrary large but fixed pool of workers.

Async sockets in D

Okay this is my first question here on Stack Overflow, so bare over with it if I'm not asking properly.
Basically I'm trying to code some asynchronous sockets using std.socket, but I'm not sure if I've understood the concept correct. I've only ever worked with asynchronous sockets in C# and in D it seem to be on a much lower level. I've researched a lot and looked up a lot of code, documentation etc. both for D and C/C++ to get an understanding, however I'm not sure if I understand the concept correctly and if any of you have some examples. I tried looking at splat, but it's very outdated and vibe seems to be too complex just for a simple asynchronous socket wrapper.
If I understood correctly there is no poll() function in std.socket so you'd have to use SocketSet with a single socket on select() to poll the status of the socket right?
So basically how I'd go about handling the sockets is polling to get the read status of the socket and if it has a success (value > 0) then I can call receive() which will return 0 for disconnection else the received value, but I'd have to keep doing this until the expected bytes are received.
Of course the socket is set to nonblocked!
Is that correct?
Here is the code I've made up so far.
while (true)
auto events = cast(AsyncObject[int])ASYNC_EVENTS_READ;
foreach (asyncObject; events)
int poll = pollRecv(asyncObject.socket.m_socket);
switch (poll)
case 0:
throw new SocketException("The socket had a time out!");
if (poll <= -1)
throw new SocketException("The socket was interrupted!");
int recvGetSize = (asyncObject.socket.m_readBuffer.length - asyncObject.socket.readSize);
ubyte[] recvBuffer = new ubyte[recvGetSize];
int recv = asyncObject.socket.m_socket.receive(recvBuffer);
if (recv == 0)
removeAsyncObject(asyncObject.event_id, true);
asyncObject.socket.m_readBuffer ~= recvBuffer;
asyncObject.socket.readSize += recv;
if (asyncObject.socket.readSize == asyncObject.socket.expectedReadSize)
removeAsyncObject(asyncObject.event_id, true);
So basically how I'd go about handling the sockets is polling to get the read status of the socket
Not quite right. Usually, the idea is to build an event loop around select, so that your application is idle as long as there are no network or timer events that need to be handled. With polling, you'd have to check for new events continuously or on a timer, which leads to wasted CPU cycles, and events getting handled a bit later than they occur.
In the event loop, you populate the SocketSets with sockets whose events you are interested in. If you want to be notified of new received data on a socket, it goes to the "readable" set. If you have data to send, the socket should be in the "writable" set. And all sockets should be on the "error" set.
select will then block (sleep) until an event comes in, and fill the SocketSets with the sockets which have actionable events. Your application can then respond to them appropriately: receive data for readable sockets, send queued data for writable sockets, and perform cleanup for errored sockets.
Here's my D implementation of non-fiber event-based networking: ae.net.asockets.

how to use couchbase as fifo queue

With Java client, how can I use couchbase to implement FIFO queue, thread safe? There can be many threads popping from the queue, and pushing into the queue. Each object in the queue is a string[].
Couchbase doesn't have any built-in functionality for creating queues, but you can do that by yourself.
I'll explain how to do that in short example below.
I.e. we have queue with name queue and it will have items with names item:<index>. To implement queue you'll need to store your values with key like: <queue_name>:item:<index>, where index will be separate key queue:index, that you need to increment while pushing to queue, and decrement while popping.
In couchbase you could use increment and decrement operations to implement queue, because that operations are atomic and threadsafe.
So code of your push and pop functions will be like:
void push(string queue, string[] value){
int index = couchbase.increment(queue + ':index');
couchbase.set(queue + ':item:' + index, value);
string[] pop(string queue){
int index = couchbase.get(queue + ':index');
string[] result = couchbase.get(queue + ':item:' + index);
couchbase.decrement(queue + ':index');
return result;
Sorry for code, Ive used java and couchbase java client a long time ago. If now java client have callbacks, like nodejs client, you can rewrite that code to use callbacks. It will be better, I think.
Also you can add additional check into set operation - use add (in C# client it called StoreMode.Add) operation that will throw exception if item with given key has already exists. And you can catch that exception and call push function again for same arguments.
UPD: I'm sorry, it was too early in the morning, so I couldn't think clear.
For fifo, as #avsej said you'll need two counters: queue:head and queue:tail. So for fifo:
void push(string queue, string[] value){
int index = couchbase.increment(queue + ':tail');
couchbase.set(queue + ':item:' + index, value);
string[] pop(string queue){
int index = couchbase.increment(queue + ':head') - 1;
string[] result = couchbase.get(queue + ':item:' + index);
return result;
Note: code can look slightly different depending on start values of queue:tail and queue:head (will it be zero or one or something else).
Also you can set some max value for counters, after reaching it, queue:tail and queue:head will be reseted to 0 (just to limit number of documents). Also you can set expire value to each document, if you actually need this.
Couchbase already CouchbaseQueue data structure.
Example usage: taken from the below SDK documentation
Queue<String> shoppingList = new CouchbaseQueue<String>("queueDocId", collection, String.class, QueueOptions.queueOptions());
shoppingList.add("loaf of bread");
shoppingList.add("container of milk");
shoppingList.add("stick of butter");
// What does the JSON document look like?
//=> ["stick of butter","container of milk","loaf of bread"]
String item;
while ((item = shoppingList.poll()) != null) {
// => loaf of bread
// => container of milk
// => stick of butter
// What does the JSON document look like after draining the queue?
//=> []
Java SDK 3.1 CouchbaseQueue Doc

rx reactive extension: how to have each subscriber get a different value (the next one) from an observable?

Using reactive extension, it is easy to subscribe 2 times to the same observable.
When a new value is available in the observable, both subscribers are called with this same value.
Is there a way to have each subscriber get a different value (the next one) from this observable ?
Ex of what i'm after:
source sequence: [1,2,3,4,5,...] (infinite)
The source is constantly adding new items at an unknown rate.
I'm trying to execute a lenghty async action for each item using N subscribers.
1st subscriber: 1,2,4,...
2nd subscriber: 3,5,...
1st subscriber: 1,3,...
2nd subscriber: 2,4,5,...
1st subscriber: 1,3,5,...
2nd subscriber: 2,4,6,...
I would agree with Asti.
You could use Rx to populate a Queue (Blocking Collection) and then have competing consumers read from the queue. This way if one process was for some reason faster it could pick up the next item potentially before the other consumer if it was still busy.
However, if you want to do it, against good advice :), then you could just use the Select operator that will provide you with the index of each element. You can then pass that down to your subscribers and they can fiter on a modulus. (Yuck! Leaky abstractions, magic numbers, potentially blocking, potentiall side effects to the source sequence etc)
var source = Obserservable.Interval(1.Seconds())
.Select((i,element)=>{new Index=i, Element=element});
var subscription1 = source.Where(x=>x.Index%2==0).Subscribe(x=>DoWithThing1(x.Element));
var subscription2 = source.Where(x=>x.Index%2==1).Subscribe(x=>DoWithThing2(x.Element));
Also remember that the work done on the OnNext handler if it is blocking will still block the scheduler that it is on. This could affect the speed of your source/producer. Another reason why Asti's answer is a better option.
Ask if that is not clear :-)
How about:
IObservable<TRet> SomeLengthyOperation(T input)
return Observable.Defer(() => Observable.Start(() => {
return someCalculatedValueThatTookALongTime;
}, Scheduler.TaskPoolScheduler));
.SelectMany(x => SomeLengthyOperation(input))
.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine("The result was {0}", x);
You can even limit the number of concurrent operations:
.Select(x => SomeLengthyOperation(input))
.Merge(4 /* at a time */)
.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine("The result was {0}", x);
It's important for the Merge(4) to work, that the Observable returned by SomeLengthyOperation be a Cold Observable, which is what the Defer does here - it makes the Observable.Start not happen until someone Subscribes.