How to halt the invocation of the mapper or reducer - eclipse

I am trying to run my hadoop map/reduce job inside eclipse (not a node and or cluster) to debug my map/reduce logic. I want to able to put a break point on the mapper and reducer and make eclipse to stop on these break points however this is not happening and the things mapper get stuck. I noticed that if I hit suspend and run a couple of times, it will eventually break on the mapper and reducer. I am very new to eclipse. What am doing wrong?
I am literally running the word count code at and have break points on lines 22, 35.

Maybe you have disabled break points? The break points will be displayed with a strike through icon if that is the case.
When not running locally it is possible that your break points will not be hit, because the tasks are run in new isolated JVMs. However that does not seem to be the case here, because suspend would not work either in that case.


Anylogic: Running a model but stuck suddenly without any error

I'm new to Anylogic and created a simple traffic model. Only use 'carSource', 'CarMoveTo', 'Car Dispose' blocks to set the car routes. But After I ran the model, it worked for a while, then all the cars froze without any error occurring. ’Events‘ panel also stopped. How to solve it?
Most likely your model is running into an infinite loop somewhere in the logic. The first place to check would be all your loops that might become infinite,e.g Do loops, Do-while loops, iterator for loops where you perhaps change the counter variable manually...
If you have the professional version of AnyLogic the best option is to run the model in debug mode until you get this to the point where it freezes and then press pause. You will then see where in the code the model is getting stuck.
If this does not work you might need to start putting traceln in major functions and see ing you can spot the last traceln that gets printed and keep on adding more and more until you can find the point between two traceln where the model freezes
I had the same problem, that after a certain time, all cars froze and there wasn't a signle error.
The problem on my side was that the stop line was too close to the intersection, so I moved it a little bit farther.

VSTS Test fails but vstest.console passes; the assert executes before the code for some reason?

Well the system we have has a bunch of dependencies, but I'll try to summarize what's going on without divulging too much details.
Test assembly in the form of a .dll is the one being executed. A lot of these tests call an API.
In the problematic method, there's 2 API calls that have an await on them: one to write a record to that external interface, and another to extract all records and then read the last one in that external interface, both via API. The test is simply to check if writing the last record was successful in an end-to-end context, that's why there's both a write and then a read.
If we execute the test in Visual Studio, everything works as expected. I also tested it manually via command lining vstest.console.exe, and the expected results always come out as well.
However, when it comes to VS Test task in VSTS, it fails for some reason. We've been trying to figure it out, and eventually we reached the point where we printed the list from the 'read' part. It turns out the last record we inserted isn't in the data we pulled, but if we check the external interface via a different method, we confirmed that the write process actually happened. What gives? Why is VSTest getting like an outdated set of records?
We also noticed two things:
1.) For the tests that passed, none of the Console.WriteLine outputs appear in the logs. Only on Failed test do they do so.
2.) Even if our Data.Should.Be call is at the very end of the TestMethod, the logs report the fail BEFORE it prints out the lines! And even then, the printing should happen after reading the list of records, and yet when the prints do happen we're still missing the record we just wrote.
Is there like a bottom-to-top thing we're missing here? It really seems to me like VSTS vstest is executing the assert before the actual code. The order of TestMethods happen the right order though (the 4th test written top-to-bottom in the code is executed 4th rather than 4th to last) and we need them to happen in the right order because some of the later tests depend on the former tests succeeding.
Anything we're missing here? I'd put a source code but there's a bunch of things I need to scrub first if so.
Turns out we were sorely misunderstanding what 'await' does. We're using .Wait() instead for the culprit and will also go back through the other tests to check for quality.

Starting AnyLogic experiment programmatically

I need to run a large number of experiments and would like to do so over night as to waste as little time as possible. I have some output that I can export using PrintWriter, but I need to be able to start the next experiment programmatically after the other.
So something like
After experiment:
If a parameter variation experiment doesn't do what you need and you really need to run mulitple sensitivity analyses, try this:
Create a new Custom Experiment
Delete everything in the properties window
Use YourExperimentClass.main(new String[] {}) to start each experiment.
For example, lets say you have three sensitivity analyses to run:
SensitivityToHeatExperiment.main(new String[] {});
SensitivityToSpeedExperiment.main(new String[] {});
SensitivityToFrictionExperiment.main(new String[] {});
These calls bring up a window for each experiment. Since experiments don't start automatically, you'll need to add that logic if you don't want to click "run" a bunch of times! In each Experiment's Initial experiment setup section, put run();. This automatically starts the simulation for you.
I haven't quite figured out how to close the windows automatically using this approach: system.exit(0) and experiment.close() shut all windows opened by the experiment, so you'll need a way to tell if all experiments are done running. One option is to use a common file and a FileLock to ensure the simulations don't encounter concurrency problems. Note that FileLock might be handy if all sensitivity experiments need to write to common files.

How do I "slow down" executing of tests in scala (transcation doesn't close in AfterExample)?

After upgrading specs/specs2 to the newest specs2 stable version I found out really weird issue in my scala tests. In my "main" class (all of my test classes extend this one) I have before and after
abstract class BaseSpec2 extends SpecificationWithJUnit with BeforeExample with AfterExample {
def before = startSqlTransaction
def after = rollbackSqlTransaction
before starts transaction and after ends it (I dont think I have to put code to show you how it works, If I am wrong please let me know).
I'm using JUnit in Eclipse to execute my tests in scala.
When I'm running them I get SqlError in some of them (the result of tests are not stable, what I mean is sometimes it ends up with success for one test, sometimes when this test won't go without error another will):
Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
I think this error shows up, because before starts transaction before every tests but after does not close it for some reason. I debugged rollbackSqlTransaction and startSqlTransaction and it showed me that:
- When I start e.g 5 tests, transaction opens 5 times but closes only one time.
When I have added empty step beetwen those 5 tests everythink worked fine.
When I have more than 5 tests it goes even more weird, e.g transaction starts 4 times then it closes then starts then closes etc. With 40 tests it opened 40 times and closed 29 times (its not stable too).
In my opinion for some reason tests are running so fast that executer is not able to close transaction, but I might be wrong. Is there anythink I can put in my code to slow them down? Or am I wrong and doing somethink else wrong?
Also when I'm running my tests it seems like few of those tests are starting at the same time (they arent going one by one), but it might be just an ilusion in eclipse.
Thanks for an answer and sorry for my bad english.
I think that transactions are not being closed properly because examples are being executed concurrently. Just add sequential at the beginning of your specification and things should be fine.

Writing a very basic debugger

Is it possible to write a program under windows that will cause a remote process thread to break (stop execution in that thread) upon reaching a predefined address?
I have been experimenting with the Windows Debug API, but it seems very limited when it comes to setting breakpoints. The DebugBreakProcess function seemed promising, but I can't find any examples on how to use this API call.
You need to use WriteProcessMemory to write a breakpoint (on x86, an opcode of 0xCC) to the address.
On x86, when the debuggee hits that point in the code the 0xCC will generate an int 3 exception. This is picked up by your debugger's WaitForDebugEvent will return a DEBUG_EVENT with EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT set.
You then need to patch the that address back to its original code before continuing. If you want to break again, you need to single step and then repatch the breakpoint opcode. To single step, you need to set the single step flag in EFlag in the thread context.
DebugBreakProcess is used to generate a remote break of a process you are debugging - it can't be used to break at an arbitrary point in the code.
Michael is right - also, if you want to break into an arbitrary process in the debugger once you've attached (i.e. if the user hits "Break into process" all of a sudden), the standard way is to create a remote thread whose routine issues an int3.