Add action to terminate application event - iphone

Could you tell me if there is any possibility to add own function to terminate application event. I want to send some information to logs always when user click button on his phone.

See the documentation for applicationDidEnterBackground: in the UIApplicationDelegate class description. (Since iOS 4, the default behavior when the button is pressed is not termination...though your app may choose differently.)

You can call your own method from - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
Check out developer documentation for detailed info -
One point to not here as mention in docs -
"Your implementation of this method has approximately five seconds to perform any tasks and return."


How Can I capture the event before my App is minimized?

I need to close some resources I am using when the App is minimized by clicking on Home Button.
Attention, I don't want to intercept the Home button, I know it is not allowed by Apple
Use the delegate method - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application which is in appdelegate class. Whenever user taps the home button, this method will be called. for more details, check apple documentation. You can use applicationWillResignActive: in case you want to detect an incoming phone call or sms as well along with app minimizing.
You want to look at the UIApplicationDelegate (reference). Specifically, applicationWillResignActive and applicationDidEnterBackground should be what you want.
From the Apple docs, this also goes into more detail with examples - App States and Multitasking.

applicationDidEnterBackground & applicationWillResignActive are not being called

I am creating a simple application which perform some task on main thread. I am printing process in NSLog so I can understand that my process is running or not.
Now when I press home button without starting the process (Process will be start when I tap on a button) application enters in background and my both of methods applicationDidEnterBackground & applicationWillResignActive are being called.
But when I first tap on my button and process starts on main thread after that if I press home button none of these two method being called. So my application can't know that app entered in background or not.
Even after that when I again active the app it shows me a black screen with status bar only.
Why this is happening?
Why app not entering in background?
Why apple's methods not being called?
Is there a way to solve it?
Here is my appdelegate class code
- (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
- (void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(UIApplication *)application
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
All methods have no implementation.
Thanks in advance.
I am creating a simple application which perform some task on main thread.
Don't perform long-running operations on the main thread.
The delegate callbacks happen on the main thread. If the main thread is busy, then the callbacks won't happen until you return to the "run loop".
When foregrounding your app, the OS actually displays a screenshot if available, falling back to the launch image (Default.png). The screenshot is taken after -applicationDidEnterBackground: returns, which allows you to customize what gets saved (you might want to do this for security reasons, or to hide UI elements which might not make sense to show when relaunching e.g. a countdown timer).
The black screen is probably because your app has no launch image. If your app takes more than about 10 seconds to enter the background (and it does, since the main thread is blocked), it gets killed. Except the debugger is attached and catches SIGKILL, so it's easy to miss unless you're watching Xcode.
there are some cases
if UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend key set to true in your app's Info.plist, the applicationWillResignActive method is not called when the user hits the home button. and may b some thing other. check keys here Apple keys and see if something new you added to plist. and there is no other case that you say your delegate method not calling. it may also some time due to project in appropriate behavior. try cleaning your project and rebuild.
this is going to sound strange but for those it helps. I had the same issue and cleaned my project and then it started working again.

Proper appDelegate method for Flurry startsession?

Flurry docs recommend placing the startSession call in applicationDidFinishLaunching:.
Two problems with this...
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application
[FlurryAnalytics startSession:#"AWESOMEAPIKEY"];
// ...
1) Isn't application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: the new approved launch point?
2) This is only called once on launch, but don't we want session info every time a user opens or switches back to the app? Or does Flurry handle all that on their own by listening to some event or NSNotification?
Wouldn't a better place to put the startSession call be in applicationDidBecomeActive: or applicationWillEnterForeground:, like so?
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
// ... Flurry AppCircle setup
[FlurryAnalytics startSession:#"AWESOMEAPIKEY"];
// ... your setup
for your case 1)
correct place to put [FlurryAnalytics startSession:#"SOMESESSIONKEY"]; is
you can place it there without worries. I have done this by myself and the app is working awesome at appstore and providing the stats perfectly.
for case 2), your secession will be automatically resumed when app returns to foreground so you dont have to do any special handling here.
I was real curious about this too. I looked at my inherited code for my app and didn't see any flurry activity in didbecomeactive, foreground, etc. I only saw the startsession in didfinishlaunchingwithoptions. I saw the below on the flurry site re: startsession, but i still don't get how it works, just behind the scenes stuff the flurry library does? #samfisher, can you elaborate?
"This method serves as the entry point to Flurry Analytics collection. It must be called in the scope of applicationDidFinishLaunching. The session will continue for the period the app is in the foreground until your app is backgrounded for the time specified in setSessionContinueSeconds:. If the app is resumed in that period the session will continue, otherwise a new session will begin."
FlurryApi.h shows the default as 10 for setSessionContinueSeconds so I guess Flurry handles it, I'm just looking for more confirmation.

How can I dismiss UILocalNotifications that appear when my app is in the background?

I'm working on an iPhone app that needs to remind a user to check in at regular intervals using UILocalNotifications. If they don't check in for a few hours, they may be reminded a couple times, but I just want to show the latest notification.
Now, if the app is open, I get a callback to didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification, and I can keep track of whether there's a notification showing.
If the app is not running and the user clicks the -action- button, I get a callback to
(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions;
so I can dismiss any old notifications. However, if they click 'cancel', they have to click 'cancel' on a bunch of layered notifications, because as far as I can tell I don't get a callback (how could I, if the app isn't launched) and it doesn't seem like there's a flag or something when creating the UILocalNotification to have newer reminders from an app automatically dismiss other ones.
If the app is in the background but running, it's worse - first, I don't get any sort of callback there if the user click's cancel, so I have the same problem - the user has to click cancel a bunch of times. Second, if they click the action, I get a call to ApplicationDidBecomeActive, but there's no distinguishing between that and when the user just switches back and forth; I can dismiss and reschedule them here, but it doesn't seem to work perfectly, sometimes a few pop up before they're dismissed.
Any suggestions? If there were a way for the notifications to expire automatically that would be great too. I've looked online a bit and haven't found much help, but it seems like a big oversight, so hopefully there's some way to handle this gracefully.
You won't be able to get any callback when the user "cancel"s as you pointed out.
Is it possible to just remind the user once in your case? Only schedule one notification at a time and renew it on app launch/resume.
I have not tried the following yet, but I believe this can be a work around for your case. Use CLLocationManager's startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges
Every time the device's location changes significantly, your app will be launched in the background with options passed to locationManager:didUpdateLocations: and you can probably schedule a UILocalNotification from there!

Is it possible to logout when the Home button is pressed?

Is it possible to logout when the iPhone Home button is pressed?
In the current iPhone API, it is impossible to "hijack" any of the hardware presses. You will be notified of certain events however. If you are wishing to call some function (logout) when the user exits the app by pressing the home button, you can implement the
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application {
method in your Application Delegate. This method is called when the app is about to terminate through a phone-call, manual exit, or any other reason. You should be advised, however, that anything here better be very short execution and non-essential, as Apple does not guarantee that it will run through the whole method before terminating the application
For iOS 4.0 + however you will have to implement logout in this method as well
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application