Linq to entities and generics - unable to cast - entity-framework

I have two interfaces for users:
public interface IUserModel
int UserId {get;set;}
public interface IUserAuthModel : IUserModel
string Username {get;set;}
string Password {get;set;}
I have user model that implements IUserAuthModel because it requires authorization check for access:
public class UserSubscriptionModel : IUserAuthModel
public int UserId {get;set;}
public string Username {get;set;}
public string Password {get;set;}
public bool Subscribed {get;set;}
I have user repository based on EF 4.3.1 where I have method for projection:
IQueryable<T> ProjectTo<T>() where T: IUserModel
if(typeof(T) == typeof(UserLoginModel)
return db.Users.Select(x => new UserSubscriptionModel {
UserId = x.UserId,
Username = x.Username,
Password = x.Password,
Subscribed = x.Subscribed
}) as IQueryable<T>;
I have method that retrieves one user based on conditional expression:
T Get<T>(conditionalexpression) where T : IUserModel
return ProjectTo<T>.Where(conditionalexpression).FirstOrDefault();
I'm implementing authorization method:
public bool Authorize<T>(string username, string password, out T TUser) where T : IUserAuthModel
TUser = Get<T>(x => x.Username == username && x.Password == password);
... some other irrelevant code
And then I do the following:
UserSubscriptionModel model;
bool authorized = Authorize<UserSubscriptionModel>("hello","world", out model);
This code fails on part where it tries to extract FirstOrDefault. It says Linq to Entities supports casting primitive types.... can't cast from UserSubscriptionModel to IUserAuthModel - or other way around, can't remember. But point is, my generics are not working, even though IUserAuthModel inherits from IUserModel so if my class implements IUserAuthModel it implements IUserModel as well.
What am I missing? I'm not getting a single error/warning and I've made sure my inheritance is done properly (or at least I think so).
I'm sorry if code has some typos, I left real code at work.
Thanks for all the tips.

Entity Framework needs to know that the generic parameter that you're projecting to can be a plain ol' object or struct of some type, otherwise it'll only be able to infer it as an IUserModel. If you add another type constraint telling it T will always be one of those things (depending on your domain model; you're probably using classes though):
IQueryable<T> ProjectTo<T>() where T: class, IUserModel
(or this, if all your IUserModels are structs:)
IQueryable<T> ProjectTo<T>() where T: struct, IUserModel
that exception should go away.
See these two topics, where I found the answer:

instead of return as IQueryable try the linq Cast<>
IQueryable<T> ProjectTo<T>() where T: IUserModel
if(typeof(T) == typeof(UserLoginModel)
return db.Users.Select(x => new UserSubscriptionModel {
UserId = x.UserId,
Username = x.Username,
Password = x.Password,
Subscribed = x.Subscribed


Entity Framework Set with Generic Class

Ok, I might be punching above my pay grade here, but I'm trying to create a generic CRUD routine for and EF project. I've got most of it working but I'm flailing around on one point.
Normally you do something like this to add an entity through a context-
DBContext.MyClass.Add( p ); // p = instance of MyClass
That works fine, but since in a global method to handle all adds regardless of what class they are I'm passing in a Model as an object it would look more like this-
DBContext<whateverobject>.Add(whateverobject); // my objects is an object param passed into the method
I've tried doing a bunch of typeofs and there where T : class stuff but I'm having no luck. Any pointing in the right direction would help me out.
I'm using EF Core 2 so my options might also be more limited than EF 6.
The method you're looking for is DbContext's Set<T>()
Your generic repository for your generic CRUD would look something like this:
public class Repo<T> where T: class
private readonly DbSet<T> _set;
public Repo(DbContext dbContext)
_set = dbContext.Set<T>();
public void Add(T entity) => _set.Add(entity);
This example includes a maybe unusual thing:
where T: class: we have to specify that T has to be a reference type because DbSet<T> expects T to be a reference type
For generic querying you might want to use extension methods.
In order to implement a ById method you'd have to specify that the type T must have an Id property using an interface. That would look something like this:
public interface IEntity
int Id { get; set; }
public class User : IEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public static class DbSetExtensions
public static T ById<T>(this DbSet<T> dbSet, int id) where T: class =>
dbSet.FirstOrDefault(entity => entity.Id == id);

DDD Entity Framework Value Type

I'm struggling with using EF6 with DDD principles, namely value objects attached to aggregates. I can't seem to get migrations to generate that reflect the model and I feel like I'm fighting the tooling instead of actually being productive. Given that a NoSQL implementation is probably more appropriate, this is what I'm stuck with.
The first thing that I ran into was the lack of support for interface properties on an EF entity. The work around for that was to add concrete properties to the entity for each of the implementations, but not to the interface. When I implemented the interface, I added logic to return the right one. I had to do this in order to get any migrations to create the properties for the Policies. See Fund.LargestBalanceFirstAllocationPolicy and Fund.PercentageBasedAllocationPolicy This was annoyance one.
The current annoyance and the genesis of the question is the PercentageBasedAllocationPolicy.AllocationValues property. No matter what I do, when running add-migration, I don't get any tables or fields to represent the AllocationValues. This is basically a collection of DDD value objects hanging off of another value object, which hangs off of an aggregate.
I'm convinced that the model and code are correct to do what I want, but EF keeps getting in the way. In MongoDB, when dealing with an interface property, it actually stores the object type in a string so that it knows how to rehydrate the object. I'm considering serializing the problem areas here to a blob and storing it on the object now, which is just as evil...
public interface IFund
Guid Id {get;}
string ProperName {get;}
IAllocationPolicy AllocationPolicy{get;}
void ChangeAllocationPolicy(IAllocationPolicy newAllocationPolicy)
public class Fund : IFund
public Fund()
public Fund(Guid id, string nickName, string properName)
Id = id;
Nickname = nickName;
ProperName = properName;
// This is stupid too, but you have to instantiate these objects inorder to save or you get some EF errors. Make sure the properties on these objects are all defaulted to null.
LargestBalanceFirstAllocationPolicy = new LargestBalanceFirstAllocationPolicy();
PercentageBasedAllocationPolicy = new PercentageBasedAllocationPolicy();
public Guid Id { get; private set; }
public string ProperName { get; private set; }
// Do not add this to the interface. It's here for EF reasons only. Do not use internally either. Use the interface implemention of AllocationPolicy instead
public LargestBalanceFirstAllocationPolicy LargestBalanceFirstAllocationPolicy
get; private set;
// Do not add this to the interface. It's here for EF reasons only. Do not use internally either. Use the interface implemention of AllocationPolicy instead
public PercentageBasedAllocationPolicy PercentageBasedAllocationPolicy
get; private set;
public void ChangeAllocationPolicy(IAllocationPolicy newAllocationPolicy)
if (newAllocationPolicy == null) throw new DomainException("Allocation policy is required");
var allocationPolicy = newAllocationPolicy as PercentageBasedAllocationPolicy;
if (allocationPolicy != null) PercentageBasedAllocationPolicy = allocationPolicy;
var policy = newAllocationPolicy as LargestBalanceFirstAllocationPolicy;
if (policy != null ) LargestBalanceFirstAllocationPolicy = policy;
public IAllocationPolicy AllocationPolicy
get {
if (LargestBalanceFirstAllocationPolicy != null)
return LargestBalanceFirstAllocationPolicy;
if (PercentageBasedAllocationPolicy != null)
return PercentageBasedAllocationPolicy;
return null;
public interface IAllocationPolicy
T Accept<T>(IAllocationPolicyVisitor<T> allocationPolicyVisitor);
public class LargestBalanceFirstAllocationPolicy : IAllocationPolicy
public T Accept<T>(IAllocationPolicyVisitor<T> allocationPolicyVisitor)
return allocationPolicyVisitor.Visit(this);
public class PercentageBasedAllocationPolicy : IAllocationPolicy
public PercentageBasedAllocationPolicy()
AllocationValues = new List<PercentageAllocationPolicyInfo>();
public List<PercentageAllocationPolicyInfo> AllocationValues { get; private set; }
public T Accept<T>(IAllocationPolicyVisitor<T> allocationPolicyVisitor)
return allocationPolicyVisitor.Visit(this);
public class PercentageAllocationPolicyInfo
public Guid AssetId { get; private set; }
public decimal Percentage { get; private set; }
A value type (in EF marked as ComplexType) will never have any tables. The reason being is that a value types are (by definition) really just values. They don't have any Id( otherwise they would be enities) thus you can't create a table for them.
also if i review the requirements for complex type in entity framework i notice that you can't use inheritance on complex types. Thus if you want to use complex type in your entity framework as you've shown here then you need to make your property a PercentageBasedAllocationPolicy instead of an IAllocationPolicy.
Alternatively you could turn it into an entity with automatic generated keys.

EF get dbset name in runtime from Type

I need to get the name of the dbset name of the entity
typeof(UserAccount) = "UserAccounts".
But in runtime I need a common type for the loop and therefor do not know example "UserAccount".
Only the "name" from typeof?
I have created an DbContext with some entities.
I have been googling for some time but it do not seem to be working for me because of the Type converting?
Please see my method GetDbSetName in the bottom of this description.
I am pretty new at this EF stuff - so please help med with my issue as described below ;-)
public class MyEntities : DbContext
public DbSet<UserAccount> UserAccounts { get; set;}
public DbSet<UserRole> UserRoles { get; set; }
public DbSet<UserAccountRole> UserAccountRoles { get; set; }
Defined a list of Type to control the output:
public static List<Type> ModelListSorted()
List<Type> modelListSorted = new List<Type>();
return modelListSorted;
The problem is below using Type - If I use "UserAccount" it Works and I get "UserAccounts".
But I do not have the "UserAccount" in runtime as I am in a loop with a serie of types.
I do only have the Type list giving the e
public static loopList()
List<Type> modelListSorted = ModelListSorted();
foreach (Type currentType in modelListSorted)
string s = DataHelper.GetDbSetName(currentType, db);
Meaning not compiling.
saying I am missing a assembly?
I know it is pretty pseudo but can this be done smoothly?
public static string GetDbSetName(Type parmType, MyEntities db)
string dbsetname = (db as IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext.CreateObjectSet<parmType>().EntitySet.Name;
return dbsetname;
The challenge here is that two reflection steps are involved, one to invoke the generic CreateObjectSet method and one to get the EntitySet from the result. Here's a way to do this:
First, the method:
string GetObjectSetName(ObjectContext oc, MethodInfo createObjectSetMethodInfo,
Type objectSetType, Type entityType)
var objectSet = createObjectSetMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(entityType)
.Invoke(oc, null);
var pi = objectSetType.MakeGenericType(entityType).GetProperty("EntitySet");
var entitySet = pi.GetValue(objectSet) as EntitySet;
return entitySet.Name;
As you see, I first get the ObjectSet by invoking the MethodInfo representing the generic method CreateObjectSet<T>(). Then I find the PropertyInfo for the EntitySet property of the generic type ObectSet<T>. Finally, I get this property's value and the name of the obtained EntitySet.
To do this, I first get a MethodInfo for CreateObjectSet<>() (the one without parameters) and the ObjectSet<> type
var createObjectSetMethodInfo =
.Single(i => i.Name == "CreateObjectSet"
&& !i.GetParameters().Any());
var objectSetType = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ObjectContext))
.Single(t => t.Name == "ObjectSet`1");
In GetObjectSetName their generic parameters are specified by a concrete entity type, which is done by these "MakeGeneric..." methods.
var oc = (dbContextInstance as IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext;
var entityType = typeof(UserRole);
var name = GetObjectSetName(oc, createObjectSetMethodInfo, objectSetType, entityType);
In EF 6 these should be the usings:
using System.Data.Entity.Core.Metadata.Edm
using System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects
using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure
using System.Linq
using System.Reflection

Dynamic way to Generate EntityTypeConfiguration : The type 'TResult' must be a non-nullable value type

I was thinking to generate EntityTypeConfiguration dynamically from run time and i don't want any EF dependency in Models[That is why i avoid Data Annotation].
So I declare a custom attribute(or can be any configuration file later on)
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple=true )]
public class PersistableMemberAttribute : Attribute
public bool Iskey;
public bool IsRequired;
public bool IsIgnored;
public bool IsMany;
public string HasForeignKey;
public bool PropertyIsRequired;
public bool PropertyIsOptional;
And here is one of my Models is look like:
public class Blog
public Guid BlogId { get; set; }
[PersistableMember(PropertyIsRequired = true)]
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Url { get; set; }
public int Rating { get; set; }
[PersistableMember(IsMany =true)]
public ICollection<Post> Posts { get; set; }
Now I am going to write a generic EntityTypeConfiguration , which will create the configuration dynamically on run time based on the attribute values :
public class GenericEntityConfiguration<T> : EntityTypeConfiguration<T> where T : class
public GenericEntityConfiguration()
var members = typeof(T).GetProperties();
if (null != members)
foreach (var property in members)
var attrb= property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof( PersistableMemberAttribute ),false).OfType<PersistableMemberAttribute>();
if (attrb != null && attrb.Count() > 0)
foreach (var memberAttributute in attrb)
if (memberAttributute.Iskey || memberAttributute.IsIgnored)
var entityMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("Setkey");
.Invoke(this, new object[] { property, memberAttributute });
if (memberAttributute.IsRequired)
var entityMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("SetRequired");
.Invoke(this, new object[] { property, memberAttributute });
if (memberAttributute.PropertyIsRequired || memberAttributute.PropertyIsOptional)
var entityMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("SetPropertyConfiguration");
.Invoke(this, new object[] { property, memberAttributute });
public void SetPropertyConfiguration<TResult>(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, PersistableMemberAttribute attribute)
var functorParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(
Expression.Property(functorParam, propertyInfo)
, functorParam);
if (attribute.PropertyIsRequired)
this.Property<TResult>((Expression<Func<T, TResult>>)lambda).IsRequired();
if (attribute.PropertyIsOptional)
this.Property<TResult>((Expression<Func<T, TResult>>)lambda).IsOptional();
public void Setkey<TResult>(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, PersistableMemberAttribute attribute)
var functorParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(
Expression.Property(functorParam, propertyInfo)
, functorParam);
if (attribute.Iskey)
if (attribute.IsIgnored)
this.Ignore<TResult>((Expression<Func<T, TResult>>)lambda);
public void SetRequired<TResult>(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, PersistableMemberAttribute attribute) where TResult : class
var functorParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(
Expression.Property(functorParam, propertyInfo)
, functorParam);
if (attribute.IsRequired)
this.HasRequired<TResult>((Expression<Func<T, TResult>>)lambda);
But i got the compilation error of
Error 1 The type 'TResult' must be a non-nullable value type in order to use it as parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration.Configuration.StructuralTypeConfiguration.Property(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression>)' D:\R&D\UpdateStorePOC\UpdateStorePOC\Data\GenericEntityConfiguration.cs 63 17 UpdateStorePOC
which for these two statements:
this.Property<TResult>((Expression<Func<T, TResult>>)lambda).IsRequired();
this.Property<TResult>((Expression<Func<T, TResult>>)lambda).IsOptional();
that means that I need to put a constraint on my method to restrict it to a value type. In C#, this is done with the ‘struct’ keyword.
public void SetPropertyConfiguration<TResult>(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, PersistableMemberAttribute attribute) Where TResult : struct
But Its not the solution since my property type can be a class e.g string or int, bool double, etc . So it is not at all clear that I can send them into this method. Please help me to solve this issue whether there is any other way to do it.
I don't want any EF dependency in models.
With fluent mapping you're almost there and you won't come any closer. Your attributes, even though intended to be moved to a configuration file, don't make your model any more free of any EF footprint.1 Worse, they only add a second mapping layer (if you like) between your model and EF's mapping. I only see drawbacks:
You still have to maintain meta data for your model, probably not any less than regular fluent mapping and (probably) in awkward manually edited XML without compile-time checking.
You will keep expanding your code to cover cases that EF's mapping covers but yours doesn't yet.2 So it's a waste of energy: in the end you'll basically have rewritten EF's mapping methods.
You'll have to keep your fingers crossed when you want to upgrade EF.
With bugs/problems you're on your own: hard to get support from the community.
So my answer to your question help me to solve this issue would be: use fluent mapping out of the box. Keep it simple.
1 For example, you would still have to use the virtual modifier to enable proxies for lazy loading.
2 Like support for inheritance, unmapped foreign keys, max length, db data type, ... this could go on for a while.

Bind custom class to a column in database with EF 4 POCO

I have create a class, let's call it User. In this class I have a custom created class called EMail. This class contains only a string that holds the value of the emailadress and some logic to verify the address. So it looks like this in my User class.
public class User{
public string Name{get;set;}
public EMailAddress EMail{get;set;}
I now want to bind this EMail to a column in my databas by using EF4's CTP5 code. But I can't do this, I don't even get an good exception back, all I get is "Thread aborted exception", but if I comment out my EMail property it works good.
My EMailAddress class looks like this.
public class EMailAddress
//-- Declaration
private string _email;
//-- Constructor
public EMailAddress(string emailAddress)
if (emailAddress == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(string.Format("Supplied emailaddress can't be null"));
if (!IsValid(emailAddress))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("'{0}' is not a valid Emailaddress", emailAddress));
_email = emailAddress;
//-- Methods
private static bool IsValid(string emailAddress)
Regex re = new Regex(Constants.EMAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION_PATTERN);
return re.IsMatch(emailAddress);
public override string ToString()
return _email;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (obj is string)
return _email == (string)obj;
if(obj is EMailAddress)
return _email == ((EMailAddress)obj).ToString();
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
return _email.GetHashCode();
//-- Operator
public static bool operator ==(EMailAddress emailAddress, EMailAddress emailAddress2)
return object.Equals(emailAddress, emailAddress2);
public static bool operator !=(EMailAddress emailAddress, EMailAddress emailAddress2)
return !(emailAddress == emailAddress2);
And I want to keep my EMailAddress class free of any public properties. Is there a way to let the EF use the .ToString() method when itsaves the value to the database, and use the constructor when loading the data from the database to populate my objects.
No it is not possible. You have two choices:
Add another string property to your User class. This property will be responsible for returning email and setting email (creating EmailAddress instance). This property will be mapped. Add [NotMappedAttribute] to EMail property. You can play with visibility of the new property. In common EF you can change visibility of property but I'm not sure if it is also possible in code-first.
Map EMailAddress as complex type (mark it with [ComplexTypeAttribute] but in such case you again need to add string property to EMailAddress.
You can map non-public properties to columns in EF but the default codefirst API doesn't support it out of the box. I've made some free code available that you can use in your projects to support this need. You'll still have to have the properties but they can be protected or private or internal now.
Details are here