AJAX POST issue - [[NoSuchElementException: None.get]] - scala

I can't seem to get the POST parameters to come through from an AJAX javascript POST. The error is:
#6angl7689 - Internal server error, for request [POST /myRoute] ->
play.core.ActionInvoker$$anonfun$receive$1$$anon$1: Execution exception [[NoSuchElementException: None.get]]
POST /myRoute controllers.Application.testPost
Controller code:
def myForm = Form(
"valOne" -> text,
"valTwo" -> text))
def testPost() = Action { implicit request =>
val (valOne, valTwo) = myForm.bindFromRequest.get // Errors here
println("valOne: " + valOne)
println("valTwo: " + valTwo)
CoffeeScript client-side:
params =
valOne: 'valOne'
valTwo: 'valTwo'
type: 'POST'
url: '/myRoute'
data: params

Update your client code,
type: 'POST'
url: '/myRoute'
data: {valOne: 'valOne', valTwo: 'valTwo'}
This should work


How to call Microsoft Graph REST API with groovy-wslite

I am trying to call Microsoft Graph API on groovy script using Java libraries. However, even though partly success, I still have some serious issues using it within my current project, so I think about trying to call the the REST API using groovy-wslite.
This is my current code for getting access token:
def authorizeHost = "https://login.microsoftonline.com"
def authorizePath = "/${azureSetting.getTenantID()}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?"
try {
RESTClient client = new RESTClient(authorizeHost)
def params = [
"scope": "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default",
"response_type": "code"
def response = client.post(
path: authorizePath,
type ContentType.JSON
json params
LOGGER.info("Success: " + (response.statusCode == 200));
LOGGER.info("Output: (" + response.contentType + ") " + response.text);
} catch (RESTClientException e) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
LOGGER.info("Error: " + sw.toString());
The response from the log:
AADSTS900144: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'client_id'.
How can I change the above code, so that Microsoft Graph REST API can recognize my sending content and send back the access token.
UPDATE: After trying around, I found out that the body os post method should be as below:
type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
urlenc client_id: azureSetting.getClientID(),
scope: "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default",
response_type: "code"
according to doc https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth-v2-user#token-request your request should have Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
you are trying to send json instead
here is your code but pointing to a test httpbin.org server and it could show what exactly you are sending to server
there is a minor change: ContentType.JSON -> ContentType.URLENC
#Grab(group='com.github.groovy-wslite', module='groovy-wslite', version='1.1.3', transitive=false)
import wslite.rest.*
//just for test
def azureSetting = [ getClientID:{-> "12345"} ]
def LOGGER = [info:{x-> println x}]
//redefined host and url
def authorizeHost = "HTTP://httpbin.org"
def authorizePath = "/post"
try {
RESTClient client = new RESTClient(authorizeHost)
def params = [
"scope": "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default",
"response_type": "code"
def response = client.post(
path: authorizePath,
json params
LOGGER.info("Success: " + (response.statusCode == 200));
LOGGER.info("Output: (" + response.contentType + ") " + response.text);
} catch (RESTClientException e) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
LOGGER.info("Error: " + sw.toString());

How to send an image file (png) to a REST API Post endpoint using Micronaut as Client

I have this code as client for a POST API
fun saveIndividualDocumentHolder(
#Header("Authorization") authorization: String,
#PathVariable marketplaceId: String,
#PathVariable holderId: String,
#PathVariable type: String,
#Body image: String
): HttpResponse<HolderDocumentResponse>
The API expects an image file as "image/png", "image/jpg". I am getting {415 Unsupported media type: text/plain"}
I send 'the file' using:
fun saveIndividualDocumentHolder(holderId: String, type: String, file: MultipartBody): HttpResponse<HolderDocumentResponse> {
val contentType = "image/png"
val httpResponse = client.saveIndividualDocumentHolder(authorization, marketplaceId, holderId, type, file.toString())
if (httpResponse.status != HttpStatus.CREATED) throw RuntimeException("HTTP status: ${httpResponse.status}" )
val response = httpResponse.body()?: throw RuntimeException("No body")
return httpResponse
I have picked the file from my 'internal endpoint' using MultipartBody. Then I convert this file to a String as Body request.
I am new to all these things, could you please elucidate?

Groovy rest client without libraries

I am using a rest client to do Post
My code is
def postRequest() {
def message = "{ \"fields\": { \"project\": { \"id\": \"001\" },\"summary\": \"Test Issue For Jira Integration\",\"description\": \"Creating of an issue for for projects and issue types using the REST API\", \"issuetype\": { \"id\": \"5\" } }}"
def post = new URL("https://jira/rest/api/latest/issue").openConnection();
//def message = '{"message":"this is a message"}'
String userpass = "user:pass" ;
String basicAuth = "Basic " + new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(userpass.getBytes()));
post.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", basicAuth);
post.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json")
def postRC = post.getResponseCode();
if(postRC.equals(201)) {
I am getting 400 error code , where its getting wrong
I am successfully able to do the get request with URL
400 = bad request.
it means server tried to validate your post data and it's wrong.
usually this response contains body with explanation...
for 400+ status codes the body comes through getErrorStream() and not through getInputStream()
So, I would do it like this:
def postRequest(url, message) {
def post = new URL(url).openConnection();
//def message = '{"message":"this is a message"}'
String userpass = "user:pass" ;
String basicAuth = "Basic " + userpass.getBytes("UTF-8").encodeBase64()
post.setRequestProperty("Authorization", basicAuth);
post.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json")
if( !(message instanceof String) )message = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(message).toPrettyString()
def response=[:]
response.code = post.getResponseCode()
response.message = post.getResponseMessage()
if( response.code>=400 ){
response.body = post.getErrorStream()?.getText("UTF-8")
response.body = post.getInputStream()?.getText("UTF-8")
assert response.code in [200,201] : "http call failure ${response.code}: ${ response.body ?: response.message }"
return response
def msg = [
fields: [
project : [ id: "001" ],
summary : "Test Issue For Jira Integration",
description : "Creating of an issue for for projects and issue types using the REST API",
issuetype : [ id: "5" ]
def r = postRequest("http://httpbin.org/post", msg)
println r
The issue was related to certificate , I have to bypass the certificate validation and its working fine. Since both the application are under same network and behind same company's firewall , I have bypass the certificate validations.
Adding the skipping certificate validation part to the above code is working for me

Unable to Test POST request In Scala HTTP Akka

Although the problem seems to be easy, but I am unable to get a OK 200 response while trying to register an Instance.
def register(InstanceString: String) : server.Route = {
log.debug(s"POST /register has been called, parameter is: $InstanceString")
try {
val paramInstance : Instance = InstanceString.parseJson.convertTo[Instance](instanceFormat)
handler.handleRegister(paramInstance) match {
case Success(id) =>
Above is the method that executes the request.
Following is its API configuration:
- Basic Operations
summary: Register a new instance at the registry
operationId: addInstance
- in: body
name: InstanceToRegister
required: true
$ref: '#/definitions/Instance'
description: The ID of the registered instance
type: integer
format: int64
example: 42
Following is the test case that I am trying to execute but I get 400 Bad Request did not equal 200 OK.
"The Server" should {
"Successfully Register" in {
Post("/register", HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`,"""{"InstanceString":"hallo"}""")) ~> Route.seal(routes) ~> check {
assert(status === StatusCodes.OK)
Try this:
Post("/register", requestBody.toJson).withHeaders("if Any") ~> Route.seal(routes) ~> check {
status shouldBe StatusCodes.OK
I can see that you have Json reader for your request body, so use Json writer like this new InstanceString("hello").toJson you get request body.
I see that your your request content type is application/json and you are passing String.

Facebook batch calls with JSONP

As of 10.04.2012,
There is a short paragraph in the Facebook developer document for 'batch request' entitled: Batch calls with JSONP, which reads:
"The Batch API supports JSONP, just like the rest of the Graph API -
the JSONP callback function is specified using the 'callback' query string
or form post parameter."
I thought that meant you can also do a batch request using JSONP from Javascript (which will be a GET request, as JSONP works only as a GET request), so I tried that, with adding a 'batch' parameter (containing objects describing requests for batch as in the doc) to the query string. Response from FB server was:
Only POST is allowed for batch requests
So, questions:
1. What did they mean in that paragraph?
2. Is there a way to do an asynchronous batch request from Javascript?
I get the same. Sample code is
jQuery.support.cors = true;
var AjaxRequest = jQuery.ajax( {
url: "http://graph.facebook.com/",
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
data: { "access_token": AccessToken, "batch": BatchRequest },
dataType: "jsonp",
error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
... show error stuff
success: function( Return, textStatus, jqXHR ) {
showLog( "Return " + JSON.stringify( Return ) );
showLog( "textStatus " + textStatus );
showLog( "jqXHR " + JSON.stringify( jqXHR ) );
if ( Return.error ) {
... go away
else {
... use the data
} ); // eo ajax request
which gives
Return {"error":3,"error_description":"Only POST is allowed for batch requests"}
textStatus success
jqXHR {"readyState":4,"status":200,"statusText":"success"}
i.e. it successfully sends back an error message. JSONP translates the POST type to a GET, which Facebook doesn't support...
To answer qu.2 you can use FB.api to do asynchronous batch request in javascript. I was trying out JSONP because IE8 keeps hanging on the return from Facebook with FB.api.