UITableView Reloading Issue - iphone

I am in very complex issue of reloading UITableView!
I've a UITableView in which I am continuously (near by 10seconds), retrieving data from a server and showing that data in my UITableView that contains custom cells. The issue is that, when user (thats me) is scrolling through the UITableView it will crash due to an indexOutOfBound error as I am fetching data from the server the NSMutableArray will clear and fill again with data.
I also tried with a BOOL variable setting YES or NO in scrolling delegates. In this case if I scroll UITableView it will remove the cell of scroll direction, after 10 seconds it will show all cells with data.
But what I want is that, if user scrolls UITableView none of the created cell should hide! scrollEnabled is not a solution for that.
Please help me out!
Thanks :)

this is a thread unsafe code issue. data source being modified while it is being actively used.
one safe solution would be to feed all data after parsing to some DB (sqlite/Coredata) and reload the table datasource from db and call reloadData for table. this way at the time when you were using the datasource array - it wont be empty.
best of luck

if indexOutOfBound means you must check numberofrow that you specified is more than the our array receive in the cell forrowatindex. so check that.


iPad UITableView flickering issue

I have a UITableView that contain about 20 rows in the iPad's viewport. I have a interval timer that will call UITableView's reloadData regularly(post it to UI thread).
Now when I scroll through the UITableView with medium speed (not so fast), that UITableView will refresh with flickering effect.
I have to write a function to manually update the UITableViewCell label by looping through all the items in the array (this array keep all the items that show on UITableView). I will execute this function when timer is running instead of calling reloadData (as I mentioned above). Then the flickering issue is gone.
I believe that reloadData should be better than looping through all the data because reloadData will only refresh the current showing Cells instead of all the rows, but I couldn't figure out why the flickering happens. Anyone know why?
One thing I have to mention is I did use the CellIdentifier correctly to reuse the cell and only create the cell when the retrieved cell is null.
Moreover, I do not have this issue in iPhone and I believe that it is because iPhone has lesser row compare to iPad.
Anyone can give some explanation about this issue?
I had the same problem with flickering when using reloadData. I solved it by using indexPathsForVisibleRows and cellForRowAtIndexPath: to only update the visible cells. Performance is good since I don't have to iterate over the whole data set, but only a limited number of visible cells.
reloadData causes the tableview to recreate the visible cells on screen which can result in a flickering since the cells get destroyed. There are better ways to reload the tableview. Are you using Core Data? If so the NSFetchedResultsController and it's delegate are a great way to update a tableview since it listens to changes in the underlying datasource and only updates the appropriate cells.

How to reload a UITableView for more data?

I have UITableView, which I fill from a JSON Query.
I fill it with Private Messages and it works.
The JSON Query has the properties of "site" in which I get for every site 20 PMs. So at the beginning I got Site=0 and got 20PMS which are loaded.
Now I wanna have the features like in the Email-app (i believe I saw it there): When you scroll down and reach the end (in my app reached the 20. PM), the application should load the next 20 and so on and so on.
Any ideas how to realize?
Save the index path of your last row and implement
[UITableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:]
Or you can use scrollToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:animated:
A constant that identifies a relative position in the receiving table view
(top, middle, bottom) for row when scrolling concludes.
See “Table View Scroll Position” a descriptions of valid constants in docs
And once you get you last scroll position just reload your table view [tableView reloadData]
But there is problem i guess once you reload the data i think after reloading(I am not sure) tableView it will take you to first row again then you can always save the lastIndexpath of that tableView and after reloadData just scrollToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:animated: or you can use scrollToNearestSelectedRowAtScrollPosition:animated:
I think you can implement feature like email app using your custom logic. What you do is keep the last row of tableview for loading more data. There should be message like "Load more..." in that last row. Whenever user touches that row, you should load more data and update tableview.
Stephen James and his colleagues at Key Options Development came across a similar problem: http://blog.keyoptions.co/tableview-with-automatic-load-more
They have built a sample app (ContinousTableview) that should be of some help to you. The source code is available at GitHub: https://github.com/stephenjames/ContinuousTableview

how to persist tableview data on vertical scroll

i have created scrollview and have loaded tableview on that programmatically .also i have created customize tableview cell and displaying data in tableview.But my problem is whenever i am scrolling tableview vertically my data is not getting persist and data of cell is getting erase.Please help me how shuld i store that data
It sounds as if you might not be using the reuseidentifiers of the table view properly. If you give all cells the same reuseidentifier then as you scroll the cells that go off screen might end up losing the customizations you made to them. I suggest getting a good understanding of reuseidentifiers, you could start here:iphone-what-are-reuseidentifiers-uitableviewcell

How to deal with Custom Cells when these are not visible and want to get the cell using indexPath?

Guys, I didn't find a clean and a simple solution for the following issue. I've a UITableViewController view which uses a UITextFieldCustomCell that I implemented.
The table has several rows, that requires the user to scroll down an enter values on each cell, which contains a UILabel and a UITextField.
Every time the user change the value on the UITextField the UIViewController gets notified and stores the value in a NSDictionary using the cell indexPath.row property, in order to identify what's the key for the cell where the value needs to be stored.
The problem is if the user keep focus on a cell and then scrolls up or down (removing the cell from the view) makes me unable to get the indexPath for the cell, since it's not visible.
So, I cannot store the value since I don't know from which cell the value is coming.
Have anyone run through this issue before?. It seems to be a common design between iPhone applications, does anyone have an idea if is this a good implementation or not?
I assume you're observing textFieldDidEndEditing:. Are you saying it's not firing, or that it is firing, but it's no longer in any of the cells (possibly because it's in the process of being removed)?
Assuming the latter, my approach would be to use setTag: on the UITextField to make it easy to keep track of its index. This would save you from ever hunting around in your cells, even in the case that they are on the screen.

How to stop UITableView of reloading data and calling tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:?

I've got another problem my my UITableView: I dynamically load "Questions" from a XML File and show them inside cells of my UITableView, where the user can also answer them. The Problem is: if you scroll down, and then scroll up again, the answers that you typed before, just disappear. I've also noticed that UITableView calls the method tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: again, and that is exacty my problem, cause this method loads the questions from the XML File again so that all the answers that the User has typed get lost.
How can I keep all the cells in memory, and stop doing lazy loading of the cells?
I would appreciate any suggestions.
Store and preserve retrieved data in an NSMutableArray and hook this up as a data source to the table view.