UITableViewController won't scroll if keyboard appears - iphone

I have some TableViewController with static Cells and some TextFields. A few Days ago, everything works fine, the TableViewController managed the "scroll to cell if keyboard appear", the contentOffset, etc. and I don't had to use [self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:...] or something else.
But today I notice that the Table won't set the contentOffset and scroll. I don't know what or where I changed something to cause this behavior, I just added some Labels and change origins.
So, how is it possible to activate/deactivate the automatically scroll to cell, if the keyboard appear?
Or maybe the Storyboardfile is broken?

I found the Problem.
I added viewWillDisappear, but without [super viewWillDisappear:animated]; the TableViewController won't scroll, etc.


Prevent keyboard from moving textview in UITableView

I have 2 cells in a group in a tableview, the first has a textview in it, (2 lines max). When the user selects the textview, the keyboard appears and moves the textview up from under the keyboard. the second cell only appears when the textview has focus.
However the second cell is still hidden by the keyboard, I have tried to the various methods that scroll the tableview, but the result is always jerky, with the table moving up and down rapidly. Probably because its inserting a row, scrolling up for the keyboard and me trying to make it scroll up even more all at once.
How can I prevent the keyboard from moving scrolling the table view at all, so that I can do the scrolling myself exactly how I want it, and avoid the ugly fight between the two methods.
Did you try this method by setting scroll position to UITableViewScrollPositionTop ,if this not work ,just make your second cell that with textfield :)
- (void)scrollToNearestSelectedRowAtScrollPosition:(UITableViewScrollPosition)scrollPosition animated:(BOOL)animated
Use a UITableViewController instead a UIViewController (for the ViewController where your UITableView is placed). That will solve the scrolling issue.
If not possible, you have to scroll by your self (pain in the ass).
See: Making a UITableView scroll when text field is selected

How to interact with a UITableView displayed overlapping another UITableView

I have one UITableView displaying some data, and when the user begins typing in a UITextField above the UITableView, another UITableView is displayed below the UITextField to show suggestions. This "suggestions" UITableView overlaps the UITableView below the UITextField. Tapping on one of the suggestions will populate the text box with the item tapped.
The suggestions UITableView displays in front of the other UITableView, but problem is that none of the taps to the suggestions UITableView register if they're outside the bounds of the view that contains it.
This is probably a really simple problem dealing more with UIViews in general, but I'm having trouble. Thanks for the help!
You have to adjust your second tableview which is giving you suggestions below testfield which will solve most of your issues
hope it helps you
you can show the second UITableView within another view that is displayed above the current view, like a popover, using
[self.view addSubview:secondView].
Once a selection is made, you can remove this view using
[secondView removeFromSuperview];

UIButton under UIView should NOT be clickable

I have a view with some UIButtons on it. I add another - semi transparent - view on top of all, displaying some information to the user (actually, it's kind of a selfmade modal-alert). But the buttons under the semi-transparent view still react to taps. They shouldn't, though.
How can I prevent the buttons from reacting to taps?
semiTransparentViewOnTopOfAll.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
should solve this problem. But, still if the problem persists, try,
semiTransparentViewOnTopOfAll.exclusiveTouch = YES;
do like this
by getting all buttons from view

Unwanted automatic scrolling with UIScrollView and UITextFields as subviews

The "too long; didn't read" version: Is there any way to disable the automatic scrolling behaviour of UIScrollView when telling a UITextField to becomeFirstResponder?
I have a scroll view with paging enabled and several views as subviews, each subview being controlled by its own view controller. Each subview has a UITextField.
The requirement is that when a page is scrolled into view, it's text field should become first responder.
This is fine when using finger swipes to scroll -- I use the scroll view delegate method scrollViewDidEndDecelerating: to know when scrolling stops and a page is in view, I can tell the text field to become first responder.
However, when the scroll view is "autoscrolled", as in when telling the scrollview to scrollRectToVisible:animated:, the scroll view delegate method for deceleration isn't called. I use this method when scrolling newly created pages into view without the user's interation, or when the user taps the UIPageControl.
My solution was to simply set the first responder status of the text field before telling it to scroll into view - but it seems that telling a text field that is in a scroll view to become first responder causes the scroll view to automatically scroll it into view.
I assume this is behaviour used when putting text fields in table view cells (since table views are scroll view subclasses). If you set up a small test app, with a table view, and a text field within a table cell, if the keyboard would obscure the table view cell when it becomes first responder, the table view will automatically scroll it to be visible.
I don't understand, though, why this behaviour occurs in my example, where I'm not using a table view - just a plain scroll view.
I should also mention that my scroll view has vertical scrolling disabled and only scrolls horizontally.
I have tested in another test app that puts text fields as direct subviews of a scrollview (no view controllers or container views) and the same happens. If you tell a text field that is offscreen to become first responder, the scroll view with automatically scroll it for you.
This wouldn't normally be a problem, but it seems to screw up the paging of the scroll view. When I scroll with my finger, each view bounces and is centred properly. But when I scroll a rect to be visible with animation and tell a text field to become first responder, scroll view seems to become conflicted with itself and the view is only scrolled part of the way into view, and isn't centred.
Then, if I touch a view using my finger (not swipe, or even move), the scroll view jumps back to the first page.
My current work around for all this silly auto scrolling behaviour is to use an NSTimer to determine when to update the first responder.
I do the manual scrolling in code using scrollRectToVisible:animated and then after 0.3 seconds, call my method to update the text field to be first responder. (0.3 seconds was trial and error, trying to see which seemed to be the smallest amount of time to allow for the animation but still be long enough not to cause the conflict with the scrollview.
As you can see, this isn't elegant, and is likely to break.
Is there any way to disable the automatic scrolling behaviour of UIScrollView when telling a UITextField to becomeFirstResponder?
Call becomeFirstResponder, then right away, set the contentOffset of the scrollview to its current position..
[textField becomeFirstResponder];
[scrollview setContentOffset:scrollview.contentOffset animated:NO];
Not an answer to your question, but it should fix the problem:
- (void)scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
// Make the text field first responder...

UITableView Won't Scroll In Certain Conditions

My app has a set of categories. A category can have sub-categories.
DirectoryCategoryController is the first screen, displaying all the top-level categories. Works great. When you tap a cell, if the category selected has sub-categories, I instantiate a new instance of DirectoryCategoryController and push it to display the sub-categories. From there, you tap a sub-category and see the contents.
The problem is that while the top level works fine, when I tap in and see the sub-categories, the table view won't scroll. The search bar takes touches, the table cells take touches but up and down scrolling does not work, like the table view is vertically frozen in space.
If I tap the search bar and hit cancel or if I go into a sub-categories contents and then hit back, the very same table view that didn't scroll works just fine.
Also, if the table view has more items than fit on the screen (about anything bigger than 8 in this layout), everything works.
Very odd problem ; kinda blowing my mind. Any insight?
So, I figured this out and thought I would answer as a reference.
At this point, I think it may be an iPhone OS bug and I'm filing a RADAR.
A UIScrollView, of which UITableView is a subclass, will not attempt to scroll if everything fits on one screen.
In my case, it appears the scroll view thought everything fit (it was very close) but it didn't. Actually, if you removed the UISearchBar from the UITableView, everything would have fit and it wouldn't need to scroll. My guess is that it's incorrectly determining the geometry when the UISearchBar is attached.
Anyway, the work-around was to add this:
[self.tableView setAlwaysBounceVertical:YES];
The odd thing was that when another view was pushed and then popped, the vertical bounce worked fine, furthering my suspicions it's an iPhone bug.
I noticed the same thing when using A UITableView with a UISearchBar as the header view, as configured in Interface Builder in Xcode 4.3.1. In my viewDidLoadMethod, I added the following code and it fixed the problem for me:
self.contactsTable.bounces = YES;
I believe that it's a bug that disables the bounces property, but it can be fixed by re-enabling it.