EF Power Tools Beta 2 and Visual Studio 2012 RC - entity-framework

The ADO.NET blog at
The Power Tools are compatible with Visual Studio 2010 and Entity Framework 4.2 or later.
You can also install the Power Tools on Visual Studio 11 Beta, but you may receive the error "A constructible type deriving from DbContext could not be found in the selected file." This is caused by a bug in the Visual Studio 11 unit test tools where an older version of EntityFramework.dll is being loaded. We are working closely with that team to resolve the issue. As a workaround, you can delete the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0_Config\BindingPaths{BFC24BF4-B994-4757-BCDC-1D5D2768BF29} registry key. Be aware, however, that this will cause the Unit Test commands to stop working. Thank you, early adopters, for your superhuman patience with prerelease software.
My question is:
Does anybody know if this issue is resolved on VS2012 Professional RC? I have a pretty stable installation and don't want to mess up with it.

Yes, it is fixed in Visual Studio 2012 RC.


Upgrade from EF Core 1.1 to 2.0 preview

After upgrading EF1.1 to EF2.0 now I'm not able to do migrations.
Error: Startup project 'QilinSystem.Store.Data.csproj' targets
framework '.NETStandard'. This framework is not intended for execution
and may fail to resolve runtime dependencies. If so, specify a
different project using the --s tartup-project option and try again.
How to solve this issue?
EF Core 2.0 Preview 1 requires Visual Studio 15.3 Preview, so you have to install it.
Announcing EF Core 2.0 Preview 1:
Accessing .NET Core tooling in Visual Studio requires Visual Studio
2017 15.3 Preview, Visual Studio for Mac or Visual Studio Code. More
information about this and download links can be found in the .NET
Core 2.0 Preview 1 announcement.
Visual Studio Preview FAQ:
Preview installs next to your stable Visual Studio IDE, allowing you
to use either independently.

SQLite provider in VS2017

I want to connect sqlite using EF6 in VS2017.
I installed "System.Data.SQLite" nuget package.
I also installed "sqlite-netFx46-setup-bundle-x86-2015-" from http://system.data.sqlite.org, but I cannot see the sqlite provider when adding ADO.NET data entity.
Am I missing something? or the above package not supporting VS2017 (it said it is for VS2015)
There is no DDEX provider package for VS 2017 (yet). https://system.data.sqlite.org/index.html/tktview?name=8292431f51
Basically you need to wait for: sqlite-netFx46-setup-bundle-x86-2017-1.0.1xx.0.exe
"Official" update:
The current estimate is that support for Visual Studio 2017 will
be included in the release, which should be released at
some point in the mid-June timeframe.
mistachkin added on 2017-05-28 20:41:40: At this point, it seems unlikely that I'll be able to add VS 2017 support for the design-time components (e.g. table designer, entity wizard, etc).
UPDATE: I have created a DDEX provider that enables SQLite support (for EF6 only) in Visual Studio 2017, see the how-to guide here: https://github.com/ErikEJ/SqlCeToolbox/wiki/EF6-workflow-with-SQLite-DDEX-provider
The issue was solved after installing SQLite/SQL Server Compact Toolbox.
Please try. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ErikEJ.SQLServerCompactSQLiteToolbox
The VS 2017 installer is really a pain in the b***.. Installing packages via an automated deployment works, but detecting installation state and such is near to impossible..
Seems like microsoft devs finally got sick of msi packages and implemented their own installer / package manager for VS2017, as other teams did for Office 365 and such..
According to the url provided by the sqlite-netFX46-bundle-win32-2015- intaller log : https://system.data.sqlite.org/index.html/info/8292431f51119807241632b092774e60189018d9 Visual Studio 2017 support isn't available yet
I tryied many things without any result, the worst is that I installed also a VS 2015 but cannot install because of the VS 2017 installation on my computer.

Entity Framework Power Tools does not appear in VS 2012

I have installed EntityFramework 6.01 and have added a reference to my project. I closed Visual Studio 2012 and I then installed EF Power Tools Beta 4.
I re-opened Visual Studio 2012 and right-clicked my project containing dbContext. No entry appears in the context menu for Entity Framework. No error messages occurred during installation.
Are there additional pre-requisites to using EF Power Tools?
I think I have discovered the solution. My company uses VB.net as the standard development language. As a test, I started a C# project. Entity Framework Power Tools are fully present in the C# project. It appears that Entity Framework Power Tools are not yet available in VB.net projects.
Try right clicking on the project. I just looked at the beta 4 description and it does not reference EF 6. But the reverse engineer classes from database should show up with a right click on the project, indicating that at least the power tools installed correctly. These are the only comparability issues I could find:
Generate Views won’t work with prerelease versions of EF6.
It will, however, work with the RTM version when it’s released.
View Entity Data Model won’t work with EF6 on Visual Studio 2010.
Beta 4 updates the Power Tools to work with Entity Framework 6 and Visual Studio 2013. The following issues have also been fixed in this release.
Power Tools don't work when project is under a solution folder
Power Tools stop working when EF.dll is loaded into VS
Specific info found on the ado.net blog on msdn

Visual Studio 2012 Express with Entity Framework menu

I installed VS 2012 beta version and then installed Entity framework following this tutorial and it worked fine.
VS 2012 beta expired so i got VS 2012 Express. I tried to follow the same tutorial but now i don't have "Entity Framework Reverse Engineer Code First" in right-click project menu.
Is it a limitation in Visual Studio 2012 Express?
EF Power Tools are not available on Express SKU - you need at least Pro version. See this thread for more detailed answer: How to install EFPowerTool Beta on the right version of VS on my PC

using NuGet with Visual Studio 2005

What would be the most frictionless workflow for working with NuGet and Visual Studio 2005? Is this at all possible? I understand that the plugin is only available for Visual Studio 2010, but there is still the package manager console wich seems to be nothing more than powershell. Can I run the console without Visual Studio and can the console download and integrate packages into visual studio 2005 projects? If so, how is this done?
Scott Hanselman blogged about adding NuGet "support" to Visual Studio 2008. You can probably adapt this slightly to work in Visual Studio 2005 too, though of course you won't get the same experience as in Visual Studio 2010.
Well, not really. A better title would be "How to Cobble Together
NuGet Support for Visual Studio 2008 with External Tools and a
Prayer." The point is, there are lots of folks using Visual Studio
2008 who would like NuGet support. I'm exploring this area and there's
a half-dozen ways to make it happen, some difficult and some less so.
The idea would be to enable some things with minimal effort. It'll be
interesting to see if there are folks in the community who think this
is important enough to actually make it happen. Of course, the easiest
thing is to just use 2010 as it sill supports .NET 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, and
4, but not everyone can upgrade.
Someone could:
Backport the existing NuGet Package References dialog to 2008 using
that version's native extensions (not VSiX)
Create MEF (Managed
Extensibility Framework) plugins for the nuget.exe command-line to
update the references in a vbproj or csproj
Use PowerShell scripts and
batch files to get the most basic stuff working (get a package and
update references.)
Maybe write a shim to get DTE automation
But that's coulds and maybes. Let's talk about the MacGyver
solution. more »