Trying to clarify the relationship between JBoss Application Server and Seam: - jboss

I am trying to clarify the relationship between JBoss Application Server
and Seam:
Is the Seam distribution, or any part of it, included in standard JBoss AS download zip files?
If only a part of the Seam distribution is included, which part?
If not, is the Seam distribution intended to be downloaded
separately from and added into the AS?

Seam is not distributed alonside JBoss AS. It is a framework intended to support development of web applications (much like Spring or Struts) and is not tied to JBoss AS in any way (you could use Seam equally well in Glassfish or any other application server, and JBoss AS does not require Seam at all).
Usually, the Seam libraries are part of your own project, among the EAR or WAR libraries. It is to be downloaded separately from or JBoss projects sites and is usually distributed in "runtime" form (you get the seam libraries alongside all dependencies and utility programs, such as seam-gen for project generation).


How do I change the class-path of one of my applications in JBoss EAP 6.4

I have a JBoss EAP 6.4 implementation which runs a bunch of separate applications within it. All living in the same WAR file.
For one of those applications I want to modify the class-path. Specifically I want it to exchange two jars for two others.
Is that possible?

application migrating from weblogic 9.2 to weblogic 12c

I want to migrate an application from webLogic 9.2 server to webLogic 12 c. I'm newer for this process. Can someone help me for making this, please?
I don't know very much weblogic server.
First of install the binaries and create a new weblogic domain or upgrade the older domain.
if you are using third party jars with your application, you need to tell weblogic to use your application jars instead of its own jars.
This is done in weblogic.xml file. In older versions of weblogic. this tag is used
<prefer-web-inf-classes> true </prefer-web-inf-classes>
in weblogic 12c this is not the recommended way. You need to user
<prefer-application-packages> tag and specify the list of application packages that you want to be loaded from your application as opposed to weblogic12c own jars
more on this
its not a very straight-forward thing to do, so good luck!

jBPM and JBoss web app

Ok I'm having quite some issues setting both jbpm and jboss working together...something as simple as running the jbpm process from a servlet is trunning to be a pain and all because jBoss can't find classes.
I made a Dynamic Web Project and didn't use Maven project so things are cleaner...and because it should work.
I just want to load a jbpmn2.0 from the repository in a servlet and run it using a WorkItemHanlder....but I get this:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.drools.runtime.process.WorkItemHandler
For some reason jBoss can't find a class from jBPM that should work on JBoss. What I did....and I think it's not the right solution...was add the knowledge-api.jar to the WEB-INF/lib. Although I can now deploy the app when I try to run it I get:
Error Unable to instantiate service for Class 'org.drools.builder.KnowledgeBuilderFactoryService'
I Honestly don't get why is it so hard to make a Jboss Web app using jBpm.
You need to make sure all dependencies are on your classpath, this is the same for all Java applications (not just jbpm) and application servers (not just JBossAS).
Which jars did you add? Depending on which features you are using, there could be quite a number of jars that you need to add. One option would for example would be to extract the jars in the jBPM runtime zip that is part of the jBPM downloads into your WEB-INF/lib.
If you use Maven, you would be able to automatically derive all required jars.

What are the most important differences between full AppServer (like JBossAS) and Seam?

If client of the system is on the web there are no advantages JBossAS+Seam over Tomcat+Seam?
Your questions suggests you're confused about what is what.
Seam is a framework for building web applications in Java.
JBoss AS is a Java EE application server.
Tomcat is a Java servlet container.
You can run Seam on either JBoss or Tomcat.
Since JBoss is a full EE app. server, you get certain features like Enterprise Java Beans out of the box with JBoss.
With Tomcat, you don't, but this isn't usually a big concern since, for example, Spring framework can replace Java EE if you need that functionality.
It does matter what you use, since the majority of your system will be probably coded in the back end (server side Java).
If you want the minimum amount of hassle when using Seam, I'd suggest using JBoss since that company made Seam.

Which JBoss 5.1 libraries I need for a standalone EJB client?

I'm migrating from JBossAS 4.05 to JBoss 5.1, and I have doubt about wich libraries I need to change in my EJB standalone clients.
From JBossAS 4.0.5, I have a straight list of libraries that I need to deploy within all clients. But, in 5.1 version, some libraries was changed or supressed.
Anybody have a straight list just for access remote EJB services?
As per ...
1.5.3. jbossall-client.jar The client/jbossall-client.jar library
that used to bundle the majority of
jboss client libraries, is now
referencing them instead through the
Class-Path manifest entry. This allows
swapping included libraries (e.g.
jboss-javaee.jar) without having to
re-package jbossall-client.jar. On the
other hand, it requires that you have
jbossall-client.jar together with the
other client/*.jar libraries, so they
can be found.
Look at this post for a solution to:
The newer versions of JBoss (I'm using
5.1.0 GA) very annoyingly have all the client jars split into at least 47
separate jars! Which is a bit rude
when you consider the total number of
jars they expect you to copy into your
tomcat/lib dir is a whopping 93.