Basic CCArray understanding - iphone

Very new to C++ and Cocos2d-x but I was just toying around with CCArray and had a question. I'm used to NSMutableArray and NSArray, where i dont have to set the size for the array upon creation.
with CCArray every example i find of it has the size set
CCArray *frames = CCArray::arrayWithCapacity(int)
So my question is this, is it possible to leave the capacity open ended?
Is this gonna cause problems in the future?
And can I add more elements in the future as I can do with NSMutableArray, but not NSArray.

In cocos2d-x CCArray is mutable, i.e. you can add elements to it. To create CCArray instance without capacity, you can use CCArray::array() constructor. CCMutableArray is template-based container that can store objects of the same type. CCArray stores objects as CCObject instances, so you have to cast them after getting from CCArray instance


NSMutableData bugs (iPhone)

I use NSMutableData objects to store lists of 32 byte structs that represent series data. These series are potentially extended, added, aligned, etc. To save allocation of unnecessary objects I try to extend and append bytes to existing objects rather than allocate new ones.
I noticed some strange behavior in the simulator today: 1) using setLength and increaseByLength didn't always zero all new bytes and 2) use of these objects after modification resulted in crashes. The crashes were all in very different areas but always EXC_BAD_ACCESS. After quite a bit of debugging I ended up allocating new objects for working with via mutableCopy and assigning them to my object attributes when done. That solved all of the issues I was having.
* I am working with these objects in background threads but have wrapped all operations in a synchronized block and have not been able to observe any race conditions on the objects in question.
Has anyone noticed similar oddities?
I haven't received an answer for this so I thought I'd follow up with my solution. I ended up reallocating new NSData / NSMutableData objects as I need them and working with the memory directly before wrapping it in NSData objects.

CCArray with CCSprites in Cocos2D/Kobold2D

I am developing a Cocos2D/Kobold2D game with ARC. I want to store CCSprite references in a CCArray. All the CCSprite objects are added as children to a parent CCNode. Is it a good idea to wrap the CCSprite objects with [NSValue valueWithNonretainedObject:..] for weak references? In all examples I found the CCSprites were stored retained in CCArrays...
There is really no need to use NSValue.
If you add objects to an NSArray or CCArray or any collection, they will be retained. It is your duty to make sure the objects are removed respectively the collection released at the appropriate time.
In many cases you don't actually need to store node references separately. You have the children array, just iterate over it and select the nodes you need to work with, for example by tagging them or by using the userObject property.

How to declare array of pointers in objective c

I dont know how to declare a array which just stores pointers to objects. As per My understanding ,if I use method
[ someArray addObject:someObject ] ,
It would then add the copy of object to array and any changes to object wont get reflected to original object.
What I want is that create a array of pointers which would just point to objects and changes made to objects would persist. pardon me, If I am missing something basic.
An NSArray or NSMutableArray is an array of pointers. No copying is done.
you have your basics wrong. technically when you do that you create the array of pointers to those objects. read the description.
If you want to get the object copied you have to explicitly say so.
Look at this question for example
Deep copying an NSArray
By the way you should use an NSMutableArray.
Also look at the superclass NSArray
specifically for the initWithArray:copyItems:
If YES, each object in array receives a copyWithZone: message to
create a copy of the object—objects must conform to the NSCopying
protocol. In a managed memory environment, this is instead of the
retain message the object would otherwise receive. The object copy is
then added to the returned array.
If NO, then in a managed memory environment each object in array simply receives a retain message when it is added to the returned
By default adding an object to a nsmutablearray increases its capacity if necessary, adds a retain for the object, and the pointer to the object.
...if I use method
[ someArray addObject:someObject ] ,
It would then add the copy of object to array and any changes to
object wont get reflected to original object.
While it technically doesn't pertain to the question, I simply must correct your terminology. "Copy" in Objective-C implies that the method -copy is sent to the object, which would create a new object in of itself. What Arrays do is send -retain to their objects, which means that the array itself now owns a stake in the object, which is why changes that don't reference the array (-objectAtIndex:), or have a valid claim to the object itself are not reflected.
What I want is that create a array of pointers which would just point
to objects and changes made to objects would persist. pardon me, If I
am missing something basic.
Well, unfortunately iOS does not support the class NSPointerArray, which would make your life significantly easy in regards to an actual array of pointers. Without getting into any C-craziness, I can only reiterate what I mentioned above: If you need to mutate an object in an array, just access it with a valid reference to it, or use -objectAtIndex. So long as you still have a valid claim on the object (a reference in this case, it's pointer didn't change because it was sent -retain) you can change it. Note the simple example below:
NSMutableString *str = [[NSMutableString alloc]initWithString:#"Hello"];
NSArray *arr = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:str, nil];
[str appendString:#" Friend!"];
This prints:
2012-08-07 21:37:46.368 .MyApp[2325:303] (
2012-08-07 21:37:46.369 .MyApp[2325:303] (
"Hello Friend!"

Strange problem with NSMutableArray - Possibly some memory corruption

I am trying to update data in a table view using a NSMutableArray. Quite simple :(
What is happening is that I get my data from a NSURLConnection Callback, which I parse and store it in an array and call reload data on the table view. The problem is that when cellForRowAtIndexPath is called back by the framework. The array still shows the correct count of the elements but all string objects I had stored earlier are shown as invalid.
Any pointers
Maybe your problem is something like the below
NSString *value = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",stringFromWebService];
[arrayOfObjects addObject:value];
[value release]; // This should not be released
This may not be exact but could be similar. Here value is obtained from class method of NSString which is an autoreleased object so if you can see it will be released twice, one by autorelease and other by you.
This is the area you need to check.
Check that you are retaining the NSString objects in your NSURLConnection callback. Are you autoreleasing them?
Ok, forget that last thing. Double checking myself, NSMutableArray will automatically retain the objects when you add them to your array. So you won't need to retain them explicitly:
Like NSArray, instances of
NSMutableArray maintain strong
references to their contents. If you
do not use garbage collection, when
you add an object to an array, the
object receives a retain message. When
an object is removed from a mutable
array, it receives a release message.
So you need to check you aren't doing any other explicit releases on the objects you are adding to the array. Are they referenced anywhere else?
The problem is there where you are adding the string object to a mutable array. The string object was already invalid that time. That's why the time you are accessing them from the array, they are invalid or do not exist.
So best thing is to check the code where you are adding the string object during the parsing.
Your problem may be that you have not initiated the array correctly.
Are you using the array as an attribute of the class?
Make sure when you load the view you allocate and initiate the array.

How to store object + string pairs without retaining the objects, and what kind of storage to use?

I am implementing a class that has to store arbitrary objects together with a string. i.e.
myUIViewObject, #"that's a nice view"
myUIViewController, #"not really special"
myOtherObject, #"very important one"
this list can be extended and modified at any time, so I thought about using NSMutableDictionary here. But I am not really sure...
The object should be the key, i.e. I want to find easily the matching string for myUIViewController or myOtherObject when I ask for it like so:
- (NSString*)checkObjNoteStringForObject:(id)anyObjectInList;
The other problem is, that when an object gets added to that "list", I don't want it to be retained because of that. NSMutableDictionary retains it's contents, right? Could I just send a -release afterwards to undo this unwanted behaviour, and when removing from the list just sending -retain before doing so? Or is there a more elegant way?
What do you suggest? Thanks # all!
If your dictionary key is not retained, once it is deallocated accesses to the dictionary will lead to undefined behaviour (in practice, they'll crash if a lookup happens to hit that dictionary element). To do what you want, you need a strategy to remove the objects from the dictionary when necessary.
If you do have one – for instance, overriding the objects’ -dealloc and removing them from there – you can do what you want using +[NSValue valueWithNonretainedObject:]. The NSValue will refer to your object without retaining it, and the dictionary will copy the NSValue (keys are copied, not retained). Just remember to create an NSValue for each time you want to look something up in the dictionary; a helper function or method is a good idea.