Netbeans - Track time spend in project - netbeans

is there any way, how to track how much time i have spent in every project and after (for example) 5mins of inactivity clocks stop tracking time and resume immediately when i return to computer
Thanks for any suggestions

Like this one :
it is for Mac OS X: TimeTrack
You should search for your platform and must be a native desktop application.
It can be made in C# too for Microsoft Windows.

Try WakaTime Metrics, insights, and time tracking automatically generated from your programming activity.


How can I track how long some .exe files stayed open

I wanted to track the time I spend when I'm working on unity. For personal use, I want to know how much time I spent today in total. I tried some of the time tracking programs like ManicTime but these programs only track the time of active tasks.If I open unity and switch to chrome to search something about Unity,the time tracker stops for Unity. But since what I'm doing in chrome is related to my Unity project, the time I spent on chrome while unity is open should still be tracked and added to my Unity time. Is there time tracking program which tracks the time of tasks even when they are inactive?
If you use Steam, you could add the program as non-steam games and then when they are "played" it should track their time I believe, so long as you start them through Steam.

Set internal clock from code in Objective C

I have a requirement where I need to set the internal clock of iPad from inside my code. I did some google on it with no fruitful result. Is it at all possible to do it and if yes, how ?
I'm afraid you can't using official APIs, it's up to the user to change the time on the device. Moreover, the user can't even control when it's set/updated if it's using Apple's time servers.
You can however maintain your own time inside your app using for example this:
If you really need to change the clock, you might have a look on Cydia, this app for instance can change the device's internal clock connecting to custom NTP servers.
Also, some time ago I read this article about how time synchronisation works on iOS that you might find helpful.
It is not possible unless you jailbreak. That is a setting for the user, not for your app.
In my view, No its not possible. Setting system settings is out of the purview of the iPhone developers' SDK. The API's to access such functions are not documented for users to set.

How to find the application launch and end time in iphone?

I am new to ios development and doing development in ios4.0.1 and xcode 3.2.3. My application should capture other application's launch time and (close) end time. how can we do this? Any help will be appreciated.
For apps in the app store, the answer is "You can't". The best way to think of other applications on iOS with respect to yours is: don't. You can't access their data, you can't see if they're running, you can't control them, and you can't change them. Apps are well and truly sand-boxed as a fundamental design decision in the current setup.
About the only thing you can do is trigger their launch with a suitably formatted system URL. If a Wikipedia application has registered the scheme wiki, you might be able to launch and communicate some simple data by having the system load the URL wiki://articleName, but that's the limit. You don't even know what application will be launched, only that one has the wiki handler.
Jail-broken iOS systems are a whole different matter, but I'm assuming you're not working on those.

Setting a Recurring Event using Appcelerator Titanium

I've got an app I'm building using Appcelerator Titanium that will be a combination alarm clock/url fetcher. The part I'm having problem with is that I need to be able to set a time for the app to go fetch the url and then perform actions as necessary (in this case alert the user if data that should be entered in a time system has been entered). I also want it to do this every day (or every week day) at the prescribed time, and I want it to not have to be 'launched' every time. I'd rather it come up and run as a service, or at least run as a service when sent to the background. I'm most focused on the iPhone, but I've got a few Android users that would like it as well.
Is it even possible to have an Appcelerator app hooked into the system like that? If so, are there any tutorials or examples? I can't even find an alarm clock example, which scares me a bit.
I think that localNotifications should work for you.
there is a sample in the bg.js file included in the kitchenSink.
It is also helpful to know that all of the keys/properties available to you are documented here in the source code.
This guy has a nice alarm module written for android.

Ensuring correct date/time

we are creating a location-enabled app where users use this app to record certain events in the field.
The important part of the event data is when an event happened. This is no issue when user is online, but we also support situations when user is offline (by remembering & later syncing events).
There could be situations when users are offline and they change the time on the phone, so that event times are wrongly recorded.
So, what would be the best way to ensure we get a correct time, independent of user actions, given that device could be offline. Some ideas:
GPS time. Is it possible to acquire it?
Tracking system time changes made by user?
Any other idea?
Note: time does need second accuracy, approximately minute accuracy would be ok.
Note2: we are creating mobile apps for Android and iPhone, so I'm interested for generic solutions and also solutions that are specific to any of those two platforms.
I, personally, wouldn't worry so much about this scenario. The liklihood of someone intentionally changing the time on their Android (which periodically throughout the day syncs to a time server automatically) while offline seems low to me. That being said, the only way I could see compensating for this is to keep a service running in the background that keeps a running tally of the seconds passed since recording the location data offline. Once uploaded to your servers you could use the elapsed seconds to calculate a time offset from current UTC time. It's an awful lot to go through, but it would work.
GPS time is an interesting idea, but Android allows users of the SDK to send mock locations to their devices. I'm not sure you could reliably track changes to system time either, and even if you could you'd be capturing them after the fact without the current real time as context.
We use GPS times in our app for very similar reasons. Since our users are in different time zones and we want local times, we define from our server what time zone they are in at installation time (they don't move very far). Hadn't thought of the mock GPS locations, but you would need to be a fairly advanced user to do that.