WCAT report.xsl invalid - wcat

WCAT from Microsoft is as simple as it promises to be. Running it on Windows 7 x64 is not that straight forward though. The included script file breaks and the XML transformation for the output summary also uses MS-only features.

You can still look at a formatted version of the log.xml using Internet Explorer 9, hitting F12 for the developer features and enable Browser Mode:"Compatibility View". This will allow the xsl transformation, which will not work anywhere else, as other browser complain about some invalid functions and syntax.

If you have Visual Studio installed, you can also use it to apply the XSLT.
In Visual Studio 2012:
Ensure that the XML file that WCAT created (log.xml) and the XSLT file (report.xsl) are in the same directory.
Open the XML file.
In VS2012, click on the XML menu > Start XSLT Debugging (or Start XSLT Without Debugging).
Wait a few seconds for the result html file to be generated.
As an aside...
Remember that the1 WCAT 6.3 report.xsl file has some bugs/typos in it.
The report.xsl causes the the following errors when you transform with it:
Variable 'i' has not been declared (line: 52, column: 13)
The variable or parameter 'rowId' is either not defined or it is out of scope. (line: 1182, column: 37)
The variable or par
You can fix this manually (reference):
Cut the code on lines 1151-1157 and paste it on line 1146.
On line 51 add: var i=0;

Solution for WCAT 6.4.0:
Cut the code on lines 1259-1265 and paste it on line 1293
On line 53 add: var i=0

Valid report.xsl:
I had the same issue, after which i went through the xsl file and fixed the code.
Unfortunatelly IE was still not displaying it correctly, however in Inspect Element the DOM seems to appear fine. So you need to save that into a HTML file and it should look fine after that.

I use WCAT frequently and found that opening the log.xml file in IETester is reliable as you can select the IE8 rendering engine to consistently view the formatted report. No need to edit the xsl or find another viewer after IE upgrades.

i have opened result.xsl in studio, start debugging, defined the 'result'.xml as input and start debugging.
you will get 3 errors. all simple to fix.
1) add a 'var' before the i in a loop
2) remove the $ in the two other error lines
works after that change


Xcode Invalid Swift Parseable Output (Malformed JSON)

I'm getting 4 errors for malformed JSON and one command compileSwift failed with a nonzero exit code error.
I have no clue how to debug this since it doesn't list what file this is occurring in.
I have tried deleting the workspace and pods directory and doing a new pod install && pod update.
I have tried deleting the derived data.
Neither have worked.
I was getting the same error and after reading above comments i went through my code and saw this "return 93à"
So after removing this "à" it's working fine now.
So here is my story on the exact same issue but a totally different cause and resolution.
TL;DR - Decode that problematic array as a string and read it, that is your real issue, not the one with JSON.
And here is my full story ...
First things first ... I got to this error by moving my app files to a framework project and changing their target.
I tried all you guys suggested, but with no luck, it just took me some time to find out how to report those files recursively. If anyone wants to check their encoding in the whole project, here is how to do that:
find . -type f -name "*.swift" -exec file {} +
All my files reported either ASCII and UTF-8, I even removed all Unicode characters to make them all ASCII, and it still didn't help.
Anyway, totally desperate, I decided on the last attempt ... trying to decode whatever was in that undecodable sequence of bytes.
I opened up my browser console, and did this:
String.fromCharCode(...[123, 10, 32, 32, 34, <the rest of the error array from XCode>])
And it saved my day, giving away the actual problem information.
What I got was the actual error message that for some reason (still unknown to me) the compiler wasn't able to process.
Here is a short extract from which you can also see why all people see the same sequence at the beginning:
"kind": "finished",
"name": "compile",
"pid": 27181,
"output": ...
... /RecognizedSymbolBlock.swift:5:15: error: use of undeclared type 'CGRect'\n let rect: CGRect;\n ...
... /RecognizedTextBlock.swift:3:7: error: type 'RecognizedTextBlock' does not conform to protocol 'Decodable'\nclass RecognizedTextBlock ...
So it turned out my problem was not having CoreGraphics framework included in the target, as well as not having it added with import CoreGraphics in the file itself.
Strangely enough, when I looked at that file in XCode (which I didn't do before as it was all just move of a code that worked before), I suddenly got all these errors displayed clearly.
My last weird finding was after I asked myself ... "Why the hell did it work in the original target without the import CoreGraphics?"
It turned out that having this in the bridging header file automatically brought it linked frameworks with it as if they were imported in all my files (it is one of the linked frameworks I use which is using UIKit):
#import <TesseractOCR/TesseractOCR.h>
But it can be anything, really, like:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
The point is if you are using the bridging header file, it may easily hide the fact that you are not being forced to write consistent code with all necessary imports.
Anyway, my primary goal is to let everyone know that their original problem is most probably something totally different and the original issue is actually encoded in that error byte array everyone is getting. Even if you face encoding problems, this byte array may tell you what is wrong with your code.
Happy fixing!
In the navigator pane, the reports tab (last one) is your go-to for these situations. You can see detailed logs of build actions and can track down from there.
I had the same errors from the question. I dragged a file from project_1 to project_2 and all of a sudden all those errors appeared inside project_2. The odd thing was the new file that I dragged in had nothing to do with the errors because they appeared in completely different files that I had previously dragged in from project_1. Those files worked fine for months and the errors didn’t appear until after I dragged in the new file.
I closed Xcode, opened it back up, and the beachball of death started spinning. Xcode was basically frozen, I had to wait about 45 minutes for it to unfreeze.
I added screenshots of the errors and steps of what I had to do to resolve this issue.
1- These were the original errors, just like the ones from the op's question. I had 151 errors:
2- After the beachball stopped spinning I started to look through all of my files. I ran into a file that was somehow corrupted and its normal code was somehow replaced with the odd code inside the middle/right pane below.
Copying and Pasting the corrupted code from the middle/right pane didn't work at all which was odd but I did a global search (cmmnd+4) for "bookmark" and 6 more files appeared that also contained the corrupted code (shown inside the left navigation pane).
"bookmark" is the first word on line 1 inside the file in the middle/right pane, that's why I choose it:
3- I c+p the 6 files from the original project back into this project (the corrupted one) and the errors went from 151 to 10 new errors. All 10 errors were Invalid UTF-8 found in source file:
4- I looked inside all 6 files and inside the commented out code at the very top of the file there was a strange symbol in place of the copyright symbol on line 6:
5- I deleted the strange symbol and everything worked again.
I don't know how those files were corrupted. I think it has something to do with dragging them in from one project to another. Probably was just a random bug. To be safe I deleted the 6 files then added them back in one by one by actually creating a fresh file inside project_2’s Xcode. Then I c+p the code from same file from project_1 back to project_2. No more dragging Swift files from project to project for me.
Very strange.
In my case this compile error was thrown because of source code encode/decode issue. Try to close Xcode and programs which work with a code simultaneously and restart Xcode
I hit the exact same error message converting a workspace from Swift 4.2 to Swift 5. Even with the same numeric sequence in the error message.
The swiftc command was dying on some unicode characters in my source file (in the copyright boilerplate at the top of my file). As suggested by t0rst, you can use the inspector to see which file the command died on.
After removing the unicode characters, the build worked. I suspect there may be some issues with the update to use UTF-8 as the default storage class.
EDIT - Just discovered that the Unicode storage on the offending file was indeed wrong. In the terminal, run file *.swift on your source files. Files with 'UTF-8 Unicode text' are fine. The file that was a problem reported as 'ISO-8859 text'. Use iconv -t UTF-8 src dst to fix the file.
In my case, I had accidentally added a shortcut to a swift file, rather than the swift file itself.
To decode the above code. Right click on browser page, click on inspect and open console tab. In console tab String.fromCharCode(123, 10, 32,23) replace with your numbers and hit enter. You will receive the exact problem in readable format.

tSendMail - New Line Trouble

I am trying to create an email with the some job status information, which I wish to put across multiple lines. However, whatever I do, I get the output in one line. Have changed the MIME type to HTML, used "\n", "\r", "\r\n", String Objects newline. Nothing seems to work.
Although I noticed that these characters do get processed, even though the outcome isn't as expected. I don't see them in the email body, which suggests that the text processor accepts them. Just doesn't process them they way it should. Do I see a bug in the component?
I am on Talend Open Studio 7.0.1, on Ubutntu 16.04.4 VM, on Windows 10 system (if that helps).
HTML < BR > works.
I tried it earlier but looks like I didn't structure my html tags well so it failed. Did it from start and got it right.
Guess what - The more you try, the more you learn. :)

Is it possible to suppress Run Settings output by nunit console?

NUnit console outputs run settings, which include the Test Parameters. I do not want it displayed. Is it possible? I use nunit3-console.
There are no options to change the default console text output, which is aimed at immediate developer feedback rather than reporting. Choices for you would be
Direct the output to a text file and edit it, perhaps automatically.
Create your own report from the XML result file, which contains all the necessary components. You can do this either by writing a resfoundult writer extension to the engine or creating an XSL transform that produces the result you want. I've generally found it best to just pick the technology (C# vs XSLT) that you most enjoy. :-)

visual c++ 2008 keeps losing custom build rule setting

So for various "boring" reasons, I'm stuck using VC++ 2008.
Now, I have a custom build rule that parses a ".h" file and produces a .cpp.
The build rule works fine when I can get the setting in the .vcproj (it appears as a <Tool Name="my rule"/> element as a child of the <FileConfiguration> elements for each <File> element).
In the ".rule" file, the FileExtension attribute I've specified is "*.hxx" and not "*.h" as I don't want the custom rule running on every .h, only the ones I want it to. Changing the extension of the files to run the rule on to something other than .h is not an option for reasons that are beyond my control.
The rule works fine, the generated .cpp gets compiled, the dependencies etc are all working - i.e. VC++ only does the custom step when the .h changes etc.
Manually hacking the xml in the .vcproj gets thing working, the issue is the Visual Studio GUI keeps messing with the tool setting and deleting it from the ".vcproj". I haven't definitively determined exactly under what conditions Visual Studio mucks up the setting, as it's somewhat random, but mostly when any change to the project needs to be saved is my observation.
Sometimes (not always) I can manually change the tool in the properties page in the visual studio GUI and it will save it for the active configuration (e.g. "Debug"), but when I try to add it to other configurations (e.g. "Release" or "All configurations") the GUI gets confused and deletes the tool setting for all configurations instead of adding it for the other configuration.
This seems to happen also if I first change the active configuration -> when you go to set the custom tool it gets confused and deletes the setting from all configurations.
I've been able to get similar rules working fine when the input file for the custom rule has a unique extension, it seems to be related to the input name matching ".h" and the default rule for .h's and that my ".rule" file doesn't specify a corresponding matching pattern.
Note this setup with the non matching FileExtension pattern is what was recommended on MSDN for VC++ 2008, which is why I did it that way.
Anybody had any similar issues ? Any clues at all on what a robust solution and/or workaround might be ?
I just need to preserve the setting in the context that NOOBS might be using the VS GUI so you can't trust them to not do "certain things".
OK, so after much searching here, and anywhere else I could think of, and trying a bunch of dastardly incantations I've still got no joy on an actual solution to the problem of preventing the IDE deleting the custom build tool setting when the extension pattern doesn't match the file.
So the work around was I changed the rule to use "*.h" pattern and do a test to see if the custom command needs to be run. The following is my "FunkyRule.rules" file in case anybody needs to see what I did:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Name="Funky code generator"
DisplayName="Funky code generator"
CommandLine="IF NOT EXIST $(InputFileName) goto :notFound
NeedsFunky $(InputFileName) 1>nul || goto :notFound
echo Generating Funky things for $(InputFileName)
FunkyCodeGenerator $(InputFileName) -o ".\GeneratedFiles\funky_$(InputName).cpp "
goto :done
exit 0
This CustomBuildRule needs two external commands "NeedsFunky" and "FunkyCodeGenerator".
"NeedsFunky" is a command that returns 0 if the input .h is a valid input for "FunkyCodeGenerator" and non-zero otherwise.
"FunkyCodeGenerator" is the command that does the "funky-ness" taking the input .h as a parameter and requiring a -o option to specify the output file.
In this context (i.e. whatever environmemt Visual Studio calls the resulting temporary .bat file), I had some trouble making an IF statement work using the usual "IF errorlevel" syntax, so hence the unusual "cmd || goto :failLabel" construct.
If you add this rules file to the custom build rules for a project you'll automatically get "some funkiness" on all your ".h" files :-)

I cannot see thumbnails for images in the backend anymore. Why?

If I go to Filelist in the Typo3 backend and check the option to display thumbnails, I only see broken image links.
Yet I remember that the thumbnails displayed ok at some point.
A test of ImageMagick in the install tool of typo shows, that ImageMagick is working ok.
What to do?
It's not only RealURL's problem - although it's most common while users are manipulating this file manually to add custom rules. Anyway this problem also ocures with typo3conf/localconf.php.
How to confirm:
Right click on the broken image and choose Open image in new window it will open a file with address like: http://somedomain.tld/typo3/thumbs.php?&file=..%2Fuploads%2...etc use some browser to preview the source code ie. in Chrome prepend the address with view-source: like: view-source:http://somedomain.tld/typo3/thumbs.php?&file=...etc. There should not be any whitespaces before the code of image...
How to prevent?
As you wrote. Check your config files like realurl_conf.php or localconf.php and make sure that there are no spaces before <?php. In case of script ending.... just remove the ?> tag, so script will end automatically without white spaces (even if you'll add 100 empty lines after last line of code), unfortunately sometimes finding this one annoying space in configs takes hours, so....
How to fix permanently?
I'm surprised, that isn't fixed after all these years still, while it's quite easy with ob_end_clean(), edit file: t3lib/thumbs.php, at the beginning (ie. right after php tag) add line:
Next find main() method, add at its begining line for cleaning output buffer, which will remove all garbage included from other files:
function main() {
ob_end_clean(); //here
After Plesk update on one of servers by client's sysadmin we get an empty file /tmp/.tmp.err which was autoprepended with auto_prepend_file in php configuration.
So, all TYPO3 PHP scripts were prepended with an empty string. All dynamic thumbnails and dynamically generated XMLs were broken. Some unique situation, but probably could help to somebody.
In our case an old version of the extension 'spamshield' cause the same error.
We had Typo3 4.7.15 and 'spamshield' 1.0.2.
Please check server error logs for entries like:
PHP Warning: require_once(PATH_tslibclass.tslib_pibase.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /typo3conf/ext/wt_spamshield/Classes/Extensions/class.tx_wtspamshield_extensions_abstract.php on line 25, referer: http://domain.tld/typo3/sysext/cms/layout/db_layout.php?id=16
[Tue Sep 17 09:46:13 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'PATH_tslibclass.tslib_pibase.php' (include_path='/typo3/contrib/pear/:.:/usr/local/php-5.3/lib/php') in /typo3conf/ext/wt_spamshield/Classes/Extensions/class.tx_wtspamshield_extensions_abstract.php on line 25, referer: http://domain.tld/typo3/sysext/cms/layout/db_layout.php?id=16
Updating 'spamshield' to 1.1.0 fixed it.
There is a good chance that you may have the extension
Please check the realUrl config.
Typically this is located in
and is named realurlconf.php, realurl_conf.php or realurl_autoconf.php
Make sure there is no comment or whitespace lines before the <?php tag, as well as none after the closing php tag at the end.
Clear typo caches, then it works again.