How to show a video when the app loads first time? - iphone

How can I make an app play a video walkthrough (only) the first time it is loaded and then close itself and not play the next time user uses the app?
I found some instructions on showing a pop-up message but this didn't help really :/

On launch read a setting from NSUserDefaults. If not present play the video. When the video finishes write that same setting to NSUserDefaults. In the next launch the setting will be found and you can skip the video part.
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:#"firstLaunch"];) {
// play the video
// when done:
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:YES forKey:#"firstLaunch"]
Not sure if you're asking how to play the video too. If that's the case, you may want to split the question in two and be more specific.


AirPlay flickering when switching between movies

I have an app that shows list of movies in a table view. When I play them one after another on device it works just great. But when I switch to Apple TV over AirPlay it doesn't work anymore. It play's the first video on ATV ok but after a switch to the next video the screen on ATV start blinking/flickering and after a few seconds it falls back playing on a device. I am using MPMoviePlayerController for playing stream videos.
I also found out that if previous video finished playing over AirPlay it tries to start the next one over AirPlay also. Is this intended behaviour?
Is this kind a related with property allowsAirPlay?
I think I've found a solution. Before you switch playing another video you should stop the previous one:
[self.moviePlayer stop];
This is not needed if you are not playing via AirPlay cos the next video will automatically stop previous one by nature - you can not play two videos at once.
But If you do play video over AirPlay you need to stop previous one first and than play the next one.
This solution works for me.

Playing the multiple Audio files in different Views using single audio player instance in iphone,

I am new to audio playing, I am having one issue regarding Audio playing .The issue is Playing the multiple audio files , and controlling the current playing audio file from other Views.
My Requirement is. In my app i am having 4 audio files in different Views. Once the audio play button is clicked in some View, The audio playing has to be started and pause and stop and slider buttons has to be displayed , Even i navigated to the next view the audio has to be continued (I should be able to control the currently playing audio), If i pressed the navigated view's audio, The previous audio has to be stopped, Navigated page audio has to be played. After completion of Navigated page Audio, the resumed audio of Previous page has to be played.
As of my knowledge, I have take single audio instance in AppDelegate. I am referring that Audioplayer instance in all view's , Where ever i need. It is not working.(some times giving error , some times unable to stop the Previous Audio playing).
Thanks in advance.
if i am not wrong you have defined the audioplayer in appdelegate, right?
and which class are you using for this , avplayer , avaudioplayer or mpplayer ?
and by the way , if we come to answer of mine,
i have used avplayer and avaudioplayer for this kind of business and it worked without problem , have you checked that in everyview you initialize you appdelegate instance? if not please check this and
also in your plist file , you should state that app will play audio in background to get the support for that.
hope this answer will help! :)

MPMoviePlayerController background audio issue in iOS5

I have an App that does the pretty standard operation:
It plays audio (streamed or in filesystem) when the app is in 1) Foreground mode, 2) Screen locked state 3)Background mode.
This was working fine in all iOS prior to iOS5.
I have been using MPMoviePlayerController (Because it can play streamed and local file system audio)
I have the following setup:
info.plist has Background Mode set to "Audio"
I have Audiosession setup as shown at
NSError *activationError = nil;
AVAudioSession *mySession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
[mySession setCategory: AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback error: &activationError];
if (activationError) { /* handle the error condition */ }
[mySession setActive: YES error: &activationError];
if (activationError) { /* handle the error condition */ }
I have background timer enabled that gets stopped at the end of audio playback
UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier newId = [[UIApplication sharedApplication]
I have the Moveplayer's useApplicationAudioSession = NO
I have subscribed to the following events to detect and handle various playback state and to start a new audio file at the end of current file.
With this the audio starts to play and when the application is put to background state or if the phone is locked, the audio continues to play. But, after when I start another audio file,
I start getting PlaybackDidFinishNotification immediately with the state set to Playback ended (But the file was never played)
The same code plays audio files in foreground mode (After the current audio file ends, the next file is started without any problem)
Is there anything new in iOS5 I should be doing to get this to work? I read through the MPMoviePlayerController class reference and I couldn't see anything specific for iOS5.
Thanks in advance.
Finally figured out the issue. This is solved in this post in apple dev forums (needs login to see). That post was applicable to AVPlayer but also fixes the problem with MPMoviePlayerController as well.
Basically, this is an excerpt from that post:
your app must support remote control events! These are the audio
controller interface prex/nex/play/pause on the left of the multitask
switcher taskbar (not sure about the proper name of the thing). You
to this ensuring your view becomes First Controller and then calling
> [[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents];
in viewDidLoad. Once you do this, your Player will no longer return
My situation was different and I'm only answering here (and in the other SO question) to help future searchers on this error message. This does not answer the original question.
My app plays a sound OR a song but when I first coded it could play both. And in testing I always tested with a song. I played the song in the usual way:
self.musicQuery = [MPMediaQuery songsQuery];
[_musicQuery addFilterPredicate:[MPMediaPropertyPredicate predicateWithValue:selectedSongID forProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyPersistentID comparisonType:MPMediaPredicateComparisonEqualTo]];
[_musicQuery setGroupingType:MPMediaGroupingTitle];
[_myPlayer setQueueWithQuery:_musicQuery];
[_myPlayer play];
Weeks passed and I started testing with the sound, played with AVAudioPlayer. My app started freezing for 5 seconds and I'd get the MediaPlayer: Message playbackState timed out message in the Console.
It turns out that passing a query that was empty was causing the freeze and the message. Changing my app's logic to only play a song when there was a song to play fixed it.

Continuous background audio with MPMoviePlayerController?

I am using MPMoviePlayerController to play streaming audio. I'm trying to get background audio working correctly. Right now, audio continues to play when you exit the app - the lock-screen and multi-tasking bar controls even work.
When a song finishes, the app is supposed to advance to the next track and play it. It works when the app is open but not when it is in the background (a song finishes but does not advance to the next track). If a song finishes and you re-open the app, however, the next song will start up immediately.
I am currently using NSNotificationCenter to keep track of when tracks end to advance to the next track (in my app delegate). Again, it works like a charm when the app is open. Is there a better way to do this to keep audio playing after a song is done?
I had this issue lately. Hope the answer helps other people.
If you have a playlist for example and want to play the next song while in background mode or lock mode add this line of code on your viewDidLoad:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents];
This makes the app supports remote control events.

Disable in App sounds

I have a question regarding sounds in my app. I need the user to be able to mute all sounds coming from my game, for example if they just want to listen to the ipod while playing. There is a similar question here Disable all program sounds but there doesnt seem to be an answer. At the moment I have an AVAudioSession set to AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient which allows the ipod to play but also will allow my app to play game sounds. Is the best way to achieve my aim to just set a boolean bhen a mute button is clicked and check this each time a sound should be played? This seems kinda awkward although it would work... any ideas please?
Many thanks
If the iPod is playing when the game begins, you can mute the sounds automatically.
UInt32 userPlayback;
UInt32 propertySize = sizeof(userPlayback);
&propertySize, &userPlayback);
BOOL userMusicPlaying = (userPlayback != 0);
Then if userMusicPlaying is YES, don't let the sounds play. (Consider also adding a switch that lets the sounds play even with the iPod playing.) Otherwise, I don't think there's a way to disable the sounds without you or the user disabling them.
Put isMuted in the user defaults
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:#"isMuted"]) {
to mute:
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:YES forKey:#"isMuted"];
If you call the following it will write the settings to disk and remember what the user did last time:
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];