Accessing SSRS Reports outside company domain - ssrs-2008

From report manager we can assign new roles , but these users needs to be in the same network. So how to access the SSRS reports outside the network?

I am assuming inside your organization you are accessing directly using the URL to SSRS server? There are two ways of providing the access to the reports
Not so good one but it works, Ask the users to dial in with their VPN
connections and then they can continue the same way as if they were
in same network
Build a application which they can log on using their
credentials and then use Report Viewer to display the requested


Loading embedded tableau without manual efforts - Tableau

Checked from this answer that, in case of tableau redirected you too many times, we first have to login to the tableau manually so that the logged in session in stored and then refresh the HTML page in which the tableau is embedded to load the tableau in HTML.
This seems to be little absurd/inconvenient. Is there a way to achieve that without any such efforts?
Check on other sites which says to clear cache/change content settings etc. My concern is that, when my application (which contains this embedded tableau) is hosted in a server, it would required all the application users to do all these manual processes. Which is not recommended.
Kindly help on a suitable suggestion on this. Thanks
I hope this will help someone in the near future.
The only thing to check on encountering this error is to know, whether you use a domain server/you have created your tableau credentials with a domain server.
The generic https://tableau/views/.. URL will not work, since the UI in which you are trying to embed the code, will hold the credentials that belongs to your domain and not the common domain of tableau. So, the tableau will be retrying you credentials in its common domain.
What you have to do is to concatenate the tableau with your domain like:
This will use your credentials to the tableau used on your domain server.
Hope this will help.

Tableau Online - only allow embedded report and prevent direct access

I am pretty new to Tableau. I have a couple of tableau reports embedded in my react web project, but I don't want users to have direct access to my Tableau Online server.
From my research, I found Trusted Authentication, but I don't fully understand it and not sure whether Trusted Authentication is what I need.
Does anyone have any similar experience? Will Trusted Authentication prevent users from directly accessing my Tableau Online Server while still allowing embedding?

tableau server security issues in version 9

I am currently using tableau 9 version for my development purpose, same version tableau server as well. Currently I am using ldap authentication for the users to be added. In Tableau Server, I have given project level settings to restrict other department people. I have given interactor permissions for one of the user. But that user is able to access the whole site information(other projects as well) like a site admin rights.
Second issue I found that as, if we share the url with some other business unit member, they are able to access the url without any trouble (they are not added as ldap user in tableau site).
Please let me know if you face similar issues using tableau server ldap authentication.

How does one secure a tableau report when it is embedded in a web application?

I'm new to Tableau and was wondering if someone could explain to me how report data is secured when the report is embedded in a website or web application (e.g. ASP.NET)? From my research, it looks like there are two ways to embed a Tableau report:
Using an iFrame
Through the Tableau JavaScript API
Neither of these methods seem very secure, however, without requiring the user to log in to the Tableau server, which would require a double-login (first login to the web application and then a second login to the Tableau server) and thus be undesirable.
Can someone post a link, or otherwise help me to understand how security works with Tableau reports? I am really impressed with Tableau, but don't understand this aspect yet.
Thank you in advance.
IIS server
ASP.NET MVC web application utilizing Windows Authentication
You'll want to look into using what Tableau calls "Trusted Authentication." There are a few methods they give you to accomplish this, so it will depend mostly on your configuration.
The general idea is that you authenticate once with Tableau server and it returns a ticket that you can use (usually for the duration of the session). With that, you can essentially imitate any user, so if you have user-specific data it will work as though they logged in.
You will need administrator access to your Tableau server to configure this.
Here are the docs for Trusted Authentication:

Pulling a report from a public Crystal Report server using .Net

What is the best method for pulling a report from a Crystal Report Server that is public facing. I only have public access to the server but need to pull a report form it on a daily basis. You log on here with the user id of public and no password. In the past, I've screen scraped sites for the info I needed. The report server here makes this very complicated from what I've seen in Fiddler.
Does Crystal (or the report server):
1. Expose a simple web service?
2. Is the a client library I can lean on?
Any help would be appreicated. My ultimate goal is to pull down the report using .Net and then pull out the contents of the report for a database.
Why not try the BusinessObjects SDK? You should be able to connect to the repository if you can authenticate as a guest. From there, it's pretty easy to get the RPT files.