Application Failed Codesign Warning when Archiving [duplicate] - iphone

I am very new to iOS development, I have an app all set and ready to be distributed, but I seem to get this error every single time I run the application on my DEVICE only, the iOS simulator works just fine. Heres the full error:
Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, contains disallowed entitlements, or it was not signed with an iPhone Distribution Certificate. (-19011)
Here's the entire log:
Validate "/Users/masonsocha/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Multibrowser-brgeiknbjgrywwehhohafjwxjqnk/Build/Products/App Store-iphoneos/"
cd /Users/masonsocha/Desktop/Apps/MultiBrowser
setenv PATH "/Applications/"
/Applications/ "/Users/masonsocha/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Multibrowser-brgeiknbjgrywwehhohafjwxjqnk/Build/Products/App Store-iphoneos/"
warning: Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, contains disallowed entitlements, or it was not signed with an iPhone Distribution Certificate. (-19011)
Executable=/Users/masonsocha/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Multibrowser-brgeiknbjgrywwehhohafjwxjqnk/Build/Products/App Store-iphoneos/
codesign_wrapper-0.7.10: using Apple CA for profile evaluation
AssertMacros: trust_result == kSecTrustResultUnspecified, file: codesign_wrapper.c, line: 594
AssertMacros: profile, file: codesign_wrapper.c, line: 918
codesign_wrapper-0.7.10: Failed to load provision profile from: /Users/masonsocha/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Multibrowser-brgeiknbjgrywwehhohafjwxjqnk/Build/Products/App Store-iphoneos/
- (null)
I have already tried shortening the length of the project name, that did not help, I am currently using OSX Lion, on Xcode 4.3.2. I have spent all night pulling my hair out, please help!

May be xcode selects one of the development profile to sign the code with it.
Make sure it uses the distribution profile
press the project, in the Build Settings -> Code Signing section expand Code Signing Identity -> Release - > make sure that Any iOS SDK is referring to distribution profile.

I had the exact same issue..
Go to Keychain Access
Verify that you have your Public and Private keys set up correctly. This is a good reference
I had previously adjusted my Keychain Certificate Preferences to make Outlook work but that pretty much screwed up XCode code signing..
After I set these to the "best attempt" setting (see screenshot) validation worked fine

You could solve it is not leaving the profile selection to xcode. Manually select the correct release profile in the project settings and it will go through.

I had same issue even after checking all signing stuff. I had the old "Can be debugged" setting in my entitlements file. Switching it to get-task-allowed fixed the problem. Apple has instructions on how to debug signing issues.

I had this problem but found that none of the above issues solved it. Eventually I found the solution by working through Apple's Technical Note ( on the subject.
The specific problem in my case was an asset that was either missing or was hidden (I didn't find out which), but that wasn't flagged as a problem file anywhere else in the build process. I've outlined the steps I took to discover this below.
Archive the build, save for adhoc deployment.
Navigate to the ipa in finder, rename to .zip.
Double-click to unarchive, open the 'Payload' folder
Open a Terminal, and enter the following:
codesign --verify -vvvv -R='anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and (certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists or certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists)' /Path/to/your/
Instead of entering /Path/to/your/, drag and drop the *.app file from the Payload folder into the terminal, ensure there's a space between the end of the command and the filename, and hit return.
I got an error in the output saying 'a sealed resource is missing or invalid', with the name of the file causing the problem (it began with a dot, which may have been the problem). When I searched for the filename in the XCode project browser I found the file, but when I looked in the Finder, it wasn't on disk.
The fix was simply to remove the file from the XCode project browser, and the error went away. I would definitely say to anyone getting a similar problem - work through Apple's tech notes. They're a bit badly worded but the solution is likely to be in there somewhere.

I had the same problem and solved it by:
Changing the Automatic Profile Selector value from "iPhone Developer" to "iPhone Distribution" according to section Assigning Provisioning Profiles to Build Configurations.
Download the Distribution Provisioning Profile and double-click on it in order to add it.


Binary being analyzed must exist, iOS App Archive in xcode

I'm trying to validate my App for App Store Submission, I've made an update to it. It was using Three20 before, though I'm not sure what version, probably 1.0.3. Now it's using 1.0.5 and I have rerun the python script that adds Three20 to an app with the --xcode-version=4 flag.
I have no linker errors, and it archives fine, but I get the following errors when I try to validate the archive for distribution:
I'm kind of at my wit's end, been dealing with linker errors all day, and general problems with Three20 and Xcode itself. Is there anything obvious I might be doing wrong here?
The binary being analyzed must be an executable:
Check your build settings, because something's fishy. Your Mach-O type should be set to executable:
Application failed codesign verification...
You must sign your executable with a Distribution certificate, you're most likely signed with a Development certificate, or not at all.
The binary being analyzed must exist:
This is probably coming up because of issue number one. Resolve the Mach-O type, and this should vanish instantly.

Archiving the project give me the following error : The identity 'iPhone Distribution:

I moved the my project from one mac to another new one , i tried to built the project and there is no errors appear , when i tried to Archive it the following error appear
"The identity 'iPhone Distribution: Jeeran for Software Development' doesn't match any valid, non-expired certificate/private key pair in the default keychain"
Please advice me what i can do with error
Assuming archive and building for device was working fine on your old system, the most likely explanation is that you forgot to migrate your private key from your old mac.
Open up Keychain on the old mac:
Choose Category: Keys on the left pane
Find the key, not certificate (type "private key") that you were using to codesign.
Choose File | Export Items. Export the key as a *.p12 file.
Import on your new mac.
If you do it correctly, from Xcode Organizer under Provisioning Profiles you should not see any warnings.
This issue is very common: documented at the top of Xcode FAQ
Everything you need to know is in the iOS Code Signing Setup, Process, and Troubleshooting technote
Including what to do if you no longer have access: How do I delete/revoke my certificates and start over fresh?

iPhone: Valid signing identity not found annoying error

I know that this is very common problem and I have gone through almost all the similar threads out here but no luck! This started happening after I renewed my membership with Apple!
I have confirm that I have private and public key in Key Chain, the required certificate listed under My Certificate, have my development certificate, and AWDR certificated installed but still under XCode organizer I get message saying "profile doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in default key chain". I also restarted mac twice.
Also I have confirmed everything mentioned at
What else to do? I have been scratching my head since last 3-4 hours now without any luck!
You could try and have a look at the project.pbxproj located inside the .xcodeproj package (open it by right clicking and select 'Show package contents'). Search the file for PROVISIONING_PROFILE and make sure everything checks out to the correct profiles. I've had problems in the past when Xcode doesn't really update this file but when I do it manually it works.
After so much pain I exported keys from other MAC where it works and imported on my Machine and RESTARTED MAC then it started working!
I could have revoked the certificates and create them from scratch so while generating CA Authority request certificate private keys would be generated on my machine. Learn to save these keys in .p12 format on shared location so that you simply need to double click to install it again!

Xcode's Build and Archive not working

The current issue I'm having is that Build and Archive will build my current target but after it's finished building, a pop-up will appear with the message:
"The operation couldn't be completed. No such file or directory"
I have reinstalled Xcode (3.2.3 with SDK 4.0), rebooted my machine, cleaned the cache, cleaned the project, manually deleted the project build directory. Nothing has worked.
I've also checked ~/Library/MobileDevice/Archived Applications and it is empty.
Any ideas?
p.s. This is driving me crazy!
The error The operation couldn't be completed. No such file or directory also occurs in XCode 4.0 GM preview if you do not change identity to "Don't Re-sign" after selecting (Archives) Share in the Organizer
I had this problem and the solution that was recommended to me was:
Open your Xcode project
Select Unity-iPhone in targets (Double click so it opens the info)
Find "Generate Debug Symbols" and check it on. (Just Search for it in the search field)
This worked for me, but I still don't understand why it was necessary.
All answers failed. Best solution,
drag the .app bundle to iTunes and reveal the app in Finder. Boom! you get your ipa there.
Since it only seems to happen with your release configuration, double check the "Build Locations" values in your project settings for the release configuration.
Check the paths in the "build locations" to make sure they exist
Check the permissions for those paths
Try doing just a build (no archiving) for your release configuration
Also keep an eye on your build results window during the build to see if there were any warnings during the signing and packaging stages that could give you clues
Had the same issue and none of the mentions solutions worked.
I finally found the problem when I tried to directly sign the app with the adhoc profile: it told me that I had twice a distribution profile in my keychain. I deleted the old one, then compiled again with the dev profile, and then archiving with the adhoc profile and it worked.
Longshot answer - do you have any unusual characters in your project path? This release note indicates it can cause problems:
While most known cases have been taken
care of, having a space, comma, slash,
backslash, tilde, or other character
special to the Unix shell in the
directory name of any parent folder of
your project can cause your project
build to fail in unexpected ways.
If you have a 3:rd party SDK you need to add "$(SDKROOT)/ResourceRules.plist" to the “Code Signing Resource Rules Path” key in the targets build settings.
I solved this problem by exchanging the wildcard adhoc distribution profile I was using for an app specific adhoc distribution profile.
Of the top of my head, I would check permissions. Some code reports permissions problems as there being no file/folder. Check the Console log. You will sometimes find more info there.
Did you install into /Developer? If you've customized that folder the issue could be that the path contains a space, which could be causing your problem.
Run the Console app and see what information is being spit out there. That should give us more insight into the issue.

How to fix "failed codesign verification" of an iPhone project?

Last night, the iPhone project was built perfectly.
This morning, I installed XCode 3.2.3 in a separate folder. When I open the same project in the old XCode 3.2.2 and re-built the project. I got this warning:
Application failed codesign
verification. The signature was
invalid, or it was not signed with an
Apple submission certificate. (-19011)
How can I fix it? Thanks!
For me the following steps resolved the issue:
Go to Product > Edit Scheme.
Open the Archive Profile.
Set Build configuration to Distribution.
I've encountered the same problem too. It showed that I had a duplicate certificate registration in my keychains. Removing one of them (I removed the one from my system keychain) fixed the problem.
Steps that helped me to resolve my problem:
Open KeyChain Access application
Select the 'login' keychain, and select in the bottom pane 'Certificates'
Switch to the 'system' keychain and see if there are certificates registered in both chains.
Remove one of them
Rebuild the application
I had the same problem, seems 3.2.3 messes with codesigning. I fixed it by re-running the 3.2.2 installer, no need to uninstall anything.
The parallel XCode problem can be addressed using the command line tool "xcode-select"
I found a similar problem caused by having XCode 4.2 beta installed. One of the embedded entitlements files was being placed in a different directory and was causing a file not found error.
The solution was to use xcode-select to verify and fix the XCode path.
Besides googling for possible solutions to this problem and trying them out (hoping that they help), here is an advice how to diagnose what causes this. The steps below apply to Xcode 4.2.
In menu, select View > Navigators > Show Log Navigator. The Log Navigator should be displayed on the left side.
In the list of builds, select the one that causes troubles. The log from the build will be shown in the main view.
Scroll to the very bottom. The last two steps should be CodeSign and Validate, where the Validate step contains the warning.
Expand CodeSign and inspect the parameters used to perform the code signing.
Expand Validate to learn more about the errors/warnings.
Also scroll up and inspect the heading for the build target:
Build Target (your build target)
Project (your project) | Configuration (selected configuration) | Destination ...
In my case, I found out that while doing the Archive build, the app was signed with the developer certificate. Inspecting the heading for the build target revealed that the Release configuration was used to build the archive. The remedy was to:
In the menu, select Product > Edit Scheme
In the Edit Scheme dialog, select the Archive build item (list on the left)
Change Build Configuration to Distribution
I had this issue after duplicating a build target. The original target was signed by the distribution certificate. However, when copying the target, Xcode decided to assign the Release configuration to the Archive build.
This happened to me today as I was moving an existing project into a new Git repository structure, while simultaneously using a development certificate obtained via being added to my client's team as a "Member". So lots of opportunity for things to screw up.
In my case, the issue turned out to be the "Build Products Path". I had it set to the relative path "../../../build" instead of an absolute path. This was causing the Validate tool to screw up since the actual path wasn't being collapsed properly. I changed it to an absolute path and the Validate tool then began to run successfully once more.
I submitted this as a bug to Radar as #8946204.
This is kind of an old post but I wanted to share what I learned (really remembered because I forgot this part.) I was trying to build my project against an ad-hock profile. I had forgotten that I needed to create a separate App Store profile (Provisioning Portal -> Provisioning -> Distribution). This was my first app I've submitted and the documentation is overwhelming so I missed/forgot about this part. Once I created the App Store profile and installed in XCode everything worked fine. Just wanted to throw this out there in case anyone else has this same issue.
Due to what hiroshi said you can change it there:
I just do is:
Open the Organizer
Go to Devices
Provisioning Profile
Click on the Profile you want to use. There you will see the profile identifier key.
Open the xcode project via textfile (the file in the xcodepj bundle)
Go to those lines and put the key in here
## -325,6 +325,7 ##
+ "PROVISIONING_PROFILE[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "key goes here";
SDKROOT = iphoneos;
## -361,6 +362,7 ##
+ "PROVISIONING_PROFILE[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "and also here";
SDKROOT = iphoneos;
Save changes and restart the Project
!!!That's what worked for me in XCODE 4!!!
If you go to the Organizer and select Provisioning Profiles, is the profile listed there? If so, have you checked that it's setting in the Project Settings/Build/Code Signing section?
I'm not sure, but reverting those changes in the project.pbxproj rescues me from failing to start my app in devices. The warning subject of the question remain though.
## -325,6 +325,7 ##
+ "PROVISIONING_PROFILE[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "";
SDKROOT = iphoneos;
## -361,6 +362,7 ##
+ "PROVISIONING_PROFILE[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "";
SDKROOT = iphoneos;
I fixed this simply by deleting my distribution certificate from keychain then downloading it again from the provisional profile
For the build warning or archive validation error "Application failed codesign verification", see Apple's complete list of potential causes at the following URL "How do I resolve the error: Application failed codesign verification?"
Simple Solution: Build your app using a DISTRIBUTION certificate and not a Developer cert.