Substring certain parts of text from an NSString - iphone

I am working at revamping some previous blog apps. I parse the XML, but so far, when a table view cell is clicked, I just have it open the URL for the article that was clicked by the user. This is beginning to get frowned upon by Apple, and I need to change it anyways, so I can gain some more options with display. The entire article is displayed with this tag:
I am able to get the data from within this tag, but there are a couple issues. It always starts off with
And ends with
As you can see, it also contains not true text but code, such as
<p> and </p> and aren’t &#8220
Any suggestions for how I can parse this to remove the beginning and ends of the string, and convert to all true text that I can load in my view?


jQuery Show/Hide divs using same class not working because of html.push?

The object is to Show-Hide text located under their respective Titles, so a User reads the title and shows or hides text belonging to that title if the User wants to read more.
I tried whatever I could find so far on here, we're talking dynamically setting text coming from a spreadsheet, can't use IDs, must work with .class, must be missing something, I have this piece of code:
... html.push('<div class="comments">' + comment + '</div></div></div>');
but when I try this Show-Hide code nothing happens, even if the error console shows nothing. Basically I want to Show-Hide the .comments class divs with a show-hide toggle link located under each of them. I say them because the .comments divs are reproduced dynamically while extracting text coming from Google spreadsheet cells/row (one .comments div per spreadsheet row). I tried .next, child and parent but they all divorced me so I dunno looks like a dynamic issue. So far I only managed to globally toggle all divs to a visible or hidden state but I need to toggle independantly individual divs.
I prefer a jQuery solution but whatever worked so far was achieved with native javascript.
Note: If a cross-browser truncate function which would append a more-less link after a number of words (var) in each .comments divs would be easier to implement then I would gladly take that option. Thx for any help, remember I am still learning lol!
I have been working on an entirely JS UI project and have brought myself to using $('', { properties }).appendTo(BaseElement) to work best for adding HTML elements because it appropriately manipulates the DOM every time.
If you are having good luck with push elsewhere, however, breakpointing on the line where you do your $('.class').hide() and see what $('.class').length is. Alternately, you can just add alert($('.class').length) to your code if you are unable to breakpoint the code. If it is 0, then your elements have not been properly added to the DOM. Changing to append will ensure they are part of the DOM and therefore targetable via JQuery.

Cocoa Touch: Displaying a structured document

I'm fairly new to Cocoa and am having trouble Googling for the best way to design my iPhone app.
This app is for viewing a stageplay. It should pretty print the script such that character headings are centered and in small caps, say, and stage directions are in italics etc. It should also allow one character's lines to be highlighted (i.e. dynamic formatting).
Looking at this question it looks like NSTextView/NSTextStorage will provide the formatting requirements I want, I'm just confused as to how to construct the view from the underlying data.
I'm thinking at the moment my source will be XML in the following form:
<dialogue character="bob">Hello Sue!</dialogue>
<stageDirection>He moves to the table</stageDirection>
<dialogue character="sue">Hello Bob!</dialogue>
Which would output something similar to the following:
Hello Sue!
He moves to the table
Hello Bob!
How do I go from a document model (XML / CoreData / ...) to a view containing pretty formatted text?
Any advice or pointers would be great; I just can't get my head around this problem!
If interactivity isn't required then the most easy way I can think of is to generate HTML and render it with UIWebView. Dynamic highlighting can be done with stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:
Next relatively easy option is to compose styled text with individual UILabels. Basically you have an array of text entries (cues, stage directions etc.), each with it's own style. We create an array of corresponding UILabels with styles applied and then layout them on "script view". After that we can put this "script view" in UIScrollView and that's it. Size of label required to fit particular text can be determined with sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode: of NSString.
There are also CoreText services available, but this is much more advanced option.

html code appears in my text view in RSS feed app

i got an rss feed app. All is working ok apart from the fact that in my "description" textView
(detail of the rss) the text appears in html!
any ideas in what is going on?
i have found the solution using a wbview with loadHTMLString.
however i would like to ask what is the difference between these two rss feeds:
and this for example:
in the first one i can get the textview to display the contents as they should appear while in the second one i get html code in the textview!
my code remains the same in both cases...
The key difference between them is that the latter contains prefix tags
e.g. and
Do you use NSXMLParser or libxml2 ? are you doing a strcmp with the element name ?

Parse HTML that is stored in a NSString

I am parsing a group of post on a blog.
I have some HTML that I successfully assigned to a string. I am trying to get the HTML to display in a UITableview. However, I want it formatted.
For instance I want <br /> to actually do a line break in the table and <img scr= to actually display the picture. How can I accomplish this.
Don't ever ever ever use UIWebView in UITableView. It won't end well.
You should check out the Three20 project's TTStyledTextLabel, which will do some basic HTML formatting. I have used it with good results in the past.

How to limit parsing and display the previously parsed contents in iPhone?

I am new to iPhone development. I am parsing a URL and displayed its content in the table. On clicking a row it plays a video. When I click a done button, I once again call the tableview.
When I call the table view it parses the URL once again to display the contents. I want to limit the parsing for 1 time and for the next time I want to display the contents which are parsed at the first time. How can I achieve it?
Not to sound condescending, but, don't do that? When the results are first requested, parse them and store the parsed results. From there on out, only return those.
Without more information about your problem, it seems that trivial.