Cant re-install Google Web Toolkit using Eclipse plugin - eclipse

I installed and updated Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7 a few weeks ago. It installed GWT as well as other things. I was able to compile a Google App. I did several things on Eclipse today and now GWT is gone. I look at Preference-->Google-->Web Toolkit; the list is empty. I ran plugin update, it keep saying GWT is already installed and refuse to update/re-install. I uninstall GWT explicitly and run plugin update; it update without complaint. But the Preference-->Google-->Web Toolkit; the list is still empty!
How do I force plugin to populate the SDK info in Preference-->Google-->Web Toolkit?
There is actually an "Add" button to configure SDK. But I dont know the installation directory of GWT. Where does Eclipse plugin save the GWT?
Seems Eclipse keep track of the installation of GWT SDK in two different place?
My GWT SDK database seems corrupted, and Eclipse plugin seems rely on its own private data base of the status of installation of GWT SDK?
Can anyone please help?

I think that what you are referring is not the plugin but the SDK.
Download the SDK unzip it then add it preferences->Google->Web Toolkit.
The link to to download the SDK is:


GWT 2.4.0 with Google Web Toolkit Plugin 3.8.0.v201410302155-rev-r42

I have a customer requirement of GWT 2.4.0 due to a Java 5 limitation. Up until this latest Google Web Toolkit Plugin update I have been able to successfully use the plugin with GWT 2.4.0. I am seeing an error regarding a missing gwt-codeserver.jar and the GWT plugin says that GWT is not installed. Is there anything I can do as a workaround for using GWT 2.4.0 and the latest Eclipse/GWT plugin?
I had the same issue. I have downloaded the newest version of GWT just to copy the gwt-codeserver.jar in my SDK folder. So I didn't have the error anymore.
Also, in my debug/run configuration, I have removed the argument "-nosuperDevMode".
I was experiencing the same problem and like Gildas, I copied the gwt-codeserver.jar from GWT 2.6.0 into the 2.4.0 folder.
The next thing I had to do to get it to work was, when adding the 2.4 SDK, I had to point to the gwt2.4.0 folder as opposed to the parent "" folder. Clean and build, good to go...with this problem, at least.

Cant dowload google app engine 1.9.1

So I am trying to run a google web application through eclipse, but when I run it gives me an error to please check for newest SDK version, which is 1.9.1. And sure enough Im working with 1.9.0, but I cant find any updates for GAE and it says all components are installed under help->install new software.
Ive tried downloading .zip file of 1.9.1 and extracting it to my eclipse\dropins dir but that doesnt do anything either. What do I do after Ive extracted it in to my dropins dir? And why cant I find the new version using eclipse own installation tool? Should I really be getting this error?
Try Eclipse Help -> Check for Updates instead. Sometimes the SDK detects a new version before Eclipse does, and everything synchronizes within a day or so. The SDK message is informational, not an error, so you can safely ignore it in the meantime.
In addition to what Martin suggested, you can download the SDK separately and unzip that in any separate folder. Then from your Eclipse Preferences, go to Google, App Engine SDK and select that particular version folder.
FYI - I prefer keeping the SDK versions separate from Eclipse. That way, I have the entire list of SDKs available in another folder structure and can use it across Eclipse versions too.

Google Plugin for Eclipse cannot be properly Installed

I have installed
Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.6
Google Web Toolkit SDK 2.4.0
in my Eclipse-Helios-3.6 but cannot find the google plugin icon in my toolbar and also I'm able to find Google in Windows>>Preferences.
Operating system-Ubuntu
Well since you are able to see google in windows preferences i am assuming that the installation did work. Have you tried creating a new GWT Project. The GWT button might not show if the project is wrong.
Do not use the pre-packaged Eclipse in Ubuntu (that version is often quite outdated). Get a current version from the Eclipse website instead and install it in a directory that you like (thereby avoiding problems with the Eclipse update mechanism, which doesn't fit the Linux directory guidelines very well).

No option for Dynamic web project in eclipse

I need to create a dynamic web project in Eclipse but the option doesn't appear anymore.
I installed Google Web Apps engine(JAVA) and its SDK along with GWT, ever since the option for dynamic project has disappeared.
Also the option to generate web client from WSDL files is no longer there.
I've tried re-installing the web app toolkit for eclipse but still it's not working.
Any pointers to get back these options would be great
Maybe Eclipse WTP plugin has been accidently removed. Have you tried re-installing WTP using this location ? If I were you I would have reinstall Eclipse from strach or even better try Spring ToolSuite which integrates with Google Plugin for Eclipse seamlessly (usign Extenstions tab on STS Dashboard)

gwtext.jar's version generated by gwt plugin of Eclipse

Currently I am using GWT 2.3.0 sdk and installed the google web toolkit plugin for eclipse.
I created a web application project with the plugin and want to use GWT-Ext.
Then, right click on the module ( and choose "Google Web Toolkit" and choose "Configure for using GWT-Ext".
Then, a gwtext.jar is automatically generated in the project.
My question is, how can I verify the version of the automatic generated gwtext.jar and all the license issues with it?
As I got you, you want to check the gwt version.
So follow this step.
Right click on the project->Properties->Google->Web Tool Kit.
After selecting Web ToolKit you can see the version which is in used and you can also configure the another version by clicking on the configure version.
Hope this will help you.