cgi page with #!/:0 at the end of URL - perl

I am coding for a perl/cgi webpage. Can anyone explain what does this url mean?!/:0
What I am reading is starting from # sign, everything afterwards is an html item and it will not be sent to server. And, then I am confused. Thanks.
Seems the items at back of the URL is created explicitly by the cgi code itself. Thanks (or maybe sorry to) everyone who used brain cell on it.

It looks like an anchor (a reference to a part of the website). Please have a look here: (NB: this url contains an anchor, too)


PrestaShop: How to find the origin of any peace of code that we see in browser's code source view?

I am writting this post because I am sometimes confronted to this problem as a web developper. And I must admit I am a bit ashamed about it.
Some peaces of codes are quite easy to find into a CMS content. But some are much harder.
To illustrate my post I will give an example of a peace of code I really cannot find on a Prestashop website, see this photo:
So, I would like to find the origin of this script tag surrounded in red in the prestashop files...
First thing I tried was to search into the prestashop directory files for a string like => "script type="text/javascript src="http://tatouagetemporaire ..", I tested other strings but could not find a match.
My guess is that this peace of code is created from with a function (in php/JS or even smarty), and that is why I can't find any match in the whole code of the theme.
So, my question:
How can we find 100% of time the origin of any peace of code that we see in the browser's source code view ?
And if you have an answer for this specific case that would be very cool.
You must turn off the CCC and cache from BackOffice to see the source codes

Add hash to lift menu entry url

I need something like this
def sitemap(): SiteMap = SiteMap( Menu.i("Home") / "index#myhash/subhash" )
The point is I need add hash to the menu url. So, the resulting url would be like this
Home .
Is there any way to do it? I need just a temporary solution, so, any idea/hack would help.
thank you
The answer I recieved in lift community mail list is that I can't add hash when using sitemap because (as I see) sitemap is intented to be a server side thing that will also catch/match different url locations and help to router them. And since hashes are never sent to server, SiteMap does not work with hashes at all.
To solve my problem I just built menu links myself (I just added html markup to the page). It was acceptable for my case. In more complicated situation one can use snippet (self-written) to generate the menu in preferable way.

modx replacing article link with a link of categories

I've got a staging and live site I'm working on (not my code base). I've accidentally replaced the live server with some staging code (no backup (slap me)) and I'm getting weird urls for articles on the sites 'blog' page.
Basically everything's being called into the page correctly but the page header link is being screwed.
Rather than being
it's giving me,recent,pr,etc
which appears to be the list of categories of the article.
Where/How can I easily fix this?
I'm only calling [[*content]] and can't find where that is.
Linking to an article I know is there with the correct url works still.
any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I assume your blog page has some sort of listing somewhere, maybe a getResources call? If you can't find it in your blog list template (as you're saying you only see a *content), it means the list is probably "hardcoded" in the blog list resource content field.
You'll want to find the chunks being used to output each blog entry on the lists and check which page parameter is used to construct the link. It should probably be *alias, and if it is and your aliases are correct you have some deeper trouble going on.

Duplicate URLs in Zend

I am developing a ZF website: howtowritecitations (dot) com
and it has a TOS page:
howtowritecitations (dot) com/termsofservice
But what are these duplicate pages?
Where did they come from? Will this be a problem? I hope not. For example, when Google crawls the page, it will only find and index howtowritecitations (dot) com/termsofservice, right?
If it is a potential problem, show me in the right direction so I can try and solve it.
Someone suggested to start looking at getRequestUri() in routeShutdown() (or something similar)
to use preg_replace to remove index.php, in order to 301-redirect to the proper URL, but I lost here.
Thanks in advance for advice or comments
This is caused by the routes you have setup. By default, Zend Framework applications usually route like:
Right now, your termsofservice controller located at when called will show the :index action by default when no action is specified without changing the URL. It is also perfectly valid to access it using
In order to fix these, you need to setup custom routes where everything that matches* will route to That way Google will never get a chance to see an alternate URL to index.

XML Parsing of Multiline tags

I am using XML Parsing in one of my apps. I have not done this before but I observed something weird (or may be now) today. I am trying to locate a business on in my app and their googlemaps link is obviously big,+Houston,+TX&aq=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=36.999937,73.476563&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1001+Fannin+St,+Houston,+Harris,+Texas+77002&z=16.
Every time I load using this link the app crashes. However if I change the link to something like :
the app loads perfectly and works perfect.
I know this is not a problem in my app as I am using this just for reference to something else and not loading the addr in google maps app (as this works with the big link). So I am concluding that there is something wrong in the way I am writing it in my XML.
Please do not direct me to any tools and stuff that shorten the link etc. as I dont want to get in to that. I am sure that I am messing up somewhere in my basics so if some1 tells me what are the basics behind this.
Thank you,
Well if the top link is in XML and hasn't had its ampersands escaped you'll not have well formed XML.
& should be escaped as &