I just need a help in configuring hiberclipse for my eclipse indigo version.
Install new software--> added below URL for hibernate plugin and I see no updates , it says there is no site selected...
Any suggestion around would be more appreciated.
Got it working...downloaded source manually and placed under eclipse plugins...
I am trying to install the sonar in my eclipse but it can not find the url even though the url is working fine in my browser. If any one knows the solution please let me know, thanks.
To install the plugin you can also go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace... and search for "SonarQube". Check this for more details.
Anyway, the Eclipse SonarQube plugin has been deprecated and SonarLint for Eclipse should be used in place : see http://www.sonarlint.org/eclipse/index.html
I am using SonarLint in Eclipse JUNO to analyse the error but not able to see the result in SonarQube Issues Console and getting the error of Could not create the view: org.sonar.ide.eclipse.ui.views.issues.IssuesView in SonarQube Issues Console.
In .log file, Error Message is Unable to resolve plug-in "platform:/plugin/org.sonar.ide.eclipse.ui/icons/onde-sonar-16.png
Kindly tell me what can be the issue.
Thank You in advance!!!
You have to start your Eclipse with Java 8.
See SonarLint page at Eclipse Marketplace.
Thanks, my problem is solved just by switching the new workspace which does not hold any previous version of sonar
I have the same problem after StS update. So you have to reinstall the Sonar Lint plugin;
<img class="img-responsive" src="https://marketplace.eclipse.org/sites/all/themes/solstice/public/images/marketplace/btn-install.png" alt="Drag to your running Eclipse* workspace. *Requires Eclipse Marketplace Client" />
For anyone still facing the createIssuesView Error, my company's system only had Java8 installed and SonarLint latest version 7.x at this time requires minimum Java11 for runtime. The latest supporting Java8 version is, and can be found here
I am unable to install PMD plug-in for STS (build on top of Luna).
Could someone please give the steps to do it?
Try this http://sourceforge.net/projects/pmd/files/pmd-eclipse/update-site/ and install for Eclipse 4.
I'm the developer of eclipse-pmd, one of the two PMD plugins you mentioned in your question. If your installing the plugin through the Eclipse Marketplace then you're doing everything right. Once the installation is finished the getting started guide will help you with setting up eclipse-pmd.
You are, however, not the first who has a problem getting eclipse-pmd 1.4 to work with the Spring Tool Suite. Unfortunately we have not yet found the cause of the problem and are still looking for a solution. If you'd like to help or would like to follow the issue's progress then head over to the eclipse-pmd issue tracker at Github.
Update: the issue has been fixed and it had nothing to do with STS.
If your problem is something different then I need more information on what exactly does not work, e.g. does the installation give you an error message or doesthe installation work and you get an error message when running PMD?
Please follow below steps to install PMD in STS.
Download PMD from https://sourceforge.net/projects/pmd-eclipse/files/ & Extract it.
Copy net.sourceforge.pmd.eclipse_1.8.0 folder into ..\sts-bundle\sts-3.9.6.RELEASE\plugins\
then Install eclipse PMD from Eclipse Market Place you will find in Help this option.
Restart your STS.
Installed goclipse from : https://github.com/GoClipse/releases/raw/master/
Am I missing any other step?
I have the same issue with the new update-site.
I downloaded the current Eclipse Luna Service Release 1a (4.4.1).
After adding the update-site(http://goclipse.github.io/releases/) and installing GoClipse plugin and restarting Eclipse i would assume to be able to create a new go-project. Unfortunatly i am not able to do so. There is also no eclipse view which should be available.
Any ideas how this could be?
The most up-to-date Goclipse update site is http://goclipse.github.io/releases/
(as detailed in Installation), maybe that's what's causing the problem.
I am trying to setup M2Eclipse with Eclipse Galilio. But to my surprise, m2eclipse.sonatype.org/sites/m2e is down from june 2013 and its related sites as well. I searched in the www.sonatype.org/m2eclipse site to find out that they have moved all the archives into the site: repository.sonatype.org/content/sites/forge-sites/m2e/
But, I was unable to download anything from the above site. Please can anyone let me know how to setup maven with Eclipse Galilio?
I did get a m4eclipse plugin setup... but it is not good. It doesn't have the 'import maven projects' feature. It just manages the dependencies of the project.
Any help regarding this will be appreciated. Thank you.
Use a release newer than Galileo, like Kepler. Maven support is now provided at http://eclipse.org/m2e/ with http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases/ as the update site.