Does Chrome browser support GWT 2.5? - gwt

I've recently gone through the following link:
There's a point under title : Breaking Changes and Other Changes of Note
GWT no longer supports ChromeFrame. The implementation caused more bugs than it solved.
Does this mean that Chrome browser won't support GWT 2.5? Or am I misunderstood? Can anyone explain this?
Thanks in advance.

EDIT Google confirms an error in the release notes:
This is probably related to
Technically, there should be nothing special to support ChromeFrame (which is not the same as Chrome, so to answer your question: yes you're misunderstanding that statement from the release notes).
Actually, I believe the release notes are wrong: GWT 2.4 had issues with ChromeFrame (actually, when it was installed but disabled), and this has been fixed in 2.5 (see link to issue above).
I'll get in touch with Google to know more about it and possibly have the release notes fixed (if the above is right). Edit: done (will contact some directly by mail if needed).

ChromeFrame is a plugin for Internet Explorer that uses Chrome's rendering and JavaScript engine instead of IE's equivalents. So this statement does not refer to the standalone Chrome browser (and it would be strange indeed if it did).

ChromeFrame is a plugin for other browsers than Chrome


CSS property wizard in PHP project using NetBeans

Long time reader, first time asking a question.
Most of my development work has been in .NET using Visual Studio. Recently I took over maintenance of a website built on PHP and downloaded NetBeans as an IDE.
NetBeans has a very nice CSS property wizard for HTML projects that highlights the CSS rules in use for a particular element and lets you edit the rules directly. However, this doesn't appear to be available for PHP projects, even for pure HTML files within the project. Is that correct, or am I just missing some configuration? I can't seem to find any confirmation either way in the documentation or forums. (It would be unfortunate if it didn't work... it's a really useful feature.)
If you are referring to the visual CSS editing support that works with Google Chrome and the WebKit browser embedded in NetBeans, then this feature will be available for PHP projects in the upcoming NetBeans 7.4 release. See also this blog post:
Hope this helps,

GWT: debug events capturing/bubbling

I wonder if there is a way to perform a step-by-step debugging of the compiled GWT code, in order to determine how some events are being fired.
The interest I have on this is that I'm using SmartGWT, and for some reason the click events on their components propagate to pop up windows that occupy the same position. However this only happens in Mobile Safari.
Even more interesting it only happens with smartGWT version of onClick and not with the plain GWT onClick.
Mostly a hack for now, but I suppose it'll work (you'll have to recompile your app though):
First, compile a recent GWT from trunk:
Then recompile your app with source maps enabled:
Follow the steps in the comments of this wiki page to be able to use SourceMaps in Chrome, then re-deploy your app
Get Chrome on the Dev channel:
Use to start Mobile Safari with remote debugging and then connect to it from your Chrome desktop:
Finally, enable source maps in Chrome so you'll see your Java code in the Web Inspector!
See for a preview of the future of debugging with GWT, that will allow this kind of things in a much less hackish way in the near future.
I don't know if there is a nice way to debug compiled javascript GWT code, but why do you need it?
For described purpose it's better to use GWT development mode with debugging options. You can add the following parametres e-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address={PORT},server=y,suspend=n to the development mode running command, it will give an opportunity to add breakpoints to the cliend side GWT/SmardGWT source code. Then for debugging you should connect to port specified in parametres from your java IDE.
Debugging GWT

GWT development mode with FireFox

I am developing a GWT application using GWT, SmartGWT and GWTP. At the beginning I run the development mode with IE 8 and it works fine. But when I run the dev mode with FF, some Click Events are not response. I don't know if this happens because I use SmartGWT or GWTP. Could anyone tell me what's happening? Thanks.
Here is the code for one the not responding ClickEvent on the SmartGWT listgrid:
navigationListGrid.addRecordClickHandler(new RecordClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
Record record = event.getRecord();
PlaceRequest myRequest = new PlaceRequest(record.getAttributeAsString("place"));
Firefox releases updates rapidly, and their plugin design means that the GWT Dev Mode plugin must be modified every time a new release is made, the recompiled, and re-released. Long before an official release is made, Alan Leung on the GWT team posts a link to the next version. I've been using FF9 for some time, with the plugin provided on this post If you still have problems with that plugin and FF9, add a comment on that thread with a code sample to reproduce it so the plugin bug can be investigated before the official version is released.
Chrome is actually significantly slower than most other browsers in Dev mode (compiled javascript will probably be faster in Chrome though) and there are bugs that the team is unable to keep up with - the recomendation from project member Thomas Broyer is to use firefox instead.
If you also have problems with Firefox with compiled javascript, that may suggest a bug with GWT, but in production mode, GWT should be fully compatible with the latest Firefox versions.
GWT is not compatible with all Firefox Versions. Currently, it can only run on Firefox prior to Firefox 6!

Plugins + Extensions on Safari 5.0.1

My question is very simple: Is it possible to pack plugins into extensions for Safari? For instance, the exact NPAPI plugins which work on Google Chrome also work on Safari. However in Chrome I'm shipping the plugins as a part of an extension (a CRX package). This is needed because HTML and JavaScript is injected into a specific web page, and this code uses the plugins. I do not see an option in Extension Builder to specify plugin files and I haven't come across any proper documentation saying that plugins cannot be packed into extensions.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
The first comment:
I don't think that is supported. A workaround could be a custom installer that installs both the plugin and the extension. – Georg Fritzsche
This is the only possible way to do it! FYI: Apple guys are against the idea of extensions accessing native code (ie, plugins). An obvious security loop-hole, but a necessity here! :)

Debug console for GWT/GXT

I need to see component tree of the GWT application. DOM tree will be also acceptable. Unfortunatelly GWT hosted browser does not provide access for devToolbar.
The only way I found is to compile to javascript and then use regular browser. But compilation takes enormous ammount of time.
ExtJS has Debug Console, but I was not able to find something similar for GXT.
Please suggest the way you debug visual GWT applications.
Yes, I was just wanting this today FireBug + GWT. If you are adventurous you could look into builds of GWT 2.0 where Out Of Process Hosted Mode will be available letting you debug in FireFox or other browsers. Design: Out of Process Hosted Mode
The source for GWT is here
I personally haven't hit the pain threshold to build this yet because I keep hearing 2.0 is "close"
It's not a debugger in the same mould as Firebug but the GWT Log console is really, really handy for finding out what's happening within the JavaScript.
Normally one would use the IDE debugger to step through GWT code. but if the problem is a CSS/styling issue (which from the sound of the question, it seems to be), then that might not really help.
i guess compiling it and using firebug is the only tried and true way for css issues.
Why is compilation into (pretty) JavaScript taking so much time? I don't think it should. Perhaps you should disable compilation for irrelevant browsers (irrelevant for debugging purposes), thereby reducing compilation time significantly.
One idea is to minimize compile time by reducing the permutations (different version for each browser) during development.
In your module.gwt.xml force an user agent, for example gecko1_8 (Firefox 2).
<!-- User Agent -->
<set-property name="user.agent" value="gecko1_8" />
If you're using i18n you can also limit the locales used during development.