How can I work collaboratively on Confluence tables? - confluence

The idea is:
Page A contains a table header, and a lot of child pages (B, C, D), which in turn contain table rows. Page A should display ALL rows of all child pages in ONE table.
No matter which type of include macro I use (include, excerpt-include, multi-excerpt-include) the table macro of page A interprets the results as a SINGLE column. I guess this is due to the execution order of the markup and macros. Does anyone have another solution at hands?

An easy work around, although it might not suit your needs, would be to create the tables in .asp pages and then html-include them on the necessary pages.
I've used .asp pages with html-include a number of times to display content that I couldn't otherwise use in confluence.
Hope that helps.


How to check if a table will fit in current page or get split up in two pages in itext7

I am trying to create a table in a PDF document with itext7. But, if the content before the table is too big, the table gets split up between current page and next page. I want to insert a -
document.Add(new AreaBreak())
if there is not enough space left in the current page for the table to be inserted completely. However, I have no idea on how to calculate the available space.
Any help or pointers will be highly appreciated.
From your requirement to avoid page-break inside the table, I assume Table#setKeepTogether(boolean) is exactly what you need.
This property ensures that, if it's possible, elements with this property are pushed to the next area if they are split between areas.
This is not exactly what you have asked, however it seems it's what you want to achieve. Manually checking for this use case might be tricky. You would need to have a look at renderers mechanism and inner processing of iText layout in order to get available space left and space needed for the table. You would also need to take care of the cases like if table is to big to be fit on single page. Also #setKeepTogether(boolean) works when elements are nested inside each other.

When using Virtual Documents how can a template be used with different report parameters?

I'm using a virtual document structure generated by a script to create a document from EA, and I'm trying to use the same template fragment several times with different elements and different headings.
For example, I have an element which describes the input data to one program, and the output data to another program, so I can't really store the information in the element I'm documenting.
Where it is the input, I want one heading (and similar references within the template), and where it is output I want different values for the headings.
I've tried using the ReportTitle tagged value in the individual <model document> element, but this appears to be ignored and only the <report package> value is used throughout (which makes me wonder why they are there in the first place).
While I could create multiple templates all referring to the same fragment and hard-code the different headings, but that is messy, and as I already have fragments within fragments so it could result in a lot of almost identical templates and fragments. Variables that I can set for each <model document> would be much preferable.
Has anyone got a better approach than this? Thanks!
I don't think there's an easy solution.
If there is a way to determine based on the element, package, or diagram ID whether you should use one title or the other then you could use a script or SQL fragment to return the correct title.
If that is not the case I guess the only possibility is to hardcode the different titles in your templates.
In order to avoid too much duplication you could create a template with only the title and use that on a model document. Since you are generating the modeldocuments by a script anyway that doesn't cost any user time.

Limit amount of content elements in a column in a backend layout of TYPO3

I have to implement a homepage in TYPO3 so that it has a different look and a different backend_layout than the subpages. In one column the editors can insert boxes as content elements. I want to have a maximum limit of boxes (or an exact amount) that can be inserted, e.g. 4 boxes.
Is there any way to achieve this?
The only limitation that I found was the type of content elements not their amount.
You will need to write a special PHP function for that.
TYPO3 offers a system-wide principle called "hooks".
A hook can intercept the data flowing through the system and modify the behaviour of TYPO3.
There are a lot of hooks in several vital places so you should be able to tackle the issue.
In your rather special case you will need several hooks that will change the several places where an editor could add content elements.
You could circumvent some of these places by disallowing the editor to see them (which might in turn reduce the amount of hooks you need to use).
Another thing you could to is to restrict the amount of content elements that are being rendered in the Frontend via Typoscript.
Take a look at select.limit.
Keep in mind that this might look odd to the editors which can't tell, why content elements they added in the BE do not show up in the frontend later.
Currently there's no easy way to configure that. The PHP class \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\View\PageLayoutView is responsible for rendering these boxes (content elements) per page and per column (the database field is named "colPos"). Currently the only way would be to XCLASS/override the PageLayoutView class and to post-process the results of method getTable_tt_content().
A better solution would be to introduce this limiting behaviour or to add a hook that allows custom processing of the accordant data (buttons to be shown, like 'new' and 'paste').

Zend_Form: Newbie with non-standard form. Should I still use Zend_Form?

!!! UPDATED !!!
We have spreadsheets of complex product data coming in from multiple sources (internal, customers, vendors).
Since the authorship is so diverse, it's impractical to try governing formatting details such as column order and the number of header-rows.
These CSV spreadsheets will be uploaded to our DB via an existing form.
(My first Zend_Form ... I'm almost done with it)
The user needs to see a sample from a given spreadsheet so they can Map the columns and start-row.
To achieve that, I need to generate an html table of that dynamic content, and weave the form elements in and around the table data.
The user would select which values are to be found in each column, and identify the first row of data (after any header rows).
CLICK HERE to see an example.
(NOTE: Most of my work here is under an NDA, so contrived examples is the best we can get :)
In this example, I'd expect the output to be:
_POST('first_row'=>2, 'column0'=>'mi', 'column1'=>'lName', 'column2'=>'fName', 'column3'=>'gender')
With all those scpecifics mapped/defined, the uploaded spreadsheet can then be parsed and accurate data can be added to the product_history database.
Is ZF a good tool for this particular problem, or should I just write something from scratch?
How would you aproach this?
I am finally JUST BARELY starting to get this ZF stuff straight in my head, and this one has got me totally lost :)
Any and All advice appreciated.
~ Mo
I think in your case, using Zend_Form would be helpful for this situation.
The tricky part to it is of course that your forms are going to be largely dynamically generated on-the-fly based on the header and first row content of the CSV file.
Whether you used Zend_Form, or pure PHP, or some other solution, a lot of what you will be doing is the same (analyzing the CSV, providing dynamic inputs based on the CSV, and then error checking the selections). I think using Zend_Form has the advantage of making something like this very cleanly.
Given Zend_Form's nature, e.g. how it validates existing forms based on the elements added to the Zend_Form itself, you need to take a special approach with the form. Basically, after the user uploads the CSV once, you will create a Zend_Form object based on the number of columns, their positions in the CSV, and the name of the column.
Since you don't want to bother the user to upload the CSV multiple times if they make incorrect selections, I would parse the CSV into some sort of structure, maybe a simple object or array, and then build your Zend_Form based on that data. This way, you can save that structure to the session, so you can continue to regenerate the form based on the parsed data without having to read the file each time. This is because the main challenge with Zend_Form and dynamic forms, is that not only does the form need all of the elements and their properties when you want to display the form, but they are also required in order to validate the form and re-display the validated form.
I remember seeing this functionality many years ago in a PHP script, which I found is still available. Perhaps you could look at it for ideas. I won't post the link here since the screenshots and script are mostly adult website related and the site is NSFW for the most part, but it is called TGPX by JMBSoft. The 7th of the 8th screenshot on the main product page shows the import process where it lets the user map fields to data, exactly what you are doing.
Hope my advice is helpful, feel free to comment with any questions.

How do you created a nested form using HTML::FormHandler in Catalyst?

I have a situation where we have a base recordset with about one hundred thousand records. And, we are creating a separate application that shares some of the dataset, but not most, so we are creating a detail table that has a one to one relationship with the original table. What I want to do is pull the existing information from the original table and display it as read only, but I want the fields in the detail table to be writeable.
I've started by creating a listing with the contents of the original table, I want the user to be able to seemlessly hit "edit" by an entry and be taken to the form to create the detail record, click save, and have it update, or create the record.
So, what is the best way to do this?
This question is old, but in order to help future searchers...
Including a related table in a form is handled automatically if your DBIx::Class result sources are correctly setup. A related table can be pulled into the form by simply defining a compound field using the relationship name of the other field and defining subfields with the names of the columns in the related table.
See: HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Fields
And: HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Database
This isn't a real answer, in that I can't really provide you with a solution, but I can hopefully provide you with somewhere to start. I think you need to define a form in HTML::FormHandler which represents a single row from your detail table, then build your read-only form from multiple instances of single-row form. This article describes the problem and a partial solution much better than I have:
I'm fairly new to Perl and HTML::FormHandler, and there's a good chance that there is a better way of doing this. It's a problem that I have solved 'manually' in PHP before, but one which I am sure I will come across in Perl.