Jasper Reports Custom global or built in parameter - jasper-reports

In my application I have a setting that can be configured by the user called Date Format. There are a list of formats they can use and when they choose one, all dates in the application and in the reports use that format.
Every time I create a new report I have to create the parameter and link the input control. I just added a new setting, for formatting numbers. I have about 50 reports that I need to apply this to. After going through the monotonous task of adding the parameter and input control to every report I was wondering if there is an easier way.
Is it possible to create a custom global parameter that is automatically available to all reports (Similar to the built in parameters)?
Furthermore, is there a way to tell jasper if a field is of a certain type to automatically do something with it, on a global level. For example if my field type is 'decimal' apply the number format?

Every report has a REPORT_FORMAT_FACTORY parameter that is an instance of net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.FormatFactory. You should be able to create your class that implements FormatFactory and in the constructor takes what ever you need to determine the correct format. Then add it to the parameters when exporting your report.
You will probably need to play with it, as I am not sure what it passes in for pattern when a value is/isn't set. And if you always ignore the pattern, then when you need to explicitly set it to be the same in all reports it will cause problems.
If I get time tonight, I will try to create an example and see how it works and update my answer, or if you beat me to it, you could post a comment letting us know how it works.


Implement the Lead conversion using custom button

I will need to create a Custom Button "convert lead" that will perform the same functionality as Standard Button "Convert" when the button is clicked.
What is the best approach to do it..?
That's a very broad question. What exactly you need, what have you tried so far? Do you really need just a button that opens the conversion page or something more?
If you want to somehow recreate it with Apex... Core of the coded solution would be the Database.convertLead method. You don't pass to it whole leads (like to Database.insert for example) but instead just their IDs + bunch of control flags to make it do exactly what you need. Read up about LeadConvert object. And similarly you can get Account/Contact/Opportunity ID from the result object if it succeeded.
I don't think there's programmatic way to access field names & mappings defined by administrator for lead conversion. Maybe you'd need to store this info somehow (in helper object? custom metadata?). So then you'd query the field names from metadata, then query the lead fields and finally display table of fields & mappings to the user.

Loading Variable-Based Parameters in Behavior Search

I am using Behavior Search to calibrate my NetLogo model for 20 different hospital units. I am using global variables to set the min and max for several sliders in my model, but I think this is causing an error in Behavior Search when I attempt to load the parameter values from the model. However, I don't want to manually enter these parameter ranges manually each time I use Behavior Search.
Is there a way to get around this error? Is there a way to set the min and max for a specific slider to a constant, rather than using global variables?
Thanks for your help!
BehaviorSearch developer here -- if I'm understanding your question correctly, your NetLogo model has a slider which has a min/max constraint that is not set to a constant, but is instead set to a global variable (in the slider settings, accessed from the NetLogo interface).
When I choose such a model using the BehaviorSearch GUI, and then click the "Load parameter ranges from model interface" button, then I get the value of 0 for that constraint. (I don't see any error message -- just the value 0 (if you're getting an error message instead, then I may not be understanding your situation correctly, and perhaps you could post exactly what error message you're seeing?)
This will be true even if you are setting the slider min/max to a global value in the special STARTUP procedure (see: http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dict/startup.html), because STARTUP is only run when a model loads in the NetLogo GUI, and not when a model is loaded in headless NetLogo.
Thus, unfortunately, I think the answer to your question is: "no, there isn't a way to get BehaviorSearch to load the parameter ranges from global variables within the model".
Some possible work-arounds:
BehaviorSearch is open-source -- some changes could be made to it -- i.e., maybe adding in a call to "startup" whenever BehaviorSearch GUI loads the parameter ranges would be sufficient for you.
If you're only doing a few searches, I don't see why manually editing the parameter ranges would be particularly onerous. However, if you're generating a lot of different searches with this model, then I can see how it might be an issue. The .bsearch files are just XML text files, so you might consider generating them without the BehaviorSearch GUI, e.g. using a scripting language.

what is the best way to specify default value for a date parameter in ireport

I have created a parameter in iReport Value_DT with Date data type.
If I'm using expression "new java.util.Date("01-SEP-14") as default value it works fine but this is hard code.
I'd like to use user defined function from Oracle DB, i.e. it might be similar to "new java.util.Date(new java.util.Date($F{GETACCOUNTINGDATE})) where GETACCOUNTINGDATE is oracle function.
With such syntax I have an error "The constructor Date(Timestamp) is undefined".
What should be changed in order to use function from DB in default parameter?
I'm not sure of any way to do this directly in the default value expression without writing custom code. I believe you would need to write a custom class with a static method which connects to your database, calls GETACCOUNTINGDATE, and returns the date. You could then, bundle this as a JAR, put it in your classpath and call this method in your Default Value Expression.
That's quite a bit of work though, so alternatively you may be able to 'recreate' the date using Java Date Function libraries.
We've used apache dateUtils:
org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils.addMonths(new Date(),0))
I know a colleague has used jchronic to use strings and create dates.

Why does the Function Module name of a Smartform change (sometimes)?

Not really critical question, but i'm curious
I am working on a form and sometimes the generated function name is /1BCDWB/SF00000473, and sometimes /1BCDWB/SF00000472. This goes back and forth.
Does anyone know what's the idea behind this? Cuz i'm quite sure it's not a bug (or i might be wrong on that).
It is not a bug. You always have to use SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME to determine the actual function module name and call it dynamically using CALL FUNCTION l_function_module.
Smartform FMs are tracked by internal numbering and thats saved in the table STXFADMI. You would always notice the different number in Development System if you have deleted any existing Form. Similarly, you would also notice the different number in your Quality system based on the sequence the forms are imported in QAS and the forms as well (as test forms are not migrated to QAS.
Similar behavior is also true for Adobe Form generated FMs.
You need to understand that every smartform has a different interface and hence the automatically generated function module needs to have different import parameters.
Due to this reason the 'SSF*' FMs generate a FM specific for your smartform. The name of the 'generated' FM changes when you migrate from one system to another. And that's the reason why you should use a variable while calling the 'generated' fm and not hardcode it.
The same goes with Adobe form as someone has rightly said in this thread.

Drupal - dynamic options for text_list field

I have a custom node type for which I want to have a field that uses a special combobox based on list_text. When one chooses the type list_text it is normally possible to enter a static list of selectable texts, however, I want this list to be dynamic, i.e. based on the results of a db_query. What is the best way to do this using Drupal 7?
A simple example for clarification: A node of this custom type X contains a field that points to another node, so whenever a node of type X is created I want a combobox that contains all other nodes.
(Best solution would be to only display the combobox during node creation, and no longer during edit. But I could also live with it if the combobox was shown during the edit as well.)
I have tried to customize options_select by defining my own data type and implementing hook_options_list accordingly. The combobox was displayed during creation with the correct values, however, I could not save it.. I have no idea what went wrong there, but on the first submit it would change to a different theme, and when I tried again I got an internal server error. Am I on the right track at all with defining a completely new data type for the field? there surely must be a simpler way?
You're right in that you don't need a new datatype. Here's a good tutorial on how to do this. It's not specifically for D7 but I didn't see much that wasn't still applicable. There may be a better way to do it in D7 specifically but I would love to know it too if so :)
The tutorial linked by allegroconmolto sent me on the right way. Thanks for that.
Here's the simpler way of doing it: tutorial
Basically, it is, as I assumed, a common problem and hence a simple solution for it was included in the webform module by now. It provides a hook_webform_select_options_info which can be used to register a callback method. The callback method is then called each time a corresponding option select of a webform is shown, so that you can easily fill it with the results of a dbquery or anything else. Works like a charm and takes next to no time to implement.