Dismissing WEPPopover from its subview - iphone

I am presenting a WEPPopoverController in my iPhone Application. In that WEPPopoverController, I have added a UITableViewController. This popover I am using for the purpose of search.
Now when I open this Popover, the screen looks something like this:
Now, I want to close dismiss this Popover from the UITableViewController's didSelectRowAtIndexPath,
How to do this?
self.searchTableViewController = [[SearchTableViewController alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStylePlain]; // UITableViewController
self.seachPopoverController = [[[WEPPopoverClass alloc] initWithContentViewController:self.searchTableViewController] autorelease]; // WepPopoverController
self.seachPopoverController.delegate = self;
[self.seachPopoverController presentPopoverFromRect:[searchB frame] inView:topPanelV permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionUp animated:YES];
Thanks in advance!!!

Add 1 variable in SearchTableViewController as parent like
id parent;
Create property for this as
#property (nonatomic,assign)id parent;
Synthesize it
#synthesize parent;
when you create self.searchTableViewController
assign its parent as
self.searchTableViewController.parent = self;
Now in didSelectRowAtIndex
[parent dismisMyPopoverMethod];
[self.seachPopoverController dismissPopoverAnimated:YES];
self.seachPopoverController = nil;
And thats it. Your are done.

Do it this way: make your view controller a delegate of table view controller for only one method - dismissPopover (for other methods the delegate must be table view controller). So your table view controller will have two delegates. Implement this method in your delegate (view controller). But call it from table view controller. In more details step by step:
Declare a property of your popover in a view controller, where you show this popover.
#property (strong, nonatomic) UIPopoverController *popoverController;
Create a new protocol (let's name it TableInPopoverDelegate), that has this method:
- (void) dismissPopover;
Add this method to the implementation file of your view controller and add this:
- (void) dismissPopover {
[self.popoverController dismissPopoverAnimated:YES];
Add a header file of protocol and add a delegate property to your table view controller:
#property (strong, nonatomic) id <TableInPopoverDelegate> popoverDelegate;
Make your view controller a delegate of your table view controller before adding it:
tableViewController.popoverDelegate = self; // Here self is your view controller
Call dismissPopover on the delegate when user selects a row.
[popoverDelegate dismissPopover];


How to trigger an action from one view controller to another in iOS

How would I go about changing the a UILabel property in another view controller?
I have #import "SecondViewController.h" imported in the FirstViewController.m file and then
I have the following in a method in FirstViewController
-(IBAction) someAction {
SecondViewController *objV1 = [[SecondViewController alloc]init];
objV1.secondViewControllerLabel.alpha = 0.2;
when someAction is called nothing happens to the UILabel in the SecondViewController.
also, in this example both first and second view controllers are in another view controller called MainViewController. So, they are both onscreen at the same time.
thanks for any help.
From what you tell us, it would seem that you need to set the "embeded view controllers" as childs of the parent View Controller.
[mainViewController addChildViewController:childViewController];
[childViewController.view setFrame:self.view.bounds];
[self.childContainerView addSubview:childViewController.view];
[childViewController didMoveToParentViewController:self];
This is very powerful, because you can forward IBActions from the mainViewController to their child...
[mainViewController childViewControllers]
Returns an array of them, and also take a look at
– shouldAutomaticallyForwardRotationMethods
– shouldAutomaticallyForwardAppearanceMethods
So your child get automatically informed about the rotations of their parent.
To answer your question, you could do something like:
// In Parent View Controller
- (IBAction) anAction:(id) sender
for (CustomChildController *child in self.viewControllers) {
[child handleSomeAction];
Check out what the docs say for more details.
#Goles answer will work, but if you specifically want to trigger the change from FirstViewController.m you need to pass in a reference to SecondViewController somehow.
So you could do it with a custom init that takes a reference to your second viewcontroller as a parameter, or create a property on your FirstViewController that you can set from outside, which would be something like this:
#property (strong, nonatomic) UIViewController *second;
#synthesize second
In your parent ViewController you would create both the child view controllers, then:
ViewController1.second = ViewController2;
Then your action method would become:
-(IBAction) someAction {
self second.secondViewControllerLabel.alpha = 0.2;
Since in the secondViewController, secondViewControllerLabel has not been created yet, 'objV1.secondViewControllerLabel.alpha' will have no effect. Ideally, you should create a NSNumber property called labelAlpha in the secondViewController, set that property in the firstViewController, and then in the viewDidLoad of the second controller, add this line ::
self.secondViewControllerLabel.alpha = self.labelAlpha;
This will work for you.

presentModalViewController from app delegate

How can I present a modal view controller from the app delegate's view, the top most? Trying to present a modal view controller from a UIView, which made me confused.
Use your rootViewController. You can present a modal view controller from any view controller subclass. If your root VC is a UITabBarController, then you can do:
[self.tabBarController presentModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]
or if its a navigation controller:
[self.navigationController presentModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]
By trying to present a controller from within a view you are breaking the MVC pattern. Generally, a view is concerned with its appearance and exposing interfaces to communicate user interface state to its controller. For example, if you have a UIButton in your view and you want it to present a modal view controller, you don't hard wire the view to do this. Instead, when a controller instantiates the view, the controller configures the button by setting itself as a target to receive the touchUpInside action where it can present the appropriate modal view controller.
The view itself does not (and should not) have this contextual knowledge to do the work of a controller.
The best way to do this is to create a new UIWindow, set it's windowLevel property, and present your UIViewController in that window.
This is how UIAlertViews work.
#interface MyAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate>
#property (nonatomic, strong) UIWindow * alertWindow;
- (void)presentCustomAlert;
#implementation MyAppDelegate
#synthesize alertWindow = _alertWindow;
- (void)presentCustomAlert
if (self.alertWindow == nil)
CGRect screenBounds = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
UIWindow * alertWindow = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:screenBounds];
alertWindow.windowLevel = UIWindowLevelAlert;
SomeViewController * myAlert = [[SomeViewController alloc] init];
alertWindow.rootViewController = myAlert;
[alertWindow makeKeyAndVisible];
Application delegates do not manage a view. You should present a modal view controller from the -viewDidAppear: method of the first view controller that gets put on screen in -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:.

Adding to table view using a modal view controller

everywhere on the internet I find examples of how to add rows into a table view by having a special row "Add Row" with a green plus. But I don't want that.
I want to have a plus button in the titlebar of MyTableViewController, and invoke some Modal Add View Controller with a XIB file with just a single text field to fill it in. In this Modal Add View Controller I want to fill in this text field, and after I press Done, Modal Add View Controller dismisses, and I want to find that text added to a MyTableViewController table view.
I have a property in my MyTableViewController to hold all the lines of it:
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *list;;
I just can't get adding rows to work. I don't see where I could do the
[list addObject:];
Here's the code of the MyTableViewController addItem method which I invoke, when a user presses a plus button in the titlebar:
- (IBAction) addItem: (id) sender;
NSLog(#"Adding item...");
//Preparing "Add View" which has a single text field
AddViewController *addViewController = [[AddViewController alloc] init];
addViewController.title = #"Add Item";
UINavigationController *modalController = [[UINavigationController alloc]
[addViewController release];
// Showing the prepared Add View controller modally
[self.navigationController presentModalViewController:modalController animated:YES]
NSLog(#"Modal controller has been presented.");
[modalController release];
And here is the code in the AddViewController, which is invoked after the textfield is typed in and pressing Done in the titlebar:
- (IBAction) done: (id) sender
NSLog(#"Reached Done");
if (textField != nil) {
self.fieldText = textField.text;
NSLog(#"About to dissmiss modal controller...");
[[self parentViewController] dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
NSLog(#"Modal controller has been dismissed.");
It is pretty common to create a delegate protocol for such Add Controller and make the parent controller its delegate.
When the Add Controller is "done" (i.e. not cancelled with a possible Cancel button), it calls a delegate method, say, addControllerIsDone: to let the parent table view controller know that it should take the set value, add it to the list, and dismiss the Add controller.
You could also pass the list to the Add Controller and let it add the set value itself before the [parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES] call.
It depends whether you want to keep the control of the list in your table view controller or you want to pass it to the Add Controller.
And after the Add Controller is dismissed, you can either figure out where the cell for new entry should be added in the tableView and insert it with a nice animation, reload the section (animation also possible) or whole tableView (animation not possible).
First option could looke like this:
#class AddViewController;
#protocol AddViewControllerDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)controllerIsDone:(AddViewController *)controller;
#interface AddViewController : UIViewController
#property (nonatomic, assign) id<AddViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
And the 'done' code
- (IBAction) done: (id) sender
[self.delegate controllerIsDone:self];
NSLog(#"About to dissmiss modal controller...");
[[self parentViewController] dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
NSLog(#"Modal controller has been dismissed.");
And the MyViewController:
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController <AddViewControllerDelegate>
So it has to implement the controllerIsDone: method. Like this for example:
- (void)controllerIsDone:(AddViewController *)controller
[self.list addObject:controller.textField.text];
As the AddViewController dismisses itself, MyViewController doesn't have to do it in the delegate method. But the good practice would be that if you popped up the modal view controller, you should also dismiss it, just for symmetry's sake. ;)
In this case, of course the textField has to be a publicly accessible property.
I'm sure you'll figure out the second option.
Read up on Decorator pattern in Cocoa Fundamentals Guide.
After you dismiss your modal controller:
[self addObjectToMyModel:newObject];
such that if you called [tableView reloadData] it would show up, but you don't need to call that, instead:
you need to know where the new object will appear in your table, determine the indexPath, and:
NSIndexPath *indexPathOfInsertedCell = …;
[self.tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:indexPathOfInsertCell]

UIPopover and UITableView data exchange

I have a UITableView in a UINavigationController. On the navigation bar I have a button called add. When this button is pressed it presents a UIPopoverController, where user can input data to be added as a new row/cell in the UITableView. My issue is how can I add a new cell to the UITableView from the UIPopover? Do I pass in the array data to the UIPopOver root controller?
There are two solutions to this that I'm aware of. One would be to send a notification from the popover to the root controller and apply the necessary code to update the tableView in the handleNotification method.
The other, one that I personally use, is to set up a delegate protocol for the popover. You'll have to set it up something like this:
#protocol PopoverDelegate
- (void)addNewCell; // you can add any information you need to pass onto this if necessary such as addNewCellWithName:(NSString *)name, etc.
#interface MyPopoverViewController..... {
id <PopoverDelegate> delegate;
// the rest of your interface code;
#property (nonatomic, retain) id delegate;
// any other methods or properties;
Then in your root view controller header file, you need to add the delegate
#interface RootViewController .... <PopoverDelegate> {
Then in your root view controller implementation file, assign the popover delegate when you instantiate it. For example:
MyPopoverViewController *vc = [[MyViewController alloc] init];
vc.delegate = self; // this is where you set your protocol delegate
myPopover = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:vc];
myPopover.delegate = self;
[vc release];
Finally, you'll add your protocol method somewhere in the code
- (void)addNewCell {
// do what you want with the tableView from here
Sorry that's a bit long. I just wanted to make sure I was thorough. Hope it helps

Transitioning between subviews in a navigationController?

In my app I have a drill-down type interface as follows:
My root view, which has a list of items and an "Add" button.
Selecting an item pushes the "Detail" view on the navigationController.
Selecting the "Add" button pushes an "Add" view.
How would I transition between the Add view to the Detail view?
I'm thinking of doing an unanimated "pop" on the Add view and push the Detail controller on, but how do I make the second part animated, so the detail view would either slide in vertically or fade in from the Add view?
Based on Ramin's reply, you can try this way, which is used by Apple in several samples:
#import "MyAddViewController.h"
#interface MyListViewController : UITableViewController <MyAddViewControllerDelegate> {
- (IBAction)add:(id)sender;
// Action for bring up add view controller
- (IBAction)add:(id)sender {
MyAddViewController *addViewController = [[MyAddViewController alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStyleGrouped];
addViewController.delegate = self;
UINavigationController *navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:addViewController];
[self presentModalViewController:navigationController animated:YES];
[navigationController release];
[addViewController release];
// MyAddViewController's delegate method, dismiss the add view controller in here
- (void)addViewController:(MyAddViewController *)addViewController didAddData:(MyData *)data{
if (data) {
MyDetailViewController *detailViewController = [[MyDetailViewController alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStylePlain];
detailViewController.data = data;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:detailViewController animated:YES];
[detailViewController release];
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
#protocol MyAddViewControllerDelegate;
#class MyData;
#interface MCCourseAddTableViewController : UITableViewController {
MyData *data;
id <MCCourseAddDelegate> delegate;
// MyData could be NSManagedObject if you want to use Core Data
#property(nonatomic, retain) MyData *data;
#property(nonatomic, assign) id <MyAddViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
- (void)save;
- (void)cancel;
#protocol MyAddViewControllerDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)addViewController:(MyAddViewController *)addViewController didAddData:(MyData *)data;;
- (void)save {
if (self.delegate != nil) {
if ([self.delegate conformsToProtocol:#protocol(MyAddViewControllerDelegate)]){
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(addViewController:didAddData:)]){
// Send data back to List View, to bring up detail view controller and dismiss add view controller
[self.delegate addViewController:self didAddData:self.data];
- (void)cancel {
if (self.delegate != nil) {
if ([self.delegate conformsToProtocol:#protocol(MyAddViewControllerDelegate)]){
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(addViewController:didAddData:)]){
// Send nil back to ListView, to dismiss the add view controller only
[self.delegate addViewController:self didAddData:nil];
You could push the Add View onto the Details view and set a variable to remember that.
When the user try to pop the Add View, you check the previous variable and, if set, you pop directly to the root controller(that should pop the Details view automatically).
Make the add view a modal and in there provide a "Done" (or "Save") and a "Cancel" button. If the user hits cancel, you just close the modal. If they hit Done you save the new record to the table model, then do a table reload on the root view before returning. To be nice, you can flash the newly added item.
A clean way to set this up is to make the modal controller implement a delegate that expects a 'Done' protocol method and have the root controller implement it and set itself as the delegate.
This way, the root controller is notified when the user hits 'Done' so it can encapsulate all that needs to happen. If you want to go directly from add to detail view the delegate method can do a 'push' for the newly added record and you'll get a nice transition from modal sliding down to detail view.