Eclipse javafile color - eclipse

I dont know why but this is driving me insane, does anyone know why this is happening?
first the whole thing is red, everyone of my java files (only in this one project) is like this. second, that dot next to the D, that is not the "edited without save" asterisk, it still shows up there after I edit something along side this dot. How do I remove both the dot and the red and go back to the white background? Thanks

The formatting of those entries are governed by label decorations. Possible you installed a new plug-in, that set up a new type of decoration that looks wild. You try to disable them to detect the source of the issue.
Generic Label decorations are set in General/Appearance/Label Decorations page in Eclipse Preferences, but the various Team providers (CVS, SVN, Git, etc.) also provide such options (Team/xxx/Label Decorations). Additionally, you could search for the string Label Decorations in Preferences using the search bar.


How to edit Javadoc popup link color in Eclipse

I am using the Dark theme in Eclipse Oxygen. When I hover over a class to view the Javadoc, the links are in blue and very hard to see
I have tried editing the hyperlink color in Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> Colors and Fonts -> Basic -> Hyperlink text color but that didn't work. Under the Java section in Colors and Fonts there is an entry to edit Javadoc background and Javadoc text color, but I see nothing for Javadoc hyperlink color or something like that. I could change the background color as a workaround but that breaks the dark theme and I'd rather not.
The short answer is you can't because it's system dependent.
Among the many other ongoing dark-theme bugs that need to be fixed, the particular bug you've found has been recently reported here as bug 517393. The target fix for this bug is in Eclipse Photon (4.8) Milestone 2.
I've figured out a workaround for this issue at least for Windows.
On Windows, Eclipse's html renderer follows Internet Explorer's option for changing color of webpage. So, if you do not use Internet Explorer or just do not mind such change of all webpage, let's go!
Please note that some desciption below may not be accurate since I do not use an English version of Windows.
Open IE, click GEAR icon at top right corner - choose Internet Optioin - click Color at the bottom - uncheck Use Windows Color - change the color of Visited and Unvisited, and the rest two to suit your need if you use dark theme in Eclipse. Apply the change.
Then click Accessibility (on the right of Font) - check Omit Color - Apply the change.
It's done.
For those who are like me still stuck with an older Eclipse IDE like 4.7.3 (without the fix of the bug mentioned in the first answer) and are using Windows:
The workaround in the previous answer does not work if you have Microsoft Edge installed instead of Internet Explorer. Reason: Microsoft Edge does not let you change the link color. There are Chrome Extension that you can install but this didn't work for me either.
Another solution could be to switch Windows to "High contrast mode". Someone even managed to change the link color for Eclipse. I accidently found this "temporary" workaround:
Start Eclipse
Activate Windows "High contrast mode"
Eclipse wants to be restarted. Say yes.
Deactivate Windows "High contrast mode"
Again, Eclipse wants to be restarted. Again, say yes.
Now the Javadoc popup looks like in "Light" theme!? So links are very easy to see now.
However, that's not a really comfortable workaround: it needs some time and you have to repeat these steps after every reboot. My "favorite workaround" for now, is to select the link text in the Javadoc popup with the mouse, so that the link text is displayed with a more readable background/foreground color combination.

Subclipse: What is the green bar icon on the top right for?

do you know the meaning behind the green bar icon (5th icon in the image behind the link)? I think it is in dependence with the eclipse plugin subclipse. Maybe some conflicts between versions? And what is to do, to get it away?
image-link with green bar icon
I'm sorry guys, I'm not allowed to post images directly, because I have not enough reputation points. But i would be happy, if you can help me anyhow :)
While trying to find out myself, I saw Mark Phippard's comment about the General page for decorations. I went to Preferences > General > Appearance > Label Decorations and began disabling decorations until the green bar went away.
Turns out it was Decorate Classes with Test Case that caused the green bar, which can be unchecked to disable it. Searching for that, I found MoreUnit to be responsible:
Looks like "MoreUnit decorates files which have a test case". I'm guessing it does so by seeing if there is a class starting with the same name and ending in "Test" or whatever the MoreUnit config might include.
Subclipse, and all team providers in general, only decorate the bottom-right corner. I do not know what that is in the top-right but it does not come from Subclipse.

How do I get the old colors and look & feel back in Eclipse 4.2?

I had been using Eclipse 3.x for a few years and while I had a few issues w.r.t. its stability and performance, I never had any particular annoyance with the UI itself...
Now that the new and shiny Eclipse 4.2 is out of the oven, it feels more stable and somewhat snappier, but I instantly felt a dislike for some details of its UI:
I find the "curved" look of the main toolbar distracting and it seems to me that it does not mix well with any other element in my desktop. It could just be a color issue, but the toolbar is prevalent enough to merit a specific mention.
The default colors do not work well with the TFT/TN displays of the laptop and both desktop computers that I am using. The various gradients seem completely washed out, the tab separators are practically invisible and the toolbar curve looks totally weird.
It's also almost impossible to tell which view is active - Eclipse 3.x used a unique blue color for the active tab header. Juno uses a color-reversal in all inactive tabs, which probably sounds more visible, but in my opinion that effect is lost because the active tab is still in a shade of gray which is lost in the overall gray-ness of the new UI...
So, how do I get back to a more reasonable look and feel? Is there somewhere a theming option that would help?
PS.1: I use Eclipse/GTK on Linux...
PS.2: What happened to all the colors in Juno, anyway?
PS.3: Can we keep the new splash screen, though? That one, I like...
Apparently, the Eclipse developers were kind enough to leave us an easy way out:
From the Window menu, select Preferences.
Expand the General category in the Preferences dialog tree.
Click on the Appearance sub-category.
On the left side of the window, a Theme drop-down menu will appear - click on it.
Select Classic in the Theme drop-down menu.
Most important: you need to restart Eclipse after that, even though no hint to that effect appears.
This setting is mentioned in several blog posts, which for some reason I could not find until I started using terms such as "awful" and "ugly" in Google. It seems that I was not the only one to find the new theme unbearable...
There is another way documented here.
This goes a lot further than the switch to classic theme and makes it look like 3.x.
The problem with the Juno L & F is that its great on monitors with 1600x1050. But my work PC has 2 screens that are 1280x1-24. Not so great!
I found a way to make Juno look like Indigo: I know there are new fancy themes around but I'm not willing to spend time on it.
My solution is just to copy the Indigo css_prefs files into Juno directory
The file you have to look for are
org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.theme.prefs and org.eclipse.wst.css.ui.prefs
If you don't have them you can download from my blog
To restore traditional style tabs on more recent versions of Eclipse, edit e4_classic_winxp.css and change swt-simple: false; to swt-simple: true; (this assumes you are using the default Classic theme).
On Eclipse Kepler this file is located in:
On Eclipse Mars this file is located in:

GUI for "svn blame" with a slider for history

Does anyone know UI tool (Eclipse plugin would be great, but any other, for Linux/Windows is acceptable) that allows to see difference of some part of code, but also allows switch between revisions quickly, e.g. by using slider.
I like the Team -> Show Annotation... functionality. It colors the left side of the editor and groups changed lines by color. When you hover over one section you get the commit details (revision/author/date/comment).
I've used SVN time lapse view with some success.
It would be nice if Tortoise SVN blame included this history slider feature.

PHPEclipse weird highlight

This is not a technical problem, but very annoying.
Does anyone know how to turn off or change the color for the name highlight in phpEclipse?
I use white-on-black scheme and this highlight has a white background which makes it unreadable and very ugly.
To better explain which highlight I'm refering to, it's when I move the cursor to a variable/function/method/constant, all other places that name is typed get highlighted.
I've spent a few days going thru the settings many, many times and I haven't found one that changes that specific annoying highligh.
Anyone? please? :)
For Java in Eclipse it is:
Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Mark Occurrences.
My ruby plug-in has the same option. Do a search in the preferences window for 'Mark Occurrences' and hopefully the php plug-in has the same option.
Thanks, that was it, Mark Occurences.
When I searched thru the options I was looking for color pickers instead of checkboxes :)
It would be nicer to be able to change the highlight color for that, but even removing it is of huge help.
From Eclipse, go to Window > Preference, use the filter field ("type filter text") to search for "color". It will show all the config options related to the colors.
I suppose it's not a problem with phpEclipse, but an incompatibility with another Eclipse plugin.
PS: When you fix the problem please tell us what that setting!