What is happening when my() is conditional? - perl

Compare using perl -w -Mstrict:
# case Alpha
print $c;
# case Bravo
if (0) {
my $c = 1;
print $c;
# case Charlie
my $c = 1 if 0;
print $c;
Alpha and Bravo both complain about the global symbol not having an explicit package name, which is to be expected. But Charlie does not give the same warning, only that the value is uninitialized, which smells a lot like:
# case Delta
my $c;
print $c;
What exactly is going on under the hood? (Even though something like this should never be written for production code)

You can think of a my declaration as having an action at compile-time and at run-time. At compile-time, a my declaration tells the compiler to make a note that a symbol exists and will be available until the end of the current lexical scope. An assignment or other use of the symbol in that declaration will take place at run-time.
So your example
my $c = 1 if 0;
is like
my $c; # compile-time declaration, initialized to undef
$c = 1 if 0; # runtime -- as written has no effect
Note that this compile-time/run-time distinction allows you to write code like this.
my $DEBUG; # lexical scope variable declared at compile-time
$DEBUG = $ENV{MY_DEBUG}; # statement executed at compile-time
Now can you guess what the output of this program is?
my $c = 3;
print "\$c is $c\n";
$c = 4;
print "\$c is $c\n";

mob's answer is a great explanation of what currently happens (and why), but don't forget that perldoc perlsyn tells us:
NOTE: The behaviour of a my, state, or our modified with a statement modifier conditional or loop construct (for example, my $x
if ... ) is undefined. The value of the my variable may be
undef, any previously assigned value, or possibly anything else.
Don't rely on it. Future versions of perl might do something different
from the version of perl you try it out on. Here be dragons.
Don't count on that result or the explanation for it still being true in future versions of Perl. (Although it probably will be.)

The "my $foo = val if cond" construct and its undefined behavior has bitten me many times over the years. I wish the compiler could simply reject it (why keep something in the language that has undefined behavior?!), but presumably this cannot be done for backward compatibility or other reasons. Best solution I've found is to prevent it with perlcritic:


Using perl `my` within actual function arguments

I want to use perl to build a document graph as readably as possible. For re-use of nodes, I want to refer to nodes using variables (or constants, if that is easier). The following code works and illustrates the idea with node types represented by literals or factory function calls to a and b. (For simple demo purposes, the functions do not create nodes but just return a string.)
sub a (#) {
return sprintf "a(%s)", join( ' ', #_ );
sub b (#) {
return sprintf "b(%s)", join( ' ', #_ );
printf "The document is: %s\n", a(
"declare c=",
$c = 1,
$e = b(
"to declare d=",
$d = $c + 1
"use the result",
"and document the procedure",
The actual and expected output of this is The document is: a(declare c= 1 b(use 1 to declare d= 2) use the result 2 and document the procedure b(use 1 to declare d= 2)).
My problem arises because I want to use strict in the whole program so that variables like $c, $d, $e must be declared using my. I can, of course, write somewhere close to the top of the text my ( $c, $d, $e );. It would be more efficient at edit-time when I could use the my keyword directly at the first mention of the variable like so:
printf "The document is: %s\n", a(
"declare c=",
my $c = 1,
my $e = b(
"to declare d=",
my $d = $c + 1
"use the result",
"and document the procedure",
This would be kind of my favourite syntax. Unfortunately, this code yields several Global symbol "…" requires explicit package name errors. (Moreover, according to documentation, my does not return anything.)
I have the idea of such use of my from uses like in open my $file, '<', 'filename.txt' or die; or in for ( my $i = 0; $i < 100; ++$i ) {…} where declaration and definition go in one.
Since the nodes in the graph are constants, it is acceptable to use something else than lexical variables. (But I think perl's built-in mechanims are strongest and most efficient for lexical variables, which is why I am inclined into this direction.)
My current idea to solve the issue is to define a function named something like define which behind the scenes would manipulate the current set of lexical variables using PadWalker or similar. Yet this would not allow me to use a natural perl like syntax like $c = 1, which would be my preferred syntax.
I am not certain of the exact need but here's one simple way for similar manipulations.
The example in the OP wants a named variable inside the function call statement itself, so that it can be used later in that statement for another call etc. If you must have it that way then you can use a do block to work out your argument list
do {
my $x = 5;
my $y = func2($x); # etc
say "Return from the do block what is then passed as arguments...";
$x, $y
This allows you to do things of the kind that your example indicates.†
If you also want to have names available in the subroutine then pass a hash (or a hashref), with suitably chosen key names for variables, and in the sub work with key names.
Alternatively, consider normally declaring your variables ahead of the function call. There's no bad thing about it while there are many good things. Can throw in a little wrapper and make it look nice, too.
† More specifically
printf "The document is: %s\n", a( do {
my $c = 1;
my $d = $c + 1;
my $e = b( "use", $c, "to declare d=", $d );
# Return a list from this `do`, which is then passed as arguments to a()
"declare c=", $c, $e, "use the result", $d,"and document the procedure", $e
} );
(condensed into fewer lines for posting here)
This do block is a half-way measure toward moving this code into a subroutine, as I presume that there are reasons to want this inlined. However, since comments indicate that the reality is even more complex I'd urge you to write a normal sub instead (in which a graph can be built, btw).
according to documentation, my does not return anything
The documentation doesn't say that, and it's not the case.
Haven't you ever done my $x = 123;? If so, you've assigned to the result of my $x. my simply returns the newly created variable as an lvalue (assignable value), so my $x simply returns $x.
Unfortunately, this code yields several [strict vars] errors.
Symbols (variables) created by my are only visible starting with the following statement.
For better of for worse, it allows the following:
my $x = 123;
my $x = $x;
$x *= 2;
say $x; # 246
say $x; # 123
I want to use perl to build a document graph as readably as possible.
So why not do that? Right now, you are building a string, not a graph. Build a graph of objects that resolve to a string after the graph has been constructed. You can build those object with a tree of sub calls (declare( c => [ use( c => ... ), ... ] )). I'd give a better example, but the grammar of what you are generating isn't clear to me.
Your argument list makes two references each to $c, $d and $e. If you prefix the first reference with my, it will be out of scope by the time Perl gets around to parsing the second reference it won't be in scope until the next statement, so the second reference would refer to a different variable (which may violate strict vars).
Declare my ($c,$d,$e) before your function call. There is nothing wrong or inelegant about doing that.

Can someone explain why Perl behaves this way (variable scoping)?

My test goes like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $string = 'string';
sub func {
print $string, "\n";
And the result is:
Use of uninitialized value $string in print at test.pl line 10.
Perl allows us to call a function before it has been defined. However when the function uses a variable declared only after the function call, the variable appears to be undefined. Is this behavior documented somewhere? Thank you!
The behaviour of my is documented in perlsub - it boils down to this - perl knows $string is in scope - because the my tells it so.
The my operator declares the listed variables to be lexically confined to the enclosing block, conditional (if/unless/elsif/else), loop (for/foreach/while/until/continue), subroutine, eval, or do/require/use'd file.
It means it's 'in scope' from the point at which it's first 'seen' until the closing bracket of the current 'block'. (Or in your example - the end of the code)
However - in your example my also assigns a value.
This scoping process happens at compile time - where perl checks where it's valid to use $string or not. (Thanks to strict). However - it can't know what the value was, because that might change during code execution. (and is non-trivial to analyze)
So if you do this it might be a little clearer what's going on:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $string; #undefined
$string = 'string';
sub func {
print $string, "\n";
$string is in scope in both cases - because the my happened at compile time - before the subroutine has been called - but it doesn't have a value set beyond the default of undef prior to the first invocation.
Note this contrasts with:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
sub func {
print $string, "\n";
my $string; #undefined
$string = 'string';
Which errors because when the sub is declared, $string isn't in scope.
First of all, I would consider this undefined behaviour since it skips executing my like my $x if $cond; does.
That said, the behaviour is currently consistent and predictable. And in this instance, it behaves exactly as expected if the optimization that warranted the undefined behaviour notice didn't exit.
At compile-time, my has the effect of declaring and allocating the variable[1]. Scalars are initialized to undef when created. Arrays and hashes are created empty.
my $string was encountered by the compiler, so the variable was created. But since you haven't executed the assignment yet, it still has its default value (undefined) during the first call to func.
This model allows variables to be captured by closures.
Example 1:
my $x = "abc";
sub foo { $x } # Named subs capture at compile-time.
say foo(); # abc, even though $x fell out of scope before foo was called.
Example 2:
sub make_closure {
my ($x) = #_;
return sub { $x }; # Anon subs capture at run-time.
my $foo = make_closure("foo");
my $bar = make_closure("bar");
say $foo->(); # foo
say $bar->(); # bar
The allocation is possibly deferred until the variable is actually used.

Perl using the special character &

I had a small question. I was reading some code and as my school didn't teach me anything useful about perl programming, I am here to ask you people. I see this line being used a lot in some perl programs:
$variable = &something();
I don't know what the & sign means here as I never say it in perl. And the something is a subroutine ( I am guessing). It usually says a name and it has arguments like a function too sometimes. Can someone tell me what & stands for here and what that something is all the time.
The variable takes in some sort of returned value and is then used to check some conditions, which makes me think it is a subroutine. But still why the &?
Virtually every time you see & outside of \&foo and EXRP && EXPR, it's an error.
&foo(...) is the same as foo(...) except foo's prototype will be ignored.
sub foo(&#) { ... } # Cause foo to takes a BLOCK as its first arg
foo { ... } ...;
&foo(sub { ... }, ...); # Same thing.
Only subroutines (not operators) will be called by &foo(...).
sub print { ... }
print(...); # Calls the print builtin
&print(...); # Calls the print sub.
You'll probably never need to use this feature in your entire programming career. If you see it used, it's surely someone using & when they shouldn't.
&foo is similar to &foo(#_). The difference is that changes to #_ in foo affects the current sub's #_.
You'll probably never need to use this feature in your entire programming career. If you see it used, it's surely someone using & when they shouldn't or a foolish attempt at optimization. However, the following is pretty elegant:
sub log_info { unshift #_, 'info'; &log }
sub log_warn { unshift #_, 'warn'; &log }
sub log_error { unshift #_, 'error'; &log }
goto &foo is similar to &foo, except the current subroutine is removed from the call stack first. This will cause it to not show up in stack traces, for example.
You'll probably never need to use this feature in your entire programming career. If you see it used, it's surely a foolish attempt at optimization.
sub log_info { unshift #_, 'info'; goto &log; } # These are slower than
sub log_warn { unshift #_, 'warn'; goto &log; } # not using goto, but maybe
sub log_error { unshift #_, 'error'; goto &log; } # maybe log uses caller()?
$& contains what the last regex expression match matched. Before 5.20, using this causes every regex in your entire interpreter to become slower (if they have no captures), so don't use this.
print $& if /fo+/; # Bad before 5.20
print $MATCH if /fo+/; # Bad (Same thing. Requires "use English;")
print ${^MATCH} if /fo+/p; # Ok (Requires Perl 5.10)
print $1 if /(fo+)/; # Ok
defined &foo is a perfectly legitimate way of checking if a subroutine exists, but it's not something you'll likely ever need. There's also exists &foo is similar, but not as useful.
EXPR & EXPR is the bitwise AND operator. This is used when dealing with low-level systems that store multiple pieces of information in a single word.
die "Can't execute command: $!\n" if $? == -1;
die "Child kill by ".($? & 0x7F)."\n" if $? & 0x7F;
die "Child exited with ".($? >> 8)."\n" if $? >> 8;
&{ EXPR }() (and &$ref()) is a subroutine call via a reference. This is a perfectly acceptable and somewhat common thing to do, though I prefer the $ref->() syntax. Example in next item.
\&foo takes a reference to subroutine foo. This is a perfectly acceptable and somewhat common thing to do.
my %dispatch = (
foo => \&foo,
bar => \&bar,
my $handler = $dispatch{$cmd} or die;
# Same: &{ $handler }();
# Same: &$handler();
EXPR && EXPR is the boolean AND operator. I'm sure you're familiar with this extremely common operator.
if (0 <= $x && $x <= 100) { ... }
In older versions of perl & was used to call subroutines. Now this is not necessary and \& is mostly used to take a reference to subroutine,
my $sub_ref = \&subroutine;
or to ignore function prototype (http://perldoc.perl.org/perlsub.html#Prototypes)
Other than for referencing subroutines & is bitwise and operator,

Why does this Perl variable keep its value

What is the difference between the following two Perl variable declarations?
my $foo = 'bar' if 0;
my $baz;
$baz = 'qux' if 0;
The difference is significant when these appear at the top of a loop. For example:
use warnings;
use strict;
foreach my $n (0,1){
my $foo = 'bar' if 0;
print defined $foo ? "defined\n" : "undefined\n";
$foo = 'bar';
print defined $foo ? "defined\n" : "undefined\n";
print "==\n";
foreach my $m (0,1){
my $baz;
$baz = 'qux' if 0;
print defined $baz ? "defined\n" : "undefined\n";
$baz = 'qux';
print defined $baz ? "defined\n" : "undefined\n";
results in
It seems that if 0 fails, so foo is never reinitialized to undef. In this case, how does it get declared in the first place?
First, note that my $foo = 'bar' if 0; is documented to be undefined behaviour, meaning it's allowed to do anything including crash. But I'll explain what happens anyway.
my $x has three documented effects:
It declares a symbol at compile-time.
It creates an new variable on execution.
It returns the new variable on execution.
In short, it's suppose to be like Java's Scalar x = new Scalar();, except it returns the variable if used in an expression.
But if it actually worked that way, the following would create 100 variables:
for (1..100) {
my $x = rand();
print "$x\n";
This would mean two or three memory allocations per loop iteration for the my alone! A very expensive prospect. Instead, Perl only creates one variable and clears it at the end of the scope. So in reality, my $x actually does the following:
It declares a symbol at compile-time.
It creates the variable at compile-time[1].
It puts a directive on the stack that will clear[2] the variable when the scope is exited.
It returns the new variable on execution.
As such, only one variable is ever created[2]. This is much more CPU-efficient than then creating one every time the scope is entered.
Now consider what happens if you execute a my conditionally, or never at all. By doing so, you are preventing it from placing the directive to clear the variable on the stack, so the variable never loses its value. Obviously, that's not meant to happen, so that's why my ... if ...; isn't allowed.
Some take advantage of the implementation as follows:
sub foo {
my $state if 0;
$state = 5 if !defined($state);
print "$state\n";
foo(); # 5
foo(); # 6
foo(); # 7
But doing so requires ignoring the documentation forbidding it. The above can be achieved safely using
my $state = 5;
sub foo {
print "$state\n";
use feature qw( state ); # Or: use 5.010;
sub foo {
state $state = 5;
print "$state\n";
"Variable" can mean a couple of things. I'm not sure which definition is accurate here, but it doesn't matter.
If anything but the sub itself holds a reference to the variable (REFCNT>1) or if variable contains an object, the directive replaces the variable with a new one (on scope exit) instead of clearing the existing one. This allows the following to work as it should:
my #a;
for (...) {
my $x = ...;
push #a, \$x;
See ikegami's better answer, probably above.
In the first example, you never define $foo inside the loop because of the conditional, so when you use it, you're referencing and then assigning a value to an implicitly declared global variable. Then, the second time through the loop that outside variable is already defined.
In the second example, $baz is defined inside the block each time the block is executed. So the second time through the loop it is a new, not yet defined, local variable.

Data types for parameters of subroutines / functions?

In Perl, can one specifiy data types for the parameters of subroutines? E.g. when using a dualvar in a numeric context like exit:
How does Perl in that case know, that exit expects a numeric parameter? I didn't see a way to define data types for the parameters of subroutines like you do it in Java? (where I could understand how the data type is known as it is explicitely defined)
The whole point of the dualvar is that it behaves as a number or text depending on what you want. In cases where that's not obvious (to you more importantly than to perl) then make it clear.
As for explicitly typing parameters, that's not something built in. Perl is a much more dynamic language than Java so it's not common to check/force the type of every parameter or variable. In particular, a perl sub can accept different numbers of parameters and even different structures.
If you want to validate parameters (for an external API for example) try something like Params::Validate
In addition, Moose and Moo allow a certain level of attribute typing and even coercion.
In Perl, scalars are both numeric and stringy at the same time. It is not the variables themselves that distinguish between strings and numbers, but the operators you work with. While the addition + only uses a number, the concatenation . only uses strings.
In more strongly typing languages, e.g. Java, the addition operator doubles as addition and concatenation operator, because it can access type information.
"1" + 2 + 3 is still sick in Java, whereas Perl can cleanly distinguish between "1" + 2 + 3 == 6 and "1" . 2 . 3 eq "123".
You can force numeric or stringy context of a variable by adding 0 or concatenating the empty string:
sub foo {
my ($var) = #_;
$var += 0; # $var is numeric
$var .= ""; # $var is stringy now
Perl is quite different from Java in that - Perl is dynamically typed language, because it does not requires its variables to be typed at compile time..
Whereas, Java is statically typed (as you know already)
Perl determines the type of the variable depending upon the context it is used..
There can be only two context: -
List Context
Scalar Context
And the context is defined by the operator or function that is used..
For EG:-
# Define a list
#arr = qw/rohit jain/;
# Define a scalar
$num = 2
# Here perl will evaluate #arr in scalar context and take its length..
# so, below code will evaluate to : - value = 2 / 2
$value = #arr / $num;
# Here since it is used with a foreach loop, #arr will be taken as in list context
foreach (#arr) {
say $_;
# Above foreach loop will output: - `rohit` \n `jain` to the console..
You can force the type by:
use Scalar::Util qw(dualvar);
How does Perl in that case know, that exit expects a numeric parameter?
exit expect a number as is part of its specification and its behaviour is kind of undefined if you pass it a non-integer value (i.e. you should not do it.
Now, in this particular case, how does dualvar manages to return either value type depending of the context?
I don't know how Scalar::Util's dualvar is implemented but you can write something similar with overload instead.
You certainly can modify the behaviour for a blessed object:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
{package Dualvar;
use overload
fallback => 1,
'0+' => sub { $_[0]->{INT_VAL} },
'""' => sub { $_[0]->{STR_VAL} };
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = { INT_VAL => shift, STR_VAL => shift };
my $x = Dualvar->new(31,'Therty-One');
print $x . " + One = ",$x + 1,"\n"; # Therty-One + One = 32
From the docs, it seems that overload actually changes the behaviour within the declaration scope so you should be able to change the behaviour of some common operators locally for any operand.
If exit does use one of those overloadable operations to evaluate its parameter into a integer then this solution would do.
I didn't see a way to define data types for the parameters of subroutines like you do it in Java?
As already said by others... this is not the case in Perl, at least not at compilation time, except for subroutine prototypes but these don't offer much type granularity (like int vs strings or different object classes).
Richard has mentioned some run-time alternatives you may use. I personally would recommend Moose if you don't mind the performance penalty.
What Rohit Jain said is correct. A function that wants input to follow certain rules simply has to explicitly check that the input is valid.
For example
sub foo
my ($param1,$param2) = shift;
$param1 =~ /^\d+$/ or die "Parameter 1 must be a positive integer.";
$param2 =~ /^(bar|baz)$/ or die "Parameter 2 must be either 'bar' or 'baz'";
This may seem like a pain, but:
The extra flexibility gained generally outweighs the work involved in doing this.
Simply having the correct data type is often not enough to ensure that you valid input, so you end up doing a lot this anyway even in a language like Java.