Get Tasks list from Google account using username and password - google-tasks-api

i am developing an desktop application in which i have to get task list from google account (as per requirement ) in analysing i didnot find any way to get it done as i didnot have much idea about Google Task Api and in the documentation provided at google #
i didnot find any authentication mechanism (where a client enters his username and password of his gmail account and get the tasks) as i saw it only uses client key and secret key which is not expected from the user to fill in
so please suggest is there any way to get the google tasks using Username And Password of client ?
Thanks in advance

First follow the steps outlined here and then see the Authorize Request page. The recommended method is OAuth2, so the user will never give you his username and password, instead he will share with you an access token.


Supabase - post user sign up verification step - can Supabase handle this logic?

I am experimenting with Supabase as a replacement for Firebase.
When it comes to the Authentication functions, I am trying to replicate what is offered in Firebase.
With Firebase, if you create a new email/password user, then Firebase will send out a 'verify user' email to that user, and within the email there is a link back to the Firebase service that when clicked will action the verify user use case.
I can't find the equivalent verify user feature in Supabase. The Supabase admin console has a facility to define a URL, but I can't find anyway for Supabase to handle this use case. I'm inferring that with Supabase I will need to create a URL somewhere that when called will action the 'verify user' use case. That seems like a serious gap to me.
Any suggestions?
In Supabase, on the Authentication settings for your project under Email Templates you can customize the template and under URL Configuration you can set the redirect pages for the account confirmations. Note that the url for the confirmation of the user (at least for the free tier I've used, here's an example from the docs:{{ .TokenHash }}&type=signup&redirect_to= is a Supabase URL, once clicked the user will be redirected to the custom set URL.
Check the official documentation for the Email Templates for more info.

How to get impersonated UserGuid Id in docusign

I am trying to get the impersonated userguid from the docusign api. Per the documentation I need to call /restapi/v2/accounts/account_id/users?email=email, which is not working for me. I assume the full url would be"" .
I am getting a 404 when entering my email in the above format.
Looks like you have the incorrect domain. API Calls generally don't get made against You'll want to make that call against the Application Server your account is on.
In the Sandbox environment that will be In prod you'd need to make a UserInfo call to determine which server your account is on. It could be something like or, but there are several possible domains.
In order to get Impersonate GUID ,
Login to admin account
Under setting options Click API and keys
Value under the user id text box is Impersonate GUID
During configuration & setup:
1. You have an account admin enter information such as account, their userId ("API User Name" in web app). Save both items.
2. You follow the "consent flow", get their consent, generate a JWT and
exchange for a token.
3. Use the /user_info call against the account
server to get the list of their accounts. If more than one account
in the array, find the one that matches what they entered in the
configuration. Get and save the associated "base_uri". You will
use that for all subsequent API calls.
Your application now has stored the account ID, the admin's "userId", and the base URI to built API URLs.
During business application operations:
Admin is "Bob". Sender is "Jill"
You need to get an access token for Jill.
1. Create JWT for Bob, exchange for access token, make GET /users?email={Jill's email). This gives you Jill's "userId".
2. Create JWT for Jill, exchange for access token.
3. Make API call as Jill, using her access token.

Get messages from Gmail via HTTPS GET call

I'm working on an iOS application and what I'd like to do is have the app ping one universal Gmail account to check for the most recent email.
I went through the guide from Google at, but the result did not work. After some googling, it appears that some functionality may have been changed, but they haven't updated their documentation yet.
Is there a way to send credentials via https to Gmail and get email messages back? I have an OAuth key via the Gmail API manager, but when I pass it as "access_token", the response says "Login Required".
AFAIK, an error response "Login Required" can be encountered if you try to list the buckets for a project that do not provide an authorization header.
If we check Users.messages: get, it's noted that it requires authorization.
For this, you may want to check Authorizing Your App with Gmail wherein you will find these basic authorization pattern:
During development, register the application in the Google API Console.
When the app launches, request that the user grant access to data in their Google account.
If the user consents, your application requests and receives credentials to access the Gmail API.
Refresh the credentials (if necessary).
Furthermore, if your application needs to access Google APIs on behalf of the user, you should use server-side flow. Please see Implementing Server-Side Authorization for more information.
Sometime back I was involved in writing a sample application to access email from gmail but using C++ on windows. The code is at I was able to successfully get emails.

Identity Server 3 - Silent sign-in / sign in without login page. Including single sign on

I have come across a number of articles that discuss a similar matter but I cannot find a definitive answer.
My company would like to begin using Identity Server 3, however one of the requirements is to be able to authenticate an external user without them having to manually enter their credentials.
This must be capable of providing single sign on capabilities also as we have 3 different systems and our users should only have to sign in once.
Essentially, the external user has their own CRM.
The CRM holds their username and password for our software.
They then click a button in their CRM to launch our application
This redirects them to our website with a payload containing their credentials
We call a web service to authenticate the user
It is fundamental that we do not change this process for our partners.
Can I implement a custom service provider to provide the authentication or is there some other way of achieving this? If so, could you point me in the right direction for how this can be done?
Many thanks
I would assume that you'd create a mechanism for their CRM to get a token at the time the client logs into their site and then have them send that token via url to your callback page. This would use the machine-to-machine type grant, or the client-credentials flow. Then that page could validate the token and log the user in. There would have to be some sort of unique identifier between the two systems like email or something. Just an idea.

How to check authenticated status server side with ionic cloud Auth

I'm evaluating whether to use Ionic's cloud Auth service and it seems like it's relatively easy to implement client-side, where you can check this.auth.isAuthenticated. You can also set the user info from the client side as well.
However, if I want to do check their identity server-side, such as check that a user is authenticated when they call my custom api to post a comment - how can I get some sort of token (preferably a JWT token) that I can use to validate their identity server-side? Assuming we are using email/password authentication.
Also - using their send notification on a user's birthday example, how can I query the user data in ionic cloud's database to say find all users who have a birthday today. Can I export out the user data in any way if I want to migrate away in the future?
You should implement a JWT authentication service server side.
In other words when the user is authenticated, the app can send a JWT token to the server which should be evaluated to trust the remote user.
For more info reads:
A php example here:
Regards from Italy