Equivalent command matlab<>opencv - matlab

Does anyone knows what is the equivalent command for logical (matlab) for opencv? I saw that the bit depth for a logical image(1 channel) is equal to '1'. For a normal 1 channel image, we can set it to 8U or 32F (meaning, the bit depth is 8, 32). Am I right? The reason I'm asking because when I tried thinning using matlab, image(logical) and image(uint8 # im2double) give different results.

In MATLAB, logical type has a size of 1 byte. Try the following:
>> x = true
x =
>> whos x
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
x 1x1 1 logical
So the equivalent to a logical image in OpenCV would be 8U image with a single-channel


How are these convolutions possible given the stride and input size?

Input size is 1 x 128 x 128. Stride used throughout is 2.
Looking at the generator, from left to right, the input/output dimensions with every layer should be:
Is it possible that the diagram is incorrect?

Confusion in different HOG codes

I have downloaded three different HoG codes.
using the image of 64x128
1) using the matlab function:extractHOGFeatures,
[hog, vis] = extractHOGFeatures(img,'CellSize',[8 8]);
The size of hog is 3780.
How to calculate:
HOG feature length, N, is based on the image size and the function parameter values.
N = prod([BlocksPerImage, BlockSize, NumBins])
BlocksPerImage = floor((size(I)./CellSize – BlockSize)./(BlockSize – BlockOverlap) + 1)
2) the second HOG function is downloaded from here.
Same image is used
H = hog( double(rgb2gray(img)), 8, 9 );
% I - [mxn] color or grayscale input image (must have type double)
% sBin - [8] spatial bin size
% oBin - [9] number of orientation bins
The size of H is 3024
How to calculate:
H - [m/sBin-2 n/sBin-2 oBin*4] computed hog features
3) HoG code from vl_feat.
cellSize = 8;
hog = vl_hog(im2single(rgb2gray(img)), cellSize, 'verbose','variant', 'dalaltriggs') ;
vl_hog: image: [64 x 128 x 1]
vl_hog: descriptor: [8 x 16 x 36]
vl_hog: number of orientations: 9
vl_hog: bilinear orientation assignments: no
vl_hog: variant: DalalTriggs
vl_hog: input type: Image
the output is 4608.
Which one is correct?
All are correct. Thing is HOG feature extraction function default parameters vary with packages. (Eg - opencv, matlab, scikit-image etc). By parameters I mean, winsize, stride, blocksize, scale etc.
Usually HOG descriptor length is :
Length = Number of Blocks x Cells in each Block x Number of Bins in each Cell
Since all are correct, which one you may use can be answered in many ways.
You can experiment with different param values and choose the one that suits you. Since there is no fixed way to find right values, it would be helpful if you know how change in each parameters affect the result.
Cell-size : If you increase this, you may not capture small details.
Block-size : Again, large block with large cell size may not help you capture the small details. Also since large block means illumination variation can be more and due to gradient normalization step, lot of details will be lost. So choose accordingly.
Overlap/Stride: This again helps you capture more information about the image patch if you choose overlapping blocks. Usually it is set to half the blocksize.
You may have lot of information by choosing the values of the above params accordingly. But the descriptor length will become unnecessarily long.
Hope this helps :)

Matlab's sparse function explanation

this is my first time posting anything so please be nice!
I'm studying a code about a random walker algorithm and i got lost with the use of sparse to make the sparse laplacian matrix of a point and edge set. I'm planning to make my own code of the sparse function, but i'm having problems understanding how it works and the output of it so any help would be perfect.
Thank you all !
A sparse matrix is a special type of "matrix" in matlab, which is conceptually equivalent to a normal matrix, but works differently 'under the hood'.
They are called "sparse", because they are usually used in situations where one would expect most elements of the matrix to contain zeros, and only a few non-zero elements.
The advantage of using this type of special object is that the memory it takes to create such an object depends primarily on the number of nonzero elements contained, rather than the size of the "actual" matrix.
By contrast, a normal (full) matrix needs memory allocated relative to its size. So for instance, a 1000x1000 matrix of numbers (so called 'doubles') will take roughly 8Mb bytes to store (1 million elements at 8 bytes per 'double'), even if all the elements are zero. Observe:
>> a = zeros(1000,1000);
>> b = sparse(1000,1000);
>> whos
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
a 1000x1000 8000000 double
b 1000x1000 8024 double sparse
Now, assign a value to each of them at subscripts (1,1) and see what happens:
>> a(1,1) = 1 % without a semicolon, this will flood your screen with zeros
>> b(1,1) = 1
b =
(1,1) 1
As you can see, the sparse matrix only keeps track of nonzero values, and the zeros are 'implied'.
Now lets add some more elements:
>> a(1:100,1:100) = 1;
>> b(1:100,1:100) = 1;
>> whos
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
a 1000x1000 8000000 double
b 1000x1000 168008 double sparse
As you can see, the allocated memory for a hasn't changed, because the size of the overall array hasn't changed. Whereas for b, because it now contains more nonzero values, it takes up more space in memory.
In general most sparse matrices should work with the same operations as normal matrices; the reason for this is that most 'normal' functions are explicitly defined to also accept sparse matrices, but treat them differently under the hood (i.e. they try to arrive at the same result, but using a different approach internally to do so, one that is more suitable to sparse matrices). e.g.:
>> c = sum(a(:))
c =
>> d = sum(b(:))
d =
(1,1) 1000000
You can 'convert' a full matrix directly to a sparse one with the sparse command, and a sparse matrix back to a "full" matrix with the full command:
>> sparse(c)
ans =
(1,1) 10000
>> full(d)
ans =

Nonlinear transformation of values in matrix (image) using curve

I have a nonlinear curve (found using bicubic interpolation; see below) that describes the transformation of intensity values from the target image to reference image values. (Apologies if I'm not using the correct terminology here).
What is the best way of applying this curve to the target image?
I am basically looking for the fastest way to achieve this;
for i = 1:length(curve)
I(I==i) = curve(i);
which is fairly slow.
Your curve function as look-up table, the simplest way to execute look up table is:
lookuptable=[ 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ];
I=[ 1 3 4;
5 3 8];
Notice that the index of the lookuptable is accessed by the value of the pixel.
So if the pixel value range is 0-255, first you should use lookuptable with size of 256 use, and second remember to compensate the fact that matlab index is 1:256 so use:

which are the ranges in hsv image representation in matlab?

i've to compare several images of the same scene taken from different devices/position. To do so, i want to quantize the colors in order to remove some color representation differences due to device and illumination.
If i work in RGB i know that matlab represent each channel in the range [0 255], if i work in YCbCr i know that the three ranges are[16 235] and [16 240], but if i wanted to work in HSV color space i just know that converting with rgb2hsv i get an image which each channel is a double... but i don't know if all range between 0 and 1 are used for all the three channels.... so that i cannot make a quantization without this information.
Parag basically answered your question, but if you want physical proof, you can do what chappjc suggested and just... try it yourself! Read in an image, convert it to HSV using rgb2hsv, and take a look at the distribution of values. For example, using onion.png that is part of MATLAB's system path, try something like:
im = imread('onion.png');
out = rgb2hsv(im);
str = 'HSV';
for idx = 1 : 3
disp(['Range of ', str(idx)]);
disp([min(min(out(:,:,idx))) max(max(out(:,:,idx)))]);
The above code will read in each channel and display the minimum and maximum in each (Hue, Saturation and Value). This is what I get:
Range of H
0 0.9991
Range of S
0.0791 1.0000
Range of V
0.0824 1.0000
As you can see, the values range between [0,1]. Have fun!