What if I don't submit my application to google marketplace? - google-apps

Through reading the the flow of registration and development for google marketplace apps, a funny idea came to my mind: after finishing the tests(continuously install and test) for my app(base on web application), can I avoid to submit(never click "Submit for approval") the app to google marketplace so that I could use it privately(may be longtime or forever)? Anyone tried this approach?

You don't have to install or publish your applications from/to the marketplace. You can sideload your app and use it for as long as you want. You could even submit it to an alternative marketplace.

Yes you can just avoid submitting (this is the "old way" of having in-house apps on the More menu).
There is now though a new, better way if you want to add functionality for your own Google Apps domain. It's called the Google Apps Extensions Console and it gives you the ability to share ownership with other developers on your domain and more. Check it out.


How to get to the mobile App builder page on Bluemix?

I'm new to Bluemix but I've seen on several videos some folks easily using Bluemix to create their app screen just dropping whatever they find useful on it. But I logged on and I looked everywhere for this page and I can't find it. Does anyone knows how to get there?This image shows the place where I want to go.
Thank you all!
Mobile App Builder is no longer integrated into the Bluemix Developer Experience. It's been replaced with starter apps that allow users to get started quickly integrating Watson and other Bluemix services into their projects.
If you would like access to the legacy App Builder tools, they are available here.

Xtify Integration For Dreamweaver Phone app

I am creating my first native phone application using dreamweaver and phonegap build service, one of the most important features I need is the ability to send push notifications. That being said I am having a hard time finding a tutorial on integrating xtify with an app built in dreamweaver. any suggestions? All the documentation on xtify assumes I am building the program in phonegap. First thing you need to understand is that I am not a programmer, I work for a non profirt organization and this is just part of my job here.
Dreamweaver uses Adobe PhoneGap Build which packages mobile apps in the cloud. They don't support custom phonegap plugins (like Xtify) yet but they are working on it. Details here.
From the website:
Right now, you cannot submit your own plugins to PhoneGap Build and
have them included on our system. We are working on the infrastructure
changes to allow this support.

libraries / services to assist with iOS wireless app distribution

Can anyone recommend any libraries/utilities they use to assist in distributing iOS adhoc/enterprise applications over the air, so users can install without needing a PC/iTunes?
There's a few hosted services around (eg. https://testflightapp.com/ - though that is not free for enterprise apps), but I'm sure in the past I saw a non-hosted service (ie. something I could install on my own server) and came with a client side library that was easy to hook into the app to notify the user when updates were available and allow them to easily install them. Unfortunately it seems I didn't bookmark it and a bunch of googling and searching on stack overflow hasn't found it.
You need to create your own manifest and bundle it with the app package (the IPA from Build and Archive). There are a lot of guides on the web. e.g. this to automate OTA distribution using Heroku from Héctor Ramos or Mike Nachbaur's write up.
That said, I suspect using TestFlight.app is a lot easier than rolling your own - have you looked at the cost benefit of paying TestFlight vs developing and maintaining your own system. Much better to write production code rather than save the cost of the TestFlight subscription surely...
I finally found the one I believe I was thinking of when I wrote the question, it's called "Hockey":
If there are other similar solutions out there, please do add your own answer!

Download additioanal functionality into an app - is it possible?

I'm currently developing an iPhone version of existing Android application.
Customer wants to provide his web services via mobile apps. On Android this is made in a modular way: user installs main app, and then he can download additional modules to it if needed. That way he can install only modules that he needs.
Is there a way to achieve same functionality on iPhone? I read about In-App Purchasing, but I don't know if it will work because additional functionality will not be built-in and unlocked - it needs to be downloaded and added to my app as a new module - so user's space would not be wasted with unneeded modules.
Thank you!
2.7 Apps that download code in any way or form will be rejected
From App Store Review Guidelines
Judging by the question, this is not a world-facing app - it has a specific customer. With Terente's answer in mind, do consider side-loading, AKA in-house distribution. That is - bypass the app store. The prohibition on the downloadable code is an App Store policy, not a limitation of the platform.
The enterprise contract with Apple is $300/year instead of regular $100/year. But you get to install your app on as many devices as you wish, completely bypassing the App Store. Either over the air (by browsing from the phone) or via iTunes.
Under this model, your app can download, store and run custom code all you want. The specifics of the plug-in model are up for you and your customer.
EDIT: so app store is a must. How about this: have a WebView in the project, have it download HTML pages with JavaScript in them, have code hooks for JavaScript to call. To the best of my knowledge, AppStore does not reject apps that display Web pages from the Net, and if the Web page happens to have a script, there's no prohibition on executing that script.
This violates the spirit of the rule while relying on letter and precedent. Technically speaking, JavaScript IS code. And again, technically speaking, WebView is capable of downloading and running it. And App Store is choke full of apps with WebView in them.
How will this fly with your customers, who knows.

Submitting paid package to Cydia Store

I'd like to submit my app to the Cydia Store. It's going to be a paid package. Since I've never done other than free/opensource development, can somebody please explain how to do integration of my app with Cydia? Specifically, I'm curious if I have to check if the installed app instance is legit (DRM checking) (and if so, how to do it), or how handle the payment and purchase (or, did I misunderstood, but is there any standard options in Cydia to automate the purchase?).
There are numerous links tutorials available for that.
A nice one is
Edit: broken link above ... Google cache version (currently) at
This might be also helpful
For questions about the Cydia Store system, a reliable source of answers is simply "contact your favorite default repository manager" - they've helped lots of developers figure this out, and you'll need to talk to one of them anyway to get your Cydia Store package published.
For people who haven't published packages on default repositories in Cydia before, these are your options:
BigBoss (managed by Optimo)
ModMyi (managed by Kyle and Tyler)
MacCiti (managed by MacCiti)
(If you aren't sure which to pick, find your favorite package author and ask for a recommendation.)