Missing bundles in osgi framework - eclipse

I'm trying to run the region digraph bundle of Equinox in Eclipse IDE. When I run the relevant bundle using start command in OSGi command prompt, I'm getting an error saying
The bundle could not be resolved. Reason: Missing Constraint: Import-Package: org.osgi.framework.hooks.bundle; version="1.0.0". To find out the existing version in the framework, I tried the command p org.osgi.framework.hooks.bundle. The result shows all the bundles in the framework. In that list org.osgi.framework.hooks.bundle is not there. This is the same case for few other bundles such as
org.osgi.framework.hooks.resolver. Any helps about how to fix this issue??

What version of Eclipse are you using?
The org.osgi.framework.hooks.bundle package was added in OSGi Release 4.3, and so you would need a version of Eclipse that supports that, which would be at least Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo).


Migrate RCP project from 3.6 to 4.4

I am upgrading an RCP project to Eclipse 4 (4.4.2) from Eclipse Helios (3.6.1).
I had a problem with plug-in configuration. Here is the stack trace: http://pastebin.com/SHEY4iYq.
The stack trace told: Import-Package: javax.annotation; version="1.0.0". But i think i already had this library in plug-in dependency. http://prntscr.com/7taz9m
Any solution about this case? Or any suggestion would be appreciated. Thank you very much.
The Import-Package just says that you need this package. The error is telling you that the javax.annotation import cannot be found when you run the application.
You probably need to update your RCP build to include the javax.annotation plugin (and possibly other plugins). How you do this depends on the type of build you are using.

Cannot add an eclipse plugin, the plugin won't show up inEclipse

I am trying to add an eclipse Elugin (http://www.cs.wm.edu/semeru/TopicXP/) to my eclipse. I followed the instructions (copied the jar file into the plugins folder), but the plugin won't appear at all.
I do not have the LDA option in the right click menu
I do not have anything under Window > Show View > ...
I don't even see the plugin under Installation Details > plug-ins
I am in the Project Explorer, and using Eclipse Kepler Service Release 2. I did also try Eclipse Luna, as well as Eclipse 3.5 (the version of Eclipse that is mentioned in the plugin page) but none of these worked.
I did check the manifest and I have all required bundles. I also added Java 1.7 to it, since my environment is 1.7.
I cannot think of any reason, the plugin won't show up at all. I assumed that if there are some comparability issues, I will at least see the plugin or some errors related to loading it, but I see nothing.
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: TopicXP
Bundle-SymbolicName: edu.wm.topicxp;singleton:=true
Bundle-Version: 0.2.4
Bundle-Activator: edu.wm.LDATopics.LDATopics
Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.ui,org.eclipse.core.runtime,org.apache.luc
Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.7, J2SE-1.5
Bundle-ClassPath: .,lib/args4j-2.0.6.jar,lib/JGibbLDA.jar
Import-Package: org.eclipse.core.resources,org.eclipse.draw2d,org.ecli
Old question, but this may help someone still. This sounds very similar to a problem I struggled with. It's likely that the plugin you are trying to load has unresolved dependencies, and Eclipse doesn't show you anything in that case. But you can find out if that's the problem, and what dependencies may be missing by using the OSGI console.
First, invoke Eclipse from command line and add '-console' option.
Then in the OSGI console, use 'install' command to try to load your plugin. For instance, if you have placed com.my.plugin in the plugins folder of your Eclipse installation:
osgi> install reference:file:plugins/com.my.plugin.jar
That will give you a bundle ID in the output. Use that with the 'diag' command to see any missing dependencies.

eclipse gives error on start up after adding sbteclipse plugin

I add sbt eclipse plug-in .First I created the project named hello the in project directory i created a file named plugins.sbt and add this line in it
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" % "2.5.0")
and after the sbt> I typed eclipse then it created the project for eclipse
when I open eclipse it gives me error message
An error has occurred. See the error log for more details
The org.eclipse.jdt.ui.javaElementFilters plug-in extension "scala.tools.eclipse.javaelements.ScalaElementFilter" specifies a viewer filter class which does not exist.
Plug-in org.scala-ide.sdt.core was unable to load class scala.tools.eclipse.javaelements.ScalaElementFilter.
An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.scala-ide.sdt.core (806).
please help me to how to resolve this error and when I imported the sbt project eclipse give me another error
Building workspace has encountered a problem
Errors occurred during the build.
Error instantiating builder 'org.scala-ide.sdt.core.scalabuilder'.
Plug-in org.scala-ide.sdt.core was unable to load class scala.tools.eclipse.ScalaBuilder.
An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.scala-ide.sdt.core (806).
Plug-in org.scala-ide.sdt.core was unable to load class scala.tools.eclipse.ScalaBuilder.
An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.scala-ide.sdt.core (806).
Please help me
scala version 2.11.1
sbt version 0.13
I added the scala-IDE plugin from this source
i am using eclipse juno and pasted the following location in install new software
my project compiles successfully in sbt
Are you using Eclipse Luna for Java Developers (as opposed to Eclipse Classic) AND Scala IDE 4.0 milestone 3? There is a known issue (solved in the nightly builds since then), reported on the mailing list here.
You can "fix" it by either upgrading the Scala plugin to a nightly build (they're pretty stable), or going with Eclipse Classic instead.

Eclipse : Errors occurred during the build Groovy/Grail Project

I have installed GGTS plugin for eclipse kepler 3.5.1 RELEASE. I created simple grail project. But while building project. Its getting error
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Java Builder' on project 'FirstApp'.
and if we saw in markers, I found this error
Internal compiler error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StringGroovyMethods.plus(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/lang/String; at
Config.groovy /FirstApp/grails-app/conf line 0 Java Problem
I am using feroda 17. Eclipse Kepler.
We were experiencing the same error today, it turned out that the project created by GGTS had a groovy compiler level of 2.3 but the GGTS plugin only supported up to groovy compiler level 2.1.
The fix was to install the "groovy 2.3 compiler for groovy-eclipse".
The compiler can be found under the "language and support tooling" heading in the extensions browser which is opened by clicking the "IDE extensions" button in the STS dashboard.
Although the compiler states that it will automatically become the default workspace compiler in eclipse this did not happen for us. In fact we needed to set it as the workspace default in "preferrences > groovy > compiler" and then restart eclipse (maybe I restarted twice, cant remember exactly).
we also ended up installing "groovy 2.3 compiler for groovy-eclipse" twice as the first time an eclipse IDE update was installed, I think because our kepler installation was a bit old.
Hope this helps.

e(fx)clipse 0.9.0 on Kepler with Java 7

is it possible to run the e(fx)clipse sample application on Kepler & Java7 at all ?
I took the steps, descripted in tutorial 4 to integrate the target definition(s)
I tried the all-in-one-eclipse as well as upgrading a common kepler-eclipse with update-site http://download.eclipse.org/efxclipse/updates-released/0.9.0/site
However, the Sample Project JavaFX/Samples/e4 Media Application can not be compiled.
With Target Definition "RCP 3x Platform", all! application dependencies can not be resolved
With Target Definition "Target Platform Feature" a warning comes up, that the target version is newer than my current Eclipse installation. There are no comile errors anymore, but running the app I will get a lot of runtime errors like:
Unresolved requirement: Require-Capability: osgi.ee; filter:="(&(osgi.ee=JavaSE)(version=1.8))"
Did anybody get the sample "e4 Media Application" working ?
My Eclipse: Kepler Service Release 2
My Java: JDK 7u40
============== EDIT ==============
Got it working, thanks to Tom!
Install fresh new Eclipse: http:// www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-rcp-and-rap-developers/keplersr2
Install Xtext 2.5.0, Update-Site: http:// download.eclipse.org/modeling/tmf/xtext/updates/composite/releases
Install e(fx)clipse, Update-Site: http:// download.eclipse.org/efxclipse/updates-released/0.9.0/site
Add new Target Platform, Update-Site: http:// download.eclipse.org/efxclipse/runtime-released/0.9.0/site
Select FX Target -> Target Platform Feature
The nightly runtime site already requires Java8 (see announcement on e(fx)clipse newsrpoup!)
If you want to run it on Java7 you need to use http://download.eclipse.org/efxclipse/runtime-released/0.9.0/Site for the target platform