I have written a little snippet of code to test the Dynamic trait capabilities:
class Foo extends Dynamic {
def selectDynamic(name: String) {
println("selectDynamic: " + name)
def applyDynamic(name: String)(args: Any*) {
println("applyDynamic: " + name)
def applyDynamicNamed(name: String)(args: (String, Any)*) {
println("applyDynamicNamed: " + name)
def updateDynamic(name: String)(value: Any) {
println("updateDynamic: " + name)
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val foo = new Foo
foo.bar(5) //1
foo.bar(x = 5) //2
foo.bar //3
foo.baz = 5 //4
The problem is that it wouldn't compile both in Scala 2.9 and 2.10 because of the fourth line in main:
error: reassignment to val
foo.baz = 5
If I comment this string, 2.9 would complain about the second line:
error: not found: value x
foo.bar(x = 5)
Meanwhile 2.10 would compile and the program would produce:
applyDynamic: bar
applyDynamicNamed: bar
selectDynamic: bar
So now I wonder if I'm doing something wrong (maybe miss some dependencies)? Is there a difference between Dynamic's in Scala 2.9 and 2.10? And what's wrong with the foo.baz = 5?
This is a bug: https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-5733
I use Scala macros and match Apply and I would like to get fully qualified name of the function which is called.
println("") -> scala.Predef.println
scala.Predef.println("") -> scala.Predef.println
class Abc {
def met(): Unit = ???
case class X {
def met(): Unit = ???
def abc(): Abc = ???
val a = new Abc()
val x = new Abc()
a.met() -> Abc.met
new Abc().met() -> Abc.met
X() -> X.apply
X().met() -> X.met
x.met() -> X.met
x.abc.met() -> Abc.met
On the left side is what I have in code and on the right side after arrow is what I want to get. Is it possible? And how?
Here is the macro:
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
object ExampleMacro {
final val useFullyQualifiedName = false
def methodName(param: Any): String = macro debugParameters_Impl
def debugParameters_Impl(c: blackbox.Context)(param: c.Expr[Any]): c.Expr[String] = {
import c.universe._
param.tree match {
case Apply(Select(t, TermName(methodName)), _) =>
val baseClass = t.tpe.resultType.baseClasses.head // there may be a better way than this line
val className = if (useFullyQualifiedName) baseClass.fullName else baseClass.name
c.Expr[String](Literal(Constant(className + "." + methodName)))
case _ => sys.error("Not a method call: " + show(param.tree))
Usage of the macro:
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
class Abc {
def met(): Unit = ???
case class X() {
def met(): Unit = ???
def abc(): Abc = ???
val a = new Abc()
val x = X()
import sk.ygor.stackoverflow.q53326545.macros.ExampleMacro.methodName
println(methodName(Main.main(Array("foo", "bar"))))
println(methodName(new Abc().met()))
Source code for this example contains following:
it is a multi module SBT project, because macros have to be in a separate compilation unit than classes, which use the macro
macro modules depends explicitly on libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang" % "scala-reflect" % scalaVersion.value,
Following scala code shows no output please help me with corrections.I'm new to scala.I am trying to print a Rational class instance.
object Test{
def main() {
var r = new Rational(2,3)
class Rational(n:Int,d:Int)
val num:Int =n
val den:Int =d
val sum :Int =num+den
def add(that:Rational):Rational={
return new Rational(num*that.den+den*that.num,den*that.den)
override def toString(): String = num + "/" + den
object Rational {
def apply(n:Int,d:Int)=new Rational(n,d)
change def main() to def main(args: Array[String]), the JVM won't recognize a main method that doesn't have the right argument type
Can't I use a generic on the unapply method of an extractor along with an implicit "converter" to support a pattern match specific to the parameterised type?
I'd like to do this (Note the use of [T] on the unapply line),
trait StringDecoder[A] {
def fromString(string: String): Option[A]
object ExampleExtractor {
def unapply[T](a: String)(implicit evidence: StringDecoder[T]): Option[T] = {
object Example extends App {
implicit val stringDecoder = new StringDecoder[String] {
def fromString(string: String): Option[String] = Some(string)
implicit val intDecoder = new StringDecoder[Int] {
def fromString(string: String): Option[Int] = Some(string.charAt(0).toInt)
val result = "hello" match {
case ExampleExtractor[String](x) => x // <- type hint barfs
But I get the following compilation error
Error: (25, 10) not found: type ExampleExtractor
case ExampleExtractor[String] (x) => x
It works fine if I have only one implicit val in scope and drop the type hint (see below), but that defeats the object.
object Example extends App {
implicit val intDecoder = new StringDecoder[Int] {
def fromString(string: String): Option[Int] = Some(string.charAt(0).toInt)
val result = "hello" match {
case ExampleExtractor(x) => x
A variant of your typed string decoder looks promising:
trait StringDecoder[A] {
def fromString(s: String): Option[A]
class ExampleExtractor[T](ev: StringDecoder[T]) {
def unapply(s: String) = ev.fromString(s)
object ExampleExtractor {
def apply[A](implicit ev: StringDecoder[A]) = new ExampleExtractor(ev)
implicit val intDecoder = new StringDecoder[Int] {
def fromString(s: String) = scala.util.Try {
val asInt = ExampleExtractor[Int]
val asInt(Nb) = "1111"
seems to produce what you're asking for. One problem remains: it seems that trying to
val ExampleExtractor[Int](nB) = "1111"
results in a compiler crash (at least inside my 2.10.3 SBT Scala console).
I am Scala beginner. Below Scala code runs well, but I cannot understand it. Log shows, line 19 finally run to line 12. How could it be?
object TestClassDef {
class Person {
private var _age = 0
def age:Int = _age
def age_=(newAge: Int) = {
_age = newAge
println("age changed to " + _age) // line 12
def main(args: Array[String]) {
var p = new Person()
// p.age_=(25)
p.age = 26 // line 19
If I get your question correctly, you're surprised that the method is called when you assign the value on line 19. This is because the _= (at the end of the age function with an Int parameter) means that it's an assignment operator (also see What are all the uses of an underscore in Scala?) so it does make sense that it's called when you simply type p.age = 26.
This is mutator
def age_=(newAge: Int) = {
_age = newAge
println("age changed to " + _age)
So the call
p.age = 26
is converted by compiler to
which makes call to mutator.
Mutator naming conventions from http://docs.scala-lang.org/style/naming-conventions.html
For mutators, the name of the method should be the name of the property with “_=” appended. As long as a corresponding accessor with that particular property name is defined on the enclosing type, this convention will enable a call-site mutation syntax which mirrors assignment. Note that this is not just a convention but a requirement of the language.
Also to see what compiler is creating pass -Xprint:typer to the Scala compiler. For reference the above code with this parameter generates:
package <empty> {
object TestClassDef extends scala.AnyRef {
def <init>(): TestClassDef.type = {
class Person extends scala.AnyRef {
def <init>(): TestClassDef.Person = {
private[this] var _age: Int = 0;
<accessor> private def _age: Int = Person.this._age;
<accessor> private def _age_=(x$1: Int): Unit = Person.this._age = x$1;
def age: Int = Person.this._age;
def age_=(newAge: Int): Unit = {
scala.this.Predef.println("age changed to ".+(Person.this._age))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
var p: TestClassDef.Person = new TestClassDef.this.Person();
Scala allows non-alphanumerics in identifiers (in two ways):
case 1:
scala> val ##*# = 1000000
scala> val #Alpha# = 1 // mixing alphanumerics not allowed
case 2:
letter(alphanumerics)* _ (specialcharacters)*
scala> val k12? = 1 // doesn't work, _ is mandatory
scala> val k12_? = 1
scala> val k12_?*&^% = 1
scala> val k12_?Alpha = 1 // doesn't work, can't mix alphanumeric
Special cases:
Some symbols/combination-of-symbols are reserved e.g. = # <%
scala> val # = 1 // doesn't work
scala> val ### = 1 // works fine
scala> val <% = 1 // doesn't work
scala> val <%> = 1 // works fine
Some symbol-combinations are special, _= can be used in method names but not in variable names.
scala> val k_= = 1 // doesn't work
scala> def k_= = 1 // works fine
method names ending in _= are setters.
if a class/object's setter method def x_= is defined along with a parameter-less method of same name def x, then x = e is interpreted as x_=(e)
from time to time, i deal with java that has stuff like the following in it:
def printDbl(d:Double) { println("dbl: " + d) }
def printInt(i:Int) { println("int: " + i) }
naturally, i'd like to wrap this in some scala, which ends up looking like this:
def print[T:Manifest] (t:T) {
if (manifest[T] <:< manifest[Int]) { printInt(t.asInstanceOf[Int]) ; return }
if (manifest[T] <:< manifest[Double]) { printDbl(t.asInstanceOf[Double]) ; return }
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented: " + manifest[T])
but when i run the following, i get a runtime exception:
i seem to recall there being a way to catch this at compile time, but i can't seem to google it up. perhaps some clever implied conversions?
Why don't you just take advantage of method overloading and write your Scala wrapper like this?:
object Printer {
def print(d: Double) { printDbl(d) }
def print(i: Int) { printInt(i) }
This is very simple and provides the desired behavior:
import Printer._
print(1.) // dbl: 1.0
print(1) // int: 1
print("hello") // compile-time type error
scala> object SpecType {
| trait SpecType[T] {
| def is(s: String): Boolean
| }
| implicit object DoubleType extends SpecType[Double] {
| def is(s: String) = s == "Double"
| }
| implicit object IntType extends SpecType[Int] {
| def is(s: String) = s == "Int"
| }
| }
defined module SpecType
scala> import SpecType._
import SpecType._
scala> def print[T: SpecType](x: T) {
| if(implicitly[SpecType[T]].is("Int")) println("Int")
| if(implicitly[SpecType[T]].is("Double")) println("Double")
| }
print: [T](x: T)(implicit evidence$1: SpecType.SpecType[T])Unit
scala> print(1)
scala> print(1.0)
scala> print("")
<console>:21: error: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of typ
e SpecType.SpecType[String]
this is the best i've come up with
class CanPrint[T] (t:T) { def getT = t}
implicit def canPrint(i:Int) = new CanPrint[Int](i)
implicit def canPrint(d:Double) = new CanPrint[Double](d)
def print[T:Manifest] (t:CanPrint[T]) {
if (manifest[T] <:< manifest[Int]) { printInt(t.getT.asInstanceOf[Int]) ; return }
if (manifest[T] <:< manifest[Double]) { printDbl(t.getT.asInstanceOf[Double]) ; return }
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented: " + manifest[T])
the following does not compile
and the following does what i expect
however, this is bad code because i have to import the implicit defs for it to work, and as a consumer of this code all i see is the method signature saying that i have to pass in a CanPrint object, which i can instantiate.
print(new CanPrint("hello")) // pwned
can i make the constructor private and only accessible to the implicit methods or some such?
def printDbl(d:Double) { println("dbl: " + d) }
def printInt(i:Int) { println("int: " + i) }
trait Printer[T] { def print(t:T) }
class PD extends Printer[Double] { def print(d:Double) = printDbl(d) }
class PI extends Printer[Int] { def print(i:Int) = printInt(i) }
implicit val pd = new PD()
implicit val pi = new PI()
def print[T](t:T)(implicit printer:Printer[T]) = printer.print(t)
print(1) // 1
print(2.0) // 2.0
print("hello") // Error:(88, 7) could not find implicit value for parameter printer: A$A336.this.Printer[String]