Remove read data for authenticated user? - publish-subscribe

In DDS what my requirement is, I have many subscribers but the publisher is single. My subscriber reads the data from the DDS and checks the message is for that particular subscriber. If the checking success then only it takes the data and remove from DDS. The message must maintain in DDS until the authenticated subscriber takes it's data. How can I achieve this using DDS (in java environment)?

First of all, you should be aware that with DDS, a Subscriber is never able to remove data from the global data space. Every Subscriber has its own cached copy of the distributed data and can only act on that copy. If one Subscriber takes data, then other Subscribers for the same Topic will not be influenced by that in any way. Only Publishers can remove data globally for every Subscriber. From your question, it is not clear whether you know this.
Independent of that, it seems like the use of a ContentFilteredTopic (CFT) is suitable here. According to the description, the Subscriber knows the file name that it is looking for. With a CFT, the Subscriber can indicate that it is only interested in samples that have a particular value for the file_name attribute. The infrastructure will take care of the filtering process and will ensure that the Subscriber will not receive any data with a different value for the attribute file_name. As a consequence, any take() action done on the DataReader will contain relevant information and there is no need to check the data first and then take it.
The API documentation should contain more detailed information about how to use a ContentFilteredTopic.


If many Kafka streams updates domain model (a.k.a materialized view)?

I have a materialized view that is updated from many streams. Every one enrich it partially. Order doesn't matter. Updates comes in not specified time. Is following algorithm is a good approach:
Update comes and I check what is stored in materialized view via get(), that this is an initial one so enrich and save.
Second comes and get() shows that partial update exist - add next information
... and I continue with same style
If there is a query/join, object that is stored has a method that shows that the update is not complete isValid() that could be used in KafkaStreams#filter().
Could you share please is this a good plan? Is there any pattern in Kafka streams world that handle this case?
Please advice.
Your plan looks good , you have the general idea, but you'll have to use the lower Kafka Stream API : Processor API.
There is a .transform operator that allow you to access a KeyValueStatestore, inside this operation implementation you are free to decide if you current aggregated value is valid or not.
Therefore send it downstream or returning null waiting for more information.

version of aggregate event sourcing

According to event sourcing. When a command is called, all events of a domain have to be stored. Per event, system must increase the version of an aggregate. My eventstore is something like this:
(AggregateId, AggregateVersion, Sequence, Data, EventName, CreatedDate)
(AggregateId, AggregateVersion) is key
In some cases it does not make sense to increase the version of an aggregate. For example,
a command register an user and raises RegisteredUser, WelcomeEmailEvent, GiftCardEvent.
how can I handle this problem?
how can I handle this problem?
Avoid confusing your representation-of-information-changes events from your publishing-for-use-elsewhere events.
"Event sourcing", as commonly understood in the domain-drive-design and cqrs space, is a kind of data model. We're talking specifically about the messages an aggregate sends to its future self that describe its own changes over time.
It's "just" another way of storing the state of the aggregate, same as we would do if we were storing information in a relational database, or a document store, etc.
Messages that we are going to send to other components and then forget about don't need to have events in the event stream.
In some cases, there can be confusion when we haven't recognized that there are multiple different processes at work.
A requirement like "when a new user is registered, we should send them a welcome email" is not necessarily part of the registration process; it might instead be an independent process that is triggered by the appearance of a RegisteredUser event. The information that you need to save for the SendEmail process would be "somewhere else" - outside of the Users event history.
Event changes the state of an aggregate, and therefore changes its version. If state is not changed, then there should be no event for this aggregate.
In your example, I would ask myself - if WelcomeEmailEvent does not change the state of the User aggregate, then whose state it chages? Perhaps some other aggregate - some EmailNotification service that cares about successful or filed email attempt. In this case I would make it event of those aggregate which state it changes. And it will affect version of that aggregate.

Event Sourcing and dealing with data dependencies

Given a REST API with the following operations resulting in events posted to Kafka:
AddItem (refers to a category by some identifier)
And an environment where multiple users may use the REST API at the same time, and the consumers must all get the same events. The consumers may be offline for an extended period of time (more than a day). New consumers may be added, and others removed.
The problems:
Event ordering (only workaround single topic/partition?)
AddItem before AddCategory, invalid category reference.
UpdateItem before AddCategory, used to be a valid reference, now invalid.
RemoveCategory before AddItem, category reference invalid.
....infinite list of other concurrency issues.
Event Store snapshots for fast resync of restarted consumers
Should there be a compacted log topic for both categories and items, each entity keyed by its identifier?
Can the whole compacted log topic be somehow identified as an offset?
Should there only be one one entry in the compacted log topic, and the data of it contain a serialized blob of all categories and items given an offset (would require single topic/partition).
How to deal with the handover from replaying the rendered entities event store to the "live stream" of commands/events? Encode offset in each item in the compacted log view, and pass that to replay from the live event log?
Are there other systems that fit this problem better?
I will give you a partial answer based on my experience in Event sourcing.
Event ordering (only workaround single topic/partition?)
AddItem before AddCategory, invalid category reference.
UpdateItem before AddCategory, used to be a valid reference, now invalid.
RemoveCategory before AddItem, category reference invalid.
....infinite list of other concurrency issues.
All scalable Event stores that I know of guaranty events ordering inside a partition only. In DDD terms, the Event store ensure that the Aggregate is rehydrated correctly by replaying the events in the order they were generated. The Apache-kafka topic seems to be a good choice for that. While this is sufficient for the Write side of an application, it is harder for the Read side to use it. Harder but not impossible.
Given that the events are already validated by the Write side (because they represent facts that already happened) we can be sure that any inconsistency that appears in the system is due to the wrong ordering of events. Also, given that the Read side is eventually consistent with the Write side, the missing events will eventually reach our Read models.
So, first thing, in your case AddItem before AddCategory, invalid category reference, should be in fact ItemAdded before CategoryAdded (terms are in the past).
Second, when ItemAdded arrives, you try to load the Category by ID and if it fails (because of the delayed CategoryAdded event) then you can create a NotYetAvailableCategory having the ID equal to the referenced ID in the ItemAdded event and a title of "Not Yet Available Please Wait a few miliseconds". Then, when the CategoryAdded event arrives, you just update all the Items that reference that category ID. So, the main idea is that you create temporary entities that will be finalized when their events eventually arrive.
In the case of CategoryRemoved before ItemAdded, category reference invalid, when the ItemAdded event arrives, you could check that the category was deleted (by havind a ListOfCategoriesThatWereDeleted read model) and then take the appropriate actions in your Item entity - what depends on you business.

Message library

The scenario is: some user sending messages to some group of people.
I was thinking to create one ROW for that specific conversation into one CLASS. WHERE in that ROW contains information such "sender name", "receiver " and addition I have column (PFRelation) which connects this specific row to another class where all messages from the user to the receiver would be saved(vice-versa) into.
So this action will happen every time the user starts a new conversation.
The benefit from this prospective :
Privacy because the only convo that is being saved are only from the user and the receiver group.
Downside of this prospective:
We all know that parse only provide 30reqs/s for free which means that 1 min =1800 reqs. So every time I create a new class to keep track of the convo. Am I using a lot of requests ?
I am looking suggestions and thoughts for the ideal way before I implement this messenger library.
It sounds like you have come up with something that is similar to what I have used before to implement messaging in an app with Parse as a backend. It's also important to think about how your UI will be querying for data. In general, it's most important to ensure that it is very easy and fast to read data. For most social apps, the following quote from Facebook's engineering team on Haystack is particularly relevant.
Haystack is an object store that we designed for sharing photos on
Facebook where data is written once, read often, never modified, and
rarely deleted.
The crucial piece of information here is written once, read often, never modified, and rarely deleted. No matter what approach you decide to take, keep that in mind while engineering your solution. The approach that I have used before to implement a messaging system using Parse is described below.
Each row (object) of the Message class corresponds with an individual text, picture, or video message that was posted. Each Message belongs to a Group. A Group can be as small as 2 User (private conversation) or grow as large as you like.
The RecentMessage class is the solution I came up with to deal with quickly and easily populating the UI. Each RecentMessage object corresponds to each Group that a given User may belong. Each User in a Group will have their own RecentMessage object which is kept up to date using beforeSave/afterSave cloud code triggers. Whenever a new Message is created, in the afterSave trigger we want to update all of the RecentMessage objects that belong to the Group.
You will most likely have a table in your app which displays all of the conversations that the user is part of. This is easily achieved by querying for all of that user's RecentMessage objects which already contains all of the Group information needed to load the rest of the messages when selected and also contains the most recent message's data (hence the name) to display in the table. Alternatively, RecentMessage could contain a pointer to the most recent Message, however I decided that copying the data was a beneficial tradeoff since it streamlines future queries.
group (pointer to group which message is part of)
user (pointer to user who created it)
text (string)
picture (optional file)
video (optional file)
group (group pointer)
user (user pointer)
lastMessage (string containing the text of most recent Message)
lastUser (pointer to the User who posted the most recent Message)
members (array of user pointers)
name or whatever other info you want
Security and privacy are imperative when creating messaging functionality in your app. Make sure to read through the Parse Engineering security blog posts, and take your time to let it all soak in: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V.
Most important in our case is Part III which describes ACLs, or Access Control Lists. Group objects will have an ACL which corresponds to all of its member User. RecentMessage objects will have a restricted read/write ACL to its owner User. Message objects will inherit the ACL of the Group to which they belong, allowing all of the Group members to read. I recommend disabling the write ACL in the afterSave trigger so messages cannot be modified.
General Remarks
With regards to Parse and the request limit, you need to accept that fact that you will very quickly surpass the 30 req/s free tier. As a general rule of thumb, it's much better to focus on building the best possible user experience than to focus too much on scalability. By and large, issues of scalability rarely come into play because most apps fail. Not saying that to be discouraging — just something to keep in mind to prevent you from falling into the trap of over-engineering at the cost of time :)

What is the relationship between the FIX Protocol's OrdID, ClOrdID, OrigClOrdID?

I'm pretty new to the FIX protocol and was hoping someone could help clarify some terms.
In particular could someone explain (perhaps with an example) the flow of NewOrderSingle, ExecutionReport, CancelReplaceRequest and how the fields ClOrdID, OrdID, OrigClOrdID are used within those messages?
A quick note about usages of fields. My experience is that many who implement FIX do it slightly differently. So be aware that though I am trying to explain correct usage you may find that there are differences between implementations. When I connect to a new broker I get a FIX specification which details exactly how they use the protocol. I have to be very careful to make sure where they have deviated from other implementations.
That said I will give you a rundown of what you have asked for.
There are more complicated orders but NewOrderSingle is the one most used. It allows you to create a trade for any asset. You will need to create a new order using this object / msg type. Then you will send it through your session using the method sendToTarget(). You can modify the message after this point through the toApp() method, assuming your application implements the quickfix.Application interface.
The broker (or whoever you are connected to) will send you a reply in the form of and Execution report. Using quickfix that reply will enter your application through the fromApp() callback. From there the best thing to do is to implement your app inheriting from the MessageCracker class (or implement it elsewhere) using the crack method from MessageCracker it will then call back a relevant onMessage() method call. You will need to implement a number of these onMessage() methods (it depends on specifically what you are doing as to which methods you will need), the main one being onMessage(ExecutionReport msg, SessionID session). This method will be called by message cracker when you receive and Execution report from the broker. This is the standard reply to a new order.
From there you handle the reply as required.
Some orders do not get filled immediately like Limit orders. They can be changed. For that you will need the CancelReplaceRequest. Your broker will give you details of how to do this specifically for them (again there are differences and not everyone does it the same). You will have to have done a NewOrderSingle first and then you will use this MsgType to update it.
ClOrdID is an ID that the client uses to identify the order. It is sent with the NewOrderSingle and returned in the ExecutionReport. The OrdID tag is in the ExecutionReport message, it is the ID that the broker will use to identify the order. OrgClOrdID is usually used to identify the original order in when you do and update (using CancelReplaceRequest), it is supposed to contain the ClOrdID of the original order. Some brokers want the original order only, others want the ClOrdID of the last update, so the first OrigClOrdID or will be the ClOrdID of the NewOrderSingle, then if there are subsequent updates to the same order then they will be the ClOrderID from the last CancelReplaceRequest. Some brokers want the last OrderID and not ClOrderID. Note that the CancelReplaceRequest will require a ClOrdID as well.