How to use interface in this scenario - interface

I am trying to setup interface method that will give version number:
var versionNumber = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
I am not sure how to implement this in an interface, so that the inheriting class can get the version number?

public interface IVersionProvider
string GetVersion();
internal class /*or struct*/ VersionProvider : IVersionProvider
public string GetVersion()
I made the class internal, because it doesn't need to be externally creatable:
public class Factory
IVersionProvider GetVersionProvider() { return new VersionProvider(); }
Since the interface is public, external users will be able to call 'GetVersion' on it even though the implementation is private to the assembly.


Autofac - One interface, multiple implementations

Single interface: IDoSomething {...}
Two classes implement that interface:
ClassA : IDoSomething {...}
ClassB : IDoSomething {...}
One class uses any of those classes.
public class DummyClass(IDoSomething doSomething) {...}
code without Autofac:
IDoSomething myProperty;
if (type == "A")
myProperty = new DummyClass (new ClassA());
myProperty = new DummyClass (new ClassB());
Is it possible to implement something like that using Autofac?
Thanks in advance,
What you are looking for is, as I remember, the Strategy Pattern. You may have N implementations of a single interface. As long you register them all, Autofac or any other DI framework should provide them all.
One of the options would be to create a declaration of the property with private setter or only getter inside Interface then implement that property in each of the class. In the class where you need to select the correct implementation, the constructor should have the parameter IEnumerable<ICommon>.
Autofac or any other DI frameworks should inject all possible implementation. After that, you could spin foreach and search for the desired property.
It may look something like this.
public interface ICommon{
string Identifier{get;}
void commonAction();
public class A: ICommon{
public string Identifier { get{return "ClassA";} }
public void commonAction()
public class A: ICommon{
public string Identifier { get{return "ClassB";} }
public void commonAction()
public class Action{
private IEnumerable<ICommon> _common;
public Action(IEnumerable<ICommon> common){
_common = common;
public void SelectorMethod(){
foreach(var classes in _common){
if(classes.Identifier == "ClassA"){

How do I combine a Controlled Lifetime relationship type (i.e. Owned<T>) with a delegate factory?

In my application, I have a service that requires a constructor parameter not resolved by Autofac, that I instantiate using a delegate factory:
public class Service
public Service(string parameter /*, ... other dependencies */)
public delegate Service Factory(string parameter);
This works great! I really love this feature.
I also like the Controlled Lifetime relationship, so I can let my component depend on a Func<Owned<ISomething>> like this:
public class Component
private Func<Owned<ISomething>> _somethingFactory;
/* constructor omitted for brevity */
public void DoSomethingUseful()
using (var ownedSomething = _somethingFactory())
/* Lots of useful code here */
My problem is that now I want to combine the two. I can't have an instance of Func<Owned<Service>> injected, because it needs that parameter, so my current solution is to abstract the factory away into another service, say IServiceFactory:
public interface IServiceFactory
Service Create(string parameter);
...implemented as such:
public class ServiceFactory : IServiceFactory
private Service.Factory _internalFactory;
public ServiceFactory(Service.Factory internalFactory)
_internalFactory = internalFactory;
public Service Create(string parameter)
return _internalFactory(parameter);
My component then becomes this:
public class Component
Func<Owned<IServiceFactory>> _serviceFactoryFactory;
/* ... */
The need for such a field name leaves a bad taste in my mouth to the point that I suspect there must be a cleaner way to handle this case.
Is there another way?
You could change your injected factory to include the string parameter:
private Func<string, Owned<ISomething>> _somethingFactory;
Then you can pass the string to the factory when you want to create a new instance:
public void DoSomethingUseful()
using (var ownedSomething = _somethingFactory("my parameter"))
/* Lots of useful code here */
I've created a .NET Fiddle with a small working sample.

Could you explain me one OOP confusion?

I am creating a program for testing a website. Site has a registration process, which I am testing.
I have created a class named "Client", which should store the information about the client (name, family name, e-mail etc.).
Since I am testing, I use random number generator to generate a name for the client (I have the list of names, one of which is chosen randomly).
Obviously, I should create a method "generateName ()".
But the question is: in which class I should create it?
Lots of programmers would create the method in the Client class. And would do something like that:
client = new Client ();
client.generateName ();
But I have read, that this approach is incorrect - because the client does not generate name for himself. Program does.
Based on that information, I do as follows:
class Program
private void generateName ();
class Client
public void name ( String name )
{ = name;
program = new Program ();
client = new Client (); ( program.generateName () );
But as I know, this approach is not used by the developers.
Could you clarify, how to know "what is right and what is wrong" here? And what information source should I use as an arbitrary for the cases of this kind?
It sounds like generateName() could be a static method in Client, since it's independent of instances:
class Client {
private String name;
public Client(String name) { = name;
public static String generateRandomName() {
String generatedName = ...;
return generatedName;
You could the simply pass it's value to the Client object as you currently are, or via the constructor:
client = new Client(Client.generateRandomName());
Otherwise, I'd suggest a ClientNameGenerator to handle name generation, to keep inline with SRP and to raise cohesion. This would be the better choice, seeing how you may be needing more name generation methods in the future:
class ClientNameGenerator {
public String generateRandomName() {
String generatedName = ...;
return generatedName;
//other name generation methods...
You can now use a ClientNameGenerator object to manage the generation of client names:
ClientNameGenerator nameGenerator = new ClientNameGenerator();
client = new Client(nameGenerator.generateRandomName());
Anytime you need to generate a name, simply use the ClientNameGenerator object you created.
There are a number of places which might be appropriate locations for this functionality.
You could have it as a private method on the Client class, used by a static factory method for generating Clients with a random name.
public class Client {
public static Client randomlyNamed() {
return new Client(randomName());
private static String randomName() {
return ...;
But that private method might be better extracted to a more appropriate class for generating random Strings...
public class Client {
private static final int defaultNameLength = 8;
public static Client randomlyNamed() {
return new Client(Strings.randomString(defaultNameLength));
public class Strings
private static String randomString(int length) {
return ...;
You could then expand the static method into a general purpose ClientBuilder class, with an instance method named something like 'withRandomName()'.
public class Client {
public class ClientBuilder {
private static final int defaultNameLength = 8;
public ClientBuilder randomlyNamed() { = Strings.randomString(defaultNameLength);
public Client build() {
return new Client(name);
public class Strings
private static String randomString(int length) {
return ...;
An alternative would be an implementation of a NamingStrategy (e.g. ``) object which is given to a ClientBuilder object.
public class RandomNames implements NamingStrategy {
private static final int defaultNameLength = 8;
public String name() {
return String.randomString(defaultNameLength);
public class ClientBuilder {
private final NamingStrategy nameSource;
public ClientBuilder(NamingStrategy nameSource) {
this.nameSource = nameSource;
public Client build() {
return new Client(;
The pure way to go would be to have a separate class ClientGenerator that produces clients. Because generating clients is not typical client behavior and in your application model a client is no more than a passive data container for client properties. However, generating clients is an activity in "the client domain". Therefor it would be defendable to create a static method Client.NewClient(), like the .NET feamework does with Guid. On the other hand, a guid's very nature is to be generated, it does not represent something in the real world. It IS a spawnable id. So the comparison may not be all that ligitimate.
A common similar mistake (or impurity if you wish) is a Save method on an object. Instead one should have a Persister class that does the job. Or a Manager. Because Save is something you can do to or with the class, not behavior of the class ifself.

Getting TinyIoc current container in a Nancy project

I'm building a small Nancy web project.
In a method of one of my classes (not a nancy module), I would like to basically do:
var myThing = TinyIoC.TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve<IMyThing>();
However, there is only one registration in .Current (non public members, _RegisteredTypes) which is:
Naturally, in my above code, I'm getting:
Unable to resolve type: My.Namespace.IMyThing
So, I guess I'm not getting the same container registered in my bootstrapper?
Is there a way to get at it?
To flesh out a bit more of what I'm trying to do:
Basically, my url structure looks something like:
So, the idea being, going to: /customer/ShowAllWithTheNameAlex would load the Customer service, and execute the showAllWithTheNameAlex method
How I do this is:
public interface IService
void DoSomething();
IEnumerable<string> GetSomeThings();
I then have an abstract base class, with a method GetService that returns the service.
It's here that i'm trying to use the TinyIoC.TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve();
In this case, it would be TinyIoC.TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve("typeName");
public abstract class Service : IService
abstract void DoSomething();
abstract IEnumerable<string> GetSomeThings();
public static IService GetService(string type)
//currently, i'm doing this with reflection....
Here's my implementation of the service.
public class CustomerService : Service
public void DoSomething()
//do stuff
public IEnumerable<string> GetSomeThings()
//return stuff
public IEnumerable<Customer> ShowAllWithTheNameAlex()
Finally, I have my Nancy Module, that looks like:
public class MyModule : NancyModule
public MyModule()
Get["/{typeName}/{methodName}"] = p => ExecuteMethod(p.typeName, p.methodName);
private dynamic ExecuteMethod(string typeName, string methodName)
var service = Service.GetService(typeName);
var result = service.GetType().GetMethod(methodName).Invoke(service, null);
//do stuff
return result; //or whatever
#alexjamesbrown - The short answer is, you don't. Nancy was specifically designed so that you did not deal with the container directly. You mention that the class, that you want to take a dependency on IMyThing, is not a NancyModule. Well this is not an issue, as long as one of your modules has a reference to it, then those dependencies can also have their own dependencies that will be satisfied at runtime.
public interface IGreetingMessageService
string GetMessage();
public class GreetingMessageService: IGreetingMessageService
public string GetMessage()
return "Hi!";
public interface IGreeter
string Greet();
public class Greeter
private readonly IGreetingMessageService service;
public Greeter(IGreetingMessageService service)
this.service = service;
public string Greet()
return this.service.GetMessage();
public class GreetingsModule : NancyModule
public GreetingModule(IGreeter greeter)
Get["/"] = x => greeter.Greet();
The above will work just fine and Greeter will have it's dependency on IGreetingMessageService satisfied at runtime
I have had a very similar issue, needing to "share" the container. The reason this is an issue is that my program runs as a service using Nancy self hosting to provide a REST API. My modules have dependencies which are injected by Nancy itself, but the other parts of the app which are not referenced from modules also need dependencies injected.
Multiple containers are not a sensible option here (or anywhere really), I need to share the container between Nancy and the rest of the app.
I simply did the following
(I'm using Autofac but I suspect that TinyIoC in similar)
public class Bootstrapper : AutofacNancyBootstrapper
private static readonly Lazy<ILifetimeScope> container = new Lazy<ILifetimeScope>(RegisterTypes);
public static ILifetimeScope Container => container.Value;
protected override ILifetimeScope GetApplicationContainer()
return container.Value;
// Create container and register my types
private static ILifetimeScope RegisterTypes()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
// Register all my own types.....
return builder.Build();
Then, in my main code, I can use the container myself
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Resolve main service with all its dependencies
var service = Bootstrapper.Container.Resolve<Service>();
As my NancyHost is within the Service, the container is constructed (once) upon its first use in main, this static is then used when Nancy gets round to creating the Bootstrapper itself.
In an ideal world, I wouldn't really want a globally accessible container, normally it would be local to the main function.
In this particular case "not dealing with the container directly" is highly problematic:
public interface IFoo {}
public class Foo : IFoo { public Foo(string bar) {} }
Assume IFoo already is a constructor dependency of a Nancy module.
Note the Foo constructor's string dependency. I need to communicate to the container to use that constructor for an IFoo singleton, when encountered as a Nancy module dependency. I need to register that on the TinyIoC instance NancyFx uses, and pass in the actual value of bar.

AOP using Windsor and bulk registering classes

I am trying to configure an application such that types from assemblyA can be used by my console to allow for logging in an AOP style. The JournalInterceptor will just write out method calls, input and maybe output arguments to a log file or datastore of some kind.
I can register one type at a time but I would like to register all types in one go. Once I get going I may add some filtering to the registered types but I am missing something.
I am trying to use Classes.FromAssemblyContaining but am not sure how to get at an IRegistration instance for the call to WindsorContainer::Register
Any clues?
// otherAssembly.cs
namespace assemblyA
public class Foo1 { public virtual void What(){} }
public class Foo2 { public virtual void Where(){} }
// program.cs
namespace console
using assemblyA;
public class JournalInterceptor : IInterceptor {}
public class Program
public static void Main()
var container = new Castle.Windsor.WindsorContainer()
// works but can't be the best way
// how do I do it this way
Foo1 foo = container.Resolve<Foo1>();
Implement a Pointcut. In Castle Windsor this is done by implementing the IModelInterceptorsSelector interface.
It would go something like this:
public class JournalPointcut : IModelInterceptorsSelector
public bool HasInterceptors(ComponentModel model)
return true; // intercept everything - probably not a good idea, though
public InterceptorReference[] SelectInterceptors(
ComponentModel model, InterceptorReference[] interceptors)
return new[]
Then register the Interceptor and the Pointcut with the container:
this.container.Kernel.ProxyFactory.AddInterceptorSelector(new JournalPointcut());
For in-depth explanation, you may want to see this recording.