RoR/Postgres Query for the first or last child object of all parents - postgresql

I have seen similar questions, but no answers that match exactly what I need. If it's out there, I haven't seen it. I'm on Rails 3.1, Ruby 1.9.2, deployed on Heroku Cedar stack (so I'm using postgres)
I've got this model:
class User
has_many :orders
class Order
belongs_to :user
#scope :last_for_each_user, ???
#scope :first_for_each_user, ???
I need scopes (or methods) that return all orders that are all users' first orders, and all orders that are all users' last orders. My first instinct was to use GROUP BY, which worked fine for :last_for_each_user in SQLite3, but Postgres won't let you select columns that aren't in the GROUP BY clause or selected as part of aggregate functions, and I need fully formed orders objects (i.e., all of the columns, orders.*).
Any ideas? I don't want to select the whole table and sort it out in Ruby. That just doesn't feel right, and it's a lot to hold in memory.

So here's what I ended up doing, for future head-scratchers:
scope :last_for_each_user, lambda {
select("orders.*") &"max( as id").group("orders.user_id")
scope :first_for_each_user, lambda {
select("orders.*") &"min( as id").group("orders.user_id")
If anyone has a better idea, I am very much open to hear it. And thanks to the whole SO community (even though no one responded), this is the first time I've signed up/asked a question but every time I google a problem, I end up here!

You could use the DISTINCT ON() rules to get only the last one. Here's an example following your model structure:
scope :for_users, lambda {|ids, is_first| includes(:user).where("user_id IN (?)", ids).select("DISTINCT ON ( *").order("orders.created_at ?", is_first ? : "ASC" : "DESC") }
scope :last_for_each_users, lambda { |users| for_each_users({|u| }, false }
scope :first_for_each_users, lambda { |users| for_each_users({|u| }, true }


Issue understanding Salesforce Apex Trigger equality check inside in-line SOQL

I ran across this Apex Trigger code that I don't quite understand...
Id is, of course, an Id
hId is a SET
I would normally expect
"WHERE Id IN :hId", instead of
"WHERE Id = :hId"
trigger linkHusbandAndWife on h2w_c (after insert) {
Set<Id> hId = new Set<Id>();
for (h2w_c h2w : Trigger.New) {
List<Husband_c> husbandlist = [
FROM Husband_c
WHERE Id = :hId
Question: How can "Id = :hId" when hId is a SET?
Is this somehow equivalent to "Id IN :hId" ?
Yes, the syntax for queries written in Apex is quite forgiving. Especially normal SOQL (written in [brackets], not the dynamic SOQL where you craft query from Strings) . It's more of Apex feature than SOQL, you might have been looking in wrong reference guide. The magic is in "bind variables" (:) and you can't always use same trick when making raw query via API for example.
WHERE Id = :collection is fine. Collection being a single variable of type Id, a Set or a List.
WHERE Id IN :collection has same result. And you don't even need parentheses!
This means your query can ditch the intermediary step of making a Set, less code to write:
SELECT Id, Wife_Id__c FROM Husband_c WHERE Id IN
A List<sObject> will be silently "cast" to List<Id> for purposes of SOQL. I used quotes because normally you can't cast it, a sObject will never be an instance of Id. If you'd need similar behaviour in normal code you'd need something like Set<Id> mySet= new Map<Id, sObject>(mylist).keyset();.

newbie - Drools filter from same fact

I am newbie to drools. Need understanding how to cascade filtered data from one condition to next one as shown below.
rule "rulename"
$var1 : MainObj(filter1)
$var2 : SubObj() from $var1.getSubObj // need all SubObj without any filter here for then clause.
$var3 : SubObj(conditions) from $var2 // Need a subset of SubObj for another then clause
How can I achieve that?
Continuation of my original post..
i have below rule computing statistics of a rule execution as below.
rule "myrule"
$a:wrapper(isActive("ruleName") && dataTypeCode.equals("typeCodeinDB"))
$total : Number() from accumulate($entity: MyObj(ObjAttribute=='testValue') from $a.getMyObj() , count( $entity ))
$filter: MyObj(ObjAttribute=="testValue" && ObjAttribute2.equals("ValidValue")) from $a.getMyObj()
$filter.addToResults($filter.getRuleConstituents(),1,drools.getRule().getName(),null); // Add data for insertion in DB at later stage
$filter.addPayloadExecution($a.dataTypeCode(),$a.getMyObj().toString(),$a.getMyObj().size()); //Total Count of MyObj
$filter.addRuleExecutions(drools.getRule().getName(), $total); // anotehr slice of data
Here.. i am computing two stats.. Total count of MYObj(), apply some filter for data validation and compute count of valid list ($filter is valid data)
When I run that code I am getting error as below
Exception executing consequence for rule "MyRule" in moneta.rules: [Error: $filter.addRuleExecutions(drools.getRule().getName(), $total): null]
[Near : {... $filter.addToResults($filter.get ....}]
[Line: 1, Column: 1]
Need advice on resolving this.
I can't tell if you're trying to change the data in one rule and make it visible in another, or if you're trying to do a single complex condition in a single rule. So I'll outline how both work.
Complex conditions
The pseudo-code in your rule indicates that you have a main object with a filter and a collection of sub-objects. You need to get a list of all sub-objects without a filter, and also to get a list of sub-objects that meet some sort of condition.
To collect these sublists, we have two available operations: accumulate and collect. Since you didn't give a real example, just some psuedo-code, I can't say for sure which is the correct one for you to use. The example I present below uses collect because it is appropriate for this use case. For more information about these operations, refer to the Drools documentation. I've linked to the section on operators; scroll down to see the details for collect and accumulate.
So imagine I have an app that is modeling a school, and my KindergartenClass object has a List of Student objects. In this case, KindergartenClass is the main object, and Student is the sub-object. My Students have names, ages, and an Allergies object that indicates food allergies. Students without Allergies have no allergy object. This is going to be the filter for the example rule -- finding the students without allergies.
The rule would then look like:
rule "EXAMPLE"
KindergartenClass( $students: students ) // $var1
// Find all students with no allergies, $var2
$var2: List() from collect( Student( allergies == null ) from $students )
// Find all students who are older than 5, $var3
$var3: List() from collect( Student( age > 5 ) from $students )
Obviously your right-hand-side would have to be adjusted because 'List' has no doSomething() and doVar3Stuff() methods. But without an actual example rule for what you're attempting I can't be more specific here.
You could get the individual students from the lists like this:
$studentWithoutAllergies: Student() from $var2
$studentOlderThan5: Student() from $var3
... but then your then-clause would trigger once for every single $studentWithoutAllergies and $studentOlderThan5. Most people don't want a cartesian product all elements in two lists and then having their consequences firing for each of those products.
Of course, you also talk about "cascading", though it's rather unclear what you mean. If you mean that you want $var3 to be a subset of what you found in $var2, then it's as simple as changing the from clause. So in the example I've been working with, if you actually want all students older than 5 who have no allergies, you can simply change the when clause to be:
// Find all students with no allergies, $var2
$var2: List() from collect( Student( allergies == null ) from $students )
// Find the subset of the non-allergy students who are older than 5, $var3
$var3: List() from collect( Student( age > 5 ) from $var2 )
Changing the data that triggers the rule
There are two keywords available for changing the data available to the left hand side (when clause): update and insert. Which one you use depends on what you're trying to do, and come with very different considerations in terms of performance.
When you ask Drools to fire a set of rules, it first goes through all of the rules and determines if the rule fires, given the data you've inputted. Basically it just goes through, in order, all of the when clauses and decides if the rule is activated or not. Then, once it has the sub-set of rules, in order, it goes through, one by one, executing the right hand side.
If you call update in your right hand side (then clause), then this process repeats: all rules are evaluated again, from the top, including the rule you just fired. If you call insert in your then clause, then the new data is put into working memory, and Drools re-evaluates all of the remaining rules in its execution list. (So, for example, if Drools had decided that rules A, B, C, and D met their when criteria, and B inserts a new fact into working memory, then C and D would be re-evaluated to make sure that they were still valid.)
This is how you'd use them:
rule "Example rule with Update"
$input: MyAwesomeInputObject(someValue == 0)
rule "Example rule with Insert"
Person(name == "Bob")
not( Age() )
Age age = new Age(18);
insert(age); // there is now an Age object in working memory
I'm not 100% familiar with your use case, but I'm going to assume you want to fire all of the filtering rules a second time after your initial rule fires, with the updated data. So I'd do something like this:
rule "rulename"
$var1 : MainObj(filter1)
$var2 : SubObj() from $var1.getSubObj // need all SubObj without any filter here for then clause.
$var3 : SubObj(conditions) from $var2 // Need a subset of SubObj for another then clause
update($var1); // update the var1 in working memory
I have no idea what your when clause is trying to do, since it doesn't appear to match the comments and the syntax is completely wonky. So only the right hand side (then clause) has been adjusted. I have added update($var1) so it will refire the rules with the new instance of $var1 that should have your changes in it.
Of course, once you start re-firing all rules, you run the risk of having rules loop. If this does happen, you will see spikes of CPU and apparent thread deadlocks (this is useful to alert on.) Note that there is a no-loop property, but it won't help when you're calling update.

How does work in firestore rules (what is being counted)?

TLDR: What is counting in the firestore rules when writing, say, some booleans and a nested Object to a document? Not sure what the docs mean by "entries in the map" (, and my assumptions appear to be wrong when testing in the rules simulator (similar problem with
Longer version: Running into a problem in Firestore rules where not being able to update data as expected (despite similar tests working in the rules simulator). Have narrowed down the problem to point where can see that it is a rule checking for equaling a certain number.
An example of the data being passed to the firestore update function looks like
Object {
"parentObj": Object {
"nestedObj": Object {
"key1": Timestamp {
"nanoseconds": 998000000,
"seconds": 1536498767,
"otherKey": true,
where the timestamp is generated via
This appears to work fine in the rules simulator, but not for the actual data when doing
let obj = {}
obj.otherKey = true
// since want to set object key name dynamically as nestedObj value,
// see
obj.parentObj = {} // needed for adding nested dynamic keys
obj.parentObj[nestedObj] = {
Among some other rules, I use the rule == 2 and this appears to be the rules that causes a permission denied error (since commenting out this rules get things working again). Would think that since the object is being passed with 2 (top-level) keys, then, but this is apparently not the case (nor is it the number of keys total in the passed object) (similar problem with So there's a long example to a short question. Would be very helpful if someone could clarify for me what is going wrong here.
From my last communications with firebase support around a month ago - there were issues with and timestamp based security rules for queries.
I was also told that is the size of the document AFTER a successful write. So if you're writing 2 additional keys to a document with 4 keys, that value you should be checking against is 6, not 2.
Having said all that - I am still having problems with and any alternatives such as request.resource.size() which seems to be used in this documentation
I also have some places in my security rules where it seems to work. I personally don't know why that is though.
Been struggling with that for a few hours and I see now that the doc on Firebase is clear: "the request.resource variable contains the future state of the document". So with ALL the fields, not only the ones being sent.
But there is actually another way to ONLY count the number of fields being sent with request.writeFields.size(). The property writeFields is a table with all the incoming fields.
Beware: writeFields is deprecated and may stop working anytime, but I have not found any replacement.
EDIT: writeFields apparently does not work in the simulator anymore...

ScalikeJDBC, raw SQL failing to map or return a valid result set

I posted this to the scalikejdbc user group, and should also cross post to github issues.
I've seen in the docs examples of running raw queries against a table, i'm trying to get list of IndexEntry with the following code, and while the query is executed and returns results in the console, i'm not getting anything back in the map(rs =>... portion.
Relevant code is here - when i run this in intellij's debugger the result as "Vector" size = 0. Thanks for any guidance. i'm doing something wrong, hopefully its a simple oversight.
package company.shared.database.models
import company.shared.database.MySQLConnector
import scalikejdbc._
case class IndexEntry(model:String, indexName: String, fieldName: String)
object IndexSchemaModel extends App with MySQLConnector {
implicit val session:DBSession = AutoSession
def indexMap:List[IndexEntry] = {
val result = DB readOnly { implicit session =>
substring_index(,'/',-1) as model, AS indexName, as tableName
FROM information_schema.innodb_sys_tables t
JOIN information_schema.innodb_sys_indexes i USING (table_id)
JOIN information_schema.innodb_sys_fields f USING (index_id)
where like "MyDB/%"
""".map(rs => IndexEntry(
println(result) //always List()
List(IndexEntry("foo", "bar", "az")) //to match the return type
override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
I have tried scalikejdc's other variants - withSql { queryDSL } and the entire bit as SQL Interpolation with full syntax support. The first and the last always execute against the mysql server, which returns 57 rows (small db), the middle throws an NPE, honestly i'm happy to tackle the middle second. I have an issue somewhere in .map and i've tried to have it just return the map, but it always results in an empty list.
Thanks and hopefully no syntax errors copying into SO.
Oh and FWIW, configureDb just sets a connection pool manually since the DB names and servers can vary wildly between sbt tests, dev, test and prod. Currently that is not my issue or i would see "ConnectionPool('default') not initialized" or similar.
Answered here:!topic/scalikejdbc-users-group/yRjLjuCzuEo
should also cross post to github issues
Please avoid posting questions on GitHub issues.
A bit of embarrassment aside. The user in question did not have the process privilege and therefore would not get any rows back from these tables, as soon as a grant process on . to user#host was added, all this worked fine. Permissions in information_schema are driven by what objects the user in question have access to. Meaning items like ROUTINES and in this case PROCESS etc have to be explicitly called out.

Entity Framework Views and Linq .Where

I have a very small entity framework setup containing only a few related classes/tables and a view. I need to be able to pull a specific record from this view, namely, I need to be able to grab the record that meets two criteria, it has a specific ProfileID and a specific QuoteID.
This line is what's causing the problem:
TWProfileUpchargeTotal upchargeTotals = _context.TWProfileUpchargeTotals.Where(p => p.Profileid == && p.quoteid == _quote.quoteid).First();
I'm looping through the profiles I know about and getting their information from the view, so changes each time.
The first time this code executes it gets the correct record from the view.
The second and third (and presumably beyond that) time it executes, it retrieves the exact same record.
Any idea why or what I'm doing wrong here?
Thanks, in advance.
You've been bitten by the LINQ "gotcha" called closure. The following post (and many others) on SO detail this:
What you need to do is declare a variable WITHIN the foreach you've ommited from the above code and assign the to this and use this in the Where clause.
foreach(Profile profile in ListOfProfiles)
var localProfile = profile;
TWProfileUpchargeTotal upchargeTotals = _context.TWProfileUpchargeTotals.Where(p => p.Profileid == && p.quoteid == _quote.quoteid).First();