SWT: remove the invisible component space in composite - eclipse

I put three composite(1,2,3) inside one composite0, so they all set their layout based on the composite0.setLayout(new FormLayout()). The problem I have now is, I make the composite3 invisible: composite3.setVisible(false); (I dont want to delete the data, still need that component, but just doesn't want it shows on the UI), and there's a big gap after componite2 now. How to remove the big gap(which use to put the composite2)? thank you in advanced!

Snippet 313 of the official SWT examples should help you with that. You basically set a different FormData on composite3 depending on whether you want to show or hide it.

I have a databinding observable for that, but it assumes the controls to be within a GridLayout. I use it to show and hide composites and widgets within a wizard page, depending on the selection state of a checkbox.
To use it, set it up with something like this:
DataBindingContext dbc = new DataBindingContext();
Button button = new Button(composite, SWT.CHECK);
IObservableValue target = SWTObservables.observeSelection(button);
dbc.bindValue(target, new HideControlObservable(someControl));
Here is the observable:
* Observable to control the presence (visibility and size) of any control
* within a grid layout.
* <p>
* Changing the value of this observable will do two things:
* <ol>
* <li>Set the visibility of the control</li>
* <li>Set the size of the control to zero when the control is invisible.</li>
* </ol>
* So, when using this observable, the control will not only be invisible,
* but it will be gone, completely. Normally, when setting the visibility of
* a control to <code>false</code>, the control will not be displayed but
* will still take all the space on the screen.
* </p>
* <p>
* <strong>Note:</strong> this observable works for controls within a
* <strong>GridLayout only</strong>.
* </p>
public class HideControlObservable extends WritableValue implements IValueChangeListener {
private final DataBindingContext dbc = new DataBindingContext();
private final ISWTObservableValue sizeObservable;
private final Point size = new Point(0, 0);
private final Control control;
public HideControlObservable(Control control) {
super(control.getVisible(), Boolean.class);
this.control = control;
UpdateValueStrategy never = new UpdateValueStrategy(UpdateValueStrategy.POLICY_NEVER);
dbc.bindValue(SWTObservables.observeVisible(control), this, never, null);
sizeObservable = SWTObservables.observeSize(control);
if (!control.isVisible()) {
GridData gd = (GridData) control.getLayoutData();
if (gd == null) {
gd = new GridData();
gd.exclude = true;
control.setSize(new Point(0, 0));
public void doSetValue(Object value) {
Boolean bool = (Boolean) value;
if (bool) {
GridData gd = (GridData) control.getLayoutData();
if (gd == null) {
gd = new GridData();
gd.exclude = false;
} else {
GridData gd = (GridData) control.getLayoutData();
if (gd == null) {
gd = new GridData();
gd.exclude = true;
control.setSize(new Point(0, 0));
public synchronized void dispose() {
public void handleValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
Point newSize = (Point) event.getObservableValue().getValue();
if (newSize.x > size.x) {
size.x = newSize.x;
if (newSize.y > size.y) {
size.y = newSize.y;

FormData data = new FormData();
data.left = new FormAttachment(0, 100, EditorPanel.SPACING);
data.top = new FormAttachment(section1, EditorPanel.SPACING);
data.height = 0;
data.width = 0;
addSectionFormData(a, b, c);
this solve the problem! :)


i have written a code which shows image slideshow now i want to put a button on it how can i do that?

I have tried this code by setting setComponentZOrder() but it also did not worked please give me some suggestion how can i achieve this goal to make an image slideshow and put a button on it in jframe
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.*;
public class slidemain extends JFrame {
JLabel jl;
JButton b;
Timer tm;
int x = 0;
int w;
int h;
String[] list = {
public slidemain()
super("java slide show");
// w = super.getWidth();
// h = super.getHeight();
jl = new JLabel();
b = new JButton();
super.setComponentZOrder(jl, 0);
super.setComponentZOrder(b, 1);
jl.setBounds(0, 100, 1350, 650);
tm = new Timer(1500, new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {
x += 1;
if (x >= list.length)
x = 0;
public void setImageSize(int i) {
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(list[i]);
Image img = icon.getImage();
Image newimg = img.getScaledInstance(jl.getWidth(), jl.getHeight(), Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
ImageIcon newimc = new ImageIcon(newimg);
* #param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here
new slidemain();
super.setComponentZOrder(jl, 0);
super.setComponentZOrder(b, 1);
is going to have no affect if neither of the components have been added to the container yet.
Which brings us to your next problem, you never actually add the button to anything
And event if you did, it wouldn't be displayed, because you're using a null layout
Avoid using null layouts, pixel perfect layouts are an illusion within modern ui design. There are too many factors which affect the individual size of components, none of which you can control. Swing was designed to work with layout managers at the core, discarding these will lead to no end of issues and problems that you will spend more and more time trying to rectify.
Maybe have a look at Why is it frowned upon to use a null layout in SWING? for some more details

How to get Menu or MenuItem width in JavaFX?

I am extending the default Menu and MenuItem class to add some animated effects to it.
The problem is that I need to know the width and height of the Menu and MenuItem I'm working on. This classes doesn't extend Node or Region so there are no public methods to get their size. The size is composed by the text size inside the MenuItem plus the corresponding default padding, I can calculate how much space the text takes, but I can't get how much padding the MenuItem has neither.
There is a method called impl_styleableGetNode() that returns a Node but it always returns null for me.
Is there anyway to get the size? MenuBar also doesn't seems to expose any helpful method for this.
Here is my class, I'm trying to implement this material design button into the Menu class. Basically I render all the button using the setGraphic() method. It's working perfectly but I'm using the Pane width which doesn't take into account the padding of the Menu so the effect is not complete.
public class MaterialDesignMenu extends Menu {
private Pane stackPane = new Pane();
private Label label = new Label();
private Circle circleRipple;
private Rectangle rippleClip = new Rectangle();
private Duration rippleDuration = Duration.millis(250);
private double lastRippleHeight = 0;
private double lastRippleWidth = 0;
private Color rippleColor = new Color(1, 0, 0, 0.3);
public MaterialDesignMenu() {
public MaterialDesignMenu(String text) {
public MaterialDesignMenu(String text, Node graphic) {
private void init(String text){
stackPane.getChildren().addAll(circleRipple, label);
private void createRippleEffect() {
circleRipple = new Circle(0.1, rippleColor);
// Optional box blur on ripple - smoother ripple effect
//circleRipple.setEffect(new BoxBlur(3, 3, 2));
// Fade effect bit longer to show edges on the end of animation
final FadeTransition fadeTransition = new FadeTransition(rippleDuration, circleRipple);
final Timeline scaleRippleTimeline = new Timeline();
final SequentialTransition parallelTransition = new SequentialTransition();
// When ripple transition is finished then reset circleRipple to starting point
parallelTransition.setOnFinished(event -> {
stackPane.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, event -> {
// Manually fire finish event
// Recalculate ripple size if size of button from last time was changed
if (stackPane.getWidth() != lastRippleWidth || stackPane.getHeight() != lastRippleHeight) {
lastRippleWidth = stackPane.getWidth();
lastRippleHeight = stackPane.getHeight();
// try block because of possible null of Background, fills ...
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Getting 45% of longest button's length, because we want edge of ripple effect always visible
double circleRippleRadius = Math.max(stackPane.getHeight(), stackPane.getWidth()) * 0.45;
final KeyValue keyValue = new KeyValue(circleRipple.radiusProperty(), circleRippleRadius, Interpolator.EASE_OUT);
final KeyFrame keyFrame = new KeyFrame(rippleDuration, keyValue);
public void setRippleColor(Color color) {
First you have to listen to parentPopupProperty changes of MenuItem. When you get the instance of parent popup than register listener for skinProperty of ContextMenu (parentPopup). When you get the skin then you can get MenuItemContainer which is Node equivalent of MenuItem and you can listen to widthProperty or heightProperty changes of MenuItemContainer.
Note: skinProperty change is fired just before ContextMenu is shown on the screen.
Custom class extending MenuItem class:
public class CstMenuItem extends MenuItem {
public CstMenuItem() {
// Create custom menu item listener.
new CstMenuItemListener(this);
* Returns MenuItemContainer node associated with this menu item
* which can contain:
* 1. label node of type Label for displaying menu item text,
* 2. right node of type Label for displaying accelerator text,
* or an arrow if it's a Menu,
* 3. graphic node for displaying menu item icon, and
* 4. left node for displaying either radio button or check box.
* This is basically rewritten impl_styleableGetNode() which
* should not be used since it's marked as deprecated.
public ContextMenuContent.MenuItemContainer getAssociatedNode() {
ContextMenu contextMenu = getParentPopup();
ContextMenuSkin skin = (ContextMenuSkin) contextMenu.getSkin();
ContextMenuContent content = (ContextMenuContent) skin.getNode();
// Items container contains MenuItemContainer nodes and Separator nodes.
Parent itemsContainer = content.getItemsContainer();
List<Node> children = itemsContainer.getChildrenUnmodifiable();
for (Node child : children) {
if (child instanceof ContextMenuContent.MenuItemContainer) {
ContextMenuContent.MenuItemContainer menuItemContainer =
(ContextMenuContent.MenuItemContainer) child;
if (menuItemContainer.getItem() == this) {
return menuItemContainer;
return null;
Custom MenuItem listener class:
public class CstMenuItemListener implements ChangeListener {
private CstMenuItem menuItem;
private ContextMenu parentPopup;
private Region menuItemContainer;
public CstMenuItemListener(CstMenuItem menuItem) {
this.menuItem = menuItem;
public void changed(ObservableValue observable, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
if (observable == menuItem.parentPopupProperty()) {
parentPopup = (ContextMenu) newValue;
} else if (observable == parentPopup.skinProperty()) {
menuItemContainer = menuItem.getAssociatedNode();
} else if (observable == menuItemContainer.widthProperty()) {
System.out.println("width: " + (double) newValue);
} else if (observable == menuItemContainer.heightProperty()) {
System.out.println("height: " + (double) newValue);

Netbeans ExplorerTopComponent Node losing focus when showing dialog

I have a netbeans RCP application that shows a set of nodes in the explorertopcomponent. When selected, I display details on the editortopcomponent and it works well. When I show a dialog using JOptionPage on the editor, the selected node in the tree is deselected, and eventually my editortopcomponent also loses the selected node details. Is there a way to save the selected node in the tree from being deselected if a dialog opens?
it is simple.
In your explorertopcomponent you have LookupListner, that "is waiting" on event "someYourNodeClass" (for example Album)appears in the lookup. You must removeLookupListener, when your explorertopcomponent is not visible or yust do nothing.
* your explorertopcomponent
dtd = "-//com.galileo.netbeans.module//Y//EN",
autostore = false)
preferredID = "YTopComponent",
persistenceType = TopComponent.PERSISTENCE_ALWAYS)
#TopComponent.Registration(mode = "explorer", openAtStartup = false)
#ActionID(category = "Window", id = "com.galileo.netbeans.module.YTopComponent")
#ActionReference(path = "Menu/Window" /*, position = 333 */)
displayName = "#CTL_YAction",
preferredID = "YTopComponent")
"CTL_YTopComponent=Y Window",
"HINT_YTopComponent=This is a Y window"
public final class YTopComponent extends TopComponent implements LookupListener {
private Lookup.Result<Album> result;
public YTopComponent() {
* This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form.
* WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is always
* regenerated by the Form Editor.
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">
private void initComponents() {
javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(this);
.addGap(0, 400, Short.MAX_VALUE)
.addGap(0, 300, Short.MAX_VALUE)
}// </editor-fold>
// Variables declaration - do not modify
// End of variables declaration
public void componentOpened() {
result = Utilities.actionsGlobalContext().lookupResult(Album.class);
public void componentClosed() {
void writeProperties(java.util.Properties p) {
// better to version settings since initial version as advocated at
// http://wiki.apidesign.org/wiki/PropertyFiles
p.setProperty("version", "1.0");
// TODO store your settings
void readProperties(java.util.Properties p) {
String version = p.getProperty("version");
// TODO read your settings according to their version
public void resultChanged(LookupEvent le) {
Collection<? extends Album> allInstances = result.allInstances();
TopComponent findTopComponent = WindowManager.getDefault().findTopComponent("YourNodeExplorerWindow");
if (findTopComponent == null) {
if (!findTopComponent.isShowing()) {
if (!allInstances.isEmpty()) {

How to make GWT Datagrid have its first column fixed and scroll horizontally and vertically

Currently GWT DataGrid header does this trick with a fixed header row during a vertical scroll. Is there a way to acheive the same on an entire (first) column?
I have implemented ScrolledGrid that freezes first column in DataGrid. You need to use it instead of DataGrid in order to make first column be frozen.
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.*;
import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ScrollEvent;
import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ScrollHandler;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.DataGrid;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HeaderPanel;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.ScrollPanel;
* #author Yuri Plaksyuk
public class ScrolledGrid extends DataGrid {
private final Text cssText;
private boolean addedClass = false;
private int currentScrollLeft = 0;
public ScrolledGrid() {
cssText = Document.get().createTextNode("");
StyleElement styleElement = Document.get().createStyleElement();
HeaderPanel headerPanel = (HeaderPanel) getWidget();
final ScrollPanel scrollPanel = (ScrollPanel) headerPanel.getContentWidget();
scrollPanel.addScrollHandler(new ScrollHandler() {
public void onScroll(ScrollEvent event) {
int scrollLeft = scrollPanel.getHorizontalScrollPosition();
if (scrollLeft != currentScrollLeft) {
StringBuilder css = new StringBuilder();
if (scrollLeft > 0) {
css.append(".ScrolledGrid-frozen {");
css.append("background-color: inherit;");
css.append(".ScrolledGrid-frozen div {");
css.append("position: absolute;");
css.append("left: ").append(scrollLeft).append("px;");
css.append("width: ").append(getColumnWidth(getColumn(0))).append(";");
css.append("padding-left: 1.3em;");
css.append("padding-right: 0.5em;");
css.append("margin-top: -0.7em;");
css.append("white-space: nowrap;");
css.append("background-color: inherit;");
css.append(".ScrolledGrid-frozen { }");
css.append("th.ScrolledGrid-frozen { background-color: white; }");
if (!addedClass) {
NodeList<TableRowElement> rows;
TableRowElement row;
TableCellElement cell;
rows = getTableHeadElement().getRows();
for (int i = 0; i < rows.getLength(); ++i) {
row = rows.getItem(i);
cell = row.getCells().getItem(0);
cell.setInnerHTML("<div>" + cell.getInnerHTML() + "</div>");
rows = getTableBodyElement().getRows();
for (int i = 0; i < rows.getLength(); ++i) {
row = rows.getItem(i);
cell = row.getCells().getItem(0);
addedClass = true;
currentScrollLeft = scrollLeft;
Unfortunately, some CSS values are hard-coded.
I adapted Yuri's solution to achieve the following goals:
does not flicker
copes with arbitrary row-heights
works with SelectionModel
more uniform solution
It does not mess with the columns itself, but instead shows arbitrary "frozen" information on row-level.
import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.*;
import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ScrollEvent;
import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ScrollHandler;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.DataGrid;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.DefaultCellTableBuilder;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HeaderPanel;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.ScrollPanel;
* #author Daniel Lintner
* A DataGrid extension with the ability to display some row-level-information
* when scrolling left (horizontal), hence important columns out of sight of the user.
public class FrozenDataGrid extends DataGrid
//textnode getting updated dynamically when scolling horizontally
private Text cssText;
//the latest scroll-position
private int currentScrollLeft = 0;
//an object extracting String-info from your rowdata
private FrozenValueProvider valueProvider;
//inject basic styling into the document - once
//this is how the frozen row-info looks like
Text baseCss = Document.get().createTextNode("");
StyleElement styleElement = Document.get().createStyleElement();
StringBuilder css = new StringBuilder();
css.append(".ScrolledGrid-base {");
css.append("position: absolute;");
css.append("background-color: gray;");
css.append("padding: .3em;");
css.append("padding-left: .5em;");
css.append("padding-right: .5em;");
css.append("border-radius: 3px 3px;");
css.append("transition: opacity 500ms;");
css.append("color: white;");
css.append("margin-top: 2px;");
css.append("white-space: nowrap;");
public FrozenDataGrid()
public FrozenDataGrid(int pageSize, DataGrid.Resources resources)
super(pageSize, resources);
public void init()
//create a css textnode
cssText = Document.get().createTextNode("");
//create dynamic css Style
StyleElement styleElement = Document.get().createStyleElement();
//append the initial style condition
//todo the name of this style might be built dynamically per instance - if multiple grid-instances exist/not the use-case by now
StringBuilder css = new StringBuilder();
css.append(".ScrolledGrid-frozen {");
//set a custom CellTableBuilder in order to inject the info-div to the row
setTableBuilder(new DefaultCellTableBuilder(this)
public void buildRowImpl(final Object rowValue, final int absRowIndex)
//do what DefaultCellTableBuilder does
super.buildRowImpl(rowValue, absRowIndex);
//only do something if there is a valueProvider
if(valueProvider != null) {
//we do this deferred because this row has to created first in order to access it
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand()
public void execute()
createInfoDiv(getTableBodyElement().getRows().getItem(absRowIndex % getPageSize()), rowValue);
//fetch the ScrollPanel from the grid
HeaderPanel headerPanel = (HeaderPanel) getWidget();
final ScrollPanel scrollPanel = (ScrollPanel) headerPanel.getContentWidget();
//setup a timer handling the left-offset-css thing
//we use a timer to be able to cancel this operation -> e.g. continuous scroll
final Timer timer = new Timer(){
public void run() {
StringBuilder css = new StringBuilder();
//we need to left-offset the info-divs
if (scrollPanel.getHorizontalScrollPosition() > 100)
css.append(".ScrolledGrid-frozen {");
css.append("left: ").append(3 + scrollPanel.getHorizontalScrollPosition()).append("px;");
css.append("opacity: 1;");
//we are close to the leftmost scroll position: info hidden
css.append(".ScrolledGrid-frozen {");
//track scrolling
scrollPanel.addScrollHandler(new ScrollHandler()
public void onScroll(ScrollEvent event)
//cancel previous actions to scroll events
//actual horizontal scrollposition
int scrollLeft = scrollPanel.getHorizontalScrollPosition();
//a horizontal scroll takes places
if (scrollLeft != currentScrollLeft)
//first we hide the row-info
StringBuilder css = new StringBuilder();
css.append(".ScrolledGrid-frozen {");
//render left offset after a delay
//remember the current horizontal position
currentScrollLeft = scrollLeft;
private void createInfoDiv(TableRowElement row, Object value)
//create a div element and add value and style to it
DivElement div = Document.get().createDivElement();
//we add it to the first child of the row, because added as child of the row directly
// confuses the CellTable with coordinating header positions
public void setFrozenValueProvider(FrozenValueProvider valueProvider) {
this.valueProvider = valueProvider;
public interface FrozenValueProvider<T>{
String getFrozenValue(T data);
Hope this helps developers on this rarely and unsatisfactorily solved problem.
And... there is still room for improvement left.
Cheers Dan

GWT FlexTable - drag selection how?

I am trying to get a proper method for days to select multiple cells in a flextable's column.
So far i only managed to do it with clicks which works well, but a drag selection would be much better. I have been reading docs and searching, but all the stuff i found was based on deprecated code. I use GWT 2.0 .
I know i need some event handler which would run when drag selection mouse gesture occurs, and that handler needs to know the cell's index where the selection start and of course the cell's index where the selection ends.
Any advice || code would be much appreciated.
This needs to be improved but it should give you the basic idea. First you need to create a CustomTable that listens to MouseEvents. You can do this by extending composite to wrap a focuspanel and a flextable as such :
public class CustomTable extends Composite implements MouseDownHandler, MouseMoveHandler, MouseUpHandler{
List<CellWidget> widgets = new ArrayList<CellWidget>();
FlexTable table = new FlexTable();
FocusPanel focusPanel = new FocusPanel();
boolean selecting= false;
Point selectStart,selectEnd;
public CustomTable(){
public void setWidget(int row, int column, CellWidget widget){
table.setWidget(row, column, widget);
public void onMouseUp(MouseUpEvent event) {
if (selecting){
selectEnd = new Point(event.getClientX(),event.getClientY());
for (CellWidget widget : widgets){
if (widget.isIn(selectStart,selectEnd))
selectStart = selectEnd = null;
public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent event) {
if (selecting){
//do some fancy layout
public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) {
selecting = true;
selectStart = new Point(event.getClientX(),event.getClientY());
Next you define a CellWidget which basically encapsulates what you would like to add to your cells. When added to DOM, CellWidget calculates and stores its position later to determine if it is in the selected area :
public class CellWidget extends Composite{
Widget content;
Point topLeft,topRight,bottomLeft,bottomRight;
public CellWidget(Widget w){
this.content = w;
protected void onLoad() {
topLeft = new Point(getAbsoluteLeft(),getAbsoluteTop());
topRight = new Point(getAbsoluteLeft()+getOffsetWidth(),getAbsoluteTop());
bottomLeft = new Point(getAbsoluteLeft(),getAbsoluteTop()+getOffsetHeight());
bottomRight = new Point(getAbsoluteLeft()+getOffsetWidth(),getAbsoluteTop()+getOffsetHeight());
public void say(){
Window.alert(content + " is selected!");
public boolean isIn(Point start, Point end){
if (topLeft.isBetween(start, end) || topRight.isBetween(start, end)
|| bottomLeft.isBetween(start, end) || bottomRight.isBetween(start, end))
return true;
return false;
A simple point implementation to make things easier :
public class Point {
int x,y;
public Point(int x,int y){
public int getX() {
return x;
public int getY() {
return y;
public String toString() {
return x+","+y;
public boolean isBetween(Point p1,Point p2){
if (p1.getX() < x && p2.getX() > x && p1.getY() < y && p2.getY() > y)
return true;
return false;
Finally at your EntryPoint module you wrap things up by :
public void onModuleLoad() {
RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get();
CustomTable table = new CustomTable();
table.setWidget(0, 0, new CellWidget(new Label("hello 0,0")));
table.setWidget(0, 1, new CellWidget(new Label("hello 0,1")));
table.setWidget(1, 0, new CellWidget(new Label("hello 1,0")));
table.setWidget(1, 1, new CellWidget(new Label("hello 1,1")));
I know that the actual logic to determine if the widgets fall within the selected area is incomplete and needs to be improved but i think this solution is clear enough to give the basic idea. Cheers